Drunken Adventures – Part 2

yesterday… whew! what a night! anyway, i was too dr… i mean too tired to really describe anything in details for i couldn’t continue and wanted to end the news and go to sleep. there were couple things we did last nite. after we left the saloon, we went back to our place and ben had previously bought some type of good whiskey (which everyone besides me agree, but then again, who am i to judge when i’ve never had any other type; supposedly this type of whiskey is a lot easier to go down than others). well, cunndogg convinced me to take a sip of whiskey and it was bitter and nasty and burning. recall ralph from simpsons, “it taste like burning.” but the after-taste wasn’t that bad. the bitterness quickly left my mouth. but once again, i’ve proven to myself that i don’t like alcohol, doesn’t matter what type, what kind, or what genre. anyway, everyone was a bit tipsy @ this point. everyone else had 2 glasses of white russian and then a shot or 2 of this whiskey. nobody was drunk, so we decided to take a walk to the park (next to the berkeley rose garden; sorry but i forgot what the name of the park was). lemme tell you, the park was extremely fun! i mean we were riding the see-saw which made our butt sore. then the swings and ben all this time was yelling, “HELP! I’M GETTING RAPE! AHHHHHHHH!” in a shrill voice. Then came the slides. this was the most fun. it’s an extremely long/tall slide to be on a normal playground. looks like it was meant for the water parks. but anyway, i first slid down on my pants and my butt was on fire by the end of the trip. apparently there were cardboard pieces around which u were suppose to sit on riding it down. but for some reason, it wasn’t thrilling enough for us. either cunndogg or ben decided to throw sand @ liam when he was coming down and it triggered a almost frictionless effect. so each of us took a cardboard box folded up with sand and before we slid down we poured it onto the slide. weeee! i swear i was going @ least 35mph down that slide. then of course, the cop. *shivers* would’ve been super bad if he arrested us. 3 calls. the cop received 3 calls of complaint. wow! we must’ve been one noisy bunch of kids. hehe.

well, any tech-saavy fan would’ve known that Microsoft is releasing Windows XP SP1 (Service Pack 1) on 9/9. however, for it’s premier members, it’s been released already and someone leaked it out onto the net. now everyone is downloading it. worried that you have a cracked version? well TweakTown has found a way to bypass that and let you installed SP1. rumors about it crashing your system, not letting you boot into windows, and others such and such, have not been verified yet. but so far the only problem people has is that if your cd-key is one of mass generated, it will halt the installation half way through and you’ll return to your regular windows xp, with no changes (as they say). anyway, the fastest link ppl have found so far to download SP1 is this. it’s a 130meg file so be warned. ^_^x

anyway, more doodles for you! chk it out! ^_^x

Drunken Adventures – Part 1

several exciting things happened to me today. actually several very exciting things happened to me today. first thing was i got 3 shipments: 1 from UPS, 1 from Office Max, and 1 from Office Depot. finally got my wireless nic, bookcases, and plastic drawers. actually this caused the 2nd interesting event.

I was on my way out to class. Office Depot calls and tells me that they’re planning to ship within 45minutes. I’m like okay.. so this was my first class i ditched this semester. sigh… once it starts, you can’t go back. good thing is my apartment is almost ready for display.

Next thing was i realized i’ve been getting a lot less email lately. then i found out that one of my forwarding accounts/very very extremely old email account: krunk@hotpop.com stopped forwarding my emails. it is now fixed, but:

hotpop email status
85% of those was junk mail.

Well, i’m saving the best for last. You know you’re having fun when the cops are after you. well, not when but before they’re after you. hehe. cunndogg, liam, ben, and i went to the saloon again and we got our drinks (mine was non-alcoholic; just a statement before you start thinking otherwise). we then took a walk to the rose garden/park. this was the extremely fun part. i missed those days on the swings, the see-saw, the slides, the monkey bars, but today i got to try them all out again. there’s apparently a curfew for the park and we were being extremely noisy. suddenly sirens came on from two different directions and were heading toward the park. the four of us just got up and started running. at that moment, we all felt like fugitives. it was a very scary, but exciting experience. the cops apparently weren’t after us, but little did we know… so we decided to crash over @ lorie’s, seeba’s, and dan’s place. this was around 1:30am and the lights were all off, but the windows were open. so we rang the bell, several times, and were waiting for them to get outta bed. we’re mean huh? anyway, after 5-6mins no one answered and we decided to leave. we were on our way back when SUDDENLY outta no where came a voice:


