Cute Bunny

My queue just keep getting bigger and bigger. I have like 20+ movies yet to be reviewed.

I also spent sometime this weekend migrating my old site’s blog over. Seems to be a long and arduous process. Only got a couple months in 2002. It’s hilarious seeing how my blogging (writing) style has evolved.

I was also burning off a bunch of watched “stuff” to free up space. While browsing for stuff to burn, I remember I haven’t watched the AIR – Summer Special yet. Unforutnately, Potato (the cute puppy) didn’t show up. This special was more about the past between the journey to find the little girl’s mom. However, they did introduce a cute bunny. Click the following images to watch the videos:

air -summer special - cute bunnyair -summer special - cute bunny

Random Crap:

What if Tequilla was a Prescription Drug? (from MS newsgroup) – hilarious advertisement/disclaimers for Tequilla.

Alan Cox’s ThinkPad battery explodes – For a moment, I thought IBM had fallen into the bunch of manufacturers with bad batteries. Fortunately, the title was very misleading and I quote: Telsa does note, however, that the battery was third-party and was bought on eBay, so it may not be an authentic IBM pack at all.

Polish woman caught growing marijuana for cowA Polish woman who grew marijuana to calm the nerves of her cow has been charged with cultivating a narcotic by police in the western town of Lobez.

Court says $32,000 is too much to fondle bosomA fee of 25,500 euros ($32,000) is way too much for a woman to charge a man for fondling her bosom, a Finnish district court ruled.

White & Nerdy (MS newsgroup) – “Weird Al” Yankovic’s new music video, from the album “Straight Outta Lynwood” (in stores Sept. 26) Hilarious music video once again! However, as Weird Al notes on his blog:

I’m very sorry to say that the AOL “First View” Premiere of the “White & Nerdy” video has been cancelled.

Apparently, the video has already leaked online, and AOL doesn’t feel comfortable doing a “World Premiere” promotion for a video that a number of people have seen already. (I can understand songs leaking, but a video? How’d THAT happen?)

Anyway, it’s really a bummer… it would have been great promotion for the album… but hey, life goes on.


I’ll be uploading the video to this page shortly. Tell your friends!

You may also want to check out his other music video (animation) for Don’t Download This Song.

worlds yo-yo contest 2006 1A 1st – Hiroyuki Suzuki (mickey) (from Tera) – I’m not sure if the title implies he won first place, but he was awesome. I obviously don’t know how hard some of these tricks are because there were certain parts in the oooohs and aaaaahs that I didn’t see to be that complicated. Then again, I probably couldn’t do 99% of what he did. The song in the background was actually rather amusing. I had heard the Korean and Japanese version by 이정현 (Lee Jung Hyun) called ワ-come on-. Then Mechy told me about the Cantonese version called 獨家試唱 by 鄭秀文. Now it appears there’s a Mandarin version too!

iTunes Album Views

With the new album views where you can browse your songs grouped together with an album cover, I noticed it was quite inconsistent with the groups, often splitting albums into multiple groups. For example:

itunes heaven album

So I consulted Belldandy (him being the Apple expert). He said this was a known issue with iTunes and the current resolution is to check the Part of a compilation checkbox. I never really touched that checkbox as I didn’t really know what it meant and really never had a reason to. I tried his suggestion and it indeed worked, so I went on and merged the remainder of my albums which were somehow mysteriously split.

However, I then hit the above problem. I had 2 albums called Heaven. Even when I enabled “Part of a compilation”, they didn’t merge, so I played around trying to figure out why they were getting splitted and not grouped together.

It turns out that iTunes will ONLY group tracks together if the ALBUM + ARTIST is the same. If you enabled “Part of a compilation”, it marks the album having various artists and then that allows grouping of an album with different artists. However, in my case above, I have 2 Track #1s on different albums titled Heaven. I couldn’t mark the other track as part of a compilation as it’ll group both albums together. So what I ended up doing was setting one album to be Disc 1 of 1 and that seemed to work as the other didn’t have any disc info.

Did I mention how neat the turntable view is?
itunes turntable

Though it does take up a lot of unnecessary resources.

Random Crap:

And the grad students most likely to cheat are… (from /.) – The study of 5,300 graduate students in the United States and Canada found that 56 percent of graduate business students admitted to cheating in the past year, with many saying they cheated because they believed it was an accepted practice in business. Following business students, 54 percent of graduate engineering students admitted to cheating, as did 50 percent of physical science students, 49 percent of medical and health-care students, 45 percent of law students, 43 percent of liberal arts students and 39 percent of social science and humanities students. Business students need to cheat?

Samaritans unwittingly help in car theftPeople got behind and pushed and even offered an impromptu driving lesson to help a boy who was struggling to drive a car — failing to realize that the 14-year-old was stealing the vehicle, police said.

Eat a roach and be the first in lineWhy wait in line when you can just eat a cockroach? That’s the question Six Flags Great America is asking its thrill seekers during its Halloween-themed FrightFest. The amusement park is daring customers to eat a live Madagascar hissing cockroach in exchange for unlimited line-jumping privileges.

Sex or a long life? Guess which Britons choseA large number of Britons would be prepared to give up sex if it meant they would live to be 100, according to a survey on Friday.

Brain stimulation produces creepy shadow feelingStimulating a certain area of the brain can produce a creepy feeling that someone is watching you when no one is, scientists said Wednesday. I hate that feeling!

Panda bites man, man bites him backNo one ever said they would bite people,” Zhang said. “I just wanted to touch it. I was so dizzy from the beer. I don’t remember much.

