忍 Shinobi

I’m going to start something different now on regarding my movie reviews. Instead of sticking links in random places, I’ll be listing them after my main paragraph (not including this).

shinobi poster

So I first saw the trailer for this movie awhile ago (from Lsiymle) and I finally got the chance to see this movie today. Overall, the movie was fun. If I had to summarize the entire movie in one sentence, I’d say it’s a mix between Naruto, Romeo & Juliet, Spiderman, and maybe Rurouni Kenshin. The movie itself may also be called Shinobi – Heart Under Blade. Like I said, the movie was a lot of fun, but the storyline itself was pretty much predictable, though I had expected a Romeo & Juliet ending, and that turned out a bit different. You can say this would what Naruto would be like in live action. It actually got a bunch of jutsu (moves) into this movie and it was pretty sweet.

Official Site
IMDb: 6.7/10 (109 votes)
Apple Trailer
Yahoo! Movies: N/A

Spoilers: (Show)

The sound track was pretty awesome too, though I haven’t been able to find it. Only song I could find so far is the theme song: 浜崎あゆみ (Ayumi Hamasaki) – Heaven. You can click on that link and download the mp3, but the song is only okay in my opinion. If anyone finds these songs, please let me know:

  1. 運命と宿命の出逢い
  2. 死への序奏
  3. 慈しみノ彼方より
  4. 深淵の共鳴
  5. 不死の化身
  6. 遥かなる時のせせらぎ
  7. 儚き夢の欠片
  8. 不条理の約定
  9. 暗躍の奇跡
  10. 世界の果てで

4 Replies to “忍 Shinobi”

  1. can you upload 慈しみノ彼方より plz? plz? im desperate! No shops sell the cd and i cant find anywhere else that has it

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