we were looking everywhere and finally saw ben using a cone as a megaphone. suddenly he started walking quickly toward us. apparently he spotted a cops car and saw he coming. outta the park emerges a police officer. WE’VE BEEN CAUGHT! he was not a happy camper. he claims his already gotten 3 calls that there’s been a noisy bunch of kids inside the park causing public disturbance and told us to go home immediately. then he said, “you, with the camo-jacket.” cunndogg was wearing his camouflage jacket tonite and began questioning him. he said he smelled alcohol in his breath and asked how old he was. but cunndogg was slick and got off safely. well, we’re finally home and i’m happy to report that i’ve had an extremely exciting day. ^_^x

g’nite ^_^zzz

ATNT Broadband Service

sorry about not updating last nite. i hope this mid-afternoon update will still be welcomed. for those who didn’t see my away message last nite, i’ve been doing a lot of reading for my german class. had a week of reading to catch up to and finally finished @ 4am which then i collapsed onto my bed, skipping my daily news update and even changing my away msg. as alphabons notes:

AlphaBons (8:36:57 AM): your rite cuz, the next set of motherboard are getting Serialized ATAed
Auto response from Krunk4Ever (8:36:57 AM): [away] reading 100+ pgs due tomorrow @ 11am. sigh…
AlphaBons (8:38:22 AM): if ya visit Tomshardware.com theres an article on new motherboards coming out the DDR400 and half of em have serial
AlphaBons (8:39:07 AM): okie dokie your prolly sleepign or <horror> still reading, skim baby skim!
Krunk4Ever (9:27:23 AM): lol

the worse part of this all, the teacher tells me today that nobody seems to be dropping this course and i probably won’t need to come back next week. sigh…

i’m very happy to announce that there’s currently a GREAT deal for ATNT Broadband service. On a TV commercial last night, ATNT was advertising a $19.95/month for the first 6 months if you sign up now. The problem was this offer was for new customers only and the definition of new customers was that you didn’t have AT&T Cable services within 60 days prior new installation. I got mines installed last friday on a different deal: $29.95/month for first 3 months. You can tell it isn’t AS HOT immediately as the current promotion. So I gave them a called and asked if I could switch over to the new plan, but the CSR (customer service rep) said i had to be a new customer to get this plan. I said i’ve only been a customer for a week and since i’m on no contract, i could easily cancel this service and reapply. (@ this time, i didn’t know about the 60 day rule). welp, there ya go, she brought up the 60 day rule alright. I then suggested that my roommate could always sign up for this service while I canceled mines since he is a ‘new’ customer. She put me on hold for 2minutes call back and said she’ll do it for me. tada! nice eh?

here’s the instructions if you want to try the same thing (you can’t have a contract for this to work. but you can still try):

  1. Call 1-888-262-6300 (ATNT Broadband Customer Service)
  2. Press 1 on your phone for sales.
  3. Mention you saw their TV commercial advertising $19.95/mo for the first 6 months.
  4. Ask politely if you can switch over to this plan.
  5. They probably respond that this promotion is only for new customers.
  6. Tell them that you don’t have a contract and can easily cancel this service and then reactivate it with the new promotion.
  7. They’ll probably respond that new customers are people that didn’t have ATNT cable service for at least 60 days.
  8. Tell them that if that’s the case, you can cancel the service and tell your roommate to create a new account with their new promotion.
  9. (this implies that you’ll still get the promotion, but it’ll be more work for them to cancel/setup your service)
  10. If they still deny you, hang up and try again in 30minutes and hope you’ll get a nicer customer rep.

welp, this mid-afternoon report will be short since i’m doing one tonite. ^_^x

Who is Dione?

oh sweet so sweet CABLE!!! *big tears rolling down krunk’s face like in those animes* hehe ^_^x. finally got it installed today and I’m a happy camper. already started my downloading process. in the process of getting Hikaru no Go – 45 and Prince of Tennis – 36. this is going to be so sweet!

