Watched this movie last night, but I got too tired to post it. Didn’t really give the movie much of chance as I was multi-tasking as it was being played on the background. The movie if you see it as a pure action movie wasn’t that bad and there was Kate Beckinsale, but overall the storyline was pretty lame and stuff just happened without much logic.
Also I just realized if my iTunes/Quicktime doesn’t allow simultaneous audio streams or maybe there’s a bug with their Mozilla plug-in because distinctly remember multiple trailers being played simultaneously. Anyway, I have my iTunes playing when I’m typing up this entry, and suddenly I hear screeches and audio not music related. I switched to the Apple Trailer tab and the trailer is playing, but no audio. I pause my iTunes and the audio from the trailer immediately comes on. Just thought it was interesting because it reminds of the old days where you can’t have multiple audio streams being played at the same time or your sound card goes crazy.
Official Site
IMDb: 6.6/10 (10,421 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: D+ / Yahoo! Users: B
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating: 15% / Average Rating: 3.8/10
Apple Trailer DVD Soundtrack

Spoilers: (Show)
So the movie was a sequel to the original Underworld (which first of all wasn’t that great). The sequel attempts to tell the true story about vampires and werewolves and how the original vampire wasn’t Viktor, but was really Marcus. Marcus had granted the King Viktor and his knights immortality on one condition that they stop his twin brother (the original werewolve), but not harm him. There was also an extra note where if the original vampire dies, then all his descendants will too. Viktor didn’t really believe it, but he wasn’t willing to put it to the test.
With Viktor killed in the previous movie, Marcus is awaken in this one and attempts to unravel the history. I’m not even sure what the point of having Michael (the hybrid vampire and werewolve) in this movie was, besides to have a leading male role to have sex with Selene (which does happen). I guess that was the point huh? Anyway, they bring Alex the father of the both Marcus (original vampire) and William (original werewolve) into the movie. Turns out he’s immortal too and is the clean up person that fixes the cleans up the mess his two sons leave behind. He knows his sons are evil, but doesn’t have the heart to kill them. Didn’t parents back then know anything about discipline? Sigh…
Anyway, as the story reveals more, it turns out Selene’s family was actually murdered by Viktor because her family was the one who built the prison which holds William. Selene has this in the back of his memory, but doesn’t really recall it because she was still young.
Marcus also has this magic ability to see into someone’s memory by sucking on their blood. Never really heard about that, but it gave Marcus an amazing advantage.
So the story goes on and somewhere along the line, a historian is brought into the picture (so conveniently Selene was the one who exhiled him long ago) and he talks about the key and the dungeon.
The final battle occurs with Selene having sucked on Alex’s blood and now has mysteriously become SUPER STRONG and able to hold back Marcus. And Michael suddenly got strong enough to battle William and tear him apart, but back then, he couldn’t even run away from regular vampires. Guess something just “conveniently” awoken in him. Later as it turns out, Alex’s blood also gave Selene the ability to walk in daylight, now making her a daywalker (did I just mix Underworld and Blade?).
The movie just had way too many convenient things happen which basically ruined the plot.