turns out the reason the server was down for 8hrs was because of some hardware upgrade. i wonder what excuses they’ll come up with next time. anyway, i’m just glad my site’s back up and running.

welp, MMouse311 seems to be starting a new Yahoo Group with photos and pictures directed to mature audiences. wouldn’t lemme join until i gave out my age in my yahoo profile (doesn’t mean i gave out my real one -_^x) anyone, for those that are interested, the link to join is linky.

today in EE20, the professor said one of the funniest things! he goes, “i’m going to give you a TLA. you guys all know what TLA means right?” most of the class was just lost. he goes. Three Letter Acronym. just thought it was funny and worth mentioning. hehe ^_^x

had lunch with lilpebbly today. i had no idea 99 ranch market existed up here! but she proved me wrong. they also had pretty good pho’ there also. i also diagnosed her laptop and found out that she has a dead harddrive, sigh… it’s so sad when all the info you’ve saved is now gone. and for those that has had such a traumatic experience, you should know that at times like these is when being a friend really counts. oh yeah, for those who ever wants to open a Hewlett Packard Pavillion Notebook, READ THIS before continuing. i was trying to open it from the bottom for so long and almost gave up. welp, they have some funky way of opening this sucka! hehe. ^_^x

New episode of Hikrau no Go is out! w00h00!!! following are some extracts from it:

hikaru no go - sai laughinghikaru no go - sai yelling

Russell’s Paradox

sorry bout yesterday. was so tired i actually went to sleep @ 11:30. yes this is PM and not AM. i think it’s been the earliest for since i came to college. was working on my EE hw which my eyes felt like concrete and i just couldn’t hold it up anymore. i dont even know why i was so tired especially since i only had 2 classes.

Giants lost badly today, but had an EXTREMELY GREAT comeback today! did you watch the game. looks like the Angels were winning with a 3-0 score till the 5th or 6th inning then BAM! Angel’s pitcher started breaking up and allowed 2 runs. then a 3rd. then a 4th! and when Robb Nen came in during 9th and got 3 outs. WE WIN!!!!

welp besides the game yesterday, it was devastating that my system crashed after 2 weeks of uptime. stupid microsoft and stupid outlook! hate you hate you hate you!

bumped into tacoman today! it’s been the first time i’ve seen him in ages. well, i guess last time i saw him was probably last year last day of school. sigh. it’s cool. ^_^x cunndogg asks why i get to bump into so many ppl?!? i guess it’s fate. but he doesn’t believe in that. hehe ^_^x

here’s an update on harrybons mice attack. apparently he’s caught 5 so far, but there’s MORE. seems that the like hiding underneath the fridge and although rumors say they prefer peanut butter over cheese (not cartoon rumors), the mouse still went for the cheese. so i guess cartoon does actually have some facts behind it. hehe.

cunndogg, liam, and i spent a very long time arguing about set theory and diagonalization. i won’t get too deep into, but here’s something to ponder on. It’s also known as Russel’s paradox. Given the set of all sets that don’t belong in their set, can such a set exist? assume it does, does this set belong to itself? assume yes, then you’ve broken the set’s requirement which only takes in sets that don’t belong to themselves. let’s assume no then, but then this set should include it since it didn’t belong to itself. basically, russell’s paradox has broken set theory which is basically what math is based off of. however, humans have ignored this set and arithmetic is still able to function. in class, they used the same proof to show that several types of programs can’t be written, and cunndogg argues that just because u can show it with this proof, that doesn’t mean you can’t ignore this case and move on. as liam says, both arithmetic and programming are based on axioms which follows rules. as long as the axioms allow for the case to be ignored, then everything will work. if not, it’ll break.

