The Pursuit of Happyness

When I first heard about this movie, I wasn’t able to find it because I was searching for The Pursuit of Happiness, when they spelled it funky in this movie and book. They explain why inside the movie. The story is loosely modeled after the life story of Chris Gardner, who appears to have a very rough beginning and through will and perseverance, they tries to overcome every little obstacle. I found the movie touching, but it found it a bit too harsh and a bit too lucky.

Official Site
IMDb: 7.4/10 (19,443 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: B- / Yahoo! Users: B+
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating: 66% / Average Rating: 6.4/10
Apple Trailer Blu-ray DVD Soundtrack Book

pursuit of happyness poster

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Smokin’ Aces

This movie had a ton of action. Well, that’s pretty much it. They did attempt to put a good storyline together, but the overall felt very lacking. If you want some mindless entertainment, this should suit you well. Main story is about a bunch of psycho killers after a guy named Buddy Israel, who has a $1 million hit on him. The story unravels from that point on.

Official Site
IMDb: 6.5/10 (12,043 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: C / Yahoo! Users: B-
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating: 26% / Average Rating 4.2/10
Apple Trailer HD DVD DVD Soundtrack

smokin' aces postersmokin' aces postersmokin' aces postersmokin' aces poster

Spoilers: (Show)

Comedy Central: Roast of William Shatner

I just watched the Roast of William Shatner and it was all in all rather funny. I’ve always loved the roasts. The first one I saw was roasting Hugh Hefner which was hilarious. Followed by Chevy Chase, which was ok. Then roasting Pamela Anderson, and finally now William Shatner. I’m not much a a Star Trek fan (surprise! surprise!) and the number of Star Trek episodes I’ve seen, I can probably count on one of my hands. So before when someone would say the captain in Star Trek, I would always think of Picard (also plays Magneto Professor Xavier from X-Men).

Official Site
IMDb: 7.1/10 (209 votes)
Yahoo! Movies
Rotten Tomatoes DVD

Comedy Central Roast of William Shatner posterComedy Central Roast of William Shatner poster

There’s not going to be any spoilers sections here as there won’t be any spoilers. I mean, come on, it’s a roast, sort of like a stand-up comedy. If you ask if I could recognize today’s Shatner with the Shatner from the Star Trek series… my oh my, he’s gotten fat. The jokes were dirty and crude, but it was all in the spirit.

The only thing I really knew about Shatner before watching this roast was the fact that Stewie from Family Guy made fun of him: Stewie Griffin vs William Shatner: Rocketman.

Did I mention he’s gotten really fat?

28 Days Later

So I’ve heard that 28 Days Later was one of the better zombie movies, however there are so many bad zombie movies, what does “better” really mean? The only semi-decent zombie movie I can think of was Shaun of the Dead, but that was more comedy than scary, not exactly a thriller type move if you get what I’m trying to say. Anyway, I saw the trailer for 28 Weeks Later and decided I’d go and watch 28 Days Later just to see how it was. It turned out rather good. The storyline flowed rather well and with most zombie movies, you’re thinking what the heck happened to the rest of the world, but this one answers it to some extent. Also these zombies aren’t dumb like most of the just walking very slowly saying “brain…”; these zombies actually are smart, can run, climb, open doors, etc.

Official Site
IMDb: 7.3/10 (41,681 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: B+ / Yahoo! Users: B-
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating: 89% / Average Rating: 7.3/10 DVD Sountrack

28 days later poster28 days later poster

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Random Crap

First of all, I apologize for the lack of posting. It’s been a busy week at work and I haven’t been getting that much sleep, coming home around 11pm-1am. Even had to go into work today for a few hours to finish testing some stuff.

NYC couple hail cab for 2,400-mile rideBetty and Bob Matas have retired and are moving to Arizona, but like many New Yorkers they don’t drive, and they don’t want their cats to travel all that way in an airliner cargo hold.

Swimmer’s life at risk after record Amazon tripSlovenian Martin Strel, after braving crocodiles, piranhas, disease and the threat of an imminent heart attack, on Sunday completed a record-setting 66-day, 3,274-mile (5,268 km) swim down the Amazon River and was taken to a hospital.

Jesus drinking Coca-Cola? Not this EasterAn Italian film showing Jesus Christ drinking Coca-Cola sparked such strong protest from the soft-drinks giant that it blocked the film’s Easter weekend premiere, the film makers said.

