Emoticons – East vs West

Emoticons carry cultural baggage

Emoticons act as proxies for facial expressions, and there are a lot of studies showing that many facial expressions can be interpreted correctly by all human cultures. Despite that universality, however, there are subtle differences in interpretations across cultures. The authors propose a model in which a culture’s interpretation of facial expressions is dependent upon a combination of the culture’s emotional openness and the challenge of controlling certain facial muscles. As they put it, “Given that the eyes are more difficult to control than the mouth when people express emotions, we predicted that individuals in cultures where emotional subduction is the norm (such as Japan) would focus more strongly on the eyes than the mouth when interpreting others’ emotions. By contrast, we predicted that people in cultures where overt emotional expression is the norm (such as the US) would tend to interpret emotions based on the position of the mouth, because it is the most expressive part of the face.

You can download the research paper here (PDF). To bring this point across, they provide this example:

For example, in the United States the emoticons :) and :-) denote a happy face, whereas the emoticons :( or :-( denote a sad face. However, Japanese tend to use the symbol (^_^) to indicate a happy face, and (; _ ;) to indicate a sad (or crying) face (Pollack, 1996).

Random Crap:

Puget Custom Computer’s mineral-oil-cooled PC (from Maxxius) – We’ve definitely seen our share of wacky CPU cooling (and silencing) schemes, but most liquid-cooling setups aren’t as, uh, immersive as Puget Custom Computer’s mineral-oil-cooled PC. Essentially a motherboard in an aquarium topped off with fluid, the Washington company claims the oil effectively cools system components for up to 12 hours at peak load. While traditional homebrew oil-cooling setups use vegetable oil, the Puget crew chose mineral oil because it’s perfectly clear and, more importantly, doesn’t go rancid after a while. Disadvantage? Large quantities of mineral oil are difficult to find — Puget had to explain what they were doing to a local vet, who normally uses the stuff as a horse laxative. That means those of you looking to build one of these better get friendly with Fido’s doc, cause Puget isn’t planning on selling these. Peep a vid of the crazy setup — including the aquarium’s bubble bar in action — after the jump. I’ve seen my share of mineral oil cooled PCs, but this is the first one I’ve seen in a aquarium. Usually the ones I’ve seen are in Styrofoam boxes.

If this thread is true: Citi Dividend Platinum Select MasterCard – 5% rebate again YMMV, those who have the Citi Dividend Platinum Select card might have their cashback program bumped back up to 5%. A few months ago, they dropped the cashback program from 5% to 2% and I’ve completely stopped using them and swapped over to my Chase Cash Rewards card, which had exactly the same 5% cashback program. However, that card is no longer available to apply for and basically I’m grandfathered in.

I found this image off someone’s FaceBook picture and thought it was really cute and decided to share it.
bleach kon plush
Kon Plush (from Bleach)

10 Totally Stupid Online Business Ideas That Made Someone Rich (from Digg) – I wish I cam up with a stupid idea that made me rich too!

Wis. festival sells deep-fried testiclesAround here, it may be tough to pass up anything deep-fried. Wisconsinites have deep-fried cheese curds, candy bars and Twinkies. They now have deep-fried livestock testicles, too. … “Once you get over the mental (aspect) of what you’re eating, it’s just like eating any other food, and it tastes good,” Buster Hoffman said. … “After a few beers, you can’t really tell the difference,” Joubert said. Yum?

The “official” X-clamp Replacement Success Thread, Please read the first post carefully! (from Digg) – With the recent discovery of replacing the x-clamps on the motherboard being a good fix for 3RLOD, RBJtech suggested that we keep track of results. 3RLOD = 3 red lights of death, a pun on the BSOD (blue screen of death). Many Xbox 360s have encountered this unfortunate disaster. Microsoft hasn’t released any official numbers of how many Xbox 360s have received this fate, but I recall hearing less than 1%. You’ve probably heard of the Towel Trick. Many have guessed by using the towel trick, it heats the system to the point the re-solders the gpu back correctly. However apparently if you replace the x-clamps on the Xbox 360, many have reported success in fixing their Xbox 360s. The score so far is 150 vs 7 (95.5% success rate). So if your Xbox 360 is out of warranty, there’s no harm in trying to replace your x-clamps. Detail instructions are provided over at Tutorial : X-clamp Replacement – RBJtech’s Method and Tutorial : X-clamp Replacement – Lawdawg0931’s Method.

I was reading up on some new deals with Vizio and found out that they have a 0 dead pixel policy. I was shocked! Even Samsung doesn’t offer that here in America. Most companies have a 4-7 dead pixel policy where they’ll fix or replace your LCD if you find more than the given number of dead pixels. Vizio will replace your LCD if you find just 1. From A Lot of LCD for a Little Bit of LootAnd speaking of pixels, Vizio also offers a “no dead pixel” guarantee, which is rare in the LCD TV industry, particularly at entry-level price points. I examined the L42 closely and was not able to find a single dead pixel, so kudos to Vizio in that respect.

UserFriendly – Consumer Choice Enhancement – If HBO thinks it can get away by calling DRM Digital Consumer Enablement (which by the way, enablement isn’t a real word), by that logic piracy should be called Consumer Choice Enhancement.

Infrared – More Than Your Eyes Can See (from Digg) – I was watching this video about how night vision works and I had a hard time digesting the fact they were calling everything from radio waves to microwaves to even gamma rays light. I understand they are all part of the electromagnetic spectrum, but I’ve always associated light to only the visible range of that spectrum. According to Wikipedia: Light is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength that is visible to the eye (visible light) or, in a technical or scientific context, the word is sometimes used to mean electromagnetic radiation of all wavelengths. I guess with the latter definition, they were using it correctly.

MK vs. SF 3 (from RayAlome) – MK vs SF 3. See part 2 if you haven’t. Most likely the final one of the series. This is the 3rd and apparently final chapter of the MK vs. SF series (Mortal Kombat vs. Street Fighter). The animation is done really well as well as the fight choreography. All is done with sprites, which is amazingly pretty.