CS61B Midterm

found out i have no cs hw due this friday so i’m one happy man! first friday that i’ve been free! my cs61b midterm grades are up. got a 28.5 outta 40. mean was 26 and median was 27. i guess i should be happy since i was expected somewhere around the C range. On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, Paul Hilfinger wrote: “The midterm is graded and grades are now on-line. Mean score 26. Median: 27. Since my grading scale is predicated on a mean of 20, I’d say this is pretty good! PNH

well, speaking of CS, someone posted this caricature online in our newsgroup. it’s so funny yet it’s so true!


not sure if i’ve mentioned this before, but my cell phone scared the heck outta me again. was taking a nap when suddenly i heard a buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz… of course since only my computer is on, i thought the noise was generating from there. i was like o shoot, did something die!?!?! my computer is my baby. nothing bad is allowed to happen to it. of course it’s also my slave working 24/7 ;p. current status:

network status

anyway, back to main topic. i was half way done my bed when i realized that my cellphone was in vibrate mode. (it’s embarrassing when your phone rings in class!!!) after that happened once, i’ve learnt my lesson. well, there was a sigh of relief that there was nothing wrong with my baby. hehe. ^_^x

thanks to fantasy for donating this link. it’s hilarious and seems to be written by some teenager. just some very funny stuff to pass your time with. there were also other interesting items i found in the main page. stuff like reason why no one after jesus has seen/talked to god is because he’s asleep. hehe. ;p

welp, more to come tomorrow! cunndogg is heading to SD this weekend for a sailing competition! wish him luck + i get the apartment ALL to myself. MUHAHAHAHA! think of all the possibilities! SLEEP + SLEEP + MORE SLEEP!! ^_^x

Apartment Manager Complaining About Noise

my envision 17″ flat screen monitor came in today! can’t believe i’ll be getting this free after rebates. well, there were $7 of tax involved but hey, that’s still a great deal! ^_^x another good thing about UPS is that they accept shipments too! sent out 2 boxes through UPS today, both through the same UPS guy. the UPS guy was nice, helped carry my monitor up 2 flights of stairs, but then when he was walking up the 3rd flight for another delivery, he dropped one of the boxes marked ‘FRAGILE’. *shrug* thank god that wasn’t my package.

throughout my life, there has been only a few people who could actually piss me off. i mean they really have to try super hard to do it! i’m not one to get easily pissed off. in fact even when someone tries, i usually just brush it off as a joke. i can’t even remember the last time i was pissed, but my landlady just went overboard. during the first week we moved in, she called down and ‘asked’ us to quiet down so she can sleep. i agree we were playing our music a bit loud so we apologized and turned the volume down. the next day she called again and said we were talking too loudly while we were just talking at normal noise levels. well, since she was the apartment manager, we didn’t wanna have any trouble with her, so after 12am, we talked really softly up to the extent of a whisper. then one time she called @ 11:30pm (even before the curfew she set) and asked us to be quiet. another nite, my partner was working on a project and we received a call. what turned the tables was when she called my roommate’s parents and complained. i mean to go to that extent is just declaring war. now instead of asking, she demands. my roommate and i got so pissed we asked liam for help (since his mom’s a lawyer) and he helped us find the tenants’ rights advocacy group and we explained the situation. the person @ the end of the line told us it was absurd that u cant even speak @ a normal noise level, and told us that we didn’t have to worry about this leading up to a case to evict us. what i really want to say next time she calls is ask her to be reasonable. we’ve tried to compromise, but having to whisper?!?!? i mean she’s the one that made the attack first and hasn’t stopped firing @ us.

thanks to HKenshin, he gave me these 2 links to d/l kenshin manga:

the 2nd link contains better scans imho, but only contains the Memory Arc and the Jinchuu Arc. this was and still is my favorite anime as u will see i like to use his smiley face ( ^_^x ) if u still don’t get it, read the manga. ^_^x

Joe Eigo

it’s been like what, 5 days already?!?! stupid stupid CS project. spent at least 40hrs working on the stupid project. had to use 34 of my overtime hours. we get 72hrs of leeway for 3 projects. i’ve been using emacs so much now that when i wanna save, i hit CTRL + X + S instead of CTRL + S. to undo, it’s no longer CTRL + Z but instead CTRL + SHIFT + _ AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! anyway, submitted my project this morning @ 10am came home and slept till 8ish. but because of the inactivity on my website, i’ve managed to collect quite a bit of info over these few days. therefore this entry will be EXTREMELY LONG, SO READER BEWARE! YOU’RE IN FOR SOME BIG TIME WASTER IN THE NEXT FEW MINUTES, no… HOURS!

