
I honestly didn’t think the movie was a bad as what everyone was saying. Then again, I didn’t come into this movie expecting much. They’re were right to criticize this movie as more of a boxing movie than military drama. One thing I didn’t get was the trailer was totally misleading. I’ll explain more in the spoilers.

Official Site
IMDb: 3.1/10 (1,530 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: C- / Yahoo! Users: B-
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating 11% / Average Rating: 4/10
Apple Trailer DVD Soundtrack

annapolis poster

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Some memorable quotes:

Help is like sex. Take it from whoever and whenever you can get it. – Estrada

Nance – ‘Cause, Jake, you’re my Mississippi.
Jake – I’m your what?
Nance – People who live in Arkansas, you know what their favorite state is?
Jake – No.
Nance – Mississippi. ‘Cause Mississippi’s the only thing that keeps Arkansas from being the worst state in the whole country.
Jake – I’m Mississippi.
Nance – Well, you sure as hell ain’t California. Listen, Cole and Whitaker are so busy trying to run you out, they forgot about me. As a matter of fact, they’ve forgotten about every other plebe in this whole company. That’s why I stay in this room, Jake. ‘Cause if Mississippi quits, then all of a sudden Arkansas is the worst state in the whole country.

Failure To Launch

Was a rather boring movie, but talked about guys who live at home with parents, so I watched that based on that fact.

Official Site
IMDb: 5.5/10 (3,085 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: C / Yahoo! Users: B-
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating: 27% / Average Rating: 4.8/10
Apple Trailer DVD

failure to launch poster

Spoilers: (Show)

So is Champagne Thursday a common thing? Because I wasn’t able to find it online. Or was it something invented for this movie: It’s Champagne Thursday! But today is Friday! Well, Thursday came twice this week.


Saw this movie a few days ago. Well, not even really seeing, since I jumped around when it started to get boring. Movie was short and silly, provided just enough entertainment that I didn’t just go and turn it off.

Official Site
IMDb: 4.5/10 (1,106 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: C- / Yahoo! Users: C+
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating: 14% / Average Rating: 3.7/10
Apple Trailer DVD

rebound poster

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Schultze Gets the Blues

So finally got a chance to hang out with CDMCC and Elizabeth last night. It’s been a long time and we’ve both been busy with work. I was looking at the traffic, trying to decide a good time to leave, but the part before the bridge was still back at 8pm and decided I have to go now. Turns out that there was a police office near the beginning of the bridge checking out people who are driving in the carpool lane. I hate those who violate the carpool lane w/ a passion, but sticking a cop there and slowing down overall traffic is just not right. Immediately after the police officer, traffic sped up.

After dinner at TOI (pronounced Toy and not Twa according to the waitress), we rented a couple movies from Blockbuster and decided to watch Schultze Gets the Blues. The movie was beautifully shot, but that’s pretty much all it had going for it. I didn’t really see a point to the movie and it had a somewhat abrupt ending.

Official Site
IMDb: 7.1/10 (1,079 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: n/a / Yahoo! Users: C
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating: 73% / Average Rating: 6.9/10
Apple Trailer DVD

Spoilers: (Show)

I’m not too sure what to make of this movie. The cinematography was amazing. As CDMCC said, this would have be a very beautiful powerpoint slide show.

Remember ALWAYS to format your Hard Drive

Police investigate angry eBayer’s revenge siteThe buyer recovered the hard drive from the malfunctioning notebook, finding it full of personal details, allegedly including access to email accounts, 90 voyeuristic leg shots taken on the London Underground and gay porn. He posted the material on a website, naming and shaming Barnet 19-year-old Amir Tofangsazan as the seller. Honestly, this is a scammer and he deserves no pity. Apparently if you look at his feedback, he’s done more than a few scams.

Decathanerd said he felt sorry for the scammer, but I brought up an awesome Batman Begins quote: Justice. Crime cannot be tolerated. Criminals thrive on the indulgence of society’s understanding.

Unfortunately the sequel won’t be out till 2008 because Warner Bros. decided to release Superman Returns in 2006 and Wonder Woman in 2007. As you may have guessed, the sequel to Superman Returns is planned to be released in 2009 and sequel to Wonder Woman is planned to be released in 2010.

