Selling a 14″ LCD

got tons of toys today! ungsunghero claimed how his toy came today also. i was VERY EXCITED. (if you know what toy he was talking about, you’d be excited too! don’t worry, you’ll find out what my toy is later on). UPS came by around 3pm-ish. they actually rang the bell, but no one heard, so they left the packages on the floor. thank god! or else i’d have to wait another day!!! well, got 2 boxes. 1 small and 1 GIGANTIC! opened the small one first and i got my IBM Optical Scroll Mouse. it was $5 after rebates and i was getting pretty mad @ the normal 2 button wheel mouse i was using. it’s like what they say, “Once you go optical, you can’t go back.” plus the wheel is always a bonus. get to scroll down those forums faster now. hehe. now time to open the mystery box! this was a 22x13x13″ box. Open it and i find… TONS OF PEANUTS!!! lol. Time to dig for the treasure. Way at the bottom I find… ATI ALL-IN-WONDER® RADEON™ 8500. (thought i was gonna say “more peanuts” huh?) hehe. it’s another Christmas present for me! I’m sorry i’m unable to disclose the price nor store I bought it at since i promised my friend to keep it a secret. but just say that i got it at a very cheap price. ^_^x too bad i won’t get to use it for another 18 days (yes i’m counting) cause my computer is back at the apartment. this is so SWEET!!! now i can have 2 TVs running on my computer simultaneously with 2 remotes. *drooooooools*

harrybons dropped by later in the afternoon. brought over my No One Lives Forever 2 which i asked him to help me buy @ Fry’s since it was only $5 after rebates. he came over leech my Hikaru no Go collection. episode 7-60 (6gb worth of anime, actually more since he borrowed some of them on cds). hehe. i also found out my firewire enclosure could act like a hub. it has 2 firewire ports in the back. i connected one end to his laptop and the other end to my sister’s computer and BOOM! XP detected a network connection and before you knew it, the were talking to each others computer transferring @ ~8MB/s. not exactly as fast as firewire speed as we hoped (sustained ~20MB/s), but it was good enough.

then of course, there was ungsunghero’s near death experience. he got to experience his power supply blow up right in front of him. mines blew up last year too, but i was in the shower when that happened. his computer automatically shut down and pushing the power yielded nothing. however the diagnostic LED was still on. so he was the cellphone with me while we tried to diagnose what was wrong. little behold who knew what was going to happen next. KABOOOM! the power supply blew up in his face. now he swears he’ll wear goggles and static wrist-wrap whenever he works on computers again. welp. problem found. now for the solution… which brings me to my eBay story:

i was auctioning off my sister’s 14″ LCD because my dad recently got her a 17″ LCD. the auction ended today on Sunday @ $167.50, however the highest bidder emails me and states that Best Buy is having one on sale for $150 and asks me to be fair and lower my price (including shipping) so it would be fair for him to buy it. i mean this is ridiculous. here are transcripts of the email the went through:


Hi <insert my name>, thanks for the response. I will try for the first time to pay through paypal but I have a simple request as a fellow student told me that in Sundays paper local Best Buy was seeling 14″ lcd’s at $149. instead of $199. I guess after the christmas they have reduced the price especially 14″ are not that popular as opposed to 15 or 17″. Further it is safer to buy locally but since I have made the bid I will prefer to buy it from you if you kindaly as a fair person reduce the price as I will be paying shipping in addition so it does not make sense to buy for lot more and then pay the shipping or I have no objection if you want to contact the next bidder and he is interested in buying for $165 and then I will send you the difference of $ 2.50. Please consider and let me know, thanks and have a nice week !



I never caught your name, but I’m very sorry to hear that you would like to break your contract. As quoted from eBay:

Your bid is a contract – Place a bid only if you’re serious about buying the item. If you are the winning bidder, you will enter into a legally binding contract to purchase the item from the seller. Seller assumes all responsibility for listing this item. You should contact the seller to resolve any questions before bidding. Auction currency is U.S. dollars ( US $ ) unless otherwise noted.