Fox sues website for “The O.J.Simpsons” (from Digg) – Fox doesn’t seem to have a sense of humor about a “Simpsons” parody that’s been going around the net called “The O.J. Simpsons,” reports TV Guide. The parody is quite obviously about O.J. Simpson, but done in the style of “The Simpsons,” with the same music and similar animation.

How not to ship a plasma TVThe guy who shipped this may or may not have been a professional delivery person. It’s tough to tell based on the work he did on this plasma TV. Seriously though, he might as well have shipped this thing using bowling balls. Or, I dunno, hammers. Ouch!

Cyclist OK after truck runs over headA delivery truck ran over a cyclist’s head, leaving him only with a concussion and a mangled helmet. Ryan Lipscomb, 26, was shaken up, especially after he saw the condition of his helmet. Check out the damage of the helmet and you’d be surprise he’s still alive: Bike helmet crushed, but head fine (from Digg)

Teen hurt whacking bullets with hammer– A teenager who put bullets in a vise and whacked them with a hammer to empty the brass shell casings was wounded in the abdomen by approximately the 100th bullet he hit, according to Warren County deputies. Sigh…

Texas man charged in Skittles heistA man caught removing tires from a truck has been charged with stealing the tractor-trailer containing $250,000 worth of Skittles, police said. How many tons of Skittles is that!?!?!

Light Criticism (from Consumerist) – This is the first collaboration between the Anti-Advertising Agency and Graffiti Research Lab. Modified from Ji Lee’s Abstractor TV. We used black foam core ($10/sheet) cut with a laser cutter – however, this project can be done with an x-acto blade, black construction paper, and duct tape for next to nothing. It can be repeated using any backlit display – bus shelters, display ads, television store windows… dream big, act now. NYC’s TRUE GRAFFITI PROBLEM Watch the video here.

Coca-Cola settles lawsuits over benzene (from Consumerist) – Fanta Pineapple, Vault Zero had ingredients that could form substance. The Coca-Cola Co. has agreed to offer replacements to people who purchased two soft drinks to settle lawsuits over ingredients that can form cancer-causing benzene, the plaintiffs said Monday. The only interesting part of this article was the fact that I’m a big fan of Fanta Pineapple.

Weird Al – I’ll Sue Ya (from Consumerist) – Hilarious song from Weird Al from his new “Straight Outta Lynwood” album, done in the style of Rage Against the Machine. The vid features animation by Thomas Edward Lee. Enjoy! This is so sad, yet so true. Americans have become sue-happy.

Random Crap

Funny or Die (from Ars) – Comedian Will Ferrell and partner Adam McKay quietly launched their newest contribution to the pool of ever-growing video sites last week, called FunnyorDie.com, which allows users to upload their own comedy videos to the site to be voted on by other viewers. FunnyorDie functions more or less like the other video sites already in existence, except with one key difference: the votes determine whether the videos stay on the main site, where they are categorized, or whether they get banished to “The Crypt.”

Only 244 copies of Genuine Windows Vista sold in China (from /.) – Microsoft spent millions of dollars advertising its next generation OS ‘Windows Vista’ in China, in fact the IT juggernaut threw up the biggest Vista Ad on the 421 meter high Jin Mao tower in Shanghai China. However after 2 weeks (Jan 19 to Feb 2) from launch Microsoft managed to sell a mere 244 copies of Windows Vista. Software piracy is rampant in the middle kingdom and a pirated version of Vista sells for a mere $1 on the streets. The following numbers are quoted by Windows Vista chief distributor in Bejing.

Oh, and I’m supposed to take the ring back, too…Bernd Dressler, who charges 50 euros ($68) to tell people they have been dumped, says he has helped end 200 relationships in the last 11 months.

Russia trains seals for submarine defenceRussian marine biologists are training seals to defend the country’s fleet of nuclear submarines, the Izvestia newspaper reported on Tuesday. Haha! Reminds me of those Warner Bros. cartoons back in the day.

Wisconsin law hinders lewd library caseA law protecting library records’ confidentiality has hamstrung officials pursuing a man who reportedly masturbated among the books at the Neenah Public Library earlier this month. City Attorney James Godlewski said the library can’t turn a surveillance video of the man over to police without a court order.

Elephant dung helps scientists develop new biofuelScientists in the Netherlands have discovered a fungus in elephant dung that will help them break down fibres and wood into biofuel. Bioethanol firms currently extract sugars from crops like grains and sugar beet, but some are developing technologies to extract energy from fibre such as wheat bran, straw or wood.

Semi driver checks on doughnuts, crashesA semi driver whose truck rolled on its side, dumping a load of specialty sunflower seeds, says it happened when he tried to check on a couple of doughnuts. Doughnuts! They’re EVIL!!!

Jack Thompson Blames VaTech on Bill Gates (from Ungsunghero) –

‘Several Korean youths who knew Cho Seung Hui from his high school days said he was a fan of violent video games, particularly Counterstrike, a hugely popular online game published by Microsoft, in which players join terrorism or counterterrorism groups and try to shoot each other using all types of guns.’

Mr. Gates, your company is potentially legally liable the [sic] harm done at Virginia Tech. Your game, a killing simulator, according to the news that used to be in the Post, trained him to enjoy killing and how to kill.

Despite what crazy J.T. claims, Counter Strike (or Half Life) is created by Valve, not Microsoft. However, apparently Microsoft did “publish” the Xbox version. Thompson Targets Microsoft in Latest Crusade (from Ungsunghero) –

Unfortunately, there are at least two glaring issues to be found in Thompson’s latest letter. First, as mentioned earlier, The Washington Post article referenced by Thompson has since been edited to remove any references to Counterstrike and any other video game. Second, while Microsoft did publish the Xbox version of Counterstrike, the game was originally developed by Valve Software, with Vivendi Universal handling the publication of the game on the PC.

WaPo writer talks VT shooter/Counter-Strike connection, removal (from FuzzyWuzzy) – Apparently the mention of Counter Strike was from Washington Post and friends mentioned they saw him playing at a cybercafe. I’m assuming it’s a PC version since most cybercafes do PCs and CounterStrike is really a PC game. Roommates in college said they never recall him playing video games on his computer.

