Media Immersion Pods

In Tokyo, the New Trend Is ‘Media Immersion Pods’ (from /.) – a very interesting article. Here’s some quotes I’ve taken out of it:

In Tokyo, though, the antidote to urban overload is more of the same. In the world’s most media-saturated city, people take a break by checking themselves into media immersion pods: warrens cluttered with computers, TV’s, video games and every other entertainment of the electronic age.

“In both the anonymity and role-playing games on offer at the Gran Cyber Café, you don’t have to exist in tight social norms,” Mr. Isshow told me. “Your identity can be in flux. You go to these places not to present yourself, but to lose yourself. Lose your name, your position, your pride.”

Mr. Isshow spoke through a translator, but here he introduced some English: “No-face-man, no-ID-man, no-pride-man.”

What they do there is up to them. Some people channel-surf. Others trade stocks. You can download music, read novels, watch pornography, play video games, have sex, go to sleep.

According to Mr. Isshow, Japan’s “petit iede,” or little runaways, come for downtime, free lattes and smoothies, and, at some branches, showers. They use the places as trial separations from home — staying a few hours, overnight or a few days, long enough to scare their parents. (A “night pack” allows use of the pod from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m. for about $10; some places sell toothbrushes and underwear too.) Periodically the management will remind a customer that the cafe is not a hotel, but above all Bagus respects people’s privacy.

I loved 16-A the instant I saw it. I closed the door, slipped into a low-slung leatherette seat and surveyed the all-you-can-eat tech feast, which includes VHS and DVD players, satellite and regular television on a Toshiba set, PlayStation 2, Lineage II and a Compaq computer loaded with software, all the relevant downloads and hyperspeedy Internet. In the nearby library were thousands of comic books, magazines and novels. On the desk was a menu of oddball snacks, like boiled egg curry and hot sandwich tuna.

Shizu was catching up on manga. One was “The Monetary System of Osaka,” a left-wing chronicle of graft and usury among the suits of Japan’s second city. Another was “Inu,” or “Dog,” by Haruko Kashiwagi. It’s considered clever, fairly high-toned and mainstream, which is surprising because, in part, it’s about a woman who has sex with her dog.

The extensive manga library also includes pornography for every taste. But sex at the Gran Cyber Café is not just in the fiction. All around me, couples were making out. Some were watching sex videos. They seemed blasé. Still, in the cubicles that seat two, the walls are a little lower, and the seats don’t have a massage option. Meanwhile other customers have taken a more professional approach. The Japanese Web site published an article about a freelance prostitute — a “delivery health” girl — who moved into a Gran Cyber Café after her workplace was raided.

Quite an interesting jump from Internet Cafes. Seems like you can get your own private room or be outside in a cubicle which you can see what others are doing. Must be like a massive library with tons of DVDs, magazines, comics, music, etc. What’s interesting is that you can actually stay overnight for a price of ~$10 (I’m assuming American money). That’s even cheaper than hostels and you even get an internet connection.

What I didn’t get was the tea ceremonies/festivals was similar to this. I mean it sort of made sense with the social status analogy, but are there really still social status in a country like Japan. I mean it’s not like you’ll be intermingling with royalties in these cyber cafes, which is another point that seemed to have left out. In tea ceremonies/festivals, there’s a lot of socializing, but in these cyber cafes, you’re really trying to escape reality and escape into your own fantasy.

Random Crap:

Calif. judge suspends state graduation examA California judge issued a preliminary injunction on Friday suspending the state’s high school exit exam, clearing the way for tens of thousands of students who have not passed the test to graduate. I remember I was the last year that didn’t have to take this exit exam. Or did I? I don’t remember. I was either the 1st year to take it or the last year to not have to take it. However, I don’t think such a test should prevent you from graduation, just like I never really believed in the SATs nor GPAs. However, I also feel that companies and colleges should be allowed to ask for your score and you always have the option of not disclosing them.

E3 Videos

I was going through IGN’s E3 Video Central and here’s the list that I thought were neat:

Interesting Videos:

[The following requires a subscription to IGN Insider which 8Mbps Comcast subscribers get for free: Comcast Game Invasion]

HD Videos:

Do note these are huge files, and along with some other videos for IGN’s E3 coverage, I’m at 6.5GB already. They do have fast servers, I max out my connection with 2 simultaneous downloads @ ~850KB/s. However at work, I was getting > 3MB/s (yes, that’s 3 megabytes, mean 1 min = 180 megs).

Last but not least, you can check out Halo 3’s E3 Announcement video in HD resolution (from MS Newsgroup). The one on E3 was of lower inferior quality.