As a fellow college student myself, i can understand that money can become a problem. But that’s why I wouldn’t bid on anything I believe I would not buy at the price I bidded at. I’m sorry but I won’t be able to lower the price for you. I’ve already contacted the 2nd highest bidder. If he/she responds and is willing to take the offer, all will be great. Or else i’ll still have to hold you to the price you bidded.

<insert my name>


Thanks <insert my name> for the consideration but you did not get my point on fairness if something is available for less. Technbically you are right but I asked you on a moral basis if you would be fair and that I would not object to your selling to anther person because it is much easier to just buy cheaper locally. Please let me know what the next bidder says I will pay you the difference. Thanks and have anice day



How can I be fair if you’re the one that’s trying to get yourself out of this contract? Unlike some stores that has Lowest Price Gaurantees, eBay sellers do not unless stated otherwise. This has nothing to do with morals. I would like to ask you think if you were in my position and what you would do if someone who just won your auction asks you to be fair and lower the price for him cause he can get it cheaper somewhere else now. Now it’s my turn to ask you to be fair. Because if you’re trying to get out of this contract, I am screwed out of my eBay fees which is $7.43. I mean if this deal went through successfully, I’d be more than happy to pay those fees, but because you’re UNWILLING to complete your part of the contract, I lose that $7.43 to eBay with no compensation! I am now asking you to ask yourself if what you’re doing is morally justified.

Have a nice day. Maybe yours will be much better than mines.

<insert my name>


Hi <insert my name>, you are a very fine man in that you have honored me by explaining your sitaution with Ebay instead of getting mad and I do not want you to lose any fee to Ebay. Please remember I honored you too by explaining that the monitor was now selling cheaper and it is only fair since you have used it to lower. Is it fair to pay more price and on top of that pay another $17. for shipping. No matter what I will pay your ebay fees and if you can be fair to come to the fair market price that will be nice and I will just buy or you can just pay the shipping that way we split.

I cerntainly like to trust you with respect to the good condition of the monitor. I just got a note book that does not have charger and the arrow keys do not work while the seller put on the ebay that it olny needed operating system. There is another man who has not sent me the cpu ven though got paid in october; these are additional reasons for me to think that sellers on Ebay are not really fair in many ways and it is better to just buy locally.

Please be fair and let me know how we can work it out so that you do not feel bad that I cost you any loss and I do not feel bad that I paid $ 34. over the local price. You be the judge and let me know. Thanks



I agree it’s more beneficial for you to purchase it at Best Buy, but I do not agree that it’s fair to break a contract. It is a smarter thing to do, but it is unfair to me that you bidded on something that now you’re unwilling to pay at the agreed price. it is not fair for me to lower the price for you because there were other bidders who were willing to pay just a little bit less than what you bidded for my LCD monitor. it is unfair that you cheated the other bidders from what they could’ve gotten. I’ve decided to relist this item and will be going through the Non-Paying Bidder process to get my $5.23 final auction value fee back.

I’m sorry that you’ve encountered bad sellers on ebay and had unhappy experiences. but sellers are also afraid that bidders will go back on their word and not pay. unfortunately, you’re the first bidder I’ve had this problem with.

Once again, there is nothing i’m being unfair about. The price you agreed on is higher than a price you find locally now. Being unfair is to charge an unfair shipping price. Being unfair is to ship a dead item or an item different from the description. You paying the agreed price has nothing to do with unfairness although you may feel bad for paying extra. Like I said above, I’ll be relisting the item and will be filing a non-paying bidder form to obtain my ebay fees back.