Jerusalem? Never heard of it“Jerusalem. There is no such city!” the Jerusalem municipality said in the English-language version of a sightseeing brochure it had published originally in Hebrew. The correct translation: “Jerusalem. There is no city like it!”

Virgin Atlantic Bans Dell, Apple LaptopsAmid a slew of incidents involving exploding Sony batteries, Virgin Atlantic announced that it won’t allow passengers to carry any Apple or Dell laptops onto flights.

How to Talk Like a Pirate (from /.) – A classroom educational film on the language of Pirate. A rather hilarious video on pirate linguistics.

Mr. Rogers puts in the wrong tape (from RayAlome) – It’s suppose to be a video tape about making hoes (or maybe hose), but someone edited those out and made it about making… You get my drift.

Mad for U.S. beef, herd heads for Tokyo restaurantHundreds of people queued up at a central Tokyo restaurant on Monday to savour a dish not tasted for more than two years — “beef bowl” made with U.S. meat.

Man sets sights on eye-popping recordClaudio Paulo Pinto is looking to break an eye-popping record. Literally. Pinto can pop his eyeballs out of their sockets at least 7 millimeters (0.3 inches), a national record for eye-popping according to RankBrasil, an organization modeled after the Guinness Book of World Records that lists Brazilian records.
eye popping brazilianeye popping brazilian

X-rated font used on third-grade handoutSchool officials apologized after an X-rated font was used on a third-grade spelling packet handed out to parents. The font showed male and female stick figures in provocative poses to form the letters of the alphabet. How does a teacher mess up something like this?

First penis transplant reversed after two weeksSurgeons in China who said they performed the first successful penis transplant had to remove the donated organ because of the severe psychological problems it caused to the recipient and his wife.

Punctuation author collects examples on Web site“Goats Cheese Salad … tomatoes, onions, goats, cheese.” A misplaced comma in the list of ingredients gives diners a totally different dish — and gives British writer Lynne Truss new ammunition in her campaign for the proper use of punctuation. The author, who was totally stunned when her book on punctuation “Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation” became a British and U.S. hit, has set up a Web site ( that is collecting funny examples of wrongly used commas and apostrophes such as the above example. Here’s the direct link to the funnies. Not much so far.

Woman accused of hammer attack over gasPolice arrested a woman who allegedly attacked a San Antonio convenience store clerk on the head with a hammer after he turned down her demand for free gasoline on Tuesday.

U-Va.’s One-Year Wonder (from /.) – David Banh, an 18-year-old from Annandale, just graduated from the University of Virginia in one year. With a double major. His college education, almost entirely covered by a patchwork of scholarships, cost him about $200. And he sold back textbooks for more than that. Now he’s starting graduate study at U-Va. with a research grant. So at this point, he’s technically running a profit. … He was helped by the fact that U-Va., as a public school, costs a lot less than most private colleges. And that the university accepted many of his Advanced Placement credits from high school; many of the most selective private schools wouldn’t. As it was, he doubled up on course credits and took more physics over the summer to finish his second major.

USBCELL: Batteries That Recharge Through USBProduced by Moixa Energy, USBCELL batteries are simply batteries that recharge from any USB port. They require no separate recharging devices, cradles or cables and can be used exactly like a normal battery. The design itself is rather like a typical memory stick with its flip top lid and they could be set to deliver the same killer blow to the battery market that memory sticks did to floppy discs. A very interesting concept, but one that would fail due to several factors. It’s only a 1300mAH battery (most digicams require ~2000mAH) and the price of £12.99 (~US$25) is rather steep for just 1 rechargable AA battery. I can get a NiMH charger and a pack of AA batteries for less than that.

The never-ending mortgage (from MS newsgroup) – I first of this from Derek and how there’s a mortgage in Japan that you can pass down onto your children. Appears it’s hit the UK (and maybe the states soon). In a revolutionary move, homeowners would never need to repay a single penny of their mortgage before they die. Instead, the debt would be passed to their offspring, allowing them to slash the amount of inheritance tax they would have to pay. One expert yesterday nicknamed the new mortgages ‘the debt that never dies’ because they can continue to be passed down through the generations.

Here’s some funny math solutions (from MS newsgroup):
expandfind xfractionsfractions

Hard-Fi – Cash Machine

Another free song I had gotten from iTMS awhile ago that I really liked was: Hard Fi – Cash Machine

I just wanted to share with you the 2 music videos for this song:

Music Video 1
Music Video 2

I actually saw a video of them performing this song live, and was surprised and somewhat disappointed on how different they sound live. The tune is still catchy, but it just didn’t resemble the original song much at all when it hit chorus. It seems like a bunch of instruments were missing or somethings aren’t being synthensized. I also found the instrument that the lead singer using really interesting. What is that thing called? The keyboard where you blow into?

Random Crap:

Murder suspect: Goat turned into corpseA Nigerian murder suspect accused of killing his brother with an axe told police investigators he actually attacked a goat, which was only later magically transformed into his sibling’s corpse, officials said Thursday. … Murder suspects in Nigeria, where many people believe in black magic, sometimes claim spirits tricked them into killing. In 2001, eight people were burned to death after one person in their group was accused of making a bystander’s penis magically disappear. I couldn’t stop laughing when reading that last sentence.

FDA: E. coli linked to Natural Selection Foods (from Cari; sorry Decathanerd, she was first) – The FDA warned people nationwide not to eat spinach. Washing won’t get rid of the bacteria, though thorough cooking can kill it. Just a warning for those who do eat spinach. I guess it’s time for me to stop buying bagged spinach at Safeway.

