Pretty boring movie. I left this playing in the background as I typed up my UI Test Plan sometime last week.
Official Site
IMDb: 5.2/10 (2,626 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: C- / Yahoo! Users: C+
Rotten Tomatoes: RATING: ROTTEN / READING: 19%
Apple Trailer DVD
Spoilers: (Show)
Spoiler is going to be short.
Movie is based on The Graduate (1967) being a true story and the life after that.
The trailer basically tells the entire story. Daughter finds out her family is one inside The Graduate and both her mom and grandma had sex with this one guy. And apparently she falls for him too. Her fiancé finds out and they break up. This make 3 generations of girls from the same family to made love to 1 guy, which is pretty sick. However, in the end, she comes to her senses after finding out why her mom married someone else, and gets back with her fiancé. The fiancé had one condition: no daughter of theirs would ever get within 100ft of that guy.