Back in LA

welp, this is my first nite back. weather down in the south isn’t any better than the weather up north. was pouring on my drive back (yes that means i once again get to drive! w00h00!). lydia and liam were nice enough to drive me to the BART station, so i was able to avoid the rain (10min walk from my apartment to the BART station), i would’ve been soaked even with my umbrella. it was pouring like crazy. while lining up to check in my luggage @ SouthWest, i bumped into kenny (from keppel). on the plane, i sat directly across from krazieyellw. we chatted for awhile and i found out she was in ChemE. she told me martin was going to return tomorrow morning. haven’t chatted with martin in such a L . . O . . N . . G time. on my way to baggage claim, i bumped into Ali (a friend of mines in EE20 and CS61B). i was like… wow!

today’s final went okay. drew tons of doodles. too bad i won’t be getting my final back (well, at least not the actual hard copy, but i’ll be getting my score, or i’d scan these pictures up for you).

in the mail today before i left the apartment, i got my free Treasure Planet PS2 (PlayStation 2) game. supposedly kelloggs was giving away 50,000 so my chance of winning was rather high. hehe.

found out while installing my 2nd external hd, that windows xp doesn’t support fat32 partitions of greater than 32GB. stupid windows. =( had to split my 40GB HD into 2 20GB HD.

thanks to crabyaple for donating this link. this guy is hilarious. his later postings get funnier! ^_^x

have you heard about the recent WWJD (What Would Jesus Drive)? thanks to mmouse311 for donating these 2 links: official site & funny interpretations. i hope you’ll find these as funny as i did. ^_^x

Tycoon of the Day has been renamed to Tycoon of the Moment as cd-mcc hasn’t been able to keep up with his postings. if that changes, i’d be more than happy to change the menu topic back. ^_^x

DJ Tiesto – Sparkles

today was a weird day. went to sleep actually early! ~3:30am-ish. was hoping to wake up for my 9:30am class, but ended up 30mins late. hehe. came home and slept some more. then i went to do my ee20 lab. today’s lab was cool in the fact this was the LAST lab (yippee) + i understood everything immediately! (usually, i get stuck somewhere along the way and ask for help).

thanks to cunndogg for donating this mp3. awesome trance song and if you want to see it perform live, check out this video (YouTube). if video linky doesn’t work, try downloading it from here Cunndogg says there’s a lotta hot chix in there so something u might wanna consider before downloading/not downloading. ^_^x

thanks to Maetel for donating this cool flash movie: linky. a must see for final fantasy fans, but as alphabons says: “Enix is regarded as the best RPG makers in the world and also squares main competition” hehe ^_^x

thanks to crabyaple for donating these pictures: (click to enlarge)

toilet computer modtoilet computer modtoilet computer modtoilet computer mod

sources are unknown, but seems like a cool project ^_^x

today, i got this weird email which i thought was really kewl. it was spam alright, but to thought of having a screenshot as part of the email was a very clever idea. too bad my site doesn’t really need to be search engined. would think about it if i made money off it.

email includes website screenshot

thanks to my special friend who i believe would rather remain anonymous for pointing out that football is known to be soccer everywhere on earth besides USA. by saying ‘catch football‘, i clearly distinguished that this was not soccer, but instead American Football. ^_^x

Fantasy vs Kiko

just got back from soda after 5 hrs of programming. yucky! =( soda was so packed tonite, it took awhile even to find an empty station. the servers were also slow because apparently some class was running autograder on SOLAR and everything just got worse. Tons of people try to finish their project before they go home for Thanksgiving. The main servers go down this afternoon for “maintenance”. then after it comes back up, they use up all the computer resources for grading projects which they could grade OVER thanksgiving and no one would care. i got a big chunk of my project done in which my machine can play against another machine. now i need to write the human player part.