Real Life Nintendo Games

Mario “Live” (from Deadlock) – Golden Goose – A yearly talent show held at Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts. This video is a “live” performance of a level from the game, Super Mario Brothers. Pretty nice skit of Super Mario Bros. Reminds me of the trick the Ping Pong Matrix used (people dressed in all black to hide in the background). Apparently another group imitated this: Camp Harlam Matrix Ping Pong. They also had another cool video listed: Smooth Criminal.

Mike Tysons Punch out in real life (from Eddo) – a real live version of the classic Punch Out. The cool thing about this one is that they have a real live orchestra/band (5 or 6 people playing the background music).

Real Life Super Mario Bros.

Deadlock tells me:

hey for your: link, I was reading that there were girls responsible for putting up the mario items, and they go into some trouble because bomb squads came in to see what those boxes where. Because what would you think about big “?” mark boxes in your neighborhood if you’ve never even played a video game. LOL

It happened around april 1st so maypeople played that news story off like a prank, but it turns out it actuall was real and the girls have to do some community service because of it. Too bad, though, its like making our world more fun to be in, and the get punished

After searching, I found the article: Girls attempt real-life version of video gameFive teenage girls from Portage County face potential criminal charges after attempting to play a real-life version of Super Mario Bros. The Portage County Hazardous Materials Unit and Bomb Detection Unit were called in to downtown Ravenna on Friday morning after seventeen suspicious packages — boxes wrapped in gold wrapping paper with question marks spray painted on them — had alarmed residents. This occured on or near April 1st, so many took it as a April fools prank, but this in fact has happened.

poster child mario question blocks! (from Deadlock) – apparently this was they page where the 5 girls got the idea of sprinkling question mark blocks around the city. This site has more pictures and links of what happend. The girls don’t look like they’ll be charged. Deadlock tells me they’ve gotten community service, but I can’t seem to find where it says that in any of the articles listed on that page. The page also gives you directions of how to create your own Question Blocks. You’re suppose to even put in goodies like mushrooms or flowers or coins in them! How totally cool is that!

super mario question blocks in harvard square

Friday Night

Happy Birthday StanMan!

Today was StanMan’s birthday, so a bunch of us (Joe, ChemChampion, Saran, and I) celebrated his bday dinner at Todai. The sushi there is usual Todai quality, but it was a buffet and my stomach hurt after I finished. Though I’ve finally had crème brûlée. Not sure if it’s authentic, but it was pretty good. I’ve heard so much of Cari’s crème brûlée, but don’t think I’ve ever got to try it.

We came back to my place to play Settlers. Game was close. I was actually leading, but not having a good source of wheat or ore really doesn’t help the end game. Perry and Joe came from behind and took the lead. Joe stole my longest road and I ended up 3rd or 4th place with 6pts.

We then spent some time watching random clips on my computer (the selected few I keep after I show it to you guys). It was a fun night.

April Fools!

This has to be the coolest April Fools joke yet:

grow your own 1up mushroom
Grow Your Own 1up Mushroom Kit (from /.) – Deep in the basement of an ancient house in Sonobe (tucked in the fields of Kyoto, Japan), an amazing discovery has been made: real 1up Mushrooms. We know this sounds unbelievable, and we laughed when we were contacted by an exporter about them two months ago. But then we were sent a sample, and that’s when our lives changed forever. At first I was skeptical, especially with the eyes. Then the description made it believable. I actually clicked on Add to Cart and BAM, it hit me, today (or tomorrow when I read it) was April Fools. But being able to grow 1up mushrooms from Super Mario Bros. would be so damn neat! The eyes should’ve really given it away. ThinkGeek has some more April Fools joke on their homepage.

Another good April Fools joke was posted on Ars Technica: Duke Nukem Forever. It claims the game has finally been released and everything was going fine, until it stated it was supported on every system using Ajax and you had to play the game through a browser.

If you think you’ve seen a cool April Fool’s joke/prank, please share it!

The Elder Scrolls – Oblivion

Once again, my blog posts will be dwindling. Started a new game: The Elder Scrolls – Oblivion. Been hearing many good things about it and how people are actually going to get an Xbox360 just to play it. Too bad I probably won’t get an Xbox360 for another few months (when supply becomes aplenty).

Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion Collector’s Edition (DVD-ROM)
Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (DVD-ROM)
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Collector’s Edition (Xbox 360)
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Xbox 360)
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Official Game Guide)

At first I was hitting into many issues.

The first thing I noticed is that when I exit the game, I have a gazillion ffdshow audio codecs loaded on my task tray. After searching online for links between Oblivion and ffdshow, it turns out many people are experiencing this also and supposedly it loads 1 instance of the codec for every audio file it plays (so when a character speaks, you’ll get an extra codec loaded). So after an hour or so, you’d see about 20+ of them in your system tray. Many have recommended that you uninstall ffdshow to gain performance, but as a major movie and anime watcher, that was something I would rather give up playing a game on than uninstalling. So I thought, what about if I just unregister the codec when I play and register it back when I exit out of the game. Turns out that worked.