The 25 Worst Web Sites (from /.) – From unforgettable flame-outs to some of the most popular destinations around, no one is safe from our look at the world’s dumbest dot-coms and silliest sites. The list:

Complete List of the 25 Worst Web Sites

  • 25.
  • 24.
  • 23.
  • 22. Digital entertainment network (
  • 21. Golden Palace Casino
    They’re the one that wins auctiosn of random crap that looks like Holy Mary.
  • 20.
    Yep, they were horrible. Hopefully Windows Live Mail will be able to compete against GMail and Yahoo! Mail.
  • 19. WebVan
  • 18. and (tie)
    Haha. I always thought it was dumb to buy these fake money. Then again, I find it horribly stupid to ever buy gift certificates.
  • 17.
  • 16. Microsoft Windows Update
    I’m not sure why this is on this list, and it’s not the fact that I work for Microsoft. It’s layout might not be that great, but it’s still a reliable and needed service.
  • 15.
  • 14.
  • 13.
    Haha. I remember I was tricked to go here.
  • 12. The Dancing Baby
  • 11. Rabies for Kids
  • 10.
  • 9.
  • 8. BonziBuddy
  • 7.
  • 6.
  • 5. AllAdvantage
    Now what’s wrong with this site? I made almost $1000 off this!
  • 4. CD Universe
  • 3.
  • 2. CyberRebate
    Ah, the infamous, get everything free!
  • 1.
    I agree 100%, MySpace is the worst!

Mayor’s offer to film movie backfiresWhen moviemakers told Gallatin, Tennessee, Mayor Don Wright they wanted to use his office to film a scene with a superheroine, he kindly obliged. But Wright was startled when the movie’s title, “Thong Girl 3,” and his role in its making was splashed across the front page of Friday’s editions of the Nashville Tennessean newspaper. I think they just made this film famous: Thong Girl! (no nudity, but still probably not work safe)

The All-new Yahoo! Mail Beta (from Ars) – You’ve been hearing about Yahoo! Mail Beta for quite some time, touting ajax support and really neat features and the beta’s finally open to public. It’s actually really neat and I spent some time playing with it and I might even say better than GMail!

Sunday Bloody Sunday By Bush (from Cari) – I heard the audio of this a while ago on Opie & Anthony’s XM Sattellite show but I’ve never actually seen the video to go with it. Someone has taken words from thousands of Bush speeches and mashed them together so he actually sings U2’s Sunday Bloody Sunday. Really creative and must have taken forever to create. This was hilarious! Music’s actually somewhat catchy.

AMD LIVE! Media Vault (from SD) – I had mentioned about Mozy a few days back, but it seems there’s more contenders entering the arena. This new service will be giving away 25GB of free storage. There are quite a few restrictions though. First, you’re only allowed to download 1GB/month (unlimited upload up to your cap). I’m okay with this since I would only use it to backup and won’t need to download much. If you want to share a file, the free account only allows you to share files upto 25MB, but you can backup files of any size it appears. It doesn’t mention how it goes about making your data secure/encrypted, so I’m guessing there is none. I haven’t played with their software, but I wonder how it compares with the Mozy client which I find pretty neat with all the preconfigured defaults and the ease of use.

Muppet Babies – Someone on the MS newsgroup forward a clip of Beaker singing Feelings and this got me nostalgic of finding Muppet Babies clips on YouTube. Muppet Babies were so cute! And then I find this clip, where they use REAL Muppets instead of animation. They’re so cute!!!

It appears one of my previous posts were marked as PRIVATE. I’ve made it public now: Saber Marionette J to X Episodes 9 – 26. It’s been so long since I posted any anime reviews. Haha… Current series I’m watching include:

  • Zero no Tsukaima
  • Blood+
  • Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
  • Detective Conan
  • Hellsing Ultimate OVA

Boy gets handcuffed to stuffed reindeerJust to make sure the animal didn’t run, or fly, away, the child attached one end of the toy handcuffs to his own wrist. And that meant the family had to call the real police Wednesday. … “I might ask Santa Claus to get me a police key for Christmas,” Kevon said when it was all over. Claus might bring it too, but perhaps only on the condition no reindeer are again shackled. I just find it hilarious that brute force wasn’t able to work on a toy handcuff. Finally a hairpin and lock picking saves the day.

Widow rented rotary phone for 42 years– A widow rented a rotary dial telephone for 42 years, paying what her family calculates as more than $14,000 for a now outdated phone. … Until two months ago, Strogen was still paying AT&T to use the phones — $29.10 a month. Strogen’s granddaughters, Melissa Howell and Barb Gordon, ended the arrangement when they discovered the bills. Ouch! $30/month on a phone. Isn’t that enough to buy a decent phone nowadays. If not, you’d certainly get a really good phone in just half a year!

My Animated World (from Kira) – This Stop Motion Animation takes you into another world. In this world no physical laws count. The only laws that count are the laws of the Animator. I animated myself through my house and the city of Breda, the Netherlands. It took me 6 months to complete. That is mainly because of the weather. It wasn’t always suitable to shoot my scenes. The song I used is called Chinois by DJ Aphrodite and can be found on the record Aftershock. Enjoy! I would like to know what you think about it. Rather interesting video. Must’ve taken him forever.