*linky fixed*
thanks to Fantasy for donating this video clip. ever wanted to see a Tetris Master play? well here’s your chance! ^_^x

i had big surprise today in which crabyaple decided to join my chatroom #calnime (more info under anime link). he also brought along his roomamte ki|eternal which usually ranks among the top 10 on EVA (stanford’s counter-strike server). another thing interesting that happened on irc yesterday was how Fantasy treats his ladies. (i can’t believe he still doesn’t understand why his hime dumped him):

<+Fantasy> Kiko makes good cheese cake
<+Krunk|Bot> makes?
<+Belldandy-Sama> cheese cake…..
<+Krunk|Bot> as in bake?
<+Fantasy> yes as in bake
<+Krunk|Bot> nice
<+Krunk|Bot> good quality in future wife -_^ *wink* *wink*
<+Kiko> thanks for the promotion
<+Kiko> really don’t need that
<+Fantasy> she as in wife?
<+Krunk|Bot> oiooops
<+Fantasy> u don’t want her as wife
<+Krunk|Bot> didnt see her here
<+Kiko> yeah you don’t
<+Fantasy> you won’t want a wife that short =P
<+Fantasy> and she isn’t even cute =P
<+Krunk|Bot> uh oh….
<+Kiko> exactly
* +Krunk|Bot hides
<+Fantasy> irene is nice =x
<+Fantasy> she won’t do anything
* @Belldandy-Sama hands Kiko a knive
<+Krunk|Bot> for some reason, Kiko seems to be either really tolerant
<+Kiko> what do u want me to do with a knive
<+Fantasy> she’s my daughter =P
<+Fantasy> good daughter, listen to daddy
<+Kiko> whatever
* @Belldandy-Sama sighs
<+Fantasy> T_T bad girl
<+Kiko> i put poison in that cheesecake
<+Kiko> fant will be dead soon
<+Fantasy> o.OI
<+Krunk|Bot> i c i c
* @Fantasy dies
<+Kiko> heh
<+Fantasy> damn my own daughter killed me
* @Belldandy-Sama beats the day light out of Fantasy.
<+Krunk|Bot> i knew there’s no such girl on earth
* @Fantasy beats the day light out of karen
<+Fantasy> wait he’s using bell as his nick now
* @Fantasy beats the day light out of bell too
<+Krunk|Bot> i mean a girl that doesnt mind a guy that makes fun of her being short and uncute. a girl that knows how to bake good cakes, a girl that’s nice. wow!
<+Fantasy> ya
<+Fantasy> Kiko‘s super nice
<+Fantasy> she doesn’t mind anything
<+Fantasy> krunk go hit on her =X
<+Fantasy> i can introduce
<+Krunk|Bot> lol. it’s okay
<+Krunk|Bot> no thanks
<+Krunk|Bot> dont want her poisoning my cake now ;p
<+Kiko> no thanks dad
<+Kharizma> umm james… no one will ever want you as a daddy =P
<+Fantasy> irene is my daughter =P
<+Kharizma> umm no.
<+Kharizma> haha
<+Krunk|Bot> that’s just a sick image dude
<+Krunk|Bot> stop that
<+Belldandy-Sama> i will stop that.
* Fantasy was kicked by Belldandy-Sama (ewww…..)
