Blood+ Episode 6

Blood+ Episode 6 – Father’s Hand



It seems Saya hasn’t fully awaken yet, leaving them trapped. The research lab apparently has a bunch of these chiropterans running around. All of the researchers seemed to be killed already. Saya’s father shows up at the last minute and starts fighting. Apparently he’s been injected with a chemical called D67 – short for Delta 67. David explains that this was the chemical to change humans into chiropterans. He begs Saya to finish him off because he would like to die as her father and not as a chiropteran.

On the other end, the Americans have ordered the bombing of that lab, even though it’ll strain their relationship with the Japanese. However, the chance of releasing another Chiropteran into the public was a risk they could not take. The bombing was ordered to be deployed in 3hrs. However, the HQ wasn’t able to reach David and his group. Some jamming devices were running in that area. However, there was too much traffic to reach there in time to warn them. Kai then states he can get there on his motorcycle and rushes off.

How Kai managed to find the elevator and actually get it to go downstairs is quite questionable. I guess since the people below hit the elevator button, the elevator went down and by chance Kai happened to get in on time. He then witnesses his father slowly turning into a chiropteran and can’t bare to watch as Saya’s blood kills him. They some how manage to escape in time before the bombing.

For some reason, I have a feeling that the father isn’t dead yet, and will come back later, this time immune to Saya’s blood…

Bleach Episode 57

Bleach Episode 57

Yet another exciting episode with several good fighting scenes. But the next episode is going to be SO MUCH BETTER!!!



This episode delves into the past of Sui Fong and Yoruichi. It turns out Yoruichi was some princess of some really high clan and Sui Fong was from a clan that has sworn to protect Yoruichi. Sui Fong was an excellent student and Yoruichi even chooses her as her own bodyguard. Things were going really well, until one day when Yoruichi suddenly left without saying goodbye. So she’s been holding that grudge for over 100 years swearing to excel herself and be better than Yoruichi one day for betraying her. Don’t want to tell you how the fight ended, you can watch that for yourself.

One of the questions I always had was people in Soul Society seem to stop growing after a certain point. I’ve had this discussion with Liam before but we couldn’t really come up with an answer. The perfect example was shown in this episode with Sui Fong and Yoruichi. Yoruichi has not grown much at all from the flashbacks, however, Sui Fong had grown from a little girl to teenager, to her 20s now, maybe? Between the teenager look and the 20s look, over 100 years has past. Why did Yoruichi stop growing? Do they just grow slower once they reach past a certain age or do they fully stop?

The camera then zooms back to Ichigo and Byakuya. Neither is wounded at this point, but everyone in the court of souls is feeling their battle. Ichigo demands Byakuka to release his Bankai, but Byakuka replies that he’s 1000 years too early to be killed by his Bankai. Sound familiar? It’s exactly the same speach he gave to Renji before Renji made him fall on his knees. Welp, the episode ended there, but we’re finally going to see Ichigo’s Bankai vs Byakuya’s Bankai in the next episode!!!

Black Cat Episode 5

Black Cat Episode 5 – The Cat That Made A Decision

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In this episode, Train decides to leave Chronos and the elders and the other Numbers were disappointed in him, especially #1, who is the captain. Train even gives up his gun to that cute sweeper that he shares his milk with. However, Chronos couldn’t just end it like this and sends Creed to try to persuade him to come back. Who knew Creed was actually starting a coup d’état because he didn’t believe Chronos should have so much power and control over 50% of the world’s economy. Creed uses a sword instead of a gun like Train. In fact, so far outta the Chronos I’ve met, they’ve all used swords. Train was the only one I’ve seen that used a gun. His gun actually has a name: Hades. So #1 comes after both Creed and Train, and the episode ends with her about to attack.

Detective Academy Q Episodes 28-29

Thanks to Shinsen-Subs for realeasing more Detective Academy Q (also known as Tantei Gakuen Q). Anyone know why their titles of their episodes are mixed with 2 different colors (red and black)?

Detective Academy Q Episode 28 – Underground Cell SOS

detective academy qdetective academy qdetective academy qdetective academy qdetective academy qdetective academy qdetective academy qdetective academy qdetective academy q

Detective Academy Q Episode 29 – The Murder Collector

detective academy qdetective academy qdetective academy qdetective academy qdetective academy qdetective academy qdetective academy qdetective academy qdetective academy q


Yet another 2 exciting episodes of Detective Academy Q. We last left off with Kyuu and Meg trapped inside the cell and Meg got bitten by a pit viper. Kyuu does the honor and tries to suck most of the poison out, though he did acknowledge not all the poison is out. One thing I remember about snake bites is that you’re NEVER suppose to try to suck the poison out because you yourself is very likely to intake the poison into your body. Kinta, Ryuu, and Kazuma hears they haven’t gone home yet, and starts to get worry. They go to school to investigate and by the clues left behind, it turns out that Kyuu and Meg are somewhere on campus. They find their backpacks in the trash along with the container that held the viper. After learning this Kinta immediately rushes off to get the antivenom and hopes he’ll make it back in time.. Kyuu on the otherhand frantically tries to figure a way to get out. He finds a water pipe and starts banging on it and creates a hole and starts flashing his flashlight in SOS patterns. Like fiber optics, the light travels through the water pipes and comes out the other end and Kazuma notices it flashing. Somehow Ryuu manages to find door behind the shelf and crack the puzzle almost immediately (just like Kyuu). When they unlock the door, Kyuu rushes up to them and tells them they need to hurry and get the antivenom. Before he finishes his sentence, Ryuu assures him everything will be okay and at that moment Kinta rushes in with the antivenom. Kyuu falls onto his knees exhausted.