<+animedaisuki1> there’s so many sexy girl in my bio classes…..
<@Fantasy> U NEVER KNOW
<@HKenshin> yea there were in my mcb classes too
<@HKenshin> there were a couple of cute girls in j1a too
<@Fantasy> but that’s MCB
<@Fantasy> j1a
<@Fantasy> hmmm
<@Fantasy> i’ll take j1a some day
<+n00dles> my j1a class sucks…
<+n00dles> none whatsoever…
<+n00dles> luck of the draw, and lady luck decided to give me the middle finger…
<+n00dles> goddammit
<@Fantasy> dude if u come to berkeley
<@Fantasy> get read that lady luck stuck u a giant middle finger
<@Fantasy> it’s like
<@Fantasy> prepare to die

thanks to crabyaple. this is like a younger version of jackie chan! Check out this clip! (Backup Clip) (YouTube) if link(s) doesn’t work, be sure to tell me cause lemme just tell you that you’re missing out! don’t let the first 2 scenes fool u into believing this is another break dancing clip. WATCH ON! it’s got some serious ass-kicking skills in there! enjoy! ^_^x

AllLiam AllDay: I’ll see you in class tomorrow
Krunk4Ever: it’s monday tomorrow already huh?
Krunk4Ever: sihg….
Krunk4Ever: what happened to my weekened?????
AllLiam AllDay: thats what I’m saying

Got my minidisc player last week. it’s really cool! i really like it’s NetMD feature where you can just drag and drop mp3s and it’ll convert to minidisc format. if you want more info on which model i got, check out this link: and cloud-x. all this for $86 + i might be eligible for a $25 rebate + a pack of 10 free sony minidiscs. ^_^x

sony mz-n505s netmd player

while walking home from a review session for my EE20 class last thursday (Signals and Systems)… now that reminds me i did rather well on my EE20 midterm. 89/100! congrats to me! anyway, as i was saying, on my way back from my review session to continue my cs61b project (horrible experience, quite traumatizing!), i saw this poster on the floor. it was a bunch of cute stuff animals so i continued to walk on and i noticed more and more of these posters were on the floor! it was getting dark and the sun was practically gone, i picked up one to get a closer look and a saw:

WARNING: Contains content not suitable for children under 18.
WARNING: File is over a meg so it may take some to download.
Rules of Attraction Poster

The poster was for the movie: Rules of Attraction. This poster is so wrong! my image of stuff animals will be corrupted forever! AHHHHH! what used to be cuddly and innocent is now naughty and evil. i mean it’s sweet and innocent when u have 2 babies kiss each other on the cheek, but u wouldn’t make them go into sexual positions!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!

Amendment: Found extra clips of the guy here. enjoy ^_^x

Souseki Bill Trick

i was once reminded of childhood trick. remember when you folded the dollar bill to make Washington smile or frown, welp, the Japanese can do it too! – thanks to peter payne.

souseki bill trick

there’s a lot of mystery about krunk which has remained hidden for a very long time, and shall remain that way. everyone who thinks they know me, doesn’t know much about krunk. everyone who thinks they know about krunk, doesn’t know much about me. let’s just say that krunk emerged in 7th grade and has evolved to something which i no longer know. he has his friends, i have mine. he does stuff in the dark, while i’m in the light. he even gets credit card applications for god sake! well, today, i’ll let you catch a glimpse of Krunk’s history. i just bumped into one of his long lost friends, who he’s known at least 7 years.

dabuddhaDate Posted: 09/24/2002 12:24 PM:
hey krunk
this the same krunk from playstation?

krunkDate Posted: 09/24/2002 5:16 PM:
when u say playstation, do u mean #psxirc ?