You may be read up more on Non-Paying Bidder here:

<insert my name>

welp, the story ends there for now. well, why did i introduce you to this story. well, it’s true that part of it was for entertainment, but the real reason was because i found a buyer! he said he needed it asap and wondered if i can ship it out overnight and he’ll pay the extra. i was cool with it. supposedly it was for her girlfriend who was coming back tomorrow and he wanted to give it to her. i was cool with that. OfficeMax has this $10 off coupon for shipping through airborne express so i went to the one in Pasadena… (wait rewind!) I called up ungsunghero and asked if he would like to go with me. i insisted that i’ll drive him to PC Club to buy a new power supply for his system. knowing how it feels to be without my computer for 2 DAYS made me pity his situation. after arriving @ OfficeMax, the lady quotes me $60 for Express delivery. i was only quoted me $47. she says we’re sorry, but our systems do have differences and i can’t do anything about it. i took my package and left the place. decided to go with UPS or FedEx. called up my brother and asked him to find when the fone # of FedEx in City of Industry so i can find out when it closes. he was unable to locate the service center. thanks to ungsunghero’s cuz psychobreed, he told us FedEx closes @ 7pm. we were like cool! but the traffic on the 210 was nasty. it a lot better on the 605 and 60. got there @ 6:30 and found out that Overnight delivery ends @ 5:30. b00000000000. well, the fastest delivery to TX was by Thursday and hoping the buyer would find that acceptable (since there’s no delivery service on 1/1 new year’s). we then went over to PC Club and looked around the power supplies and the cases. ungsunghero was going to purchase a Allied 250W for $30 when the sale clerk pointed that they were having a promotion on the Allied 300W for $20. he was like cool bought 2! went home and now his computer boots! w00h00! ^_^x

wow, this has been a long entry. hope u didn’t fall asleep halfway reading it. hehe ;p

Grandma Getting Baptized

welp, how was everyone’s Christmas? spent most of my day @ the church because my grandmother was getting baptized. took a lot of pictures, but then all turned sour when my digicam says: No Image Found. the stupid SD Card (secure digital – a type of flash memory) still says 97megs used / 20megs free (it’s a 128mb SD card). just ordered another dazzle 6-in-1 reader from dell and hopefully it’ll be able to read the stupid pictures that my stupid camera can’t see. oh yeah, guess what! remember ms. lee (math teacher @ keppel). i saw her @ my grandmother’s church.

welp, the church had a luncheon afterwards till like 3:30pm. the food was so-so, but i was so tired by the time i got home, i slept till 2am. lol. welp, that’s how i spent my Christmas day. how did u spend yours? hehe.

also, the poll above will be end tomorrow. so if you haven’t voted yet, it’s your last chance. ^_^x

Back in LA

welp, this is my first nite back. weather down in the south isn’t any better than the weather up north. was pouring on my drive back (yes that means i once again get to drive! w00h00!). lydia and liam were nice enough to drive me to the BART station, so i was able to avoid the rain (10min walk from my apartment to the BART station), i would’ve been soaked even with my umbrella. it was pouring like crazy. while lining up to check in my luggage @ SouthWest, i bumped into kenny (from keppel). on the plane, i sat directly across from krazieyellw. we chatted for awhile and i found out she was in ChemE. she told me martin was going to return tomorrow morning. haven’t chatted with martin in such a L . . O . . N . . G time. on my way to baggage claim, i bumped into Ali (a friend of mines in EE20 and CS61B). i was like… wow!

today’s final went okay. drew tons of doodles. too bad i won’t be getting my final back (well, at least not the actual hard copy, but i’ll be getting my score, or i’d scan these pictures up for you).

in the mail today before i left the apartment, i got my free Treasure Planet PS2 (PlayStation 2) game. supposedly kelloggs was giving away 50,000 so my chance of winning was rather high. hehe.

found out while installing my 2nd external hd, that windows xp doesn’t support fat32 partitions of greater than 32GB. stupid windows. =( had to split my 40GB HD into 2 20GB HD.

thanks to crabyaple for donating this link. this guy is hilarious. his later postings get funnier! ^_^x

have you heard about the recent WWJD (What Would Jesus Drive)? thanks to mmouse311 for donating these 2 links: official site & funny interpretations. i hope you’ll find these as funny as i did. ^_^x