Random Crap:

I’ve accumulated quite a lot of random crap over the past week. Might take awhile to disperse it, so be patient.

Today’s Japanese word is: 噂 (uwasa) – rumour; rumor; report; gossip; common talk;

Someone posted a comment on my blog with a link to a hentai version of LeekSpin. I’m not going to post the link here, but you can view the big boobed version by following the link in the comments area. Do be warn that it’s ** NOT WORK SAFE **

Feds seize church’s fake $1M billsBut ministry founder Darrel Rundus said he doesn’t understand how he can be accused of counterfeiting a bill that does not exist. The highest denomination of U.S. currency is the $100,000 bill. According to Wikipedia:

Today, the currency of the United States, the U.S. dollar, is printed in bills in denominations of $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100.

At one time, however, it also included five larger denominations. Shown here is a $100,000 Gold certificate from 1934. High-denomination currency was prevalent from the very beginning of U.S. Government issue (1861). $500, $1,000, and $5,000 interest bearing notes were issued in 1861, and $10,000 gold certificates arrived in 1865. There are many different designs and types of high-denomination notes.

Hell shines in its apocalyptic moment in the sunThe road to Hell was crowded with the curious on Tuesday — as well as devils-in-disguise, hearse enthusiasts, Christian protesters and merchants trying to cash in on the apocalypse.

Vietnam officials faulted for not singing karaokeTien Phong (Pioneer) newspaper reported on Wednesday that state oil monopoly Petrovietnam’s financial arm PVFC ordered 21 officials to make “self-criticism” reports for not singing karaoke at a contract-signing ceremony near Hanoi on Saturday. In other words, if you’re ever planning to work in Vietnam, be prepare to Karaoke or face the possibility of being fired.

Moms-to-be delay births on June 6, 2006In New York, “people are canceling left and right because of what today represents,” said Liza Washington, an administrative assistant at Children’s Hospital of the New York-Presbyterian Medical Center. More than a dozen deliveries were postponed because of 666, which is said to be the “Number of the Beast” in the Book of Revelation.

Bash Quote (from Tera):

<myliw0rk> There is more money being spent on breast implants and Viagra than on Alzheimer’s research.
<myliw0rk> This means that by 2020, there should be a large elderly population with perky boobs and huge erections and absolutely no recollection of what to do with them.

iRobot Scooba Exposed: What’s Inside This Robotic Maid (from /.) – Articles like these are always interesting when the disassemble a gadget and tell you exactly what’s inside.

Barbie doll unlikely to grill steak: Canada courtMattel Inc. relies on Barbie dolls for about a third of its global sales, with the average young Canadian girl receiving two a year. Wow! That means for every Canadian girl that DOESN’T get a barbie doll, another Canadian girl gets 4 barbie dolls per year. That’s one every season!

Isn’t it supposed to be harder than this?A helicopter landed in the middle of the high security Athens Korydallos prison, picked up two prisoners and flew away in a Hollywood-style escape that has left Greek police stunned. Just amazing!

Lioness in zoo kills man who invoked GodA man shouting that God would keep him safe was mauled to death by a lioness in Kiev zoo after he crept into the animal’s enclosure, a zoo official said on Monday. Irony?

It’s “Mandy” vs the hotrodsSick and tired of souped-up cars with loud engines and pulsing music? Barry Manilow may be the answer.

The Ultimate DDR Deck (from /.) – How to build your own DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) dance deck. Seems way too much work to put it, but for those who like building things, this would be an awesome project.

witch hunter robin cosplay
Awesome Witch Hunter Robin Cosplay (from 4chan)
Girl’s pretty cute too.

witch hunter robinwitch hunter robin
What Robin looks like normally from Witch Hunter Robin. She always wears glasses sometimes because apparently she’s near-sighted.

Rewatching Batman Begins

So this is probably my 4th time rewatching Batman Begins and this time I’ve noticed some extra stuff I’d like to share.