Fantasy (Fantasy@Fantasy.Reshall.Berkeley.EDU) has joined. ≪28 people≫
<+Kharizma> hahaha bell
<+Krunk|Bot> good one ^_^x
* Belldandy-Sama was kicked by Fantasy (dress up as karen and we can come and tape u in soda 271)
Belldandy-Sama ( has joined. ≪28 people≫
<+Fantasy> Kiko‘s skinny
<+Fantasy> she weights like 90lbs
<+Krunk|Bot> she’s a stick !
<+Krunk|Bot> sorry if that offended u
<+Fantasy> no she’s not
<+Krunk|Bot> yes she is
<+Fantasy> she’s just freaking SHORT
* +Kiko kicks james in the head
<+Fantasy> u can’t reach my head
<+Krunk|Bot> FINALLY!
<+Fantasy> …
<+Krunk|Bot> some action
<+Belldandy-Sama> u know “try this /kick Fantasy I don’t like u”
<+Kharizma> LoL
<+Fantasy> i’ll takek the safe precausion
<+Belldandy-Sama> oh well, too late.
<+Krunk|Bot> sigh…
<+Krunk|Bot> i dont have power on this machiene
Belldandy-Sama sets mode: +o Krunk|Bot
<+Fantasy> guys chill
<+Fantasy> Kiko‘s my daughter =X
<+Belldandy-Sama> i don’t think Kiko will kick Fantasy
<+Kiko> no i’m not
<+Kharizma> i will then
<+Kharizma> haha
<+Fantasy> yes u are =P
<+Kiko> i’ll do it
* @Belldandy-Sama pass knives to everyone.
* @Kiko kicks james
<+Krunk|Bot> kick kick kic!
<+Krunk|Bot> it’s: /kick #calnime Fantasy reason
* @Kiko stabs james
* Fantasy was kicked by Kharizma (har har)
Fantasy (Fantasy@Fantasy.Reshall.Berkeley.EDU) has joined. ≪28 people≫
<+Belldandy-Sama> lol, chanserv is lagged?
<+Fantasy> damn chanserv is lagged
<+Krunk|Bot> shrug
<+Krunk|Bot> Kiko, u wanna give it a try?
<+Kiko> huh?
<+Belldandy-Sama> type: /kick #calnime Fantasy i don’t like u
<+Krunk|Bot> type: /kick #calnime Fantasy i’m not your DAUGHTER!
* Fantasy was kicked by Kiko (i don’t like u)
Fantasy (Fantasy@Fantasy.Reshall.Berkeley.EDU) has joined. ≪28 people≫
<+Krunk|Bot> hehe
<+Belldandy-Sama> can also type: /kick #calnime Fantasy pimp, die!
* Fantasy was kicked by Kiko (i’m not your DAUGHTER!)
Fantasy (Fantasy@Fantasy.Reshall.Berkeley.EDU) has joined. ≪28 people≫
<+Kharizma> LoLoL this is great
<+Krunk|Bot> lol!
esca sets mode: +v Fantasy
<+Fantasy> darn what have i daught my daughter… this is sad
<+Fantasy> i should just cancel the send
<+Krunk|Bot> this is fun
<+Fantasy> =(
<+Fantasy> since she’s being bad girl
<+Kharizma> haha
<+Belldandy-Sama> esca-bot u find those kicking useful. =)
<+Kiko> i never said that i’m a good girl
<+Kiko> can’t hold that against me
<+Belldandy-Sama> finally chanserv gives Fantasy a break.
<+Krunk|Bot> hehe
<+Fantasy> T_T
<+Krunk|Bot> that’s true fant
<+Fantasy> daddy will go to a corner and cry
<+Kiko> that’s great
<+Kiko> what a good idea