Coming Zune – have you seen the new marketing strategy for the Zune? I found the opening commercial hilarious, yet the burning bird was a bit sad. Although Derek did point out the fact that it’s probably meant that one bird sent another music wireless and now it’s on fire! Literally. The other ad they have showing the tiny man petting the rabbit was cute too. On the site itself, they’re allowing you download the 32 second bird clip if you want.

iTunes 7

Apple just released a whole slew of new stuff. Have you seen the new iPod nano (now in 5 colors and with 24hr of battery life) or the new iPod shuffle (which no longer resembles a pack of gum; it’s basically just a clip!). They’re even coming out with iTV (suppose to be released Q1 2007) and this will compete directly with Microsoft’s Media Center.

Anyway, they also have a new iTunes and it’s actually a pretty nice upgrade. I believe they reimplemented their searching/indexing algorithm, and now searching songs is a lot faster. They finally broke up the library into Music, Movies, TV Shows, Podcasts, Audiobooks, and Radio, instead of lumping everything into your main Library. They also have new views of how to see your music (with album cover along side).

The iTMS (iTunes Music Store) also got revamped, though the free music section has moved away from the front page into the music subcategory (which once in awhile has a good song, like last week’s Sugarcult – Los Angeles). Still waiting for the music video.

Anyway, I was at work today and apparently iTunes won’t load through TS (Terminal Service) or you may call it RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol). It threw up an error box stating The iTunes application could not be opened. An unknown error occurred (0x666D743F). Apparently I’m not the only one: failed upgrade to 7.0 on windows xp

This apparently has to deal with the fact that iTunes now checks and verifies your soundcard and if it doesn’t like, it won’t load. I’m guessing this is to prevent cracking the DRM, but just a few hours after iTunes 7 was launched, a new edition of QTFairUse6 was released: QTFairUse6 2.3

There doesn’t seem to be a fix for this yet, but if anyone hears about a way to bypass this and get iTunes working on TS/RDP, please let me know. For now, I’ve been falling back to using WinAmp.

Random Crap:

September 11, 2001: What We Saw (from BitTorrent)

5 years ago today, we watched and filmed the attack on the WTC out of the window of home, 36 floors up and 600 years away from the North Tower. Releasing this tape was a difficult decision for us because of its emotional and personal nature, and the potential for misuse. We feel, however, that our unique perspective has an important historical value, and shows the horror of the day without soundtracks or hype often in other accounts. Please be respectful of the contents of this account and be aware some may find the scenes on this video very disturbing. Please share only in its entirety.

We chose Revver to distribute our video because of its artist-friendly licensing terms and support for the Creative Commons.

Bob and Bri

Professor gives students the option of purchasing his lectures online (from /.) – Robert Schrag records Communication 250 classes and offers them to students online for $2.50. The professor in the Department of Communication sent his students an e-mail Sept. 7 notifying them that lectures from their 75-minute communication and technology class were available online for $2.50 each. The Web site allows students to “buy now” and hear the lecture, in an MP3 format, as often as they like. I’m actually in favor of this. This would force students to actually attend class, as the backup would require money out of their pockets. On the other hand, when you do really need it to review or because you missed class due to something else more important, you have the option to obtain it.

Drivers give helmeted cyclists less room?Motorists give greater leeway to cyclists who do not wear safety helmets, according to a study by a academic in Britain who was hit by traffic twice as he rode his bike to carry out his research.

Electric man electrocutedA Vietnamese man who once appeared on national television to demonstrate his ability to resist electric shocks has been electrocuted while repairing a generator, an official said Tuesday. Irony, just like Steve Irwin, the crocodile hunter.

China paper suspends cartoonist for drawing Hu crying– A newspaper in southern China has suspended a cartoonist after he drew a weeping Chinese President Hu Jintao, a Hong Kong newspaper reported on Thursday. Sigh… You can’t draw cartoons of your political leader?

Dad breaks leg trying to cure phobiaIt seems a father’s plan to cure his daughter’s fear of heights fell short. Troy Stewart and his 10-year-old daughter were on their daily bike ride about 7:45 p.m. Monday when Stewart, 31, suggested they jump off a 15 foot bridge. Stewart held his daughter Meagan Stewart’s hand as they jumped off the bridge into the Intracoastal Waterway, authorities said. Reminds me of that saying, where you listen to everything I tell you to do. If I ask you to jump of a bridge, will you do it? In this case, literally, YES.

ATM reprogrammed to deliver more cashSurveillance footage shows a man walking into the gas station at 6:17 p.m. on Aug. 19, swiping an ATM card and punching in a series of numbers, breaking the machine’s security code. The automated teller machine was reprogrammed to disburse $20 bills but record it was a $5 debit to his account, Virginia Beach Police spokeswoman Rene Ball said.

All charges dropped in penis pump caseShe explained earlier that her client was embarrassed to explain the object to the security guard in front of his mother, who was traveling with him — so he whispered. The guard misunderstood, and thought he had said “bomb,” O’Neill-Burke said. The attorney added that Amin, an Iraqi, has a thick accent and she herself had trouble understanding him until he brought the pump to her office. She said she recently learned Arabic speakers sometimes have trouble distinguishing “p” and “b” sounds. So DeadLock was close when he said he thought he said ‘bong’, but turns out he meant to say pump, and when p’s can sound like b’s, you can see how pump = bumb = bomb.