First thing was when Ra’s Al Ghul said: Tomorrow the world will watch in horror, as its greatest city destroys itself. That really confused me when he said ‘greatest‘. If this city was the greatest, why was there a need to destroy it. The words seem conflicting at the moment, but after looking up Gotham City on Wikipedia, I found out that Gotham City was actually modeled after New York City and things start to make sense. Although New York City is great, being the financial back bone of the country, containing tons of sky scrapers, and having a diverse culture, it’s also riddled with crime and corruption, and probably one of the worse in the country. I guess as a civilization reaches its peak, it’s downfall is inevitable. One remarkable similarity you’ll remember is the dirty subways which quite resembles the New York subways.

Some interesting information:

The name Gotham is an old nickname of New York, popularized by author Washington Irving.

In terms of how Gotham City’s atmosphere is usually depicted, it has been said by some that, metaphorically, Metropolis (home to Superman) is “New York during the day”, and Gotham is “New York at night”.

Then there was the ninja (bat) stars. Apparently there’s 2 kinds that Batman uses.

the regular:
batman begins - ninja bat stars

and the foldable ones:
batman begins - ninja bat stars - foldablebatman begins - ninja bat stars - foldablebatman begins - ninja bat stars - foldablebatman begins - ninja bat stars - foldable

Also, did you notice what was inside the crate that Finch (Rachael’s Boss) was investigating? At first I thought it was just Falcone’s drugs, but I noticed something else during one of my recent rewatches:
batman begins - finch investigating falcone's cratebatman begins - finch investigating falcone's cratebatman begins - finch investigating falcone's cratebatman begins - finch investigating falcone's crate

Apparently, inside that crate you’ll noticed the Wayne Enterprise banner and apparently it’s the Microwave Emitter (which makes sense).g

One thing I never really got was how they really stopped the train from reaching the main hub. Let’s set aside the fact and take it on faith that somehow the microwave emitter is unable to boil human blood, while able to vaporize water in tubes 50ft away. If you remember as the train was moving above Gotham City, man-hole covers would pop up and steam would stream up behind the train as the train moves over it. I’m assuming there’s at least 50ft between the train above the ground and the water pipes below the surface. However, by the time the train rails were shot down by Gordon, there were only 2-3 blocks left before the train reached the end of it’s railway and into Wayne Tower. However the train continued to fly forward as it crashes down and into the undrground parking lot (bringing it even closer to the water hub underneath the ground), you’d think that Ra’s Al Ghul would’ve succeeded in blowing the hub. The microwave emitter didn’t blow till the train skidded along the underground parking lot for awhile. I just thought that was a bit weird…

I’ll end this post one with one of the cooler non-verbal scenes where Batman apparently uses 2 ninja bat stars to form a claw as he holds down Ra’s Al Ghul:
batman begins - ninja bat star claws

What didn’t make sense in this scene was after he told Ra’s Al Ghul he wasn’t going to kill him, he threw the ninja bat stars and broke a window for no apparent reason. He could’ve as easily dropped the stars to grab the bomb to snap the train in half, but I guess visually breaking that window would be more cool.

Death Note

So I mentioned I finished reading the manga a few days ago. The ending was good and throughout the storyline, it was fun following their deductions and investigative skills.

As I mentioned before:

The premise of the story is every Death God (死神 – shinigami) has a notebook. In traditional stories (at least in Chinese folk tales), this is a notebook of the list of all living people, when they’ll die, and how they’ll die. The twist in this story is that this notebook is in fact blank, and Death Gods can write who’s ever name they want and how they die. Somehow a boy named Raito (ライと – Light), a teenage geinus, gets ahold of one of these notebooks and learns about its mysterious power. Raito uses the notebook for justice, killing off criminals. However, these unexpected deaths have raised suspicion in the police and investigation agencies around the world. A world class detective named L (also a teenager like Raito) tries to locate the person everyone on the internet has been calling Kira (キラ) and now it’s the battle between 2 geniuses. Click on show spoilers to find out more.

Spoilers: (Show)

Also, the trailer for the movie appears to be subbed: Death Note Movie Trailer (English Subtitles) (from BB)

Lucky Number Slevin

Watched this movie today. It was a interesting, but the twist at the ending was easily seen half way through the movie, though the rabbit hole went much deeper than I had originally imagined.

