Apartment Renovation

i just realized i’ve been forgetting to change the date on these news logs for the last several entries. but those have been fixed now and i apologize for the missing update yesterday. was chatting with my cuz the whole nite and before you knew it, it was 4am and i needed to get up by 9am so i had to make the hard choice of disappointing you guys or missing a class. yes, yes, i know, toland worrying about missing classes? but i’ve sworn to do better this semester. hopefully i’ll see some good results. ^_^x

just got my wireless card today. it’s a dell truemobile 1150 but really is a rebadged Orinoco gold pc card which is known to be one of the best in the wireless industry. it’s been really fun testing it out with airbears and snakescott’s wireless access point who lives below me.

our apartment is being renovated right now. first they painted our kitchen and now they’re re-tiling our bathroom. the re-tiling started last friday and then he had a 2 day break and now he’s continuing. looks like it wont be done until tomorrow. guess what, that means i haven’t had a shower in 3 days already. but i did manage to wash my hair in the sink, my head got really itchy. so, if something smells, it must be me. hehe

well, i leave you with a hilarious auction my friend just showed me: WONTON SOUP

ATNT Broadband Service

sorry about not updating last nite. i hope this mid-afternoon update will still be welcomed. for those who didn’t see my away message last nite, i’ve been doing a lot of reading for my german class. had a week of reading to catch up to and finally finished @ 4am which then i collapsed onto my bed, skipping my daily news update and even changing my away msg. as alphabons notes:

AlphaBons (8:36:57 AM): your rite cuz, the next set of motherboard are getting Serialized ATAed
Auto response from Krunk4Ever (8:36:57 AM): [away] reading 100+ pgs due tomorrow @ 11am. sigh…
AlphaBons (8:38:22 AM): if ya visit Tomshardware.com theres an article on new motherboards coming out the DDR400 and half of em have serial
AlphaBons (8:39:07 AM): okie dokie your prolly sleepign or <horror> still reading, skim baby skim!
Krunk4Ever (9:27:23 AM): lol

the worse part of this all, the teacher tells me today that nobody seems to be dropping this course and i probably won’t need to come back next week. sigh…

i’m very happy to announce that there’s currently a GREAT deal for ATNT Broadband service. On a TV commercial last night, ATNT was advertising a $19.95/month for the first 6 months if you sign up now. The problem was this offer was for new customers only and the definition of new customers was that you didn’t have AT&T Cable services within 60 days prior new installation. I got mines installed last friday on a different deal: $29.95/month for first 3 months. You can tell it isn’t AS HOT immediately as the current promotion. So I gave them a called and asked if I could switch over to the new plan, but the CSR (customer service rep) said i had to be a new customer to get this plan. I said i’ve only been a customer for a week and since i’m on no contract, i could easily cancel this service and reapply. (@ this time, i didn’t know about the 60 day rule). welp, there ya go, she brought up the 60 day rule alright. I then suggested that my roommate could always sign up for this service while I canceled mines since he is a ‘new’ customer. She put me on hold for 2minutes call back and said she’ll do it for me. tada! nice eh?

here’s the instructions if you want to try the same thing (you can’t have a contract for this to work. but you can still try):

  1. Call 1-888-262-6300 (ATNT Broadband Customer Service)
  2. Press 1 on your phone for sales.
  3. Mention you saw their TV commercial advertising $19.95/mo for the first 6 months.
  4. Ask politely if you can switch over to this plan.
  5. They probably respond that this promotion is only for new customers.
  6. Tell them that you don’t have a contract and can easily cancel this service and then reactivate it with the new promotion.
  7. They’ll probably respond that new customers are people that didn’t have ATNT cable service for at least 60 days.
  8. Tell them that if that’s the case, you can cancel the service and tell your roommate to create a new account with their new promotion.
  9. (this implies that you’ll still get the promotion, but it’ll be more work for them to cancel/setup your service)
  10. If they still deny you, hang up and try again in 30minutes and hope you’ll get a nicer customer rep.

welp, this mid-afternoon report will be short since i’m doing one tonite. ^_^x

.hack //Sign OST1

sigh, i’m #1 on the wait list for my german class. hope i get in. hope i get in. *crosses fingers* but then i’m @ a dilemma where I need to catch up on 200pgs of reading. sigh… to attack or not to attack. if attack, you’re @ a disadvantage. if not attack, it’s giving up before even trying. sigh…

my friend crimsonangel posted up this link. warning: content may not be suitable for children under 17. in some way it’s disgustingly gross. in other ways, it’s hilarious what other parents post up on the reviews. oh yeah, i forgot to mention that the reviews are what you’re suppose to be checking out.

today will also be the last day I’ll be posting on OCF. from tomorrow, only the new site will be getting updates and OCF will have a forwarder to the new URL. thanks to PuchikoChan who directed me to .hack //Sign OST1. now you can feast your ear on the 2 pieces which people have been raving about.

sigh… i’m drifting asleep here. need my beauty sleep. AHHHHH just found out i have cs hw due on friday. yikes! well, i’m heading for bed. g’nite ^_^zzz