ロボットに変形するNIKEシューズ (from Angelus) – The Japanese there translates to Robot Transforming Nike Shoes. I wonder if you can actually wear these Transformer shoes.
transformer nike shoes

SAVENETRADIO… Please join us! (from Consumerist) – I hope you’ll join us. To add your voice to this movement, please take a minute to sign the PETITION urging your representatives in congress to act at the new website Savenetradio.org. RIAA is going to raise fees, and services such as Pandora won’t be able to survive. Contact your congressmen via the Petition and make them do the right thing.

Food delivery gone bad (from Angelus) – One of the crazy scene from “Resurrection of the little match girl” Edit: Let me explain, this guy came to this company to deliver jajang noodles, the receiptionist answer rudly and told him off as no ones even order takeout while a guy in the background laugh. At the end, he says that he remember his voice from over the phone. The song playing in the background is the English version of SES – Dreams Come True.

Grayson (from RayAlome) – John Fiorella adaptation of DC comics… John Fiorella adaptation of DC comics Robin. Fan made trailer about the death of Batman and the Boy Wonder’s search for the truth. Wow! This trailer/film was amazing! If you didn’t know, Robin’s (from Batman and Robin) real name is Dick Drayson. It’s also been said that Superman protects New York during the day and Batman protect Gotham City (also representative of New York) at night. Superman actually appears in this video, as well as Wonder Woman, Joker, Penguin, Riddler, Cat Woman, etc.

TypingMania 4 (from FuzzyWuzzy) – Remember Typing of the Dead game, where you have to type fast enough for your gun to kill the Zombies. Well, this game is similar where you have to type the romanji or words of these songs. Extremely difficult.

floppy disk on fridge
Floppy Disk on Fridge (from SueOn) – The note says: Hello Dear, I found the disk you were so frantically looking for yesterday.

Random Crap

Forgot to wish Tekman HAPPY BDAY!

I’ve added 2 new categories: Food and Comics

I found this bumper sticker and found the slogan hilarious: My kid has a cooler job than your kid. – Microsoft College
my kid has a cooler job than you - microsoft  college

Otters holding hands (from Esca) – Vancouver Aquarium: two sea otters float around, napping, holding hands. SO CUTE! You know, I haven’t visited Vancouver Aquarium yet.

I know it’s way past April Fool’s day, but it appears that after you graduate from college, people just forget about April Fool’s day. I got so many people IMing asking me if this was real: Google TiSP and when I mention it was April 1st / April Fool, they go, “Oh yah! I forgot about it.” Another Google joke was GMail Paper.

Along the same topic, there was Ten of the best April Fool’s Day hoaxes: US museum (from Digg) – Here were the ones I liked:

  • In 1957, a BBC television show announced that thanks to a mild winter and the virtual elimination of the spaghetti weevil, Swiss farmers were enjoying a bumper spaghetti crop. Footage of Swiss farmers pulling strands of spaghetti from trees prompted a barrage of calls from people wanting to know how to grow their own spaghetti at home.
  • In 1996, American fast-food chain Taco Bell announced that it had bought Philadelphia’s Liberty Bell, a historic symbol of American independence, from the federal government and was renaming it the Taco Liberty Bell. Outraged citizens called to express their anger before Taco Bell revealed the hoax. Then-White House press secretary Mike McCurry was asked about the sale and said the Lincoln Memorial in Washington had also been sold and was to be renamed the Ford Lincoln Mercury Memorial after the automotive giant.
  • Burger King, another American fast-food chain, published a full-page advertisement in USA Today in 1998 announcing the introduction of the “Left-Handed Whopper,” specially designed for the 32 million left-handed Americans. According to the advertisement, the new burger included the same ingredients as the original, but the condiments were rotated 180 degrees. The chain said it received thousands of requests for the new burger, as well as orders for the original “right-handed” version.
  • Noted British astronomer Patrick Moore announced on the radio in 1976 that at 9:47 am, a once-in-a-lifetime astronomical event, in which Pluto would pass behind Jupiter, would cause a gravitational alignment that would reduce the Earth’s gravity. Moore told listeners that if they jumped in the air at the exact moment of the planetary alignment, they would experience a floating sensation. Hundreds of people called in to report feeling the sensation.

Bulgaria goes into debt to buy fleet of Porsche Cayenne ambulances (from Digg) – There’s few things that could make one turn away from the blue light at the end of the tunnel and return to the land of the living, but a ride in a Porsche Cayenne ambulance just might do the trick. Apparently Bulgaria agrees, as the cash-strapped country’s health ministry is using a loan from the World Bank to buy a fleet 32 Cayenne’s destined for ambulance duty (a Russian Porsche Cayenne police vehicle is shown above). Maybe I should work as an ambulance driver for the Bulgarians.

Don’t buy an HDTV without reading this first (from Digg) – Forking out a few thousand dollars or even just a few hundred is a serious investment, and the last thing you want to do is buy an HDTV with lousy color rendition. Navigating the minefield in consumer electronics is a confusing proposition even for the seasoned gadget geeks, so I created this survival guide to help you make a wise decision. I’ll explain the various types of HDTVs as well as cabling and testing the color depth of your display. I think this guy does a rather good explanation of the difference between the types of HDTVs and all those random specs one usually has no idea what they’re talking about.

MPAA names its Top 25 movie piracy schoolsThe MPAA may be gearing up for an RIAA-inspired assault on US colleges and universities. Last week the group announced its support for the “Curb Illegal Downloading on College Campuses Act (2007),” and MPAA head Dan Glickman said that his organization would work with school administrators to put an end to movie piracy on campuses, which Glickman says costs the industry $500 million annually. Stanford and Berkeley rank 24 and 25 respectively.

HostTracker (from Digg) – website monitoring service. I’ve been using InternetSeer, but this one looks good too.

tapefailure (from Digg) – tapefailure lets you record your users’ browsing sessions and play them back, just like a tape, as well as view numerous useful statistics about your users. Really sounds like a neat feature when it gets released.

Panama co. says brews world’s biggest cup of coffeePanama’s top coffee producer said it believes it has set a new record for the world’s biggest cup of coffee, after brewing 750 gallons (2,840 litres) in a giant mug on Sunday.

bowling dental insurance ad
Very Clever Marketing Campaign (from Clip Haven)
However, if I was bowling in this alley, I’d sort of be creeped out.

