Having to use Remote Desktop (or Terminal Server as they call it in Windows Server 2003), it’s nice to know some shortcut keys. By default, when the remote desktop window is maximized, shortcut keys work directly. Well, everything besides CTRL+ALT+DEL which is replaced with CTRL+ALT+END. Thanks to Tekman and Wrexen for telling me about this. From the Remote Desktop help file:
Using Terminal Server shortcut keys
If you choose not to apply Windows key combinations to your Remote Desktop sessions, you can use these Terminal Server shortcut keys to perform many of the same functions. For more information about applying Windows key combinations, see To configure Windows shortcut keys in a session.
Shortcut key – Description
ALT+PAGE UP – Switches between programs from left to right.
ALT+PAGE DOWN – Switches between programs from right to left.
ALT+INSERT – Cycles through the programs in the order they were started.
ALT+HOME – Displays the Start menu.
CTRL+ALT+BREAK – Switches the client between a window and full screen.
CTRL+ALT+END – Brings up the Windows Security dialog box.
ALT+DELETE – Displays the Windows menu.
CTRL+ALT+Minus (-) symbol on the numeric keypad – Places a snapshot of the active window, within the client, on the Terminal server clipboard (provides the same functionality as pressing PrintScrn on a local computer.)
CTRL+ALT+Plus (+) symbol on the numeric keypad – Places a snapshot of the entire client window area on the Terminal server clipboard (provides the same functionality as pressing ALT+PrintScrn on a local computer.)
Then there’s also the neat software that came with the Windows Server 2003 SP1 Administration Pack: Remote Desktops. It works Windows XP too. What Remote Desktops allows you to do is manage a bunch of remote desktop locations in one snap-in in mmc. It’s pretty neat if you have a bunch of Remote Desktops to connect to. You can download the Admin Pack here.
Random Crap:
Multi-Touch Interaction Research (from MS newsgroup) – Since refining the FTIR (frustrated total internal reflection) sensing technique, we’ve been experimenting with a wide variety of application scenarios and interaction modalities that utilize multi-touch input information. These go far beyond the “poking” actions you get with a typical touchscreen, or the gross gesturing found in video-based interactive interfaces. It is a rich area for research, and we are extremely excited by its potential for advances in efficiency, usability, and intuitiveness. It’s also just so much fun! Do at least check out the video (mirror). It’s pretty neat. As someone in the comments stated, it reminded me of Minority Report.
Tragic domain names (from Robtrust):
- Who Represents? A database for agencies to the rich and famous: WhorePresents.com
- Experts Exchange, a knowledge base where programmers can exchange advice and views: ExpertSexChange.com
- Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen Island: PenisLand.net
- Need a therapist? TheRapistFinder.com
- Mole Station Native Nursery, based in New South Wales: MolestationNursery.com
- New to Milan and you need electric light? Why not sign up on-line with Power-Gen? PowerGenitalia.com
Communication in English – Sinking (from MS newsgroup) – Hilarious video! I guess this is German humor. ;p Some German coast guard finally started his duty and gets involved with a sinking American or English ship. Probably an advertisement to learn better english.
The ketchup effect – Be careful what you ask for (from Cari) – Yet another hilarious video. Warning: NOT WORK SAFE! You can read the following comments, but it’s might spoil it a bit for you if you read it before watching. So this guy tries to persuade his girl friend to give him a blow job. The girl says she doesn’t want to. Then he plays the hand job card. The girl doesn’t know what a hand job is, so the guy explains it’s like holding a ketchup bottle and trying to get the ketchup out. The girl doesn’t really understand, but attempts to “get the ketchup out”.
Looks like スタジオジブリ – STUDIO GHIBLI is going to release another movie: ゲド戦記 – Tales from Earthsea. (from Artemyst) Due for release July 2006 in Japan.
Fantasy Carnival (from Artemyst) – a bunch of cool Ghiblish drawings. Not sure if they’re related to the new movie coming out. Here’s a nice one:
no-sry.net (from #eclipse) – contains a bunch of direct download links for recent anime fansubs like: Black Cat, Fate/stay night, Blood+, and Bleach.
Sex and the Matrix (mirror). I’m guessing this was the opening scene for the 2000 MTV Awards.
Robbing A Money Truck! – It is so easy to make one a robber in a sec! – Another funny video when unsuspecting victims are asked by a kid to pick up a toy gun and 2 actors playing armed truck officers falls to the floor and gives up the money.
Extended iTunes Rating – iTunes has the ability to store ratings of a finer gradient than just the number of stars. Higher rated tracks should be played more, but is this always the case? I needed to know the answer to this. I reported this awhile back, but it appears he now has an update. It’s pretty interesting how iTunes uses it’s ratings for playing music.
Mice Lacking Social Memory Molecule Take Bullying In Stride (from /.) – The social avoidance that normally develops when a mouse repeatedly experiences defeat by a dominant animal disappears when it lacks a gene for a memory molecule in a brain circuit for social learning, scientists funded by the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) have discovered. Mice engineered to lack this memory molecule continued to welcome strangers in spite of repeated social defeat. Their unaltered peers subjected to the same hard knocks became confirmed loners — unless the researchers treated them with antidepressants. I wonder what’s worse, to be dependent on anti-depressant drugs or to not know when to avoid a bully.
Gmail for your domain (from /.) – now if you want, you can update your MX records to point to Google and have them host your email and be able to allow everyone that has an email on your domain to access all their email through GMail’s UI. Pretty interesting idea.
On the same note, Office Live has entered beta. What Office Live is is not what it sounds like. I originally thought it was going to be Office applications through a web browser, but it turns out it’s more like an extension to the Office suite. The basic (free) account gets you a domain name, 5 email accounts, and website traffice reports. The ones that cost money include better tools, customer tracking, documentat sharing, and etc. You can learn more about it at their site. I wonder if they provide the domain name for free.
For those interested in creating a login system with PHP, check out this link: PHP Login System with Admin Features. Has some pretty useful code to get you started.
That’s enough random crap for today. I still have a large queue, so hopefully I’ll be able to push it out within the next few days.