Samurai Showdown Babies

nothing much happened today. worked more on cs project. worked more on stupid linux. still giving me tons of problems tho. yucky =(

thanks to kharizma, the picture of the week have finally been updated. hope you’ll enjoy it.

if you haven’t noticed i’ve changed my icon theme again. new theme: Samurai Showdown BABIES. hehe ;p

anime page is updated with OP scenes (not songs) of some cool animes i found on someone’s server. ^_^x

only have 1 class tomorrow. lab was canceled. w00h00 for that. b00 cause i’ll probably be working on my cs project. short entry today cause i was weighing, new poll, or more anime. anime won. ^_^x

Calnime Gathering

we had our first group gathering for #calnime. it was sorta random and we had really no idea what we were going to do nor where we were going. just decided to make something happen on this sunday afternoon. mj30chan was the main planner for this event (all credit goes to her but i’ll still give fantasy the credit of bringing up such an idea, he never got anyone to agree on a date tho) well, mj30chan i guess has the power to get everyone to listen. hehe. we met up @ my apartment and just chilled there and chatted about guess what… ANIME! hehe. i’ve gotta say that i didn’t expect a couple of people to be who they turned out to be. hehe. stupid belldandy – have i told u the story of belldandy yet? if not here it goes…

belldandy was kenny’s roommate last year, a friend of mines in CS61A. i’ve always thought i knew who he was since kenny says belldandy has an ibook. and i’ve seen another guy by belldandy’s real name around the dorm area, also in CS61A and carries an ibook or some sexy laptop around with him. well, belldandy doesn’t know me. one day i noticed belldandy was in my CS61B discussion again (i’ve seen him a couple of times in my CS discussion, but i just assumed he and my TA were friends). but today i decided to confront him. i went up to him and said, “hey , why did you come to ‘s discussion?” he says, “cause i’m in his section.” i said, “i thought u took CS61B over the summer and are taking CS61C now.” he answers, “no, i didn’t, but do i know you?” i answered, “it’s me, krunk! from #calnime!” he replies, “krunk…?” at this point i was as lost as he was and said, “you’re belldandy right?” he goes, “belldandy…?” then i go, “i’m so sorry, i’ve musta mistaken you for some other person.” He goes, “oh, it’s no problem. i didn’t catch your name.” I said, “my name’s nice to meet you.”

i was so embarrassed @ this point, i think my cheeks were bright red. we parted and when i went home, apparently belldandy and my mental belldandy were 2 completely different person. belldandy does know this fake belldandy tho and says the fake belldandy is EXTREMELY SMART, which I knew. sigh… still haven’t met belldandy yet. =( anyway, here were a couple of pictures i took today: (btw, u can click them to enlarge)

calnime - esca

here’s esca (aka dwc). he won’t respond to anyone that calls him esca. administrator of OCF and currently a senior in Berkeley majoring in CS. he’s 22 and is looking for both a job and a girlfriend. email him if you find him cute or a job. he lives on … j/k ;p

calnime - killerspots, zim, mj30chan

here’s killer_spots (left) and zim (right). killer_spots is a mysterious guy and most of his personal information is currently unknown. all that’s known is he’s a sophomore @ berkeley. zim (don’t u just luv his expression) on the other hand i know is currently living with one of my high school friends, lilpebbles. also a sophomore in berkeley and planning to major in Math (apparently found CS too boring). he’s from SoCal and apparently according to killer_spots was on a blind date with some hot chicks. zim has no comment. i’ve been to lilpebbles’ place like 3x, but coincidentally have never met zim till today.

calnime - crimsonangel, killerspots

here’s crimsonangel (left) and killerspots (right). crimsonangel is a counter strike maniac who is a freshman in berkeley. fantasy claims that crismonangel uses a trackball for counterstrike and skill levelwise is about equal to him. however, i forgot to ask crimsonangel’s response to that comment. crimsonangel is also a fansub editor for kouhai-anime and chaotixubs. pretty cool huh?

