The Extreme Diet Coke & Mentos Experiments

The Extreme Diet Coke & Mentos Experiments (from /.)

What happens when you combine 200 liters of Diet Coke and over 500 Mentos mints? It’s amazing and completely insane.

The first part of this video demonstrates a simple geyser, and the second part shows just how extreme it can get. Over one hundred jets of soda fly into the air in less than three minutes.

It’s a hysterical and spectacular mint-powered version of the Bellagio Fountains in Las Vegas, brought to you by the mad scientists at

The Bellagio Diet Coke fountains were just amazing!!! You can also check out their other videos.

So to answer the question of what happens when you drink Coke and eat Mentos: Pepsi Girl : Super Burp.

Random Crap:

Today’s Japanese phrase is: 優勝 (yuushou) – overall victory; championship; – as in Ran is the 空手優勝 (karate champion). Guess I might as well introduce 空手 (karate). The kanji literally means empty hands.

THE CONSUMERIST: Tekserve Ad with over $60,000 in ipodsSo many ipods. I wonder if any of their screens cracked in making this? iPod DOMINOS!!!

Wacky Warning Labels (from Tera). Some funny ones:

On a bag of Fritos:
You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside.

Instructions for an electric thermometer:
Do not use orally after using rectally.

A can of air freshner warns:
Keep out of reach of children and teenagers

Toilet bowl cleaning brush warns:
Do not use orally.

Cardboard car sun shield that keeps sun off the dashboards warns
Do not drive with sun shield in place

Silly Putty package warning:
Not for use as earplugs.

Baby stroller warning:
Remove child before folding.

A very old pya! image:
クッキー型 – Cookie Shape – what object do you think this cookie cutter will make?

The Perils of PC Posture (from /.) – Well, here’s some news that might get you to sit straight up in your chair: Along with the majority of the computer-facing population, you could be well on your way to developing a series of unsavory repetitive stress ailments such as carpal tunnel syndrome, postural syndrome, tendonitis and eye strain.

human posture evolution

Got these pictures from cnpics:
陳淑芬偶像明星彩繪畫 (Chen Shufen’s Idol Drawings)
張雅涵現代都市美女作品 (Zhang Yahan’s Modern Metropolis Beautiful Woman Drawings)

I thought that drawings were really nicely done and many of the girls were cute and pretty.

Woman pleads no contest for dirty Shih TzuDeNardi said it took more than an hour for workers to remove more than 1 pound of matting from the dog’s body to locate its identification tag.

The 212-796-0735 mystery (from Ars) – Back in the days of the Cold War, spies found ingenious and unusual ways to communicate with each other, hiding their communications in plain sight, whether encrypted or not. For instance, an intelligence agent (spy) might contact his case officer (handler) by placing an ad in the personals section of the local newspaper. This practice, it seems, continues today. Another phone numbers station: 415-704-0402

kenya tiger
Kenya Tiger – he’s so cute and adorable!!!

The Worst: Stupid Engineering Mistakes – pretty interesting list. One of the funnier ones was the Boston molasses disaster where a large molasses (treacle) tank burst and a wave of molasses ran through the streets at an estimated 35 MPH (56 km/h), killing twenty-one and injuring 150 others.

Free Music Recommendation Services – I’ve recommended a lot on my website, but apparently there’s a whole slew of these services, so find one that suits your taste!

Quick and Dirty Mosquito Trap (from SD) – Interesting way to catch mosquitos. Someone down the line posted: How to create a wasp trap.

Man drowns trying to save toy boatA Florida man drowned after jumping onto an inflatable raft and paddling out to the middle of a lake to try to retrieve a stalled, radio-controlled toy boat, police said Tuesday.

500 Hour Test of Tomorrow’s Windows “Vista” – Tom’s Hardware does an indepth review of Vista. The new games look pretty.

Jobs’ glass elevator locks in group customersApple store employees worked their hardest to release the bunch, but eventually the NYPD had to be called; the elevator’s hydraulic system had to be drained, and the confined group was let out in the store’s bowels (i.e. lower level).

2006 Senate Bill 6613 (Banning internet gambling) – It’s officially illegal to gamble online in Washington now, and if caught, it’s considered a Class C Felonly (is that worst than Class B?). One can end up with as much as 5 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Fight club draws techies for bloody underground beatdownsThey may sport love handles and Ivy League degrees, but every two weeks some Silicon Valley techies turn into vicious street brawlers in a real-life, underground fight club.

Quote from /. (#15431849):

Weird, I don’t remember Fight Club being about a bunch of dorks in headgear smacking each other with sticks until one of them got a bloody nose while spouting poorly-paraphrased movie quotes at some bored reporter.

Aside from which, I loved how they worked in this:

Earlier this month in Arlington, Texas, a high school student who didn’t want to participate was beaten so badly that he suffered a brain hemorrhage and broken vertebrae. Six teenagers were arrested after DVDs of the fight appeared for sale online.

So exactly when did “getting your ass kicked by a bunch of jerks” turn into being “an unwilling Fight Club participant”? I suppose next we’ll be hearing about how Ken Lay and company were actually just repeating what they learned by watching “Wall Street” at the executive team-building offsite? Or how the well-abused Zonk and ScuttleMonkey voodoo dolls on my desk are actually just a result of my having seen part of “The Craft” one time on HBO?

Police: Mom asks son to sell pot for bailA woman who police say asked her son to sell marijuana to raise money to bail her out of jail faces an additional charge.

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