Watched The Island today and it wasn’t as bad as what everyone was saying it was. You can watch the trailer here. You know what movie it reminded me of? It totally reminded me of I, Robot. It was basically a very high tech futuristic movie with tons of advertisement. The sweet Cadillac in this movie was equivalent to the Audi that Will Smith drove in I, Robot. They were also advertising MSN Search on the Information Directory booth which I found funny since I work at Microsoft. I just noticed it was advertising Cisco Systems on the screen too! There were other advertisements too, but I don’t recall them at the moment.
I was expecting much from this movie after hearing what people had to say about it and I didn’t get much. But it looked like a high budget film so I thought I’d give it at least a try. Turn out pretty fun. Lots of pretty neat gadgets and tech toys. Plot was sorta too easy to figure out since the trailer basically told you pretty much what “The Island” was and with that, you pretty knew how it would’ve ended. What shocked me was not how it ended, but how it got to the ending. I was totally surprise with the “mistake” if you know what I’m talking about. Also, the ending sorta just dropped off with everyone escaping, but what happens then is a question I’d like to be answered. These are clones and can easily be mistaken as the real thing, as Tom Lincoln proved. Also it wasn’t clear how much the defense department was backing this and how much they knew. It actually seemed like they knew that the lab was a real live human farm.