calnime - zim, cunndogg, mj30chan, kharizma, fantasy

welp, here’s the biggest group pic. starting from the left, we have zim, cunndogg, mj30chan, kharizma, fantasy. cunndogg as you know is my roommate. mj30chan is if you haven’t noticed yet from my high school Mark Keppel. her brother is also a friend of mines and her little brother is also a friend of my younger brother. a first year @ berkeley and well, nothing much else is known about her. kharizma (cute as one of my friends says; didn’t get permission to name this individual, so i’m better off not posting his nick or i might be in trouble) is a 2nd year @ berkeley… i think. welp she’s from granada high school (somewhere in socal) which apparently is the same as ise (who ditched today). i’m sorry guys, she’s currently taken (but that doesn’t mean she wouldn’t like a little competition). ^_^x fantasy… lol i just remember a funny story about fantasy. the first time we met was in Soda. i go in and he calls for me. and my first response was, “Hey Fantasy.” somehow i felt like a complete idiot. sounded so inappropriate. well, he’s a freshman this year majoring in CS also. lost his hime (princess for japanese-illiterates) a couple times. gets super depressed whenever his him breaks up with him (i’m still wondering if they were ever together). he’s really really tall and let’s see, another counter strike maniac. plays on the stanford server and is ranked ~100 i believe. no one seems to like fantasy and he seems to get kicked/beat up the most in the channel. hehe. i’ve gotta apologize to mteklabs, msticazn, snakescott that i didnt get them in my pix. mteklabs and snakescott are the only 2 non-asians so far that we’ve identified. mteklabs.. not much is known about him besides he doesn’t talk much in the chatroom. snakescott hardly visits the chatroom and gets most of his anime through me & ocf. but he does live right below me. ^_^x msticazn is from gabrielino high school, very close to keppel and is a 2nd year majoring in MCB (i think). also taken. ^_^x

well, we went out to dinner ended up in some thai place on cedar and shattuck. the food was pretty good there. we had so much trouble deciding on a place to eat, ranging from Barney’s (mj30chan: no burgers please!) to Cheese Board Factory (spelling? which was closed). we originally planned to crash @ esca’s apartment and watch My Sassy Girl which DVD worship. but after dinner, everyone just decided to go home cause it’s been a long day and sunday nites = hw nites for many.

The match finally ended in Hikaru no Go 56. it was such a good match (although i have no clue about how to play go). i won’t spoil it for you guys but trust me, it was so beautiful.

thanks to ungsunghero for posting this awesome piano piece: mario

while listening to Linkin Park’s new album “Reanimation“, i heard my name: “Mr Hon”. i was surprised so i looked up the lyrics online and found it to be “Mr. Hahn”. darn, so close! ^_^x

fantasy called me down to soda late tonite and said there was this good caricature and i should take a picture of it. went down there and got this for you guys:

george bush - forget about the economy comic
George Bush – Forget About The Economy

welp, it’s obvious that ppl want links to open up new window. I’ve already implemented that already and even old pages’ links will open up new windows. enjoy ^_^x. new poll should be up tomorrow (hopefully). ^_^x btw, i noticed that after 2nd reading there were tons of typos. it’s 5:11am, don’t expect much accuracy.

Car Trouble

met a rather interesting family today in the garage, they were pushing their car outta the garage. i offered to help and they said, u can help starting by moving out of the way. i was thinking, “okay, not going to help u guys then. your lost” as i was leaving, i asked if the car was down, and they laughed, “Oh no! it’s just the car is so big and the parking lot is so tight, we didn’t want to run into the pillars or other cars. so we thought by pushing we’d get more control.” i responded with a simpled word: kewl. and the lady snapped back, “not cool!” weird encounter i must say.

Here’s a really old joke which i dug up in My Documents:

This is the transcript of the ACTUAL radio conversation of a US naval ship with Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland I OCT/95 Radio conversation released by the Chief of Naval Operations 10-10-95.

Canadians: Please divert your course 15 degrees the South to avoid a collision.
Americans: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees the North to avoid a collision.
Canadians: Negative. You will have to divert your course 15 degrees the South to avoid a collision.
Americans: This is the Captain of a US navy ship. I say again divert your course.
Canadians: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course.
Canadians: This is the light house. Your call!!!