welp, today sueon came up to visit us Berkeleyians with his family. it was very nice to see him again and because of this reunion, I’ve gotten to see SO many people I’ve been meaning to see. kalekkos, yan-ray, evin-kay, istine-chray, boby bear, cari, avid-day, ick-vay, ason-jay, ohfuee, and of course mechy! (note: people who’s SN/nick I didn’t have has been substituted with pig latin). sueon had to ditch us and meet with his love-boat friends. yeah it’s exactly what it sounds like. hehe. after dinner we went to chill @ sam’s place and we played with swords and fire. nice, eh?

btw, i just realized dione is not dione. i mean dione really exists, but I’ve been associating her with the wrong person. wow, I’ve known this girl for at least half a year and I’ve been calling her dione! wow, how embarrassing. today she tells me her name is otherwise. now I’m back to square one where i know dione exists cause people know her, but i still DON’T!!! hehe. oh well, when the time comes, i know I’ll meet her. i mean this happening is weird enough, but deja vu. ason-jay lost his wallet and we were frantically searching sam’s and my apartment, but no luck. then i checked my IM messages and my friend snakescott tells me that if my friend dropped his wallet, he has it. ason-jay was one lucky boy! he comes in and we say hello (note: I’ve been calling him scott for the past year or so). he locked himself out so he asked if i had our apartment manager’s #. i gave it to him and he gave her a call. he said he was jacob and asked if she was around to open the door for him. after the phone call, i asked what his name was and he said, yeah his name was jacob. i mean how should I’ve known that! i mean someone with the SN snakescott implies his real name is scott, no? it was just one hilarious day.

ooooh, my new scanner is installed and I’ll show you the magic that my cuz showed me with 1-bit tiffs and of course I’ll show you my recent sketches. once again i lost my precious piece of paper which had important info which i jotted down from the first few days of school. sigh….


since i’m moving up friday, i once again apologize for not being able to post tomorrow. i just ordered my cable modem + telephone service these 2 days. telephone service will be up tomorrow, however the scheduled time for cable modem installation is on 8/30 so i’ll be living on 56k or berkeley’s network for 1.5weeks. i really need to start packing. hehe. ;p

something i found really interesting during my stay @ hong kong was this program @ iDance. but to my disappointment, it wasn’t what it seemed to be. @ first, i thought it was a real-time choreographer creating dance moves according to the beats to any mp3 i select. however, this does open the door to many possibilities such as this. For those that don’t understand Korean like me and want to download this nifty little program, on the upper right hand corner, click on English. hope you guys like it. ^_^x oh yeah, if anyone understands korean, can you help me? i’m trying to register to be able to d/l more characters and songs. i don’t exactly know what resident # is. after a bit more playing around with it, it’s pretty cool indeed! hehe

i leave tonight with you an interesting fact: there’s a lot more KFCs in Hong Kong/China than there are McDonalds. There’s practically a KFC every block in HK. It’s like people don’t know how to walk.

New Scanner

w00h00! got paid for my auction i talked about yesterday. so happy, so happy, so happy. btw, before you go asking me for lunch, i already owe another person lunch, so you’re a bit late. sorry.

good news guys. cyberwings has finally shown some life. light is finally beginning to emerge from the tunnel and hopefully, my site will return to normal status in no time. but then of course, there’s my trip. Probably won’t be able to update much after that.

not sure if i told you guys yet, but i got a new toy! Canon CanoScan N1240U It’s ultra-slim and scans are EXCELLENT QUALITY. only reason my dad got this was he wanted his old b/w pictures to be scanned and reprinted. hehe.

WarCraft III Addiction

before you ask me why i didn’t have an update for yesterday, i have a valid reason: WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos. Just started playing the game yesterday and it’s very addictive. Although 3D Graphix aren’t as good as those new 3D games out there, the strategy and AI has definitely improved since Star Craft.