Captured Lightning: 2.2 million volt Lichtenberg Figure (from Digg) – The interior of an 18″ square x 1″ piece of Plexiglas was charged to 2.2 million volts (MV) using a 5 MV particle accelerator. A layer of excess electrons become trapped deep inside, When discharged, the excess charge escaped with a bright flash and a loud bang. The hot, lightning-like discharge created thousands of microscopic fractures inside the acrylic, resulting in a branching “Captured Lightning” sculpture (or Lichtenberg Figure). Read more about how these beautiful objects are made at:

Debunking myths about the “Third World” (Amazing graphics) (from Krrkb) – With the drama and urgency of a sportscaster, Prof. Hans Rosling uses software from Gapminder debunks a few myths about the “developing” world. This global health visionary has discovered a powerful new way to communicate complex data about the world; his remarkable interactive graphs help deliver profound insights about global trends and will change forever the way you think about “us” and “them.” Rosling is professor of international health at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute, and founder of Gapminder, a nonprofit that brings vital global data to life. (Recorded February 2006 in Monterey, CA.) More TEDTalks at

Take a Peep at This StoryAmericans eat enough peeps before Easter to circle the equator — twice. Interesting video about those Easter marshmallow candy.

Today’s realistic video: GTA IV trailer in real life (from Digg) – While its not a down-to-the-finite-details replica of the Grand Theft Auto IV trailer, it’s pretty darned spot-on. If you factor in that he made it using only clips that he could find on YouTube, it’s even more amazing. When they cut to that one shot of the actor … you’ll be wondering if they used that for the actual game trailer. Compare that to the real trailer of Grand Theft Auto IV.

Puff Piece – Harvard tells Hollywood to ban cigarettes from kids’ movies.Stanton Glantz, professor of medicine at U.C. San Francisco and creator of the Smoke Free Movies campaign, says Glickman probably expected Harvard to come up with a limp education campaign and leave it at that. But Harvard got tough. In recommendations presented to the industry last month and made public this week, Harvard said the studios should eliminate smoking altogether from films “accessible to children and youth.”

Uganda scraps “sexist” adultery lawUganda’s Constitutional Court ordered the changes to the Penal Code, under which it was legal for a married man to have an affair with an unmarried woman but against the law for a married woman to have an affair with an unmarried man.

Photo in the News: Century-Old Fish Caught in AlaskaCommercial fishers in the Bering Sea recently hauled in the female shortraker rockfish seen above, which scientists say was between 90 and 115 years old. Researchers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) used growth rings in the fish’s ear bone, or otolith, to make their age estimate.

century old fish

Badass origami stuffSome REALLY amazing origami art here.

dragon origami

360’s Guitar Hero II guitar works in Windows, Frets on FireThe USB-equipped X-plorer guitar that ships with the just-released Guitar Hero II for Xbox 360 has some interesting tricks up its nonexistant but metaphorically convenient sleeve. No, we’re not talking about breaking or shape-shifting (sheesh) — we’re talking about things like effects pedals and oh, what’s this, Windows support? Randy tipped us off that the guitar controller works in Windows Vista, but we had to check for ourself. The above image was captured in Windows XP. The five frets control the first five buttons, Back and Start control buttons 7 and 8, the d-pad and strummer control the Point of View Hat, the whammy bar controls the X Rotation, Star Power controls the Y Rotation, and the Z Axis sorta just wiggles when you move the guitar. The X Axis / Y Axis does nothing (gotta save something for that effects pedal, no?). Sweet! I can’t wait for the wireless version to come out now so I can play Frets on Fire with a wireless guitar on my Vista box.

Wrapped in Subway Logos, Free City Condom Is a HitIn just a month, the city gave away five million of its new subway-themed condoms, officials said yesterday. Lest you read past that number unimpressed, consider that that was about two condoms for every man living in the city — more than the city distributed in all of 2003.

Online hoax ad strips home of everythingAn online ad offering everything in the house for free left one landlord with quite a shock. By the time she realized what was going on, the house had been stripped of its light fixtures, hot water heater — even the kitchen sink. … “In the ad, it said come and take what you want. Everything is free,” she said. “Please help yourself to anything on the property.”

Sub loses job over pinchy punishmentFour boys said spring-type clothespins were placed over their upper or lower lips for talking too much in class, Amanda-Clearcreek Primary School principal Mike Johnsen wrote in a letter to parents this week.

Girl had suspected ‘boyfriend’ was womanA 14-year-old girl authorities allege was sexually abused by a 30-year-old woman who posed as a teenage boy said she didn’t know about the ruse but eventually suspected it.

Stanman’s Birthday

So yesterday, we celebrated Stanman’s birthday. We first had dinner at this really good Korean BBQ place up in Shoreline. At first, we wanted to actually do the BBQ ourselves, but the choices were limited and we had to sit separately because the BBQ tables only hold about 6 people, 7 max, and we had 10. We scrapped that idea and let them do the BBQ for us and got some really fun and interesting dishes that had short ribs, beef, calamari, spicy pork, seafood tofu soup, and a seafood pancakes. Yum… Shoot, I’m getting hungry at 3am. Not good.