It was quite an emotional episode. You really felt that Kyuu was going to regret for his entire life if Meg dies. Even afterwards, Kyuu apologizes big time to Meg for getting her in danger. At the end of this episode, the truth is finally out. Ryuu aparently is part of the Pluto group and is only attending DDS according to his grandfather’s wishes, but he demands that nothing happens to Class Q or else…

The next episode talks about Meg and Ryuu getting assigned to impersonate high school students to investigate on a Snuff Video Collector. Snuff videos are videos of actual people getting murdered. There’s a girl that has gone missing and on the school message boards, rumors was that she was killed in a snuff video. Before leaving, Kyuu begs Ryuu to take care and watch over Meg because he felt the last attack was purposely trying to kill Meg. Soon after infiltrating High School, they start following leads. However, this ended up Meg getting kidnapped by the Collector. What will happen now?

Black Cat Episode 4

Black Cat Episode 4 – Smiling Cat

Tons of action in this episode, but no much was revealed.

black catblack catblack catblack catblack catblack catblack catblack catblack cat


So Train and Sven has 2 different goals as seen in the previuos episode. Sven wants to rescue Eve because she’s just a little girl at heart being forced to become a weapon, while Train and his group sees Eve as a weapon too powerful to control and must be destroyed. Apparently, there was continuation of the nanotechnology research in the basement lab of the mansion. However, it was destroyed before Rinslet got there and her only guess is that Black Cat (Train) must’ve gotten there before she did. However, the anime seems to tell you otherwise. I have a hunch it’s that other partner of Train that adores him. Eve didn’t want to change, but the bad guys stuck an NS Amplication Device on that force all the nanomachines in her body to be uncontrollable and then both her hands and hair bangs became swords of some kind and started to attack Train. Train, although super fast, was only able to defend. Sven goes and risks his life trying to remove NS Amplication Device and Eve somehow manages stab right through him… Does Sven die? Does Black Cat kill Eve? You’ll have to watch the episode to find out!

Blood+ Episode 5

Blood+ Episode 5 – Beyond the dark forest

Not much happen in this episode, basically more story building. No vampire slayings and transformation for Saya, though the sibling relationship has gotten quite tense.



In this episodes, David requests for Saya’s help and Saya agrees. Kai and Rick demand to help too since this is their father (foster) that has been kidnapped. There’s a chance that the father could turn into one of those vampire like creatures, but he hasn’t yet. But it sounds like a good storyline to go this route. Apparently the U.S. government is secretly doing genetic research in an Enviromental Protection Center Exhibition they dontated to the Japanese government. David tells Saya to come along since vampires may appear. Kai demands once again to come along and help, but David shows him that he is weak and he’d only drag the team down. I really love this quote after Saya coldly refuses Kai’s help repeating the harsh words that David said awhile ago.

Kai: So I’m useless, huh?
Rick: That’s not true. Saya-nechan (older sister) just doesn’t want to put you in any danger.
Kai: I know that! That’s why it hurts.

Most of the times, you get characters that misunderstands the person’s reasoning for rejecting you coldly making me hate those characters cause they are literally idiots and they go outta their way to get involved and what ends up happening is now they have to take care of this extra baggage. But I never really realized how powerful and emotional it can be for a character to understand the true intentions behind someone’s actions.

Naruto Episodes 147-149

AnineOne finally released some new episodes of Naruto.

Naruto Episode 147 – The Showdown Of Fate! You Can’t Defeat Me!


Naruto Episode 148 – Akamaru Gets Jelous of the Super Following Ability! Find the Illusionary Scent Bug!


Naruto Episode 149 – How is it Different?! All Bugs Look the Same, Don’t They?!



More filler episodes. The story about Mizuki finally ended and he somehow turned into a tiger/man beast. Somehow there were some side effects to the prescription Orochimaru gave him and he ended up turning really really old at the end. Ikura-sensei also saw Naruto bust out the Rasengan for the 1st time. The next filler story is inregard to finding the scent bug, which the bug guy believes will be able to track down Sasuke. However, the scent bugs are nearly extinct and there’s only a 10% chance of finding it. In the 2 episodes, they go on a bug scavenger hunt. The story between Hinata and Naruto also closes in where Hinata blushes so many times. I’ve always liked Hinata better than Sakura. Sakura was too shallow and only saw Sasuke as the cool guy and didn’t see Naruto for what he was worth. Hinata on the other hand knew immediately the inner strength of Naruto. However, these days, maybe it’s just the fillers, Naruto’s been getting on my nerves.