Crisping Tray

Once again, it’s been a long week. My random crap has already been backlogged to 3/28. I haven’t even check Digg and in 3 days. It’s going to take me awhile for me to push this crap onto you guys. ;p

A few weeks ago, IRobertI IMed me asking what the those gray disks that microwavable pizza come with are called. I had always thought they were just just paper cardboard with some plastic/wax thing on top of it. He tells me if you try microwaving a pizza normally without this special cardboard, the pizza’s crust becomes all soggy. I think then propose the fact that since most of these dishes allow air to go underneath it, that may have something to do with making it crispy.

Here’s what one of them look like:
microwavable pizza and crisping tray

I started searching online and there’s a bunch of threads and patents that popped up, but nothing really that describe how it works. Some claim there’s some sort of metal in it and it acts as a resistor, heating up when microwave frequencies hit it. But isn’t putting metal into the microwave counterintuitive? Anyway, I started reading the back of my Bagel Bites box and they refer to it as a crisping tray.

I decided to take apart one and unless the gray coating on top of cardboard is the metallic part, I found now no evidence of any sort of metal hidden inside the cardboard. If anyone knows exactly how this magic is done, I’d like to know.

Random Crap:

Bruce Lee – high speed paintingThis is a bit different from my normal stuff. Check out my other art at http://www.philinthecircle.com / MySpace. Music: Elephine / Song: Five / http://www.myspace.com/elephine Nice painting, but sure spent a lot of time and energy.

UPS: Request Delivery Intercept – UPS has rolled out a new service where when you pay some extra amount, you can request UPS to perform one of the following actions:

  • Return to Sender: Return the package to the shipper
  • Deliver to Another Address: Reroute the package to a new address
  • Reschedule Delivery: Hold the package for delivery on a future date
  • Will Call: Hold the package for pickup by the consignee

How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico (from Digg) – A very interesting article. First get rid of corrupted officials. Second, don’t just drop them at the border and give them a chance to just get back across, take them deep into Mexico before releasing them.

Yahoo Mail Announces Unlimited Storage (from Digg) – Yahoo is announcing that all Yahoo Mail users will have free unlimited email storage starting in May 2007. The current storage limit is 1 GB per account (2 GB for $20/year premium users). With this change, Yahoo leapfrogs Gmail (2.8 GB and growing) and Live.com Mail (2GB). Yahoo mail currently has 250 million global users, more than any other online service (Live.com has 228 million and Gmail has 51 million users). See this feature by feature comparison of the services for more information. I wonder what paying users get then

Japanese goldfish live in (and clean) a deep fryer (from Consumerist) – More here: Deep-fry diving for goldfish in Japan. Someone commented: Unfortunately they don’t really explain well enough to understand well. But there is a cooling system between the water and the oil. It took them ten years to develop it. So the bits of tempura batter fall down and stick together, which keeps the oil clean (the bits don’t float around and burn). Also, if you throw frozen pieces of food into a fryer, usually the oil will react violently, but now the waters sinks and cools instead of becoming vapor.

Gateway 2 (from Digg) – a pretty fun, yet somewhat depressing flash game. It’s one of those escape from the room type games, but in this one you’re trying to piece together a story. If you need help, walkthrough, or solution, scroll down to beppe1’s post over at Escape The Room.

Home is where the heart is for world’s tallest manThe world’s tallest man, whose search for a bride covered the world, ended up marrying a woman from his home town nearly half his age and more than two feet shorter, Chinese media reported on Wednesday.

Mad Track in a Japanese Game Show – Sasuke 2007 (from Digg) – The Japanese are famous for their extreme game shows on TV. Here is an example of the tracks the competittors need to finish on a TV program called Sasuke. This is their spring special aired march 21st 2007. It’s quite amazing (and this is just the first level). Wow, this really puts American Gladiators to shame.

If you like the previous IMDb page layout, apparently you can still visit it at http://former.imdb.com/.

Real Life Comics – Relevant Information – As someone who does computer tech support for my family and relatives and friends, these little jokes always hit it home.

Google Maps – from Chicago, IL to London, UK (Consumerist) – If you take a look at step #20: Swim across the Atlantic Ocean 3,462 mi. Appears to be some sort of joke that the developers decided to add in. The minimal amount of driving directions come from Boston, MA to Le Havre, France, which still results in a 29 day swim. At 3,426mi in 29 days, we’re still talking about 119 miles per day and 5 miles an hour (non-stop). Programatically, all they had to do was connect Boston to Le Havre in their map and give it a distance and time. Therefore, any location that’s connected into the USA can reach any destination that’s connected into France. Unfortunately, Mexico doesn’t have any maps on Google, so Central and South America are basically cut from this. And it looks like only Western Europe can connect into France.

xkcd – The Difference – The difference between a normal person and a scientist. 😉

Don’t Do This With a 19 Inch Dildo (from Tera) (content is work safe, but ads are not) – Here’s something not to do with a 19 inch dildo. So my friend is a nurse. She tells starts telling me this story about a guy walking into the emergency room hunched over and walking funny. The guy says he has a pain coming from his stomach and butt. He doesn’t mention anything else to doctors. So they Xray him to find out what’s wrong. Here’s what they found.

Ancient riddle of the Great Pyramid’s construction is turned inside out (from Digg) – In Paris tomorrow, Jean-Pierre Houdin will unveil the fruits of eight years’ work by describing at a conference how the pyramid of the pharaoh Khufu was built from the inside out. He will propose that the Egyptians carried the building blocks up an internal ramp that formed a spiral tunnel within the structure’s outer wall. These tunnels, he believes, must still exist today. With the help of sophisticated computer software developed by the French company Dassault Systemes, M. Houdin has been able to reconstruct a three-dimensional simulation of how the great limestone and granite blocks of the pyramid were put together stone by stone.

WiigoBot: The Perfect GamePresenting a Lego NXT Wii Playing Robot that can bowl a perfect game. I wonder if the robot knows when its his turn again, or if it’s just timed.

Wonderbra Ad Malfunctions (from Derek) – Really clever ad for the Wonderbra or just a broken billboard?