Tycoon of the Day has been renamed to Tycoon of the Moment as cd-mcc hasn’t been able to keep up with his postings. if that changes, i’d be more than happy to change the menu topic back. ^_^x

Faulty RAM

cd-mcc and slapshot came by today and we help troubleshoot his computer system which has been dead for the past month? maybe more? apparently after several motherboard replacements (4 times?), we found out today that it was in fact the ram’s problem. stupid generic ram, swore to god i’d never trust them anymore, after i found out it was what caused my system to crash every other day, to reboot automatically. after he successfully installed win98se then upgraded to winxp, we watched The Lawnmower Man. weird movie i’ve gotta say. interesting, but the computer graphix and design i must say were extremely lacking. then again, this movie was probably made like 10 years ago? supposedly there’s several sequels to this movie. i don’t intend to watch them @ this point, but who knows what might come up. ^_^x

then i watched Harry Potter – Chamber of Secrets (once again in dvd quality). it’s a good fun movie. meant for kids and family. then again, if you’ve read the book, u might not enjoy this as much since you already know who opened the chamber of secrets and who Tom Riddle is… ^_^x

oh yeah, when cd-mcc came back, he made up another tycoon. after reading these 2 tycoons, i think you’ll have a general sense of what type of humor he likes. ^_^x

thanks to lsiymle for donating this kawaiiiiiiii link link. the baby is so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute! u can chk out more of their cool stuff on their homepage.

today was anime galore! new Hikaru no Go, Dragon Drive, Samurai Deeper Kyo and much much more! here’s some cute shots i captured from them:

dragon drive - pound fistsdragon drive - purple dragondragon drive - purple dragonhikaru no go - surprised sai and hikaru

iPod vs MZ-N1 Result

welp, seems like tycoon of the day wont be updated tonite. guess cd-mcc is already slacking off ;p. j/k. he just finished his finals and went home for a little celebration i suppose.

as i announced yesterday, the polls for iPod vs MZ-N1 will terminate tonite. the final score is:

Choice Votes Approximate %
Apple iPod 13 65%
Sony MZ-N1 5 25%
Other 2 10%

as shown, the iPod has won over the MZ-N1 with a landslide. ^_^x

new poll is up. this one is courtesy of cd-mcc who was trying to explain to me what heifer is.

welp, nothing much else interesting today. hopefully, i’ll be able to whip up something better for tomorrow. ^_^x

How to Watch VCDs with Multiple Languages

first of all, remember to wish mechy a BIG

finished my 2nd final today and i’m pretty happy with it. hope i get that B. ^_^x anyway, i have one final left and that’s on the 19th which is NEXT THURSDAY. i’m a free man for an entire week. sweet! ^_^x too bad anime releases are slowed down due to college students and finals. argggh, i was expecting them to celebrate with me. )o;

thanks to esca for donating this cute flash movie. it’s about 2 Australian bird type of animals who get finally get together after the guy makes a fool of himself. hehe ;p

thanks to sueon for donating this funny movie. ever wonder if babies ****… well, you’ll soon find out. ^_^x

i finally found the perfect player to play HKVCDs. it’s called XingMPEGplayer. ever watched a movie where one channel was one language, and the opposite channel was in another language (common on HKVCDs where one channel is cantonese and one channel is mandarin). before i would always have to change the balance on the main volume control and it would only come outta 1 speaker/side of earphones. well, thanks to a couple friends from #calnime who told me that XingMPEGplayer has this audio option where i can select audio left/right to come out of BOTH my channels. thought some of you may find this useful since Windows Media Player and many MANY other movie players seem to lack this feature (ie: QuickTime, RealPlayer, etc.)