Saber Marionette J to X Episodes 2-3

Yay! More SMJtoX!!!

Saber Marionette J to X Episode 2 – Phase 02: Fulfill Your Wish By Winning the Float Battle!

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Saber Marionette J to X Episode 2 – Phase 03 : Daddy Is Comming! Daddy Is Comming!

saber marionette j to xsaber marionette j to xsaber marionette j to xsaber marionette j to xsaber marionette j to xsaber marionette j to xsaber marionette j to xsaber marionette j to xsaber marionette j to x


Episode 2 continues about the fair that Otaru was in charge in the 1st episode. In this fair, the biggest event is mechanized float race and rumor is that whoever wins the race will have the wish granted by the Gods. Both Cherry and Bloodberry want to marry Otaru, but Lime just wants to eat cotton candy holding Otaru’s hands. See why I like Lime the most? The battle was hilarious. Each marionette was on a different team trying to win. At the end, the win was trumped by Hanagata and everyone was sad. Lime was especially sad cause she really wanted to eat cotton candy with Otaru. They were about to win too, but one of their rocket boosters failed and Lime gave up her chance to win to save the people from getting hurt. And at the end, guess what happened. Lime was sulking next to the river in her kimono and Otaru comes up says, “You were very brave today. We both know who the real winner is.” He then gives her some Cotton Candy (her first ever Cotton Candy) and Lime loves it immediately. Then Otaru takes her hand and walks home together. Guess Lime’s dream did come true!

Episode 3 introduced a new character, Hanagata’s father. Even though Hanagata is this feminine character and loves Otaru and has tons of Otaru’s paraphernalia (posters, pictures, dolls!!!), his father was the extreme opposite. Tons of muscles, bulky, strong, winner of everything. Welp, he wanted Hanagata to come start working at his business because one day he’ll be taking over as the oldest son. Hanagata didn’t want to leave Otaru, but was too weak to rebel his father. With the help of Otaru and the Saber Marionettes, Hanagaata got the courage to fight his father once again… But he lost in the end, but his father said he wasn’t ready to start taking over his business and lets him continue to play with his friends.

Bleach Episode 56

Bleach Episode 56

Just as I predicted, many fronts have been opened and this is going to be a long battle taking up many many episodes. I’m guessing it’ll be somewhat equivalent to Naruto when Orochimaru attached Konoha village where you have Sarutobi fighting Orochimaru, Naruto fighting Gara, that bald headed guy fighting off the snakes, Kakashi against Orochimaru’s right hand man (the guy with glasses), and the others trying to take the villagers to their safe hidden hideout. This episode was exciting nonetheless, well for the latter half. If you want to know why, continue onto my spoilers.



So the anime continues with the 1st Captain’s battle with the 8th and 13th Captains. Nothing really much happens on this front. The 2 students however did not want to fight their teacher, but finally gave in and called out their soul slayers. Turns out these 2 captains were the only captains in the Court of Pure Souls to have soul slayers which consisted of 2 swords. The scene ends with them crashing into each other and that was half the episode. You then get to see the Shiba sister meet Jidanbou and asking him to come with her to find Yoroichi.

Half time credits go up.

Then we go into the good stuff. The latter half was completely fighting between Yoroichi and Sui Fong. Yoroichi was the former head of mobile corps, while after her disappearance, Sui Fong became the successor. The battle was intense and it looked like Sui Fong had the upperhand, until both of the busted out a new move, which we’ll have to wait till next episode to see.

So the fronts I’ve noticed so far include:

  • Ichigo vs Byakuya
  • Yoroichi vs Sui Fong
  • 1st Captain vs 8th and 13th Captain
  • Shiba sister and Jibanbou vs ???
  • Renji and Rukia vs ???
  • Kenpachi vs ???
  • Kenpachi’s pink hair lieutenant vs ???

Blood+ Episode 4

Blood+ Episode 4 – Dangerous Boy

Another exciting episode of Blood+. More gets revealed as Saya gets closer and closer to awakening…



If you saw the last episode, you’d have noticed that Kai ran off at the end of the episode. Apparently he was so angry, he ran home, took the gun and went searching for Forest, the one who attacked his father. Apparently the dad didn’t die, but there is a possibility he might be contaminated, which I’m guessing will happen since the story must continue and what better story than to have one where the daughter has to kill the father because he’s becoming one of them. Kai goes investigate and Saya, Rick, and Moe are always 1 step behind. Saya finally begins hearing stuff, and follows their calls. Rick for some reason begins to hear things too. In this episode, we learn that the mysterious man is named Haji and is Saya’s servant and only obeys her orders. So are Chiropterans vulnerable to bullets? Welp, guess you’ll have to watch the episode to find out!