Zeitgeist is a very interesting documentary I had downloaded awhile back. It’s actually a free documentary and you can stream it via Google Video or download a higher quality version using bittorrent.
Anyway, when I first started watching the film, I didn’t realize it was 3 parts, so I thought it was just a documentary on Christianity as the 1st part is about Jesus and the era of the Bull and the 2 fish and so on. It was fascinating, but not enough for me to watch it right then and there. So I put it on my back burner of stuff to watch when I eventually end up with some free time.
After posting my blog entry on Corrupt Banking System, RayAlome had asked if I had watched Zeitgeist yet as it contained very good information about the history of the Federal Reserve. I said I didn’t realize Zeitgeist talked about the Federal Reserve, but honestly, I’ve read a lot about the Federal Reserve already, usually linked to how it’s unconstitutional along with income tax; how the Federal Reserve scams the American people by controlling the money supply, when they’re not part of the government at all, but owned by private corporations; etc.
The film is almost 2 hours long and contains 3 parts: Christianity, 9/11, and The Federal Reserve. If you don’t have a full 2 hours to watch the entire film, I’d suggest you watch just Part 3, which begins at 01:09:17.
I give you this excellent quote from the narrator:
For every single dollar produced by the central bank, it is loaned at interest. That means every dollar produced is that dollar + a certain amount of debt based on that dollar. And since the central bank has a monopoly of the money production for the entire country, and they loan each dollar out with immediate debt attached to it, where does the money to pay for the debt come from? It can only come from the central bank again. Which means the central bank has to perpetually increase its money supply, to temporarily cover the outstanding debt created, which in turn since that new money is loaned out at interest as well, creates even more debt. The end result of is this system without fail is slavery, for it is impossible for government and thus public to ever come out this self generating debt.
Therefore, it is impossible in our current system for all debt, especially the government’s $9 trillion debt to ever disappear.
Speaking of which, did you know that most if not all income taxes Americans pay goes directly to pay for the interest generated by the government debt. The fact that the income tax amendment was created the same time that the Federal Reserve was created is not a coincidence. This little tidbit I knew before watching this film. Apparently, the income tax amendment was never ratified by the required 3/4 of all the states.
What never really made sense is the fact that the government borrows money from the Federal Reserve, who creates money to loan to the U.S. Government, but charges interest. Shouldn’t the interest be paid back to the government? Why is the interest paid to a select few private corporations?
The war tidbit of the documentary is fascinating. They provided interesting reasons to why America entered certain wars and how wars weren’t fought to be won, but fought to be extended for as long as possible. Wars are very lucrative to bankers as that’s when the government will keep borrowing money to fund the war. You should see the guidelines provided to the soldiers of the Vietnam War as it’s ridiculous and one of the reasons why that we lost so many soldiers.
Derek Tekmanrj has remarked what’s wrong with our money supply is due to the fact that it’s fiat money, basically it’s money because the government says so. Before, you were able to take a dollar and redeem it for gold and explicitly says so on the bill itself. Now, it just says legal tender which means it’s backed by nothing. The documentary also goes into this area, but not too deep.
Here are some interesting quotes I thought I’d share:
Give me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.
– Mayer Amschel Rothschild
Founder of Rothschild Banking Dynasty
“WE’RE IN A LOT OF TROUBLE! Because you people, and 62 million other Americans, are listening to me right now. Because less than 3% of you people read books. ‘Cause less than 15% of you read newspapers. Because the only truth you know is what you get over this tube. Right now, there is a whole … an entire generation, that never knew anything that didn’t come out of this tube. This tube is the gospel…the ultimate revelation. This tube can make or break presidents, popes, prime ministers; this tube is the most awesome goddamn force in the whole godless world, and woe is us if it ever falls into the hands of the wrong people.
And when the largest company in the world controls the most awesome goddamn propaganda force in the whole godless world, who knows what SHIT we’ll be peddling for truth on this network.
So, you listen to me…LISTEN TO ME! Television is not the truth…television is a goddamn amusement park. Television is a circus, a carnival, a traveling troupe of acrobats, storytellers, dancers, singers, jugglers, side show freaks, lion tamers and football players. We’re in the boredom killing business.
But you people sit there day after day, night after night…all ages, colors, creeds. Where are you now? You’re beginning to believe the illusions we’re spinning here…you’re beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you. You dress like a tube, you eat like a tube, you raise your children like a tube; you even THINK like a tube. This is MASS MADNESS you MANIACS! In God’s name, you people are the real thing…WE ARE THE ILLUSION!”
This was actually taken from a 1976 film called Network: Television Is Not The Truth and modified a bit.
An evil exists that threatens every man, woman and child of this great nation. We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our homeland.
– Adolf Hitler
When announcing the Gestapo to the people
As the documentary continues, his pushes the idea that the main goal of a central banking system is One World Government.
Did you know that Bush is secretly pushing for a North American Union. Only one news reporter has ever reported about it on TV and that’s CNN. Everyone else has never even brought up the topic. Apparently, this has no consent from Congress either. If you haven’t heard of the North American Union, you probably haven’t heard of Amero either. Amero will be the new currency that will be used throughout the North American Union. Doesn’t this sound rather familiar to you? Of course! European Union, Euro, etc.
According to this documentary, an African Union and an Asian Union will also be formed. Who’s behind all this? Why, isn’t it the same investors of the Federal Reserve? Of course, I’d take that with a grain of salt, but the theory is enough to scare me.
Once again, I highly recommended watching Part 3 of this documentary.
On a related note, Ungsunghero told me that Netbank has closed/failed and the FDIC has taken over them. According to the closing information, all existing accounts will be transferred to ING. According to CNN’s article: 2nd UPDATE: US Federal Regulators Close NetBank:
NetBank marked the largest bank to fail since since the early 1990s, which marked the end of the savings and loan crisis. The Office of Thrift Supervision closed NetBank at 3 p.m. EDT, the federal regulator said, and the company was immediately taken into receivership by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
When do you think the Feds will implement the Amero currency?
Do you think the Amero will be just as worthless as the current dollar? Do you think things will be far worse if they do bring in the Amero?
What things can we expect to see (economy, society, housing, food, energy, foreign relations ect..) when they do bring in the Amero?
If I were you I would start buying gold and silver coins which I am.
Because those coins will be worth more than the dollar and the Amero.