I JacKsOn I: thanks a lot toland
I JacKsOn I: i can grab files from m comp now !! =)
Krunk4Ever: kewl
Krunk4Ever: np ^_^x
I JacKsOn I: haha u still say kewl
I JacKsOn I: i remember the day u thought me what “=)” was
Krunk4Ever: hehe
I JacKsOn I: cuz u put it after like every 5 sentences… n i wuz like wtf is =)
I JacKsOn I: then u told me look at it sideways
I JacKsOn I: and now i see it EVERYWHERE
Krunk4Ever: haha. i use this smiley now: ^_^x
I JacKsOn I: hmm
I JacKsOn I: that 1 is right side up
Krunk4Ever: yep

cdm once again has decided to change his nick to cd-mcc (cunndogg – mecca). ^_^x

DJ Tiesto – Sparkles

today was a weird day. went to sleep actually early! ~3:30am-ish. was hoping to wake up for my 9:30am class, but ended up 30mins late. hehe. came home and slept some more. then i went to do my ee20 lab. today’s lab was cool in the fact this was the LAST lab (yippee) + i understood everything immediately! (usually, i get stuck somewhere along the way and ask for help).

thanks to cunndogg for donating this mp3. awesome trance song and if you want to see it perform live, check out this video (YouTube). if video linky doesn’t work, try downloading it from here Cunndogg says there’s a lotta hot chix in there so something u might wanna consider before downloading/not downloading. ^_^x

thanks to Maetel for donating this cool flash movie: linky. a must see for final fantasy fans, but as alphabons says: “Enix is regarded as the best RPG makers in the world and also squares main competition” hehe ^_^x

thanks to crabyaple for donating these pictures: (click to enlarge)

toilet computer modtoilet computer modtoilet computer modtoilet computer mod

sources are unknown, but seems like a cool project ^_^x

today, i got this weird email which i thought was really kewl. it was spam alright, but to thought of having a screenshot as part of the email was a very clever idea. too bad my site doesn’t really need to be search engined. would think about it if i made money off it.

email includes website screenshot

thanks to my special friend who i believe would rather remain anonymous for pointing out that football is known to be soccer everywhere on earth besides USA. by saying ‘catch football‘, i clearly distinguished that this was not soccer, but instead American Football. ^_^x

Google Toolbar Highlighting

well, today was a great day! finished my lab and my project for cs61b. was able to play ataxx over the network with someone else’s AI. ^_^x

i found another amazing feature of the google toolbar. check out these pictures. it’s like magic marker. after doing a google search, u don’t need to search where the word shows up on the page, and instead can use it’s magic highlighter! ^_^x

google toolbar - highlight

google toolbar - highlight

belldandy has been begging everyone to find this song for him. finally HK found it and now i’ll share it with you guys. Changin’ My Life – Eternal Snow (YouTube) the intro to the song is very sweet. ^_^x

thanks to esca for donating this link (YouTube). i don’t know what you call this kind of dancing, but it’s cool!

thanks to crabyaple for donating this link. link’s title says it all. if you’re wondering what the Chinese subtitles are saying, here’s the script:

i will hypnotize u
u will bring me all the cat food for me to eat
you’re outta your mind.
i see that you havent had enough beating.

in response to yesterday’s entry, someone asked me what catch football was. i mean the meaning is pretty literal where it’s game where you throw and catch the football. didn’t really know what confused the reader. if you’re questioning how catch football is different from regular football, then i guess that’s something someone that doesn’t know much about sports can get easily confused with. hehe. catch football involves no tackling/tagging and is more like u practicing range and trick throws and the catcher tries to estimate where the football will land and catch while running toward that point. if you’re still confuse, feel free to IM me again. -_^x

Thanksgiving at the Cuneo’s

I had a very wonderful Thanksgiving. i’ve gotta say this has been the best weekend i’ve spent since Summer. It was nothing but pure fun for 4 days straight. I forgot my digicam which i couldn’t show u the beautiful Presidio park and i really wanted to take a picture of the magic stone guy. sigh… Here’s a brief overview of what happened:

that nite after class, we went over to SF and chilled @ Max’s house. we watched Brotherhood of the Wolf. Pretty confusing movie. Too much fighting (can’t believe i’m saying this) and storyline was hard to follow. some stuff just didn’t make sense but at least it gave somewhat of a conclusion. hehe.