krunkDate Posted: 09/24/2002 6:38 PM:
would you be DaMan from TWiH?

dabuddhaDate Posted: 09/25/2002 7:35 AM:
#psx on newnet
its jamm

krunkDate Posted: 09/25/2002 11:54 AM:
hey jamm! long time no c!

how’s it going, do you go on irc anymore? i’m still krunk, but i hang out on and

dabuddhaDate Posted: 09/25/2002 12:15 PM:
im doing pretty good. started working full time now. i goto nowadays but my home machine just bit the dust so have to upgrade.

jammy is currently engaged and plans to marry next march. i wish him the best of luck. ^_^x

welp, i almost forgot to tell you about cunndogg’s shocking adventure after his retreat! he drank a lot that night (at least 1/3 of a BIG bottle of whiskey, dunno the liters but it’s the biggest bottle of Seagrams you can find @ Safeway). well, he was got so drunk during that retreat, he actually threw up, but cant really recall do it till the next morning. he called me up on sunday morning and said, ‘Toland, i’m outta gas!’ while driving home. he apparently lost his wallet (which a friend found later and returned to him) and he was no where near home. what to do? what to do??? (drum rolls…) hopefully, he had went over the bay bridge earlier that weekend and gotten change left in the car. so he filled $2 worth of gasoline and drove home. after filling up his tank of gasoline, he realized he had actually reached or even surpassed the maximum volume for his gasoline tank. wow!

thanks to ungsunghero, he taught me a new cool trick for windows XP. right click your desktop -> ‘Arrange Icons By’ -> uncheck ‘Show Desktop Items’. not that special of a trick, but i just never knew it was there. ^_^x

btw, more doodles are up! hurray!

Earthlink Popup Blocker

today, i found a very useful tool (thanks to earthlink’s spam). on contrary, this tool is used to stop spam (ie. pop up ads/windows). before, most popup stopping programs required you to start a program every time your computer boots and have it go through this firewall type of thing. lots of configuration which i didn’t particularly liked. however, Earthlink Pop-Up BLOCKER integrates itself right into internet explorer and no configuration of anything is required. it’s really ez to add safe zones in case which you prefer to have pop up windows work (*wink* *wink* should be added to your safe zone *wink* *wink*) lol. i don’t think my site has any popup windows, and let’s hope it stays that way. ^_^x well, i’ve chatted a lot, but haven’t even told you where to get it. click here to download it. if the link doesn’t work, please email me.

still haven’t had a chance to do laundry yet. definitely tomorrow. underwear supply has run extremely low. will only last approximately, who am i kidding, it’ll last only 1 more day.

ordered a MiniDisc Player today. got myself a Sony N505 (silver) for $87 shipped. thanks to my $40 gift certificate amazon gave me for free + several coupons. now i need some cheap MiniDisc media deals.

guess who i bumped into today. SEEBA!!! was walking home and bumped right into him in front of my apartment complex. he was on his way to get some thai food so i followed since it was 4pm and i haven’t eaten anything yet for the whole day. what do u call a meal @ 4pm? does it constitute as lunch or dinner? if i eat something @ 12am. does that constitute as dinner or a late night snack? anyway my time schedule is all messed up. hehe. it was a really nice get together since seeba and i really haven’t had time to chat for a REALLY long time.

Missing UPC

i was planning more for more doodles today, but that’ll haveta wait. cunndogg’s asleep and i don’t want the scanner to wake him up. anyway, parent’s want me to come home during veteran’s weekend so i guess i’m going home. already booked my tickets on southwest. if anyone else wants to come along, msg me. ^_^x

sad news guys, i’ve ditched my 2nd class this semester. this time it was cs61b discussion. i hope i didn’t miss anything important. it was just that ee20 lec and dis were back to back and they were so boring, i slept through both of them.

