Deadlock tells me:
hey for your: link, I was reading that there were girls responsible for putting up the mario items, and they go into some trouble because bomb squads came in to see what those boxes where. Because what would you think about big “?” mark boxes in your neighborhood if you’ve never even played a video game. LOL
It happened around april 1st so maypeople played that news story off like a prank, but it turns out it actuall was real and the girls have to do some community service because of it. Too bad, though, its like making our world more fun to be in, and the get punished
After searching, I found the article: Girls attempt real-life version of video game – Five teenage girls from Portage County face potential criminal charges after attempting to play a real-life version of Super Mario Bros. The Portage County Hazardous Materials Unit and Bomb Detection Unit were called in to downtown Ravenna on Friday morning after seventeen suspicious packages — boxes wrapped in gold wrapping paper with question marks spray painted on them — had alarmed residents. This occured on or near April 1st, so many took it as a April fools prank, but this in fact has happened.
poster child mario question blocks! (from Deadlock) – apparently this was they page where the 5 girls got the idea of sprinkling question mark blocks around the city. This site has more pictures and links of what happend. The girls don’t look like they’ll be charged. Deadlock tells me they’ve gotten community service, but I can’t seem to find where it says that in any of the articles listed on that page. The page also gives you directions of how to create your own Question Blocks. You’re suppose to even put in goodies like mushrooms or flowers or coins in them! How totally cool is that!