Had a really fun day today with my frined ungsunghero. Went to Red Lobster for lunch and then SHOPPING!!! Of course not for clothing, but TOYS!!! hehe. ^_^x Went to Best Buy, Circuit City, Staples, and Fry’s. We both got our Price Match with Staples. Bought 100 CD-Rs for -$10.00. Yes that’s right, the negative sign is there. After $30 MIR (mail-in rebate), we make $10 for buying those CD-Rs. nice huh?

welp, i’m not the type to brag, but i just wanted to show u guys this: eBay #1366819120. Couldn’t believe i got $312 for it! Only costed me ~$300 to get the reward and that came with 3 Round Trips from OAK to LAX. Guess you could say they gave me free trips or even said they paid me to fly. hehe. ^_^x

that’s all for tonite. ^_^x

Worst Traffic Jam EVER

Had the worse traffic jam ever today! Was stuck in traffic over 2hrs! Rumor that it was a bomb threat @ Puente Hills mall off of Azusa (the whole Azusa Ave. was blockaded; police wouldn’t allow entrance) or it was a flipped over tanker. For those that are familiar with City of Industry, it tooke me 45mins to get from the intersection of Azusa & Gale to Fullerton & Gale. Sigh… Going to check this link more often now.

Staples finally sent me my WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos today. Got the human edition for only $25.30! nice eh? hehe.

for those that haven’t heard of my RAM/Video Card problem, I’m happy to announce it was only a simply driver problem. Thanks to WinXP and it’s rollback feature, i no longer incur anymore freezes. w00h00!

I get to DRIVE again!

Took a drive to Redondo Beach today. Well the city at least. Dropped by the retail store of PC Liquidator and grabbed some cheap monitors for the company. They had 17″ Dell Trinitons (Sony Rebadged) for $50 each. Of course they were used, but who needs new monitors @ the company anyway. They’re $59.99 on the website, but they’re holding a sale this week for only $49.99. nice!

GUESS WHAT!?!?! I get to drive again. I’m on probation tho. Have to drive my mom’s Ford Aerostar till sunday and if I’m good, I get my Civic back! w00h00!

anyway, g’nite ^_^zzz

New Computer

wow, it’s been a whole week since i’ve updated my site. sorry about that folks. cyberwings is a process of moving to a new server and I was too lazy to update the dns name servers to have it forward to my OCF account.

well, a lot has happened this week, too much even for me to remember. hehe.

I’ll start off with my new computer. Not totally new, but new motherboard and hd:

The reason for this upgrade was because i was experiencing frequent freezes/crashes on my system. And NO, I was not using Win9x. In fact I was using WinXP which has ALWAYS been stable till I installed a raid controller card and even a COMPLETE format didnt fix it. And YES, the RAID controller has already been removed. hehe, i think i’m beginning to sound like a certain someone i’ve very familiar with.

Here’s a picture of my old mb + cpu fan. (notice the excess thermal paste i used. i was uneducated about thermal paste back then. always thought the more the better. hehe)

Welp, i sorta ran into a roadblock during this upgrade. Realized I didn’t have DDR-RAM and the new motherboard only supported DDR in contrast with my old ECS motherboard which still had SD-RAM compatibility. Guess more RAM for my server @ home. hehe. Oh well, i was forced (yes, my computer is my life and i feel as i’m dead with it not on) to pay summer ram prices ($49 shipped for Crucial Technology 256MB PC2100 DDR-RAM). Best Buy just had a sale this weekend which I got in on (PNY 256MB PC2100 DDR-RAM for $50 – $20MIR)

here’s some pictures during the upgrade:
pic1 | pic2 | pic3 | pic4 | pic5 | pic6

next thing i’d like to talk about is networks. u know, how ethernet cables have 8 wires. well 4 of them are useless. I found that out from animebons who i was helping creating some network jacks for the company i work @.

There’s only 4 wires that are being used, 2 for transmitting (wire 1&2), 2 for receiving (wire 3&6). So inside a hub, switch, or a jack, only 4 wires are being used. So I saw how 1 jack miracuously became 2! by using wire 4,5,7,8 and converting them to wire 1,2,3,6, we were able to run 2 network jacks to the server which used to be one before. The link below shows you exactly what i’m talking about.

Linksys’ FAQ

last but not least, some couple updates within the site. as i noted in my dreambook, dreambooks are now part of my site through the magic of php. nifty trick eh?

i also learnt how to use javascript to pop up those windows for pictures. enjoy ^_^x.