There’s been a lot of buzz with Mike Gravel and Ron Paul recently in the news. Both have been very controversial candidates and with big news outlets not allowing users to vote for either and actually deleting user comments that mention Ron Paul, people have been striking a storm over the net.
I first came across this video on Digg: Sen. Mike Gravel at SC Debates 04/26/07 – Former Senator Mike Gravel of Alaska … Former Senator Mike Gravel of Alaska won Best of Show at the Presidential Debate in South Carolina. Full debate footage available at
I’ve got to say, despite being a bit crazy, I really like this guy and his positions. From his website: Gravel 2008:
The War in Iraq
Immediate and orderly withdrawal of troops followed by aggressive diplomacyIran
Senator Gravel firmly opposes a military confrontation with Iran and advocates a diplomatic solution to the current situation.National Initiative for Democracy
Empower Americans and turn every citizen into a lawmaker by enacting a national initiative.A Fair Tax
Eliminate the income tax and replace it with a progressive national sales tax – Fair Tax.Global Warming/Climate Change
We must reduce America’s carbon footprint in the world by passing legislation that caps emissions and improve energy efficiency while generating energy from low-carbon sources.Universal Healthcare Vouchers
A National Health Care Voucher plan will provide health care for all Americans.
I’m shocked. I actually agree with every stance he has on the above issues. I personally think that income tax is unfair and if the government needs more money, it should raise sales taxes. Xyon and a couple of us has discussed this to some extent and if you search the web, you’ll noticed that the IRS has been unable to provide any evidence that supports income tax is legal. We’re just paying because they’re “big brother”.
I’m really starting to like this guy. Many say he doesn’t have a chance at office, but this is the first man that’s willing to stand out and say the truth. Others as he mentioned are just doing the political dance around the main issues.
Here’s an additional video that I really enjoyed: Mike Gravel for President! Straightening out the Media (from Digg) – All too brief example of speaking truth to media.
Random Crap:
2xav – a new comic from Below the Mean. Punchline: What have you been doing for the past 3 hours?! Watching 9 hours of lecture.
Spider-Man (Marvel) and Superman (DC) discuss the state of their respective film divisions in this take on the Mac/PC ads. Let me know what you think! These are some hilarious sketches done with Superman and Spider-Man action figures. They’re parodying the Mac ads which show PC on one side and Mac on the other. He’s made 4 additional videos which also introduce the Hulk and Batman:
- Hi, I’m a Marvel…and I’m a DC. (Mac PC Parody) #1 (from Digg) – comparing the future DC and Marvel movies coming out
- Hi, I’m a Marvel…and I’m a DC. (Mac PC Parody) #2 – reminiscing the past. Superman says they DC doesn’t get good directors, and even mentions Bryan Singer directing X-Men, but Bryan Singer was the director that directed Superman Returns
- Hi, I’m a Marvel…and I’m a DC. (Mac PC Parody) #3 – Superman gets a son, which was never part of the comics.
- Hi, I’m a Marvel…and I’m a DC. (Mac PC Parody) #4 – Superman’s only weakness is Kryptonite and apparently that’s his only enemy used over and over again.
- Hi, I’m a Marvel…and I’m Batman. (Mac/PC Parody) (from RayAlome) – Batman (a DC) gets introduced and talks about the similarities between Spider-Man and him.
Magicians sue over revealed tricks – A group of Japanese magicians sued TV broadcasters on Tuesday for revealing closely guarded secrets behind a series of coin tricks, a news report said. Forty-nine magicians are seeking $16,000 in damages from Nippon Television Network Corp. and TV Asahi Corp. for airing shows last year that revealed how magicians perform tricks involving coins, according to Kyodo News agency. Haha! Now they just have to prove that they own the tricks. ;p
Confused by your neighbours? Then Ask a Mexican! – Why do Mexicans use their car horns as a doorbell? Why is Mexican television so obsessed with dwarfs and transvestites? Why do they park their cars on the front lawn? Do Mexican children get tamales at Christmas so that they have something to unwrap? What is it about the word “illegal” that Mexicans don’t understand? The chances are that you will know the answers to some of these questions if you live in the United States and read the wickedly funny “Ask a Mexican!” column syndicated in more than a score of weekly newspapers across the country.
Good samaritan canoeists get $85 tickets – Canoeist Dennis Bohrn and his companions were stunned when they saw a woman jump off the Perrine Bridge, her body landing near them in the Snake River. Many in the group were crying by the time they managed to reach the woman and paddle her body to shore. So Bohrn was shocked when an officer walked up and instead of thanking or comforting the group last Sunday, wrote out a couple of $85 tickets for failing to have life jackets on board either of the two canoes.
Tiny terrier dies after saving 5 kids – A plucky Jack Russell terrier named George saved five children from two marauding pit bulls, but was so severely mauled in the fight that it had to be put down, its owner said Wednesday. That’s why dogs will always be greater than cats.
Scientists: Emergency resuscitation procedures may be the killing blow (from Deadlock) – Today’s life-saving techniques could be killing potential survivors, a Dr. Lance Becker from Pennsylvania suggests, in an article written by Newsweek’s own Jerry Adler. In an emergency room, in a desperate situation where paramedics are trying their hardest to get the flatlining patient’s heartbeat back, they might be doing more harm than good.
The real Computer Monster (from Consumerist) – Another great one from Henson and Oz. Parodying the Cookie Monster, this is the Computer Monster which eats electronic parts. Wait till the end for the surprise.