For most people who are running as an Administrator, all you need is to execute the following lines.
To unregister: regsvr32 /u “C:\Program Files\ffdshow\
To re-register: regsvr32 /i “C:\Program Files\ffdshow\

For those who are smart and run as a non-admin local user, execute the following lines.
To unregister: runas.exe /u:Administrator “regsvr32 /u \”C:\Program Files\ffdshow\\””
To re-register: runas.exe /u:Administrator “regsvr32 /i \”C:\Program Files\ffdshow\\””

You may need to change the italicized path to whever you installed ffdshow.

There is actually a better way to get around this problem as provided by Ferital in my comments area:

There is a far better way than unregistering ffdshow everytime you want to play Oblivion:

  1. Click Start
  2. Click “All Programs” (or just Programs, depending on the version of Windows, whether they’re using “classic,” etc)
  3. Go to the ffdshow folder
  4. Click “Audio decoder configuration”
  5. In the left hand pane, click “Info & debug” (This is the second entry in the list)
  6. In the right hand pane, near the bottom [right], find a check box labeled “Don’t use ffdshow in:”
  7. Check that box, and in the text box underneath (it lights up when you check the check box), add “oblivion.exe” (don’t include the quotes). If there is already something in that box, put a semi-colon ( ; ) after what’s already there, and oblivion.exe after that. Do NOT use spaces, since ffdshow will think that’s part of the filename. A valid entry would be “explorer.exe;oblivion.exe” (without quotes).
  8. Finally, click “Ok” and start Oblivion.

So that solved my ffdshow audio codec case. I thought everything was fine and dandy until I exited the dungeon (I know, spoiler spoiler, deal with it). Then everything went down hill from that point. Do note I had already lowered the quality settings because I was hitting lag issues. I was running at 848×480 and with almost everthing turned off. But images started to get garbled and there was a like a 2 second delay between me moving the mouse or hitting a key and my character actually moving. After even lowering to 720×480 and disabling any graphic enhancement I can find, the problem was still as apparent. I mean my system specs aren’t that bad:

  • AMD Athlon Sempron 2800+
  • Kingston 1GB DDR400 RAM
  • ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB

I know that isn’t the best in the world, but I’m only 1-2 generations behind. Anyway, I was actually contemplating on getting a new system to play this game. Then I thought, I might as well just get the game when I got my Xbox360. Then I thought, I might as well give up for now since it was pretty unbearable to keep playing.

Suddenly I got a really bright idea of updating my graphics drivers. You never know about these things. I didn’t have any problems playing Fable, but who knows. I was currently running ATI Catalyst 5.8 and the newest drivers available at was Catalyst 6.3. Did the install and rebooted. Guess what! I can run at 1280×720 (what I ran Fable at) with NO PROBLEMS! Even enabled anti-aliasing, turned back on all the goodies and I’m pretty much happy with the speed and frames per second.

So what is this game? I don’t really know yet. I haven’t bothered reading much reviews or anything. All I know is there’s a lot of eye candy and it’s a very open ended game. You start off locked in a dungeon and you witness the emperor’s death. Right before his death, the emperor gives you a mission to bring an amulet to someone who knows where the next heir to the throne is. And pretty much from that point on, I’ve been trying to reach there but have been getting sidetracked over and over again, completing several quests already.

One thing better than fable, is in this game, there’s quick save, so I don’t have to find a stupid save spot before saving. So yah… expect my blog post count to dwindle while I play this game.

Second Lego Championship – TV Champion 2005

Aircraft carrier entirely made of Lego (from Esca) – It’s amazing how detailed it is. Anyway, I pasted this link around to some friends and then was told of this Lego Championship. After watching a short video clip and looking at pictures, I was in utter amazement.

You can watch a 10 minute clip of the Second Lego Championship – TV Champion 2005 at YouTube. The entire episode will be posted later in this entry. The championship was held in Denmark (where Lego’s originate from).

You can view images of the contenders at Let’s LEGO. Just scroll to the bottom, and below Final – Jack-in-a-box! Surprising LEGO contest, you can find the four contenders:

Friendship between Denmark and Japan
Let’s go to the Earth Park!
Viking Train
Future City

My favorite was the Let’s go to the Earth Park! as was everyone else. Haha. I hope that didn’t spoil it for you. The mushroom houses were awesome and the animals were just too cute! That never ending escalator was also a really neat addition.

More images can be found at TV-Tokyo.

You can download the entire TV episode from D-Addicts: torrent available. It’s 600 megs. I’ve compressed it down to 100 megs which you can download off rapidshare. The episode itself is over an hour long (without commercials I believe).

I’ve uploaded the video onto my Gallery, so enjoy! Second Lego Championship – TV Champion 2005 (if watching in a browser, may take some time to start)