Official Site
IMDb: 7.5/10 (8,074 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: C+ / Yahoo! Users: B
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating: 50% / Average Rating: 5.9/10
Apple Trailer DVD

lucky number slevin posterlucky number slevin poster

Spoilers: (Show)

In the beginning of the movie, when Good Cat was telling the story, he was Charlie Chaplin coming in 3rd in a Charlie Chaplin look-a-like contest was a story. I’ve heard this many times and decided to verify if it’s true. According to Snopes, it apparently is true: Legend has it that Chaplin himself once entered — and lost — one of these competitions. It is usually said the contest was held in Monte Carlo or Switzerland, and that he came in second or third.

Death Note Movie

So I’ve been following a manga some time back in college called Death Note (デスノーと). Scanlations had started and stopped and many new groups have taken over the project. I stopped reading after W,tF stopped scanlating and haven’t bothered finding the new group who took over. Death Note was drawn by the same artist who did Hikaru no Go ヒカルの碁.

The premise of the story is every Death God (死神 – shinigami) has a notebook. In traditional stories (at least in Chinese folk tales), this is a notebook of the list of all living people, when they’ll die, and how they’ll die. The twist in this story is that this notebook is in fact blank, and Death Gods can write who’s ever name they want and how they die. Somehow a boy named Raito (ライと – Light), a teenage geinus, gets ahold of one of these notebooks and learns about its mysterious power. Raito uses the notebook for justice, killing off criminals. However, these unexpected deaths have raised suspicion in the police and investigation agencies around the world. A world class detective named L (also a teenager like Raito) tries to locate the person everyone on the internet has been calling Kira (キラ) and now it’s the battle between 2 geniuses. So my spoilers stop there.

Is it grammatically correct to say “who’s ever name”? It just felt really weird.

So Lsiymle tells me today apparently they’re making a real live movie. This is pretty neat. I also find out that the manga had apparently ended. However, it doesn’t appear the movie will go past the initial Raito vs L fight, which is interesting enough already. I was actually sad at the outcome of Raito vs L, but for those who haven’t read it, I won’t spoil.

Do check out the manga version of Ryuk (the Death God):
death note raito and ryuk (ryuuku)

and the movie CG version:
death note movie ryuk (ryuuku) cg

The CG version is actually pretty close matching and pretty darn scary.

X-Men: The Last Stand


Went to watch X-Men: The Last Stand last night with StanMan and ChemChampion. The movie was fun, but was a little disappointing when compared to the previous. Apparently this last movie was done by a different director. The previous ones were done by Bryan Singer, while this one was done by Brett Ratner. Apparently Bryan Singer decided to work on Superman Returns instead. Anyway, the movie felt like a completely seperate story on its own and lots of events happened that left the audience hanging and thinking why the heck did he do that?

Official Trailer
IMDb: 7.9/10 (1,141 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: B- / Yahoo! Users: B+
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating: 52% / Average Rating: 5.8/10
Apple Trailer DVD Soundtrack Showtimes

x-men: the last stand posterx-men: the last stand posterx-men: the last stand posterx-men: the last stand posterx-men: the last stand posterx-men: the last stand posterx-men: the last stand posterx-men: the last stand poster

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Out of curiousity for those who read the X-Men comic, did beast wear glasses in the comic book series? RayAlome and I were discussing this earlier and I remember Beast wearing glasses, while hanging upside down reading a book, but that was from the animated series. RayAlome points out the fact that Beast’s abilities include heightened senses and should not need glasses to have even better eye sight than regular humans.

Before we went to see the movie, we decided to have dinner at CPK. It’s been awhile since my last CPK visit. The last time was probably still back in Berkeley. The pizzas and atmosphere were pretty much the same. It was ChemChampion’s first time trying pizzas with weird and random toppings. We had purchased our tickets earlier and gotten there with about 10 mins to spare. There was already a long line that formed to get in the 10:40pm showing. But we decided to split up once we were in the theater and got pretty good seats.

After the movie, we haded back to my place to play DDR (well StepMania to be exact). We actually played quite a long time. I think we started around 12:30am and they didn’t leave till around 5am. We went through quite a few bottled water and gatorades, but it was fun. I finally got to utilize both my RedOctange Ignition 3.0 Dance Pads simultaneously. I didn’t go to bed till some time past 6am, but I got all the rest I wanted by waking up today at 5pm. Hehe.