Random Crap

Today’s Japanese phrase is: 力 (chikara) – force; strength; energy; might; power; agency; authority; influence; vigor; vigour; stress; emphasis; exertions; endeavors; endeavours; efficacy; help; support; good offices; ability; faculty; capability; attainment; means; resources;
If you watch Naruto, the phrase チャカラ (chakara) is derived from this word, which is usually to used to describe power

Open Letter to the Mac Community (from /.) – The Truth Behind the iPod Nano “Scratch” Class Action Suit. Bits and pieces from the letter:

What You Don’t Know About The Nano Suit
The truth is that I never sought out nor did I ever hire David P. Meyer & Associates or Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro to represent me in any case, much less the iPod Nano Class Action suit.

I emphasized that I did not have any access to any specific data about the materials used in making the iPod Nano. David P. Meyer & Associates used my personal comments and opinions as the basis of the iPod Nano suit. To my knowledge, there was no actual technical study done on the iPod Nano before the Class Action suit was filed.

Additionally, I told David P. Meyer & Associates that I wanted to remain private, and that my wish for privacy, among other considerations, would preclude me from getting involved in the case.

Google results for my name skyrocketed. I began getting hate mail from people upset about the iPod Nano suit. I had to take my website down and remove legitimate references to my name on numerous web services. My fiancee and I were afraid to go outside in our own home town for fear of recognition and reprisal.

A SLAPP In The Face
On May 1, 2006, David P. Meyer & Associates and Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro defense lawyers filed Motions to Strike the entirety of my case against the two firms despite evidence that I had unwillingly and unknowingly been made Lead Plaintiff in the iPod Nano Class Action suit. In their Motions to Strike my case against them, they also requested of the Court that I be held financially responsible for their attorneys’ fees and costs.

Husband, Wife, Child Share Same BirthdayA husband, wife and their first child beat enormous odds and share the same birthday. Evelin Alballat was introduced to Tony Osman several years ago by one of her relatives who learned they were both born on May 21. The couple married two years ago. … “I kept staring at the clock and wanted it to turn past midnight before I delivered my baby,” she said.

Video games can help cut surgical errorsSurgeons who warmed up by playing video games like “Super Monkey Ball” for 20 minutes immediately prior to performing surgical drills were faster and made fewer errors than those who did not, said Dr. James “Butch” Rosser, lead investigator on the study slated for release on Wednesday. Interesting… I wonder if I played videos prior to coding, would I make code faster and make fewer errors.

British mothers hooked on “powerpramming”But this is “powerpramming,” a new craze taking off in Britain in which new mothers are encouraged to use their offspring — and the inevitable baggage that comes with them — as exercise aids. Fitness expert Liz Stuart is immune to comments by bemused passers-by as she cajoles her students into doing another 20 deep squats or fourth set of bicep curls using their precious babies as weights.

Qatari pays $2.75 mln for mobile phone numberAt a charity event in the capital of Doha, a Qatari bidder paid $2.75 million for the mobile phone number 666-6666. That’s a pretty ominous number…

‘Stargazer’ Says He Fell Down ChimneyA man faces a burglary charge after police found him stuck in a chimney. Matthew Allen, 27, told police he fell down the chimney after going on to the roof of the house to look at the stars.

Apparently Apple is teaming up with Nike to produce shoes that can send data into the iPod Nano to store your running data: Nike+iPod Gear and NIKE+

cute black and tan hound mix puppy
Cute black and tan hound mix puppy (from B$)

Jimmy Kimmel gets bit by a snake. If you love cock, submit feedback telling me this is fake. (from RayAlome) Real or acting?

Robot Chicken Parody of Final Fantasy VII (from MS newsgroup) – Robot Chicken version of Final Fantasy VII characters working at a burger joint.

Atheist Nightmare (from Kalekkos) – Someone describes how God made a banana so that it fits directly into the human hand. The banana also has indicators to show whether it’s good or not: green for wait, yellow for good and black for bad. Chemistry, biology or sanity have nothing to do with this explanation. I can’t believe this guy is trying to use a banana to prove that God exists.

Teh maddEST SkiLLz YET!!! – Not exactly the best speller in the world, but his card trick is pretty impressive. I know a thin string is involved, but i have yet to figure out exactly how everything works. Video might require you to log in. For some reason it’s been flagged by viewers as “inappropriate” and must be 18+ to view. The only thing I could see that is “inappropriate” is the spelling and maybe the scary mask.

FIGHT OF THE UNIVERSE CHAPTER 5 NEO VS ROBOCOP (from RayAlome) – an edited clip done by AMDS Films. This clip was done by merging scenes from Robocop and The Matrix and it’s quite impressive of how nicely stitched together it is.

MacSaber: Turn Your Mac Into A Jedi Weapon (from /.) – Introducing MacSaber 1.0 Beta. Using your Mac’s sudden motion sensor, this software turns your computer into a Jedi weapon almost worthy of taking on the real thing by making authentic lightsaber sound effects. It senses speed for the lightsaber movement sounds and acceleration for different levels of striking sounds. Haha. No one ever said light sabers were cheap.

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