Callous cabbies force roadside birth in ChinaA Chinese woman was forced to give birth on a roadside earlier this month after a dozen taxi drivers refused to take her to a hospital just 300 metres away, local media reported on Wednesday. … But when Wang went into labour and started moaning, the driver stopped the car at a traffic light and dragged the husband out, shouting “Don’t deliver the baby in my car, or I’ll have very bad luck throughout the year!”. “Wang had to crouch on the roadside under the scorching sun and the husband tried to hail another taxi, but none of the 11 passing by stopped,” the report said. Such a sad story… They would rather be superstitious than to easily aid someone in the need of help or as the Chinese say: 見死不救

Colombia gang wives call sex strike against crimeThey are calling it the “crossed legs” strike. I was just watching the new Comedy Central: Stand-Up podcast and this guy comes and says:

Chris Porter:

Ladies, you control the world.
You do. You can do whatever you want to with this planet.
If you want to lower gas prices, that’s up to you.
Seriously, you just got to start having sex with guys that ride the bus.
Follow me.
Nobody rides the bus now unless they have to. Why is that?
Cause nobody has sex with the bus rider, that’s why.
Can’t get laid riding the bus. Can’t even get laid in a car that gets good gas mileage.
No one’s having sex with the guy in a Neon, you know?
Drive around in your Cavaliers. See what kind of tail you pick up in that wagon.
What do girls like? Girls like SUVs, Hummers, Escalades, ???
If you’re getting better than 18 miles a gallon, and nobody’s having sex with you, that’s the problem.
If girls would start having sex with guys who ride the bus, we’d all start riding the bus.
And if we’re all riding the bus, we’re all riding in one car.
And if we’re all riding in one car, we’re using less gas.
By the law of supply and demand, if we’re using less, the price goes down.
So ladies, next time you’re at the pump, paying $3.20 a gallon, remember, it’s your *BEEP*ing fault.

Speaking of which, if anyone is watching the Comedy Central: Stand-Up podcasts, on 8/31/2006’s Comedy Central Live at Gotham: Kristen Schaal, when she speaks in Mandarin, what the heck is she saying? I could make out probably the 1st 2 words: 想你 FAN POIN KAI? (Mandarin for just kidding?!?!)

Slo-Mo Home Depot (from Hedonistica) – another great plan by Improv Everywhere, where they first go in slow motion, then normal again, and then FREEZE!

Panda sneeze shocker (from Hedonistica) – 親パンダが子パンダの 「くしゃみ」で驚く映 像. A baby panda sneezes and scares the bejesus (for some reason I always thought that was spelled bejeesus) out of the mom (or is the dad?). Very cute though.

Xinhua issues Measures for Administering the Release of News and Information in China by Foreign News Agencies (from /.) –

The Measures state that news and information released in China by foreign news agencies shall not contain any of the following that serves to:

  • violate the basic principles enshrined in the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China;
  • undermine China’s national unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity;
  • endanger China’s national security, reputation and interests;
  • violate China’s religious policies or preach evil cults or superstition;
  • incite hatred and discrimination among ethnic groups, undermine their unity, infringe upon their customs and habits, or hurt their feelings;
  • spread false information, disrupt China’s economic and social order, or undermine China’s social stability;
  • propagate obscenity and violence, or abet crimes;
  • humiliate or slander another person, or infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of another person;
  • undermine social ethics or the fine cultural traditions of the Chinese nation;
  • include other content banned by Chinese laws and administrative regulations.

Sigh… That last line basically gives them full control of the media (not like they don’t already), but now they’re coming out and explicitly stating so.

The Best Time to Buy Everything (from Derek) – very interesting/informative article telling you when the best time to buy things are, ranging from airline tickets to clothing to cars to electronics: AT 50 CENTS a roll — instead of the regular retail price of $4 — buying wrapping paper after New Year’s is an easy way to save. The same holds true for buying half-price inflatable pool loungers and patio furniture after Labor Day weekend. In fact, bargain lovers know that there’s a smart time to buy just about anything. For example, those looking for a great deal on a car should shop on weekday mornings in September. Groceries are cheapest on Sunday evenings. We talked to the experts, and found the best time to buy everything from wine to wedding dresses.

Music from The Inner Life of a Cell

If you’re looking for the mp3, please see this entry. The mp3 I have is scattered with the phrase “massive productions”, but if you’re okay with that, you can download the mp3 there.

So I’ve been trying to find out what the music from The Inner Life of a Cell (sometimes referred to as The Inner Life of the Cell). I’ve been searching online with queries involving soundtrack, music, audio, background, but with not much luck.

However, I did find the lead animator John Liebler (who goes by the alias Manfrog on these forums). I sent him a PM and left a message on the thread: Cellular Visions: The Inner Life of a Cell and here’s his response:

Hi Krunk!

Thanks! The music was composed, performed and recorded by Matt Berky. His company is called Massive Productions. Check him out at:

He does most of the sound work for XVIVO. He always does an amazing job!

You can also visit John Liebler’s homepage:

Visiting Massive Productions, I find that the piece used in the video has already won an award with that animation:

Massive Productions Wins 2006 Telly Award
Judging has been completed for the 27th Annual Telly Awards competition and Massive Productions was selected by the judges to receive a 2006 Telly Award for Best Music Composition for a Non-Broadcast Film or Video. The piece of music was written for a three minute medical animation produced by Harvard Bio-Science. The 27th Telly Awards Competition received over 12,000 entries from the finest ad agencies, production companies and corporations in the world. It is a tremendeous achievment to be selected for recognition.
Below is a short segment of the award-winning piece…

Download: Harvard.mp3

Unfortunately, it’s just a 48 second segment, but still good nonetheless. They don’t seem to be selling the music unfortunately. I’ve sent them an email and hopefully I’ll hear good news.

Free Songs from Weird Al

Weird Al “Yankovic” is giving a free song titled Don’t Download This Song (from /.) – Here’s the direct mp3 download link.