The BIG DAY. we spent the afternoon walking around the beach in Presidio Park. that’s when i saw the magic stone guy. if you’ve ever been to this beach, you’ve must’ve seen the magic stones. they were towered together in such a weird way that it’s hard to describe. he carefully balances weird shaped rocks where they will stand on one’s tip. We’re not talking about just 1 or 2 rock towers here. we’re talking about 3-6! and standing on it’s corner and not the flat dull side. he had towers and towers of these stones, about ~10 and he would do it live and proof there was nothing (no glue, no tricks) to hold up the rocks besides pure geometry and balance. After the walk we went home and got ready for the Thanksgiving dinner. we were having it over @ one of cunndogg’s parents’ friend’s house. besides all the good food there, there was quite an interesting crowd there. supposedly there’s this “tail” family with a father from Britain and a daughter who supposedly said something along the lines of, “I believe all humans should have tails. it’s been an evolutionary mistake that humans no longer have tails.” welp, the father Ray was some Ph.D from Cambridge or oxford, forgot which one. Majored in Physics and couldn’t find a job in London. An old professor called him up one day and asked if he would like to work in California cause he’s found him a job. This was when it was raining and he was running for cover and talking on the cellfone. He agreed and as u can see he was pretty desperate. He started a company which Canon bought. He claims his team’s productivity level actually outperformed Japan’s level. that’s why canon bought his he’s starting a 2nd company or was it a 3rd which is trying to manufacturer hardware which make speakers sound better and cheaper to produce. Next interesting person is Levan. (don’t really know how to spell her name, but i just copied the spelling of Levan Hernandez) She used to be from a ranch in the midwest. she said she found branding cattles very hard because although the cattle is withheld in a small box, it still squirms and to brand it requires branding 2x to be sure and the 2nd time was always hard. she then mention about selling cattles and stuff and i asked what happens when cattle gets sold, do they get rebranded and is it next to the original brand. she said that was a good question and she didn’t remember. she then went about talking about castrating cattle. she said one time she was castrating a young calf and the intestines came outta the small hole. so she took it and stuffed it back in. cunndogg said that was disgusting. levan said it was more sad than disgusting. cunndogg thought it was more disgusting than sad. hehe. then there were the Newman’s. have you heard about the Rambus SDRam trials where they’re suing other memory companies about patent infringement. well, to make a long story short, rambus was the original SDRAM creator. during the meeting about what should be the standardized format of RAM, Rambus had a speaker who suggested technology which was already patented by Rambus. so after SDRAM became mainstream, Rambus begin suing companies (ie. Infineon) which had use their patented technology. Rambus went so far to even modify their original patent to include newer technology. apparently Mr. Newman is an attorney defending the one of the companies Rambus is suing. After dinner was over, cunndogg drove me back to Berkeley because Friday was Family Day and i didn’t want to be bored sitting @ his home surfing the web. if i were to do that, i’d rather surf the web @ home. hehe ;p.

zzzzZZZZ… worked a bit on my project. then cunndogg came to pick me up. we went to carl’s afterwards and watched Porky’s (classic gross comedy i’ve gotta say). Max called us out later and we played bowling. i sucked. hehe it was fun tho.

