Went to watch X-Men: The Last Stand last night with StanMan and ChemChampion. The movie was fun, but was a little disappointing when compared to the previous. Apparently this last movie was done by a different director. The previous ones were done by Bryan Singer, while this one was done by Brett Ratner. Apparently Bryan Singer decided to work on Superman Returns instead. Anyway, the movie felt like a completely seperate story on its own and lots of events happened that left the audience hanging and thinking why the heck did he do that?
Official Trailer
IMDb: 7.9/10 (1,141 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: B- / Yahoo! Users: B+
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating: 52% / Average Rating: 5.8/10
Apple Trailer
Amazon.com DVD
Amazon.com Soundtrack
Amazon.com Showtimes

Spoilers: (Show)
So to be honest, I don’t remember watching the entire 1st or 2nd movie. I remember bits and pieces in my memory, but I think I watched them starting from the middle or something.
Anyway, Cyclops only got a total of 2 screens before blown up into a bajillion pieces. But guess who’s back! Jean Grey. She’s pretty ugly in this movie, but both Cyclops and Wolverine are still madly in love with her. However, this story brings about the the Pheonix, which is Jean Grey’s split personality, but super powerful.
So the story is pretty random. Apparently some pharmaceutical company found an antibody to suppress the mutant x gene, but are calling it a cure. Some mutants welcome it, others reject it. Magento brings about a group to stop the externmination of mutants. It basically ends up being the X-Men and the government vs these mutants who are trying to destroy the source of the cure, a boy who apparently disables the mutant x gene when you get close to him.
This movie introduced several new mutants from the comic book series including Angel, Juggernaut, Beast, Callisto, Pyslocke, and others.
The mutant antibody was weaponized and one weird thing that happened was when Mystique saved Magneto and took the shot and lost her abilities. However, Magneto was so cruel to say, you’ve saved me, but am no longer one of us and left her behind. Not sure if this was part of the plot as she later revealed to the government where Magneto’s hiding spot was, but it was a 調虎離山 plan. Magneto and his soldiers of course were no longer there, but on their way to Alcatraz island where the cure was being made. So is Mystique really no longer working for Magneto? That wasn’t really clear.
Another thing I didn’t understand was why Magneto decided to use the Golden Gate bridge to get across and why connect it to the main land? It seemed like he could’ve used something much much smaller and by connecting it to the main land, he allowed backup to arrive (though they weren’t really much of any backup). Though maybe he was giving the mutants an escape route?
And of course Rogue ends up taking the mutant antibody because she wanted to be able to touch and hug Ice Man. Speaking of Ice Man, he finally got his chance to have his battle with Pyro and guess who wins.
Anyway, the re-introduction of Jean Grey into this storyline was pretty much unnecessary in my opinion. Well the only thing she really did accomplish was blow up Xavier. Which was interesting. Magneto ended up getting show with the mutant antibody, but at the end it appeared his powers were coming back. Leading into another movie? And after the ending credits you see a nurse and she screams Charles as someone wakes up from a nursing bed. In the middle of the movie, Xavier was teaching a class on moral ethics and how it was a human creation. He talks about a man who has was born with no conscience and brain activity and if it would be ethical to transfer someone else’s conscience into him. I guess we know the answer now.
From Wikipedia: Moira is played by Olivia Williams in brief appearances in the film X-Men: The Last Stand. She appears on a video talking about mutant ethics and what is considered right and wrong, and is seated next to Beast at the memorial service. After the film’s ending credits she appears again for a brief scene. An alternate final scene with Moira is featured in the novelized version of the movie as the final portion of the epilogue.
Out of curiousity for those who read the X-Men comic, did beast wear glasses in the comic book series? RayAlome and I were discussing this earlier and I remember Beast wearing glasses, while hanging upside down reading a book, but that was from the animated series. RayAlome points out the fact that Beast’s abilities include heightened senses and should not need glasses to have even better eye sight than regular humans.
Before we went to see the movie, we decided to have dinner at CPK. It’s been awhile since my last CPK visit. The last time was probably still back in Berkeley. The pizzas and atmosphere were pretty much the same. It was ChemChampion’s first time trying pizzas with weird and random toppings. We had purchased our tickets earlier and gotten there with about 10 mins to spare. There was already a long line that formed to get in the 10:40pm showing. But we decided to split up once we were in the theater and got pretty good seats.
After the movie, we haded back to my place to play DDR (well StepMania to be exact). We actually played quite a long time. I think we started around 12:30am and they didn’t leave till around 5am. We went through quite a few bottled water and gatorades, but it was fun. I finally got to utilize both my RedOctange Ignition 3.0 Dance Pads simultaneously. I didn’t go to bed till some time past 6am, but I got all the rest I wanted by waking up today at 5pm. Hehe.