Thanks to ungsunghero for point this out: CNN: Global goofs: U.S. youth can’t find Iraq. this article shows how dumb our society is when 11% of 18-24 yr olds can’t point out where USA is on a world map. i mean COMON! this is where u bust out your Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego skillz. that game was so fun. i remember i would skip recess everyday and play with my friend Ivan. sigh… haven’t seen Ivan for so long i dont even know where he is anymore. But play Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego was so exciting. it was actually something i looked forward to go to school for. playing in our class’ apple IIe computer. hehe.

cunndogg just told me some very interesting facts about Canada and England. Supposedly, Canada is still an British Colony and the Queen is still holds the executive power. She gets to appoint who the governor or Canada is and can dissolve the parliament at her will. i always thought she was just a symbolic icon but supposedly cunndogg says she can dissolve Britain’s parliament too. she just doesn’t use her power. and to think i always thought the prime minister had the most power. another interesting fact is u know how Canadians talk by adding and -ay to end of their sentence. (ie. What’s up-ay? How’s it going-ay? You the man-ay) so when deciding their name for their country or colony, the picked up random letters from a hat and the guy reading off the letters said: C-ay, N-ay, D-ay and there you have today’s spelling of Canada. hehe ^_^x

here’s something i learned i found very funny. in programming we often use the variable foo and i thought it was just a random word made up from nowhere. but apparently there’s some history behind it. the word foo was said to be extracted from fubar (foo-bar) which stands for ‘f*cked up beyond all recognition’. i find this fact very amusing. hehe. ^_^x

Postcard Freebies

guess what today is!?!?!

damion droped by today outta the blue. well, not totally outta the blue, but i wasn’t expecting, well, more like i forgot i should be expecting him. hehe. ben called a bit later and he drove us to safeway for grocery shopping. damion actually requested my help on building his new computer last week, but it just sorta slipped my mind or maybe i was expecting him to IM me. hehe. anyway, his computer is up and running now. stupid WD hds gave us some trouble. who puts MASTER & SINGLE DRIVE on 2 separate jumper settings. stupid Western Digital. =( took like 15mins to figure out the stupid problem. then we went to Mel’s for dinner. good milkshakes they have there, but barney’s oreo milkshake is still the best imho.

well, want freebies? like my george foreman grill? welp, as long as you’re a california resident, you’re capable of receiving the following items for FREE:

  • Austin Powers – Goldmember DVD
  • $100 Gas Vouchers
  • $50 US Saving Bonds
  • Digital Pen Camera
  • George Foreman Grill
  • Cuisinart Mini Food Chopper
  • JWin Personal CD Player
  • Web Camera
  • Touchscreen Digital Organizer
  • Electronic Organizer
  • Credit Report

All you have to do is mail out a postcard which i found out you can obtain for FREE! Liam said that the postcards were free @ Tower Records, but @ Mel’s we found a whole bunch of free postcards there too! carii says IKEA has them too! wow! had no idea free postcards were everywhere, i was even about to pay $.20 for each if i couldn’t find any. index cards worked for awhile, but several got shot back because apparently the size of a postcard must exceed 5.5″. anyway, for more detailed instructions on what to do, check out these 2 threads on FatWallet: thread1 & thread2

oh yeah, for those that don’t know, my guestbook creates a new page every time it hits 20 posts. no, your post did not disappear (unless you’re the guy that clicked submit like 60x) and you can chk the previous posts by clicking the selection menu on the upper right hand corner of the guest book page.

quote of the moment (from Fantasy):

i regret… that life isn’t like an RPG where u kick ur reset and load from save to solve all your mess ups

so true, yet life would be so perfect it’d be boring.

Bicycle Stunt

what do you think about getting to the LAX airport from Monterey Park in 15 minutes? fast huh? too bad that wasn’t me. hehe. took me 30mins to get there and thank god there wasn’t much traffic. my dad hasn’t been busting my chops on my driving skills anymore. i wonder why…

well, i met an interesting guy @ the airport. i was using my laptop with my wireless nic stuck in (obviously the wireless nic wasn’t doing anything since there’s no Access Points @ the airport, but i noticed that if i kept it in, it’ll stop it from auto-shutting down). well, he asked if i had any connection in here and i told him my story. he says cool and somehow i told him he i was going to berkeley and he told me he graduated majoring in CS. i asked if he was a berkeley graduate but he said no, and replied that he actually graduated from the University of India. he asked if BSD was still around and i said yep. then we went our own ways. ^_^x