Lyrics: (HOTEL XVR27)

(sang to the tune of We Are The World)

Once in a while maybe you will feel the urge
To break international copyright law
By downloading MP3s from file-sharing sites
Like Morpheus or Grokster or Limewire or KaZaA

But deep in your heart you know the guilt would drive you mad
And the shame would leave a permanent scar
‘Cause you start out stealing songs and then you’re robbing liquor stores
And sellin’ crack and runnin’ over school kids with your car

So don’t download this song
The record store’s where you belong
Go and buy the CD like you know that you should
Oh, don’t download this song

Oh, you don’t wanna mess with the R-I-double-A
They’ll sue you if you burn that CD-R
It doesn’t matter if you’re a grandma or a seven year old girl
They’ll treat you like the evil hard-bitten criminal scum you are

So don’t download this song
Don’t go pirating music all day long
Go and buy the CD like you know that you should
Oh, don’t download this song

Don’t take away money from artists just like me
How else can I afford another solid gold Hum-Vee
And diamond-studded swimming pools
These things don’t grow on trees
So all I ask is, “Everybody, please…”

Don’t donwload this song (Don’t do it, no, no)
Even Lars Ulrich knows it’s wrong (You can just ask him)
Go and buy the CD like you know that you should (You really should)
Oh, don’t download this song

Don’t donwload this song (Oh please, don’t you do it)
Or you might wind up in jail like Tommy Chong (Remember Tommy)
Go and buy the CD (Right now) like you know that you should (Go out and buy it)
Oh, don’t download this song

Don’t download this song (No, no, no, no, no, no)
You’ll burn in hell before too long (and you’ll deserve it)
Go and buy the CD (Just buy it) like you know that you should (You cheap bastard)
Oh, don’t download this song

If you don’t know Tommy Chong, you can read about him on Wikipedia.

If you visit his homepage, you’ll also find out that he’s giving away You’re PitifulYes, Al recently recorded a James Blunt parody which unfortunately, due to matters beyond his control, will not be appearing on his forthcoming album. But if you’re so inclined, you can just download it for FREE! From the article:

According to Yankovic, Blunt himself gave his blessing to a song called “You’re Pitiful” (audio), which was to appear on Yankovic’s now-finished but as-yet-unreleased new album. But after Yankovic finished recording the parody, Atlantic Records, Blunt’s label, told Yankovic that he couldn’t release “You’re Pitiful.” Though Yankovic has encountered resistance from artists before — after a miscommunication involving permissions, Coolio publicly objected to a released parody of “Gangsta’s Paradise,” while Prince has always turned down Yankovic’s requests to parody his hits — he says this is the first time a label has stepped in to squash the release of one of his parodies.

That’s why he has decided to give it away online for free, since parodies are legal, but if you want to sell for money, you’ll need consent from the artist, or “whoever” owns the rights.

Lyrics: (from LyricZZ)

(sang to the tune of You’re Beautiful)

My life is brilliant…

What, was I too early? Oh, sorry. Should I…Do you wanna start over? Or, keep going?
Okay, now? Now?

My life is brilliant
Your life’s a joke
You’re just pathetic
You’re always broke

Your homemade Star Trek uniform
really ain’t impressin’ me
You’re sufferin’ from delusions of

You’re Pitiful (X3) It’s true

Never had a date
That ya couldn’t inflate
And ya smell repulsive too
What a bummer bein’ you

Well ya just can’t dance
And forget romance
Everybody you know still calls ya
Farty Pants
But you always have a job well I mean

As long as you still can work that slurpie machine

You’re Pitiful (X3) It’s true

You’re half undressed
Eatin’ chips off your chest
While you’re playin’ Halo 2
No one’s classier than you

Lalala la
Lalala la
Lalala la Loser

You’re Pitiful (X3) It’s true

Your dog would much rather
Play fetch by itself

You still live with your Mom when you’re 42

Guess you’ll never grow a clue
When it just sucks to be you

My Cubicle

My Cubicle – Song Lyrics (from Morris) – A hilarious parody of James Blunt’s You’re Beautiful. You can listen to the song here.


“My Cubicle”
Lyrics by: Morning Sidekick
Performed by: Jym Britton
Parody on “You’re Beautiful” by James Blunt

Cube FarmMy job is stupid my day’s a bore,
Inside this office from eight to four
Nothin’ ever happens my life is pretty bland,
Pretending that I’m working, pray I don’t get canned.

My Cubicle, My cubicle
It’s One of Sixty two
It’s my small space in a crowded place
Just a six-by-six foot booth
And I hate it that’s the truth

When I give a sigh as the boss walks by,
no one ever talks to me or looks me in the eye.
And I really should work but instead I just sit here and surf the Internet.

In My Cubicle, My cubicle
It doesn’t have a view.
It’s my small space in a crowded place
I sit in solitude.
And sometimes I sit here nude.

Random Crap:

Tiny Tokyo Collection (from Cari) – An experiment using photoshop to create the effect of a “tilt shift” lens, a la the photos of Olivo Barbieri. These are all real photos of Tokyo, not plastic models. I’ve posted before on a photographer who used tilt shift lens to produce photos of that look like little city models, but apparently nowadays, you can use photoshop.

D1大整古-流動廁所 (from MsticAzn) – NOT WORK SAFE! Apparently a sequel to the snow sliding massage chair. The title translates to “D1 Big Prank – Moving Bathroom” as they set up a prank toilet where it rises up and shows everyone what you’re doing.

Woman auctions herself with her FerrariA woman living in Germany is auctioning off her red Ferrari Enzo sports car and including a little extra in the package — herself.