Amazing French Beatboxer Part 2The same awesome beat boxer we posted last week was back on French idol dropping some sweet beats. This time he does a little Justin Timberlake and I gotta say this guy is talented. Here’s Part 1 (Looks like this is from an American Idol type show in France, one of the contestants is an amazing Beat Boxer. Listen him seamlessly go from Michael Jackson Billy Jean to Usher Ya! When does he breathe?) and part 3 (The Amazing French Beatboxer is back and again with another great performance. This time he mixes a little techno music with Britney Spears and more.) if you’re interested.

Random Crap

Humor in church: the rite stuff?Fight truth decay” is a favorite. “Come in for a free faith lift,” is another — two examples of the toe-curling puns plastered across so many notice boards outside British churches. … Among the classics she cited were “Chxxch — Have you guessed what’s missing.UR!” and “God, you’re great!”

The Wisdom of Children (from Digg) – A Conversation at the Grownup Table, as Imagined at the Kids’ Table:

MOM: Pass the wine, please. I want to become crazy.
GRANDMOTHER: Did you see the politics? It made me angry.
DAD: Me, too. When it was over, I had sex.
UNCLE: I’m having sex right now.
DAD: We all are.
MOM: Let’s talk about which kid I like the best.
DAD: (laughing) You know, but you won’t tell.
MOM: If they ask me again, I might tell.
FRIEND FROM WORK: Hey, guess what! My voice is pretty loud!
DAD: (laughing) There are actual monsters in the world, but when my kids ask I pretend like there aren’t.
MOM: I’m angry! I’m angry all of a sudden!
DAD: I’m angry, too! We’re angry at each other!
MOM: Now everything is fine.
DAD: We just saw the PG-13 movie. It was so good.
MOM: There was a big sex.
FRIEND FROM WORK: I am the loudest! I am the loudest!
(Everybody laughs.)
MOM: I had a lot of wine, and now I’m crazy!
GRANDFATHER: Hey, do you guys know what God looks like?
ALL: Yes.
GRANDFATHER: Don’t tell the kids.

No sex please, we’re daddy’s little girlsIt has all the ingredients of a wedding. The proud tuxedo-clad father, the frosted white cake, the limousines and an exchange of vows. But there is no groom and the girl in the long gown is no bride. She’s daddy’s little girl, there to take a vow of chastity.

Best of Car Talk Letters – Response to MIT’s invitation letterGentlemen: Given your recent reading of the college application essay and your ties to that other (lesser) institution in Cambridge, I thought you might enjoy this. Yours sincerely, Stan McGee. MIT certainly has a reputation to be proud of, but its admissions department went a little over-board, I think. The first letter is an honest-to-goodness mailing from MIT, the second is one prospective student’s reply.

IRS Urges E-Filing — But by Vendors Only, PleaseThe IRS recommends that taxpayers file electronically — e-filing saves the government time and money, and is more accurate than IRS employees who type in the data from paper returns. But the IRS refuses to set up its own Web portal to receive the filings. Instead, most Americans have no choice but to e-file through private companies like Intuit (Turbo Tax) and HR Block (Tax Cut). There is something very very wrong with this system. E-Filing should be free if not have an extra discount. I mean, how much man hours are we saving them by having all our tax documents and numbers in digital formats which they can simply import it into their database. But no, instead, they decide to outsource it to other companies which charge a fee to save IRS some time. Sigh…

The Cure for Insomnia (from Tera) – The Cure for Insomnia, directed by John Henry Timmis IV, is officially the world’s longest movie, according to Guinness World Records, as of its release in 1987. Running 5220 minutes (87 hours) in length, the movie has no plot, instead consisting of artist L. D. Groban reading his lengthy poem “A Cure for Insomnia” over the course of three and a half days, spliced with occasional clips from heavy metal and pornographic videos.

pSX emulator (from Angelus) – This emulator fully emulates the Sony Playstation. Compatibility is fairly high, most games I’ve tried work well. An R3000 debugger is contained which may be of interest to people working on translations. Check out the screenshots.

TomTom PLUS services – I get this email a few weeks back saying apparently I can download new voices for my TomTom GO 700 (for a price of course) and they were advertising Mr. T. Check out what he sounds like when giving directions.

popuri.us (from Digg) – A tool to check at-a-glance the link popularity of any site based on its ranking (Google PageRank, Alexa Rank, Technorati etc.), social bookmarks (del.icio.us, etc), subscribers (Bloglines, etc) and more!

How do you prove photography to a blind man?That was the question I was asked: how would you prove to a blind man, that photography exists? A very interesting article.

Couple tie knot in ‘moving’ ceremonyBecause the bride is a snowboard instructor, her guests rode snowboards. The bridegroom is a ski instructor, and his guests were on skis. The Rev. Mike Boucher skied backward to face the crowd, wore a helmet camera during the ceremony and had a ski-mounted lectern that housed a public-address system.

People banned from SNLSaturday Night Live’s producers, especially Lorne Michaels, have famously and dramatically banned for life several celebrities from ever appearing on the television show. Reasons for these bans vary, as sometimes they can be seen as a rational response to a star’s grossly innappropriate on-stage behavior, while at other times the reasons are harder to understand as they stem from far more mild, or even superficial transgressions.

Eddie Griffin Crashes Ferrari Enzo (from Derek) – While practicing for a charity race to promote his new movie Redline, comedian Eddie Griffin crashed a rare $1.5 million Ferrari Enzo. I guess the Undercover Brother never learned how to drive a stick. How many Enzos have crashed? Isn’t there a limited number of them?

2 Chinese Boys Sing Jessica Simpson “A Public Affair” The two Chinese Boys who did Back Str… The two Chinese Boys who did Back Street Boys are ack doing Jessica Simpson’s new single “A Public Affair!” You get to see their roommate in the background, and you wonder how he can stand this. ;p

Calculus Airband 2000

So a week ago, CheyBoyAhDi IMed me asking if I still had the airband videos somewhere. I scratched my head. For a very long time, they were were stored on my hard drive, but I was pretty sure I backed up them a year or two ago when I needed disk space. Disk space may be cheap nowadays, but during college, cheap still didn’t cut it.

Anyway, I said I would get back to him and began searching through my spindles and spindles of CDs and DVDs and I finally found it. It was labeled AirBand 2000.

For those who are unfamiliar with the term airband, it’s this traditional thing (well not anymore since Kimura has retired) that every Calculus class did for our Christmas party. I believe ours was called Winter Jamboree, but I could be confused between my junior year and my senior year. Yes, I went through two years of this, but unfortunately, I don’t have any records of my junior year. I won’t bore you with our propaganda about getting ‘5’s and being committed, but it was basically dancing in tune with cuts of random music of our choice. Although it may not look that great, it did take a lot of time and we had a lot of fun. I’ve decided to upload everything that I have online: Calculus Airband 2000.

I had burnt everyone in BC a copy of the performances on a CD, but there were extra stuff which I didn’t include such as the photos, the practice videos, and the slideshow. Back then I don’t think DVD burners were even out yet and only a select few had CD burners.

Each available video has too versions. Original encoded at 640×480 and small is re-encoded at 320×240. Video streams I believe were taken from AMonkeyJ’s camcorder. We originally had 2 (one shooting from each side), but I forget why, but the other one had malfunctioned pretty much at the beginning. The re-encodes were made after complaints of “long” download times and I don’t blame them. The performance videos are about 200MB each. The small versions are about 100MB each. If the streaming isn’t working for you, underneath each video is a Download movie link, which you can right click and “save link as”.

Performances: (original / small)

AB Period 0:
airband 2000 - calculus ab - period 0airband 2000 - calculus ab - period 0

AB Period 4:
airband 2000 - calculus ab - period 4airband 2000 - calculus ab - period 4

AB Period 5:
airband 2000 - calculus ab - period 5airband 2000 - calculus ab - period 5

AB Period 6:
airband 2000 - calculus ab - period 6airband 2000 - calculus ab - period 6

airband 2000 - calculus bcairband 2000 - calculus bc

When rewatching these, it was rather embarrassing. SueOn agreed and said they might’ve been better buried in my stacks of CDs and DVDs. However, if I don’t post them now, they’ll probably be lost forever.

The practice video is stitched together with scenes during class and during our airband practice. But for some reason, there was no audio track associated to these videos, and I no longer have any idea who has the source to these. Therefore, I just tacked on our airband music and looped it. I was thinking of syncing it with relative music and random voice tracks, but that project would be probably left for another day and time somewhere in the far far future. Be warned, this video is 1.5hrs long and the original encode is over 1GB.

airband 2000 - calculus bc practiceairband 2000 - calculus bc practice

Then there’s the our famous ending slideshow. When I was rewatching our performance video, I was like, where the heck did we get that projector. I don’t recall the school having one. After asking SueOn, apparently it was his church and it all came back to me.

airband 2000 - calculus bc slideshowairband 2000 - calculus bc slideshow

Here’s the original mp3 of our airband song:

And finally some random photos taken during our airband practices: Calculus BC Airband Photos

Did I mention how embarrassed I am about rewatching these videos?

Oh yah, if you’re experiencing playback problems on Firefox saying you don’t have the right plugins installed, I found the fix: Firefox can’t play application/x-mplayer2 embeds. All you have to do is download those 2 .dll files and drop them into your Firefox plugins directory.

Naruto Shippuuden

With the new arc of Naruto anime starting, I’ve begun watching it again. The last 100 episodes or so of the original arc were just fillers which I decided to skip as it’s not really based on anything worth watching, just random storylines they decided to add while they decide how begin the next arc. The new arc is called 疾風伝 (Shippuuden or Hurricane Chronicles) and it’s started out with a bang! The story takes place about 3 years later and the characters have grown up and have become more mature. Of course they have new skills and they’ll be introducing the new bad guys from 暁 (akatsuki which means dawn).

Anyway, I really like the opening song and sequence and decided to share it:

Large version:
naruto shippuuden opening

Small Version:
nartuo shippuuden opening

The song is called: Hero’s Come Back!! by nobodyknows+

While I was looking for the band’s name, I found this video: Naruto iPod. It’s using the same scheme with silhouettes, but the characters in there are Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. However, Naruto’s hair seems a big funky when it’s not spiky. The others are pretty good 3d cg models.

Lyrics (from 自分流でイコウ!! ヽ(^Д^*)/おひさ~♪ 新曲nobodyknows+♪ and Naruto · Stage6):

いつが行く準備いい ARE YOU READY?
体中風のは 心臓に
激しく血ならせよ STOMPING
耐える月を浮かす CALL ME
変わりすぎるが抜きか STORY

目にもとまらんの SPEED をはんだ
誰ものびなっとりこかんば YEAH!!
いくぜ!!3・2・1 MAKE SOME NOISE

HEY YO もう場所乗りつくわ覚悟でしょ
なで間なぜ神 人への聖書

立ち上げれば 今以上 苦しみ伴う

目にもとまらんの SPEED をはんだ
誰ものびなっとりこかんば YEAH!!
いくぜ!!3・2・1 MAKE SOME NOISE


tooku de kikoeru koe wo hitori
hitori mata hitori tachi agaru toushi
kurikaesu dake no fudan doori
kutsugaesu junbi iza ARE YOU READY?

karadajuu furuwasu shinzou ni
hageshiku uchinarase yo STOMPING
taezu tsukiugokasu CALL ME
kawarazu yuruganu kikan STORY

agero kyou ichiban no jikan da
menimo tomaranu SPEED HUNTER
daremo ga minna toriko COME BACK YEAH

mata ashita no HERO’S COME BACK
zujou kazoe yubiori COUNT DOWN
ikuze 3 2 1 MAKE SOME NOISE

HEY YO WOAH tasho no risuku wa kakugo desho
nankai korondatte tatsu keredo
nareai tagai na kamihitoe no sesshou
irikunda kanjo kizuki ageta kasshou

wakiagaru kansei ga yuuki to naru
tachiagareba ima ijo kurushimi tomanau
soredemo saigo wa kitto warau
subete sarau shori no kansei

agero kyou ichiban no jikan da
menimo tomaranu SPEED HUNTER
daremo ga minna toriko COME BACK YEAH

mata ashita no HERO’S COME BACK
zujou kazoe yubiori COUNT DOWN
ikuze 3 2 1 MAKE SOME NOISE


A few days ago, Derrich left a comment on my mp3 searching post and mentioned that I was in his 2007 Bloggers Tournament, Take 2. Honestly, I don’t think too highly of my own blog as it’s filled with random crap (see below) and of the category I’m in (The Gamut), I’m ranked 7 out of 8 according to Alexa Rankings.

the entire scale or range: the gamut of dramatic emotion from grief to joy.

