my envision 17″ flat screen monitor came in today! can’t believe i’ll be getting this free after rebates. well, there were $7 of tax involved but hey, that’s still a great deal! ^_^x another good thing about UPS is that they accept shipments too! sent out 2 boxes through UPS today, both through the same UPS guy. the UPS guy was nice, helped carry my monitor up 2 flights of stairs, but then when he was walking up the 3rd flight for another delivery, he dropped one of the boxes marked ‘FRAGILE’. *shrug* thank god that wasn’t my package.
throughout my life, there has been only a few people who could actually piss me off. i mean they really have to try super hard to do it! i’m not one to get easily pissed off. in fact even when someone tries, i usually just brush it off as a joke. i can’t even remember the last time i was pissed, but my landlady just went overboard. during the first week we moved in, she called down and ‘asked’ us to quiet down so she can sleep. i agree we were playing our music a bit loud so we apologized and turned the volume down. the next day she called again and said we were talking too loudly while we were just talking at normal noise levels. well, since she was the apartment manager, we didn’t wanna have any trouble with her, so after 12am, we talked really softly up to the extent of a whisper. then one time she called @ 11:30pm (even before the curfew she set) and asked us to be quiet. another nite, my partner was working on a project and we received a call. what turned the tables was when she called my roommate’s parents and complained. i mean to go to that extent is just declaring war. now instead of asking, she demands. my roommate and i got so pissed we asked liam for help (since his mom’s a lawyer) and he helped us find the tenants’ rights advocacy group and we explained the situation. the person @ the end of the line told us it was absurd that u cant even speak @ a normal noise level, and told us that we didn’t have to worry about this leading up to a case to evict us. what i really want to say next time she calls is ask her to be reasonable. we’ve tried to compromise, but having to whisper?!?!? i mean she’s the one that made the attack first and hasn’t stopped firing @ us.
thanks to HKenshin, he gave me these 2 links to d/l kenshin manga:
the 2nd link contains better scans imho, but only contains the Memory Arc and the Jinchuu Arc. this was and still is my favorite anime as u will see i like to use his smiley face ( ^_^x ) if u still don’t get it, read the manga. ^_^x