Haha. My colleague went home at 2:30pm today because it’s Valentines day. I didn’t get into work till 12pm. ;p
Did I have plans tonight? Sure I did! I get to watch more videos on my computer and relax after a hard day of work. My power is still funky but I did manage to take a shower in another vacant apartment. I called PSE (Puget Sound Energy) and they said they’ll send someone out to take a look. I’m not too sure if they could do anything just from the outside, but when I got home tonight, the problem was still there. The worst part is most of my laundry is still in the washing machine.
Thanks to all those who wished me Happy Valentines day, though this day doesn’t hold much meaning for me (yet).
I did get a nice SMS from a friend:
Today is national good looking person day. Send this to someone gorgeous. Don’t send it back to me, i’ve received hundreds.
Apparently UC Berkeley web designers decided to follow the Google route and modify their logo on Valentine’s Day. Thanks to Decathanerd for telling me. Not sure if you can see it by the time you read this, but you can check it out on their homepage. What sucks is they’re using Flash to do this when it should be an animated gif at worse. Though, I have to give it to them for making it only 18kB. Looking at the code, they also have a version for browsers that don’t support flash: