- Interesting. Amex and Discover ditch overlimit fees in order to allow consumers to go over their credit limit: http://bit.ly/FCn7l #
- @hungtruong Imagine if bit.ly went down. in reply to hungtruong #
- Optical Illusion: 4 Perfectly Round Circles http://imgur.com/3qiYJ.png (via @Teslanaut) #
- @angelgrrl813 @GuySrinivasan Grrr. Even after taking off my glasses, my vision is still not bad enough to see concentric circles. in reply to angelgrrl813 #
- Bypass Gizmo5 and use Google Voice + Asterisk + SipGate for unlimited incoming/outgoing calls: http://bit.ly/1QB8RE #
- started watching Dexter on Sunday. Finished Season 1 on Tuesday. It's that good. 😀 #
- @GuySrinivasan Haha. That was pretty awesome. in reply to GuySrinivasan #
- Pretty cool promo. $599 unlimited travel on @JetBlue (Sept 8th through Oct 8th): http://bit.ly/wIiGp (via @ralphlee @adachen) #
- New Google Service Lets Privacy Critics Opt-Out, Relocate To Remote Village http://bit.ly/d6dND (via @TheOnion) #
- Actually, There’s Probably An App For That http://bit.ly/3Q1HUe (via @notalwaysright) #
- My Milk Toof: http://digg.com/d310bYc – Cute, funny, yet creepy at the same time. #
- VG Cats explains why the female gender is so infatuated with vampires and True Blood: http://bit.ly/jOT1l #
- What if you could get your bank to pay you a fee for every one of their mistakes on your account? http://bit.ly/2q4cg (via @consumerist) #
- "I will not kill my sister. I will not kill my sister. I will not kill my sister. I will not kill my sister." – Dexter Season 2 Episode 2 #
- Get 15% off any internal, external and laptop had drive @Newegg: http://bit.ly/imfRN Code: HDDSALE15 (Expires 8/16) #
- @angelgrrl813 Depends if they end up saving your time or causing you more trouble. in reply to angelgrrl813 #
- @gootecks Looks like Frys has the SF4 TE FightStick for $90: http://bit.ly/B4fEl #