today was extremely cool. we went over to carl’s that afternoon and found a dead rat. was deciding if it was better to throw the rat over the fence or to bury it. decided to bury it. the rat was small, but his tail was l..o..n..g. played some catch football, then played some fake golf with irons. (i learnt that irons was shorter and less bulkier @ the tip than wood, although good woods are made outta titanium nowadays). we were practicing before going to the driving range. then we drove over to the Presidio Driving Range. The Driving Range was awesome. this was my first time golfing too! We bought a large bucket of balls and practicing hitting the golf balls. it was very like elegant baseball but a LOT harder. carl was a good teacher tho. he taught me the stance and i actually hit a couple decent ones. the driving range was also misleading cause we were on top of a hill golfing so the the ball always seemed to go further by going downhill. hehe. after golfing we went over to Best Buy where they were having 3 DVDs for $12 sale. We got Presumed Innocent, The Lawnmower Man, and Diner. we also drooled @ the sweet HDTVs. we then went back to cunndogg’s place and helped clear out their alley because they’re planning to cut down a tree. after a hard day’s work we had dinner. YUMMY! thanksgiving leftovers. ^_^x After dinner we went over to carl’s place and watched the ending of The Negotiator. Great movie, but haven’t seen the beginning yet. We then watched Presumed Innocent. It was a great suspense. Didn’t really have an idea of who the actual murderer was actually was. Had someone in mind which actually turned out to be correct, but i threw him/her outta suspicion halfway through the movie. Next was Porky’s II. sad to say, the sequel didn’t hold up to it’s predecessor. afterwards, R*@$T of Hugh M. Hefner (apparently he’s the publisher of Playboy) was on comedy central. it was super hilarious.

time to do some last minute shopping. got a very kewl carpet for our apt. also picked up some glass mugs that we’ve broken. then home we go.

today as i was renaming my naruto manga archive, i began reading Hikaru no Go Manga. bad mistake. spent this entire nite reading it. found out too many secrets. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! i’m really angry at myself that wasn’t able to hold back. now i’ve spoiled over 10 episodes worth of HnG anime for me. =( sigh…

hikaru no go - sai yelling STUPID / BAKA
here you can see Sai yelling @ me

oh yeah, a new poll is up. which would u rather have for a Christmas present: Sony MZ-N1 (MiniDisc Player) or Apple iPod (MP3 Player). links to product description has been provided beneath the poll.

New Nike Shoes

just got my new shoes today! w00h00! click here to check them out. paid only $6.60 shipped. had a $80GC to NikeTown which I got because my old pair of Nikes had a hole on the bottom of the shoe and the inside of the shoes got super wet whenever it rains.

nike shoes

thanks to ungsunghero for donating this link. story is hilarious in some ways and painful in others. ever had that sorta experience. well, the original story is here. it’s bout some old guy accidentally burning and scarring his wee-wee by using his laptop on his lap. OUCH! if you like these type of stories, i’d like to direct you to which has tons of these stories. ^_^x

went to see one hour photo @ Wheeler tonite. Movie was sorta disappointing in that the story never really capture the audience to follow it intensely which a good suspense thriller would require. Robin Williams really wasn’t meant to do these type of horror suspense movies. he’s the funny type of guy for great comedies! but who would’ve known, carii and deCAThAneRD went to watch this too! cunndogg and i decided to leave those 2 luvbirds alone. don’t wanna bother deCAThAneRD if he tries to pull some moves. hehe -_^x

cunndogg told me this funny joke today:

There were 2 friends who were from the South and have moved onto college. One of his friends went to a Northeastern college and invited his other friend to a party. The friend gladly accepted the invitation and the party was a hit! The visiting friend decided to try his luck and hit on some chix. He saw a couple cute ones and asked, “Which university are y’all from?” The girls giggled and replied “Yale” The friend then screamed, “WHICH UNIVERSITY ARE Y’ALL FROM?

thanks to Cantaka for providing this link. Rumor is that AT&T and Comcast Cable may be soon implementing a new rule to their broadband cable internet. Rumor says that they will enforce a monthly download limit of ~10GB. YUCKY YUCKY YUCKY =(. i myself d/l more than that every couple days. if they switch on me, i’ll switch to DSL. easy as that! ^_^x

Merged my Anime List & #calnime page together into 1 now. decided that they were relatively the same thing and added and changed some links which you may find helpful. if you find any dead links or something wrong, please notify me IMMEDIATELY. thanks ^_^x

Watched The Ninth Gate on DVD tonite. an awesome movie which dives deep into the satanic world and how humans sell their souls to satan. If you’ve never watched it, i super recommend it. Well, it’s time for Hikaru no Go! FINALLY A NEW EPISODE! ^_^x