
Saw The Honeymooners a few days ago. Storyline wasn’t that great, but it was a funny light movie. You can watch the trailer here. I’m still not too sure what the title is referring to. Does honeymooners have some adjectives associated with it?

the honeymooners


The movie is about a bus driver that always has big dreams which always fails and has a waitress that has a simple dream of owning her house. They fall in love and eventually get married. The husband keeps wasting money on ‘his dreams’ of getting rich quick and they end up never having enough money to buy the house. This is a comedy movie, so the storyline doesn’t really mean much. They find a dog one day. The greyhound was really really fast, so they try enlisting it to race and they go through some hoops and stuff which forces them to waste money training and getting ‘papers’. While this happens, there’s a house that goes on sale which everyone really likes. However, the money’s no longer there. What will they do if the dog doesn’t win?

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