Then we came back to my place to play games. Originally we had hoped to link 2 Xbox 360 consoles and play a LAN game with 8 people. I had suggested Call of Duty 2 as it was a new game I had acquired and the back of the box shows System Link 2-16 players. On a single console, you can have 1-4 players on a split screen, so we thought with 2 consoles, we can have upto 8 players. Stanman even went out to rent Call of Duty 2 for this. Boy was I wrong about System Link mode in Call of Duty 2.

First, I’ve never really linked 2 or more consoles together. If I recall correctly, they required a special cable to connect multiple systems together back in the days of SNES and N64. However, there was no such port on the Xbox 360, so the only thing that I could fathom that connect connect these 2 Xbox 360s was via the network. I connected both Xbox 360s onto my network and they were able to see each other, which was pretty cool.

Then I tried to create a game for the other console to join, however was unable to figure out how to do add more than one player on that particular console. I can go back and go to split screen mode which would allow 4 players on that console. Being stumped, I went online to search for how to get this to work. Apparently in System Link mode, you can only have 1 player on the console. Many people on the forums and threads have already shown disappointment with this limit. So in other words, in order to have 16 players in System Link mode, you would need 16 separate consoles. Ouch!

We wanted all 8 people to be playing at the same time, so we tried to come up with another game to play. If you’re wondering if I have 2 TVs, not really. Some of us would end up using my Dell 24″ LCD, which I’ve been using for my Xbox 360 before I got my new Vizio 47″ LCDTV. Stanman recalled they were able to play Halo 2 with multiple players on the console and linked to other consoles at PAX (Penny Arcade Expo). So to confirm this, I did a search online and found: How to play a system link game in Halo 2 on an original Xbox console and on an Xbox 360 console

When you use an Ethernet hub, you can have any one of the following 16-player combinations:

  • 16 players who are using 16 consoles (one player per console)
  • 16 players who are using eight consoles (two players per console)
  • 16 players who are using four consoles (four players per console)

Neat! I had a copy of Halo 2 and there was a Blockbuster about 5 minute drive from me. We were pretty sure a game like Halo 2 would probably be available at Blockbuster so we drove over. We did a search on the shelves and didn’t find it. We then asked the cashier and it turns out they don’t even have an entry for it in their systems anymore. How can you not carry such a popular game!?!? We drove back disappointed and just split up the people to play at the different consoles.

After multiple rounds of Call of Duty 2, which is really fun game, we swapped to Top Spin 2, a tennis game I had also recently acquired.

Someone then suggested poker and we played a couple hours of that. It was tournament style and the buy-in was $2. I actually ended up winning, though it was a close game between Chris and I. We were both conservative players and basically when it came down to the two of us, we were just swapping blinds back and forth. The game ended with me having trip 2s and he having a pair of As. I ended up winning $8 ($10 total including my buy-in).

While the poker game was going on and people were dropping out, people started to watch Talladega Nights on my Media Center PC. The night ended when the movie ended and we said our goodbyes. It was a really hilarious movie and I’ll be reviewing it later.

Parabellum Final Cut

So Schwartz IMs me today and tells me his short film Parabellum is finalized and released. A few months ago, I posted the trailer to it. It’s definitely worth watching as I thought it was done really well.

Watch: Parabellum Final Cut

You can also watch it on YouTube. However, the quality is rather bad on YouTube as always.

Parabellum (or para bellum) is Latin for “ready for war”. This short film has guns, violence, mafia, a very hot girl, and a very nicely done storyline. The story is about a triad hitman, his conscience, and the relationship between him, the triad’s boss, and the boss’ daughter. I don’t want to spoil too much, but the action sequences were done really well, as well as the dialog. The boss often brings up the phrase “in the old days” and I quote, “In the old world, if you were a dissident, the empire will not just kill you, but your entire family. Destroying a dissident’s love ones and lineage ensures there’s no chance of revenge.”

Spoilers: (Show)

Here are some screen captures of the video:

I hope you guys enjoy it!

88 Minutes

Just watched this movie and thought it was done rather well. The story takes place in Seattle and I believe that UNW (the university used in this movie) would’ve actually been UW, however I can’t really confirm since I haven’t really been onto campus before. The story is revolves around a psycho-analyst (Al Pacino) and how he is able to assess people based on the environment, their actions, their movement, their clothing, etc. It reminds me of Mindhunters in that aspect. Anyway, he’s help recreate a crime scene for a serial murderer and has help convicted a man. However, someone is out to hurt him and warns that he only has 88 minutes to live.

