bleh, it’s 1:50am and i need to head over to soda to finish my cs lab. grrrrr. oh well, 1 more episode of Cooking Master Boy before I go. hehe ;p
i was just thinking with ungsunghero, that if i won an auction and the seller accepted pennies, it would be very expensive to ship it. i just immediately assumed that $1 or 100pennies ~ 1lb. but ungsunghero proved me wrong and said 6 pennies = 1 ounce. so if 16 ounces = 1lb, then 96 pennies = 1lb. to ship $41 or 4100 pennies (weighing ~43lbs) would cost $18 for UPS Ground. i was expecting at least $30 to ship it, but wow! only $18. hehe.
was reading a newsletter and i noticed these semi-funny stereotypes:
It’s also fun to observe the impressions Americans make on the Japanese, what stereotypes they come up with when they think of Americans. In Gunma, where we live, most gaijin ride mountain bikes, especially Mormon missionaries, so mountain bikes and foreigners go together in the minds of Japanese. Americans are famous for being optimistic in all things — I once doodled a happy face on a piece of paper and was told “That’s very American” by a Japanese friend. Americans are famous for being bad at math (something I am personally guilty of), and according to my wife, Americans are never on time, although she might be just talking about me.
isn’t it asians that are never on time. i remember someone told me that. could it be… damion? hehe. -_^x
for those that didn’t know. a new ninjai episode has came out. it actually came out a week ago, but i forgot to tell you guys.