Operation removes lightbulb from anusFateh Mohammad, a prison inmate in Pakistan, says he woke up last weekend with a glass lightbulb in his anus. Wednesday night, doctors brought Mohammad’s misery to an end after a one-and-a-half hour operation to remove the object.

2006 IDEA AWARDS (from /.) – went through a bunch of them, and some of the ideas are pretty neat!

Smile! A new Canadian tool can re-grow teeth say inventors (from /.) – Snaggle-toothed hockey players and sugar lovers may soon rejoice as Canadian scientists said they have created the first device able to re-grow teeth and bones. The researchers at the University of Alberta in Edmonton filed patents earlier this month in the United States for the tool based on low-intensity pulsed ultrasound technology after testing it on a dozen dental patients in Canada. Soon, there won’t be any need for fake teeth! Yay!

Man pulls TV from house fire to watch match A Beijing football fan refused to let the small matter of his house burning down disturb his enjoyment of Tuesday’s World Cup match between France and Spain. A fire broke out in a hutong in the centre of the Chinese capital at 3am local time on Wednesday — kickoff time in Hanover — and gutted the traditional courtyard dwelling, the Beijing Daily Messenger reported.

Dell investigating exploding laptop incidentThe Dell laptop computer seen bursting into flames in photographs on the Internet was being examined as part of the company’s probe of the incident, Dell Inc. said Tuesday. “We have captured the notebook and have begun investigating the event,” Dell spokeswoman Anne Camden said, confirming the computer was made by Dell but declining to specify the model. No one was hurt in the incident, she said. Here are some actual photos of the incident. I first saw this on MS newsgroup and as someone commented, the guy on the bottom photo still using his laptop is typing into an iRC chatroom saying, “OMG! Someone’s laptop just blew up in front of me. BRB!”

Girl shoots a bow with her feet (accurately too) (from RayAlome) – amazing video of this girl who can bend in all sorts of ways and hold her entire body up with just a mouth. Then she finishes her performance by shooting an arrow with her feet blindfolded into some balloons.

Guy who is the target of a manhunt talks to a reporter live right before he goes to turn himself in (from RayAlome) – Wow, a neighbor gets shot and killed, the police are hunting for the guy and he just randomly appears in front of the police station and in front of a reporter. The reporter asks him where he has been and his reply was just classic: “I was at Jack in the Box, ordering a soda, a Sprite.”

Computer desktop of the future? (from /.) – Computer desktop of the future?. Why would someone want their computer desktop to be as messy as their real desk? A short video of what a desktop can become. Pretty interesting on the ways things are organized and sorted.

‘Big Brother’ eyes make us act more honestly (from /.) – We all know the scene: the departmental coffee room, with the price list for tea and coffee on the wall and the “honesty box” where you pay for your drinks – or not, because no one is watching. In a finding that will have office managers everywhere scurrying for the photocopier, researchers have discovered that merely a picture of watching eyes nearly trebled the amount of money put in the box. Treble = To make or become triple. Quite interesting and then someone posted this: Uncomfortable RestroomsPublic toilet in Thailand designed to make you uncomfortable. What were they thinking? I like how there’s a woman holding up a scissor and pointing down toward the urinal.

Cascada – Everytime We Touch

I first heard this song on the radio and thought it sounded very much like Disney’s Electric Parade’s Theme Song: Baroque Hoedown (mp3 from Jean Jacques Perrey MP3’s), or maybe I was just crazy. However, the tune was catchy and I jotted down some of the lyrics and found the song when I got home. You can preview the song (mp3 from Juno Records) or watch the music video. Apparently she’s German and you can visit her home page at Cascada-Music.

Lyrics: (from MetroLyrics)

Everytime We Touch
by Cascada

I still hear your voice,
When you sleep next to me.
I still feel your touch,
in my dreams.
Forgive me my weakness,
But I dont know why,
Without you it’s hard to survive

‘Cause every time we touch,
I get this feeling
And every time we kiss,
I swear I can fly
Can’t you feel my heart beat fast,
I want this to last,
Need you by my side
‘Cause every time we touch,
I feel the static,
And every time we kiss,
I reach for the sky,
Can’t you hear my heart beat slow
I can’t let you go,
I Want you in my life.

Your arms are my castle,
Your heart is my sky.
They wipe away tears that I’ve cried
The good and the bad times,
We’ve been through them all.
You make me rise when I fall..

‘Cause every time we touch,
I get this feeling
And every time we kiss,
I swear I can fly
Can’t you feel my heart beat fast,
I want this to last,
Need you by my side
‘Cause every time we touch,
I feel the static,
And every time we kiss,
I reach for the sky,
Can’t you hear my heart beat slow,
I can’t let you go,
I Want you in my life.

‘Cause every time we touch,
I get this feeling
And every time we kiss,
I swear I can fly,
Can’t you feel my heart beat fast,
I want this to last,
Need you by my side.

You can get this song from her Everytime We Touch album.

cascada - everytime we touch album cover

iPod God

If there was an iPod God, he must’ve heard my complain, because mysteriously my iPod Nano is fixed. So for the longest time, whenever I pull my earphones out, my iPod would continue playing, but whenever I plugged it back in, it would stop playing. I thought that was the most bizarre thing and quite counter-intuitive. I was just complaining to Decathanerd the other day on how Apple should’ve reversed that behavior and he tells me that’s how his iPod Nano behaves. When he unplugs his earphones, the iPod stops playing and not when he plugs it in. However, when he plugs it in, it doesn’t start playing which I’m okay with.