Looking at my opponent: Kineda (who’s ranked 2 out of 8.), I don’t really think I have much of a chance.

However, if you still want to vote, the poll is located at PollBurner.com.

Random Crap:

Desktopography (from Digg) – Desktopography is an exhibition, a showcase of nature themed desktop wallpapers created by designers worldwide. Designers spend around 90% of their waking life in front of a computer so the most appealing genre for a wallpaper would be one that has beautiful design mixed with the all important aspect of being outdoors. This year we present over 40 new desktop wallpapers for you to display and enjoy. They have some really neat wallpapers.

Porsche dealer – “I got it wrong with the buy one get one free card”. (from Digg) – Glen Fergusson – Sales and Marketing manager for a brand new Californian Porsche dealer. Has lost his job and faces possible legal proceedings as the company strives to reclaim the costs of the 18 Porches given away free under Glen’s Opening day “buy one get one free promotion” “I admit I didn’t really do the numbers properly on this one” said Glen who told reporters that he had “seen the concept work really well for coffee stores” and in terms of numbers you could argue that Glen’s campaign worked. As the new Porsche dealer sold 18 Porches in the first hour of the store opening. Wish I knew about this deal!

Frets On Fire (from Digg) – With StepMania being the open source version of DDR (Dance Dance Revolution), Frets on Fire is the open source version of Guitar Hero. Currently there aren’t any USB guitars, but the Guitar Hero 2 for the Xbox 360 will be coming out soon and supposedly it’s wired and the only wired inputs the Xbox 360 has are USB, so *cross fingers*.

little gamers – Luggage and time – a funny comic strip making fun of British people and time.

FofR Configuration v0.6 (from RayAlome) – foobar2000 has been a rather popular replacement for playing music and I personally liked it when I gave it a try. However, it was lacking in the UI aspect as it was very text based (although some of you may really like that). Apparently with a few plug-ins, you can get foobar2000 to look awesome.

Unbelievable graphic art pictures by Rob Gonsalves (from Digg) – One of these pictures was found at blogs and takes me to deep stupor. Extremely imressive retouch technique, amazing effect of visual illusions, perfect pictures quality engaged me to search and find all what i can find from this author. 37 pictures below! Very imaginative drawings and the images tries to confuse the viewer by merging 2 multiple similar looking things into one.

Phosphor – Rasterwerks (from Digg) – Phosphor is a first-person shooter created with Macromedia Director (links will open in new window). The Shockwave Player allows the game to run within a web browser on Windows and Mac OS computers. Both single player (with AI-controlled bots) and multiplayer (using peer-to-peer Internet or LAN connections) game modes are supported. Our goal is to create a gaming experience similar to classic FPS games like Unreal Tournament and Quake 3, but with the accessibility of a webgame. Game actually works rather well. I suck at FPSes though.

Man relieves himself in air-sickness bagSkyWest Airlines apologized to a passenger who said he wasn’t allowed to use the restroom during a one-hour flight and ended up urinating in an air-sickness bag.

Family Portraits (from Digg) – My four favourite brats and their parents ( plus an additional Ike, cause he’s awesome xD ) These sketches of the 4 main characters’ families from South Park are really good.

Prevent Your Dryer From Catching Fire – Consumerist actually posted one of my blog entries: Clothes Dryer Warning. Apparently this has been on Snopes also.

Dog Chases Fake Soccer Ball (from Deadlock) – This poor confused Jack Russel Terrier chases down a computer generated soccer ball projected onto the floor. He spent all day chasing his tail and now this, he must be so frustrated!

Best Rube Goldberg Ever (from MS newsgroup) – This is from the guys that brought you the Dorm Room Rube Goldberg. They continue to amaze us with their intricate set ups and executions. I miss Pythagora Switch.

Stardust Implosion (from MS newsgroup) – Implosion Of the Stardust Hotel Casino Las Vegas Nevada – March 13th 2:30am Explosions are always fun to watch. Implosions are not as fun, but still fun.

Human Timeline (NSFW) (from FuzzyWuzzy) – As you can see throughout human history, all we do is beat the crap out of each other and have sex.

Ballad of Black Mesa (from Angelus) – A very iPod like video using machine guns and machines to make music. Produced by Mighty Cran Films. You can also download the HD version.

Amazing Girl in American Idol (from Artemyst) – a 11-year old girl with beautiful voice. Wow! This Bianca Ryan has an amazing voice.

I’m all about the cheese, baby (from Digg) – Check out the packaging material used to ship this Mac.

The Entire US Super Nintendo Collection – Complete!! (from Digg) – 720 GAMES COMPLETE PLUS 74 ADDITIONAL FACTORY SEALED!! For the small price of $15k, this could be all yours.

Why Do Guys Get Sleepy After Sex? (from Digg) – “Men go to sleep because women don’t turn into a pizza.” Haha. Though the rest of the article does go further into details about the chemicals released in our brains and etc. Side note: prolactin also explains why men are sleepier after intercourse than after masturbation. For unknown reasons, intercourse orgasms release four times more prolactin than masturbatory orgasms, according to a recent study.

Comparison of 300 move against the comic (from Digg) – and I must say that the movie did a really good job at staying true to the comic.

Blood Diamond

I watched this movie with CDMCC a month or 2 ago, but I’ve been rewatching the ending over and over again. It’s an very powerful movie and yet at the same time very touching. The story revolves around conflict diamonds and the steps needed to get the western world to stop buying diamonds from these conflict war zones and stop providing them with fund to purchase more weapons.