Earthquake in Monterey Park

*drum rolls* @ 9/3 12:09am, both sueon and crabyaple im me and tell me about this earthquake that just ran through monterey park. they said it wasn’t too bad but these always come so unexpected, they’re so scary. i mean this one wasn’t so bad, but who knows how strong the next one will be when it strikes. *shivers*

well, our 3 day weekend is over. lorie and dan invited us cunndogg and i over for a bbq tonite. it was fun and sure brought back a lotta memories chatting about old times. the funniest part was we were lost for an hour trying to find their place. silly us thought we would remember how to get there. all we needed to do was walk up euclid and turn right on eunice. hehe.

if you haven’t noticed, i added my class schedule to the menu. before u come asking me why i’m taking german, it’s an comp/lit class to fulfill one of my humanities. it was the only thing still open that fitted my schedule. stupid english classes are so FILLED this semester. i also redid the menu pix to shrink their size. i hope you guys liked the doodles i put up yesterday. ^_^x

just an update on ninjai. the 7th episode has come out so if you haven’t seen it yet. it’s pretty cool. ^_^x

Slicktran’s Visit

it’s the beginning of a new month and guess what! NO SCHOOL TOMORROW! hehe. anyway, slicktran came up to North Cal today and ohfuee sorta gave him a tour of berkeley. slicktran’s appearance was quite unexpected for no one knew he was coming till he popped up yesterday.

christine: so you slept with sam last nite
slicktran: yah
bobybear: you know, that’s politically incorrect

i’ve been mass downloading anime for the past 2 days since i got my cable connection. the atnt connection here is a lot better than what i had to go through last year. well, that was before i made my network of intranet friends where speeds went up to 5megs/sec. musta put a lotta stress on my harddrive. it’s worse this year for incoming freshmen because the new limit is only 5gb. YUCK YUCK YUCK!

the current dreambook links don’t seem to be working on this new server. i’ll try to resolve that asap, but no one usually talks in there anyway. my new service comes with a forum utility which i might be checking out later. hehe.

and as promised, my sketches are up. so check out the doodle section. ^_^x (after a bit tweaking, i also implemented cunndogg’s special ps7 trick and made the file even SMALLER! wow!

Who’s Hairband Is That?

wow, august is my shortest news log since February! this month was one crazy month i’ve gotta say. 1st week of school is over and now i hit a 3-day weekend. awesome! i didn’t even remember about the 3-day weekend until someone reminded me. although now i recall all my professors mentioning those who has labs on Monday to make up on a Tuesday.

welp, i forgot to tell you guys something very interesting that happened yesterday. i almost broke up the perfect couple because of my careless actions. well, i guess this wouldn’t constitute as ‘news’, but it’s so funny i’ve gotta tell you. as u recall, sueon came and visit yesterday and he visited our new homes. during the walk to ohfuee’s place, kalekkos took off my hairband (no, i’m not a girl but for those that know me, they’ll know why i have a hairband. at ohfuee’s place, i accidentally left it on decathanerd’s desk. guess what happened when cari and decathanerd got home?

cari: who’s hairband is that?
decathanerd: i thought it was yours…
cari: no…

well, the story they told me ended there, but one can only guess how the conversation ended. but everyone that was listening to our conversation could tell cari released a sigh of relief and couldn’t seem to hold her joy inside. I’m really sorry i caused any sort of misunderstanding. ^_^x

great news guys. moving onto another server: catalyst2. the plan i got is 1000MB disk space & 1GB transfer for £11.99/year (US$18.61). not as cheap as cyberwings, but for $1.55/mo with that kind of specs, it’s a steal. i just hope it won’t die on me like cyberwings did. so i’m currently going through a transitional period so some of you may see this on www.krunk4ever.com faster than others who will still be reading stuff through ocf. both sites will be updated; however ocf’s updates will end in 2 days, where i’ll solely put my web data on my new host.

today cunndogg, liam, lydia and I, well it was actually tonite, or even this morning since it is officially 12am already went to a bar. we ordered our drinks and I got a virgin fogcutter (suggested by liam cause it sounded cool). well our waitress apparently only wrote down fogcutter and when i took the first sip of it, it was nasty & bitter. but the show was spectacular. they put dry ice into a little cup and capped it and had holes on the side which shot out steam. it was a extremely fun nite. did i finish the drink? now that’s the mystery.

i promised to showcase my doodles today, but cunndogg’s asleep, and i don’t wanna wake him up with my scanner, so tomorrow. meanwhile, I’ll give you guys the picture of the week. ^_^x

