Despite what you may be thinking, Audrey is cdmcc’s and Elizabeth’s dog. Cdmcc and Elizabeth went back to San Francisco this Thanksgiving and asked me to look over their dog for them while they were gone. So the reasons why I never wanted a pet dog or puppy, although they’re so cute, is all showing up in Audrey. So I was warned that Audrey likes biting stuff, but I didn’t know that biting involved such wreckage. When I got home on Wednesday after cdmcc dropped Audrey off and we locked her in my bedroom, I find my window blinds shredded to pieces, and by that, I mean over 50% of them were torn off the actual blinds and broken into bits and pieces. So yah, she’s no longer allowed near anything that is even remotely breakable. I actually have her tied to a pole in the restroom which gives her about 8ft raidus to move about, much more lenient than what I think I should be restraining her to. So I’m going to have to talk to the management about getting that replaced. For now, I have a bed sheet covering the window.
Before, I had her tied to the cage and not a pole, so she actually managed to pull the cage some distance and reach areas which I didn’t want her to reach. Thank god, she only got access to several grocery plastic bags, but when I got home today, they were shredded like there was no tomorrow. I’m also happy that I fixed the door to my computer room before I left because before the door wouldn’t close properly and you could push and it’ll open. Somehow, she managed to get my laundry doors opened, but those were sliding doors (sort of).
Next thing is Audrey actually peed on the floor. I guess I shouldn’t have given her such a big bowl of water. She’s already peed 3x on my floor, though cleaning it up wasn’t that bad. She hasn’t pooped on my floor yet and has been keen about pooping when I take her on her walks, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she takes a dump in here too.
The final annoying thing is she always seem to need attention whenever she sees someone. She would even bark and howl if you ignore her, and that got quite annoying at 2am in the morning.
I feel bad about tying her to the restroom. In fact, I originally locked her in the bathroom, but felt bad and I couldn’t figure if I should leave the light on or off, so I opened the door and gave her a bit more freedom. Welp, only 4 more days to go. Hopefully I’ve seen the worse of it.