i got my new toy today! w00h00! it’s a firewire enclosure for a hd or cdrom or etc. it’s pretty neat. i got several hds lying around so this’ll be my portable drive. really wanted one that supported both usb and firewire for dual compatibility, however my order was canceled cause they ran outta stock. guess firewire along is good enough. ^_^x

one of the stupidest things happened to me today. i was filling out the rebate form for my Fuji CD-Rs. i cut the UPC code out on purpose to get it ready. however, after filling out the rebate form, the upc code was no longer to be found. i was like o shoot! spent about an hour looking for that thing. checked paper after paper to see if it was stuck onto. checked both my trashcans to see if i accidentally threw it away. finally, i retraced my steps and i knew i had the upc sitting there. i recall throwing a piece of paper in the trashcan cause it was no longer of any use. but i’ve checked the trash can at least 8x. even dumped everything out and put everything back in. well, thank god i checked it one more time. it was stuck to the back of some piece of paper crumbled up together. w00h00! saved $10 right there. ironic i was about to throw $10 in the trash. -_^x

finally, i’d like to introduce u to gootecks. many of u should know him, probably by a more familiar name of itsryawn, but check out what a man went through just to get the thing done. i mean i would’ve given up halfway. more info @ FatWallet. FatWallet’s a crazy place all right. i had one of my best bitter arguments with some dude this morning. too bad FW deleted it (or i can’t seem to find it). hehe. anyway, g’nite ^_^zzz

Cell Phone Buzz

expected my day to be extremely boring. turned out pretty okay. i was first woken up @ 7am when natdogg had to leave. then i remember when andrew left and said something about leaving the dishes for him to attend to when he came home. then all was well until i heard my computer go BUZZZZZZZZZZ BUZZZZZZZZZZ BUZZZZZZZZZZ BUZZZZZZZZZZ BUZZZZZZZZZZ. i was like oh shoot! don’t die on me!!!!!! was going to jump off my bed and see what was wrong, but suddenly realized it could be my cellphone. so i waited for awhile and it stopped. so bleh, i’m still sleeping, don’t bother me. an hour later, it came buzzing again. decided it was finally time to get up. i think this was around 1:30pm. got up to see my 2 missed calls. turns out to be liam. gave him a call back and he asked if i wanted to watch the 49’ers game together. i was like, “sure, why not.” however the game turned out to be a great disappointment with the broncos winning 24-14. sigh… i recently found out that CAL Bears (berkeley’s football team is doing great this semester) 3-0 so far. that’s 3 wins and not 3 losts.

for saturday nite, cunndogg and i dedicate it to 2 hrs of tv. 4 of our favorite show comes on back to back. comedy central presents .. “fudge! i bit too far into my nail, and now it hurts!!!” sorry got sidetracked there. anyway, comedy central presents “The Man Show”, “Crank Yankers”, “South Park”, and our favorite one of all: “Trigger Happy TV”. That show is so hilarious. You’ve really gotta see it to experience it. liam dropped by again after dinner and waited for his special someone to call him.

anyway, another thing that made my day was episode 7 of Dragon Drive is out. once again i got to see the cute dragon:
dragon drive - hiding

Apartment Renovation

i just realized i’ve been forgetting to change the date on these news logs for the last several entries. but those have been fixed now and i apologize for the missing update yesterday. was chatting with my cuz the whole nite and before you knew it, it was 4am and i needed to get up by 9am so i had to make the hard choice of disappointing you guys or missing a class. yes, yes, i know, toland worrying about missing classes? but i’ve sworn to do better this semester. hopefully i’ll see some good results. ^_^x

just got my wireless card today. it’s a dell truemobile 1150 but really is a rebadged Orinoco gold pc card which is known to be one of the best in the wireless industry. it’s been really fun testing it out with airbears and snakescott’s wireless access point who lives below me.

our apartment is being renovated right now. first they painted our kitchen and now they’re re-tiling our bathroom. the re-tiling started last friday and then he had a 2 day break and now he’s continuing. looks like it wont be done until tomorrow. guess what, that means i haven’t had a shower in 3 days already. but i did manage to wash my hair in the sink, my head got really itchy. so, if something smells, it must be me. hehe

well, i leave you with a hilarious auction my friend just showed me: WONTON SOUP