Hong Kong’s SinoCenter

wow, it’s been awhile huh? well, the cable guy is suppose to be coming in tomorrow. so hopefully my internet will be set up by tomorrow. meanwhile, school has started and life as a college student resumes. ^_^x anyway, I’ve moved into my apartments and everything is going smoothly. we’re still waiting for our bookcases to arrive. hopefully soon cause we’ve got a ton of stuff to put on it. meanwhile, I’m not ready to show you my 1/2 complete apartment yet, but when the time comes, you can expect a tour. ^_^x

welp, I’ll continue my journey for now then. there’s a place in Hong Kong called SinoCenter where it’s cd/dvd galore. thee entire top floor is filled with just porn. i mean we were led up there by a friend. innocent me and my cuz had no idea. i went to visit mechy yesterday and even he knew about the top floor. hehe. anyway, the 2nd floor was anime floor. it was really cool there. we had a friend from my grandpa’s company take us around from city (are those cities in hong kong? or should they be considered districts?) to city showing us the best places to buy anime and copied software, etc. Of course me and my cuz didn’t buy any illegal stuff (disclaimer just there in case the FBI has their eyes on me). We were browsing through anime when suddenly a guy with a walkie talkie comes running buy yelling, “COPS! COPS! COPS!” Suddenly about 50% of the stores ran out and slam down their gates. it was so fast that i almost missed it. thankfully the store that we were buying stuff from was selling legal anime dvds, so we continue our purchase. after acquiring the animes that we wanted (worth HK$1150), we moved downstairs. we saw on the first floor that there were actually several stores that were caught and they were throwing in the copied cds/dvds into a cardboard box for the police. mechy says that i got a bonus tour and even he himself who claims to goto Hong Kong every year (my belief is that it’s an excuse so he can hide his girlfriend away from us) only have seen that once. hehe.

anyway, i was going to continue my story, but class time and I’ll continue when my cable connection is back up. for those that know carii, she’s been hiding a secret. well, it’s sorta been disclosed already, but i was pretty surprised when i found out. ^_^x

Goodbye Aslanian

guess what! i’m getting a new toy! check it out here! w00h00! Thanks dad! *snap*

btw, my friend RipFace gave me this cool page on Where’s Waldo? It’s back! -_^x

Now time for some sad news, as you know our beloved math teacher Ms. Aslanian (sometimes called Aslainian) has recently passed away. *sniff* The following info may be a bit late, but here goes:
The funeral is going to be held on Wednesday, June 19, 2:30 PM at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Burbank…off the 134 freeway on Forest Lawn Drive…there are two chapels… go to the red brick chapel. – n0rybic | more info is on the top of Mark Keppel’s website.

Well, it’s time for some good news. for those that forgot or didn’t know. Today was Shirley’s BDay. ~Happy Birthday Shirley!!!

Freshman Grades

124 pictures. WoW! Finally finished commenting them so for those that enjoy my humor, you can go and read them now. <– referring to Sam’s BDay pix in my DotPhoto Album located on the left menu.

Weekend is here and everyone’s returning home from college. w00h00! I personally didn’t do that well this semester. Here’s my grades:


oh well, back to watching anime. enjoy the pix ^_^x
oh yeah, pic of the week will be updated soon

Last Day of School

so tired… only had 4 hrs of sleep total for the past 2 days. dont even remember if i took a nap or not. sigh… isn’t this vacation??? What happened to sleeping @ 6am and waking up for dinner. hehe. anyway, this brings me back to what happened to me on the last day of school…

i had 2 finals on the last day of school. so sad. anyways, just like first semester, either it was the excitement or nervousnous that got to me and i didn’t get any sleep the night before. so that morning i made myself a cup of coffee just in case i’d fall asleep during the final. after the first final we went to lunch and then i realized my 2nd final was about to start and i didn’t even have my cheat sheet with me which was still sitting neatly on my desk across campus. I rushed all the way back and how lucky i was to run into the graduation ceremony while everyone was exiting. As i inched my way through them, i finally reached home and ran all the way to the final. luckily the momenet i sat down as the moment they started passing out tests. Welp, finals are over and now i gotta start packing. we had to move out by 10am tomorrow. well, packing isn’t all that fun as many of you will find out. So i was sidetracked many times, but I’m glad I did cause us guys had some great chats. Selena had come up to visit dolly and although i had promised to visit them, i ran outta time and was really sorry that i couldn’t make it. (my reasons are very valid as you will see soon). Actually, i skipped a big chunk. no i didn’t. Well, somewhere in the midst of packing, we had decided to go out for dinner as a suite, but in the end it only ended up just 3 guys (raman, liam, and me) and we had some good pizza @ zachary’s. More packing and more packing, i didn’t even have time to sleep. Since i was staying over @ cunndogg’s house for a week, cunndogg and I had to move both mines and his stuff back to his house. we did like 3 total trips and also had to bother his parent’s to help out. It was a really hectic morning, going from Berkeley to SF several times. @ the end, we left ~1pm. Martin was joking with the other custodian’s that they should check room by room and start charging that $100 late fee. I was just glad that we finally made it out alive. Remember, This is me running with 2 days with no sleep. 2 very hectic days may I add. Must be that cup of coffee with 5 tablespoons of sugar. After unloading, i decided to take a nap and i fell right asleep. hehe, there, my hectic move-out experience. I hope you guys won’t procrastinate like me.

As I end today’s news, I’d like to wish everyone g’luck on their finals! GANBATTEI!