Official Site
IMDb: 7.8/10 (19,477 votes)
Yahoo! Movies: The Critics: B- / Yahoo! Users: B+
Rotten Tomatoes: Rating: 63% / Average Rating: 6.4/10
Apple Trailer
Amazon.com DVD
Amazon.com Soundtrack

blood diamond posterblood diamond posterblood diamond posterblood diamond posterblood diamond posterblood diamond poster

Spoilers: (Show)

My favorite song out of the soundtrack is ‘London‘. According to iTunes, I’ve played it 99x already. I found a couple videos that featured this song:

There was one song that was used in the ending credits that wasn’t on the soundtrack which I really liked too: Nas – Shine On (music video).

Lyrics from Lyrics Directory

{*Man Singing & Humming in Foreign Language*}

[Intro: Nas]
They wanna shine on ’em
Shine on ’em <– 7X

[Verse 1: Nas]
They dug me out the soil in the Mines of the Motherland
Now I’m misplaced, one hand to another hand
Illegal smugglin’, people strugglin’
Wish they could just throw me back in the mud again
Yeah, guess that’s how we got here
Slave Trade then the Diamond Trade
Every child’s afraid
When his Mother and Father get sprayed
Forced in the Army, young killer Brigade
Gets a new name and then he give his nose glue
Til’ his mind can’t take what he’s gon’ through
Lookin’ in that dirt for that ice so blue
Then The Royal Family, the ice goes to
And this thing has to change, feelin’ half-ashamed
As I rap with my Platinum chain
When you shop for a gift for me
You think about the misery?
The same way we made Apartheid History
We can do the same thing to the conflict ice
But everybody wanna shine, right?

[HooK: Nas]
Everybody wants Heaven but nobody wants dead
Everybody wants Diamonds without the Bloodshed
Everybody wants Heaven but nobody wants dead
Everybody wants Diamonds without the Bloodshed
They wanna Shine on ’em
Shine on ’em <– 7X

[Verse 2: Nas]
My VVS glimmers on my chest
200-thou-encrusted watch on my wrist
I wonder how people starve to death
When God bless the land that lacks the harvest
The stone’s equality, but they homes are poverty
And the whole world ignores the robbery
Bought my girl pretty rocks when she’s mad at me
Tear-drop shaped, uh, perfect Clarity
It shocks, so many are killed annually
‘Cause of greed, lust, and pure Vanity
Stop talkin’ and do somethin’ about it
Every Holiday Season, Jewelry stores crowded
Kids snatched from their homes, Mutilated alive
Husbands separated from wives, keep a Jesus piece to be fly
But back in the day there was a time when they called us shine

[HooK: Nas]
Everybody wants Heaven but nobody wants dead
Everybody wants Diamonds without the Bloodshed
Everybody wants Heaven but nobody wants dead
Everybody wants Diamonds without the Bloodshed
They wanna shine on ’em
Shine on ’em <– 7X

{*Man Singing & Humming in Foreign Language*}

Gym Class Heroes – Cupid’s Chokehold

First off, someone posted on Digg a special way to search for mp3 files on Google. All you have to do is go to Google and insert the following as your query:

{-inurl:(htm|html|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(wma|mp3) search term}

and replace “search term” with what you want.

I’ve also made a simple form so you can do it directly from this page.

MP3 Search Terms:
(requires clicking/activating button)

If you know how to capture the ‘enter’ key event when someone hits enter in the enter box, please let me know. I found this: Capturing a Key, but the way to do it in Netscape/Firefox seems somewhat round about.

Another MP3 search engine was posted on Digg: cr3ation b3ta. However, it’s been down for some time and I’m not sure if it’s the Digg Effect or if it’s down permanently. I’m not sure where it was getting it’s results, but they would slowly pop up as if it was parsing websites returned from a search engine and if it found a link with the mp3 extension and had the search term, it’d display it.

Heard another song on the radio that I really liked: Gym Class Heroes – Cupid’s Chokehold (music video). For some reason it reminds me of the song I heard back in ’95: Jamiroquai – Virtual Insanity (music video).

gym class heroes - the papercut chronicles - cd album covergym class heroes - cupid's chokehold - cd album cover

Lyrics: (from eLyrics)

Ba ba da da
Ba ba da da
Ba ba da da
Ba ba da da
Ba ba da da

Take a look at my girlfriend
She’s the only one I got (ba ba da da)
Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)

It’s been some time since we last spoke
This is gonna sound like a bad joke
But momma I fell in love again
It’s safe to say I have a new girlfriend

And I know it sounds so old
But cupid got me in a chokehold
And I’m afraid I might give in
Towels on the mat my white flag is wavin’

I mean she even cooks me pancakes
And Alka Seltzer when my tummy aches
If that ain’t love then I don’t know what love is

We even got a secret handshake
And she loves the music that my band makes
I know I’m young but if I had to choose her or the sun
I’d be one nocturnal son of a gun

(ba ba da da, ba ba da da)

Take a look at my girlfriend
She’s the only one I got (ba ba da da)
Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)

Take a look at my girlfriend
She’s the only one I got (ba ba da da)
Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)

It’s been awhile since we talked last and I’m tryin’ hard not to talk fast
But dad I’m finally thinkin’ I may have found the one
Type of girl that will make you way proud of your son

And I know you heard the last song about the girls that didn’t last long
But I promise this is on a whole new plane
I can tell by the way she says my name (ba ba da da)

I love it when she calls my phone
She even got her very own ringtone
If that ain’t love then I don’t know what love is (ba ba da da)

It’s gonna be a long drive home but I know as soon as I arrive home
And I open the door take off my coat and throw my bag on the floor
She’ll be back into my arms once more for sure

Take a look at my girlfriend
She’s the only one I got (ba ba da da)
Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)

She’s got a smile that would make the most senile
Annoying old man bite his tongue
I’m not done
She’s got eyes comparable to sunrise
And it doesn’t stop there
Man I swear
She’s got porcelain skin of course she’s a ten
And now she’s even got her own song
But movin’ on
She’s got the cutest laugh I ever heard
And we can be on the phone for three hours
Not sayin’ one word
And I would still cherish every moment
And when I start to build my future she’s the main component
Call it dumb call it luck call it love or whatever you call it but
Everywhere I go I keep her picture in my wallet like here

Take a look at my girlfriend
She’s the only one I got (ba ba da da)
Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)

Take a look at my girlfriend
She’s the only one I got (ba ba da da)
Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)