I’ve seen many donation buttons lately and cunndogg actually showed me an article of a woman paying back her $20,000 of debt just by asking for donations. here’s the article on CNN. well, for anyone that has the money to support a poor college student, i’d be more than happy to accept it. -_^x

while i was going off to cs discussion today. there were this biker. guess he was either late or trying a new stunt. he jumped off the stairs with his bike and when he landed, he slipped off his seat and fell smack on the metal bar between his legs. @ this pt, i was cringing also. OUCH! i’d like to show you ungsunghero’s response when he heard this:

ungsunghero: damn you
ungsunghero: i just spit water all over my monitor

thanks to KiwiKYd for donating this link. Are u a DDR maniac? if so, then you’ll luv this game. ^_^x

Disgusting Toilet

Our toilet has been clogged this weekend. very yucky. i’d take a picture of it, but it’s pretty disgusting. thank god it flushes now. need to get our maintenance guy to check up on it tomorrow. but then there’s always soda next door (where i’ve been going to when natured called today) hehe.

today was rather boring. hw more hw, project, anime (well, i needed breaks), oooh matrix was on FOX today. watched that too! i got Unreal Tournament 2003 today (well, yesterday, but installed it today). UT2K3 was released yesterday, and it has once again proven I have 3d motion sickness. played it for half an hour and head started to get dizzy again, and didn’t stop hurting till an hr later. yuck. but the engine and graphics have gotten a lot better i’ve got to say. played the demo earlier too, but there weren’t many options on the demo itself. went to gypsies on south side for dinner and cunndogg and i splitted a cal-zone.

well, the pic of the week has finally been updated. was stuck between fishies or sheep, decided to go with the sheep. ^_^x as the month comes to a closing, i once again like to thank all the people who actually come visit my site, although not much more than a college guy rambling about his life. hehe ^_^x

SES – Korean Band

today was one of the more exciting days of the week. went this morning to samgoody in hayward to check out a deal on minidisc players. cunndogg grabbed a MRZ500 that was on clearance for $128 total. then i met up with cari, decat, mechy, and will. ohfuee couldn’t get outta bed to come with us. =( hehe. anyway, we went into Oakland Chinatown and ate @ the dim sum place somewhere. lol, this marks my 2nd time eating dim sum with friends. usually i have them with my parents. it’s also the first time i’ve ridden BART after i got back to berkeley. wow, so many first attempts today. we then went to decathanerd’s apartment and got some Soul Caliber 2, DOA2, and Power Stone 2 action. but the truly surprising event of the day was when ohfuee told me that my long lost elementary friend was coming up to visit. pokerbob, who i haven’t met since 3rd grade. well actually we did meet during 6th grade during math field day and we were competing against each other. lol. we were like best buddies before. pokerbob, slicktran, and i could be said to be today’s sueon, crabyaple, and me. we went to la loma to and shot pool for 2 hours. really nice.

today, when talking to PuchikoChan today, we brought up one of my favorite Korean bands: SES. my favorite 3 songs are: Dreams Come True, Oh My Love, and I’m Your Girl. i haven’t listened to their songs in years, but i found the cd i burnt the songs on and have been listening to their albums for the past few hours. PuchikoChan also sent me a really cute picture of the girls here. i also uploaded a short clip which i really liked here (36megs). enjoy ^_^x

check out what princeton review says cal is known as #2 for: link – thanks to panzer

oh yeah, mechy reminded me it was mid-autumn festival today, so i’d like to wish everyone a happy mid-autumn festival and don’t get too stuffed on mooncakes, they’re really fattening. BUT THEY’RE SO GOOD! I especially liked the pure lotus seed ones with no egg yolk. i hate egg yolk in my moon cakes. they cost $5 more for the egg yolk and taste nasty. anyway, here’s a card for you guys – thanks to lsyimle.