- Surprised that only my knees and butt is sore. #
- @angelgrrl813 Thought I still had my chem goggles, but wasn't able to find them in the places I expected. I'll let you know otherwise. in reply to angelgrrl813 #
- @jscott Haha, I went snowboarding yesterday. in reply to jscott #
- Realized my last tweet can be misconstrued as some other activity (@jscott). I went snowboarding yesterday and was expecting more soreness. #
- @bartonjs I'm jealous you got to eat unlimited cake! in reply to bartonjs #
- I think this is going to be a good week 🙂 #
- @angelgrrl813 Devil: You know you want the croissants. Angel: I've with that guy wit the red pointy horns. in reply to angelgrrl813 #
- Amazon has 4000 Xbox Live Points for $40 shipped: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000NDRT62 #
- Lips: Party Classics Song Medley (free for Gold members): http://bit.ly/alhrUZ #
- @ellism Were there explosions? in reply to ellism #
- This is crazy. I've been going to sleep at 12-1am and waking up at 8-9am. I wonder how long I can keep this up, or if I even want to. #
- @GuySrinivasan I was suspicious of how it detected which state you were in based off just the accelerometer, though I was curious also. ;p in reply to GuySrinivasan #
- @angelgrrl813 Or he could be a nighttime super hero saving the world. 🙂 in reply to angelgrrl813 #
- You know you've had a good ab workout when sneezing hurts. #
- @aChrisSmith At home. I prefer working out in front of my TV. Less boring that way. 🙂 in reply to aChrisSmith #
- @ryandjohnson I was with you until the L. ;p in reply to ryandjohnson #
- Zero Punctuation: Well it's like my right hand on Sunday night I say. Why is that you ask? It beats the f*ck out of me. http://bit.ly/aWf8I0 #
- Maybe my body isn't accustomed to > 6 hours of sleep on weekday anymore. It always seems to wake me up. #
- Dig the music from the Lincoln car commercials? Download the mp3s for free at http://www.lincoln.com/music #
- @angelgrrl813 Hearing his accent doesn't hurt either ;p in reply to angelgrrl813 #
- As the weekend draws closers, the frequency of me cursing and shouting expletives (privately) has increased. #
- Why Oneida silverware means quality: http://con.st/10002560 #
- feels great to solve a mystery before Detective Conan does. 🙂 #
- @hungtruong Depends who you're waiting for. 🙂 in reply to hungtruong #
- @jani_s congrats! 😀 in reply to jani_s #
- It's Friday and I am sad. 🙁 #
- Booo. In order to get a new passport book, I need to send in my old one. There goes all my stamps. #
- Booo. In order to renew my passport over mail, I need to send in my old one. There goes all my stamps. #