No Official Site found
IMDb: 6.4/10 (1,014 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: n/a / Yahoo! Users: B
Rotten Tomatoes: n/a

88 minutes poster

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Blood Diamond

I watched this movie with CDMCC a month or 2 ago, but I’ve been rewatching the ending over and over again. It’s an very powerful movie and yet at the same time very touching. The story revolves around conflict diamonds and the steps needed to get the western world to stop buying diamonds from these conflict war zones and stop providing them with fund to purchase more weapons.

Official Site
IMDb: 7.8/10 (19,477 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: B- / Yahoo! Users: B+
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating: 63% / Average Rating: 6.4/10
Apple Trailer DVD Soundtrack

blood diamond posterblood diamond posterblood diamond posterblood diamond posterblood diamond posterblood diamond poster

Spoilers: (Show)

My favorite song out of the soundtrack is ‘London‘. According to iTunes, I’ve played it 99x already. I found a couple videos that featured this song:

There was one song that was used in the ending credits that wasn’t on the soundtrack which I really liked too: Nas – Shine On (music video).

Lyrics from Lyrics Directory

{*Man Singing & Humming in Foreign Language*}

[Intro: Nas]
They wanna shine on ’em
Shine on ’em <– 7X

[Verse 1: Nas]
They dug me out the soil in the Mines of the Motherland
Now I’m misplaced, one hand to another hand
Illegal smugglin’, people strugglin’
Wish they could just throw me back in the mud again
Yeah, guess that’s how we got here
Slave Trade then the Diamond Trade
Every child’s afraid
When his Mother and Father get sprayed
Forced in the Army, young killer Brigade
Gets a new name and then he give his nose glue
Til’ his mind can’t take what he’s gon’ through
Lookin’ in that dirt for that ice so blue
Then The Royal Family, the ice goes to
And this thing has to change, feelin’ half-ashamed
As I rap with my Platinum chain
When you shop for a gift for me
You think about the misery?
The same way we made Apartheid History
We can do the same thing to the conflict ice
But everybody wanna shine, right?

[HooK: Nas]
Everybody wants Heaven but nobody wants dead
Everybody wants Diamonds without the Bloodshed
Everybody wants Heaven but nobody wants dead
Everybody wants Diamonds without the Bloodshed
They wanna Shine on ’em
Shine on ’em <– 7X

[Verse 2: Nas]
My VVS glimmers on my chest
200-thou-encrusted watch on my wrist
I wonder how people starve to death
When God bless the land that lacks the harvest
The stone’s equality, but they homes are poverty
And the whole world ignores the robbery
Bought my girl pretty rocks when she’s mad at me
Tear-drop shaped, uh, perfect Clarity
It shocks, so many are killed annually
‘Cause of greed, lust, and pure Vanity
Stop talkin’ and do somethin’ about it
Every Holiday Season, Jewelry stores crowded
Kids snatched from their homes, Mutilated alive
Husbands separated from wives, keep a Jesus piece to be fly
But back in the day there was a time when they called us shine

[HooK: Nas]
Everybody wants Heaven but nobody wants dead
Everybody wants Diamonds without the Bloodshed
Everybody wants Heaven but nobody wants dead
Everybody wants Diamonds without the Bloodshed
They wanna shine on ’em
Shine on ’em <– 7X

{*Man Singing & Humming in Foreign Language*}

The Number 23

You do know what day it is today right? 3/14 or 3.14, the day of Pi. According to Pi fans to meet March 14 (3.14, get it?), It is about a curious group of people with an almost religious zeal for a mind-numbing string of numbers. Actually one number, made up of a chain that is known — so far — to be more than one trillion digits long. They are the acolytes of the church of pi. And once a year many of them gather to talk about pi, rhapsodize about it, eat pi-themed foods (actual pie, sure, but so much more), have pi recitation contests and, just maybe, feel a little less sheepish about their unusual passion.

Along with that, I’ll found this: The Ten Coolest Numbers (from Digg).

Anyway, I had saw these links after watching The Number 23 with CDMCC. The movie was okay, but I don’t think the movie gave the audience enough clues to figure out the ending, which came pouring out like a fire hydrant once the valve was opened. It’s basically about a man who encounters a book talking about the number 23 and starts seeing similarity in this life and begins to obsess about the number himself.

The Official Site
IMDb: 6.3/10 (6,569 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: C / Yahoo! Users: B-
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating: 8% / Average Rating: 3.5/10
Apple Trailers Soundtrack Showtimes

the number 23 poster

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