So I verified that wasn’t the case for me. Decathanerd said it took awhile for it to stop playing, so I waited 30 secs after unplugging for it to stop playing, but it continued playing and the moment my earphones touched the input hole, it immediately stopped playing.

I went to Apple’s support site trying to find a way to ask for help, but apparently they don’t have online email support, only through phone or I can visit one of their stores (which there are a couple in the Seattle area). However, I did find this article: iPod (Click Wheel) pauses when headphone connector is unplugged:

Getting a surprise pause when you unplug something?

iPod (Click Wheel) pauses playback when anything connected to the headphone jack (such as headphones or the remote) is removed. Pressing the Play button will resume playback.

So it appears my iPod was defective and Decathanerd and I were plotting on how to get Apple to replace my iPod because I’ve also got it scratched a lot.

But today, when I unplugged my earphones, my iPod Nano magically stopped playing, as if it was never broken to begin with. I did this couple times with different start states (playing, not playing, etc) to verify it wasn’t just a fluke. Maybe there was a way I was unplugging my earphones before that made my iPod Nano wacky. Welp, I’m happy now and I don’t have to stop by the Bellevue Apple store this weekend.

Another thing I got for my iPod Nano was this new skin: iPod Nano Crystal Shield – Enhanced. When I first got my iPod, they only carried the iPod Nano Crystal Shield – Rugged (which wasn’t even distinguished between Enhanced and Rugged before). This rugged skin wasn’t as clear as I hoped for and it came as 2 big sheets of sticky plastic which made controlling the wheel and pushing the center button a bit hard. I was also seeing random colors on the screen due to distortion of the sticky stuff they’re using.

However the new Enhanced version is so much better. As they state: If you’d prefer a clearer display and don’t need the thickness of the “Rugged” item, we’d suggest looking at our “Enhanced” series of crystal shields for the Nano. The “Enhanced” series covers almost the same area but is made of a special multi-layer composite material.

From the description of the Enhanced version: The “Enhanced” series of body protectors are a three piece 99% transparent, special multi-layer composite piece designed to fit the face of the iPod (including the screen), the outer portion of the clickwheel and the chrome back of the device.

I can’t describe how much happier I’m with this new skin. It even came with its own microfiber soft cloth to clean your iPod before applying the skin and a small piece of firm cardboard (could’ve been firmer, but I’m not complaining) which you can use to push out air bubbles. The real reason why I decided to get a new skin was there was a air bubble in the old skin I was using and it was annoying me. so I peeled of one corner to get it out, and from that point on, that corner was ruined and started to slowly peel by itself.

Another difference was my original skin was just 2 pieces of plastic while the new versions (both the Enhanced and Rugged) now has a big hole cut out for th wheel and a seperate donut plastic for the wheel. The skin is so thin, it’s like it’s not even there. I see people carrying theirs in thick silicone skins and that just really defeats the purpose of purchasing something so tiny.

You can read their Skinning Demystified to see how exactly their skins work. Of course take it with a grain of salt, since they are sales people, but as advertised, my iPod Nano hasn’t been scratched since I started using their skins and there is pratically no noticable difference now that the transparency issue has been fixed.

Danielle Bollinger – Kiss the Sky

This artist was introduced to me by RayAlome: Danielle Bollinger

She has 2 tracks available to listen to on her website:
Kiss the Sky
When the Broken Hearted Love Again

and 2 music videos for you to watch on her website:
Kiss the Sky
Kiss the Sky (Club Remix)

The Kiss the Sky song was so good, I downloaded the Mike Rizzo Global Club Mix from iTunes ($0.99 for a ~8min song), although the Mike Rizzo Global Radio Edit seems more popular.

I wasn’t able to find the lyrics online, but so I’ve tried to decipher it:

The ocean holds me captive
And it keeps me from the truth
Though I don’t know how I got here
But I know I’m missing you

And I know the day is coming (coming)
When I’ll be back inside your arm
But as much as I believe it
The day seems so far

So I’ll kiss the sky good night
And pretend I’m by your side
And in the dark I’ll feel the light
I’ll be loved
I’ll be loved
I’ll be loved

I’ll kiss the sky
I’ll kiss the sky
I’ll kiss the sky

Every time the wind blows
I hear it call your name
And even in the darkness
I can see your face

Every second brings my freedom
Much closer into view
So the ocean will not hold me
And I’ll be one with you

So I’ll kiss the sky good night
And pretend I’m by your side
And in the dark I’ll feel the light
I’ll be loved
I’ll be loved
I’ll be loved

And when I kiss the sky good night
You will be right by my side
And in the dark I’ll feel the light
I’ll be loved
I’ll be loved
I’ll be loved

I’ll kiss the sky
I’ll kiss the sky
I’ll kiss the sky

I’ll kiss the sky good night
And pretend I’m by your side
And in the dark I’ll feel the light
I’ll be loved
I’ll be loved
I’ll be loved

And when I kiss the sky good night
You will be right by my side
And in the dark I’ll feel the light
I’ll be loved
I’ll be loved
I’ll be loved

So I’ll kiss the sky good night (I’ll kiss the sky)
And pretend I’m by your side (I’ll kiss the sky)
And in the dark I’ll feel the light (I’ll kiss the sky)
I’ll be loved (I’ll kiss the sky)
I’ll be loved
I’ll be loved

I’ll kiss the sky
I’ll kiss the sky
I’ll kiss the sky

You can get this song off her When the Broken Hearted Love Again album.

danielle bollinger - kiss the sky album cover