Apartment Searching

Liam’s bday pictures are up along with the story.

Today I went apartment searching. The apartment I saw was really nice, however the cost was above what I wanted to pay ($1650/2ppl). Tomorrow, I’m going to go see my second apartment which we hopefully will like.

Oh yah! Today was Cal Day and all the prospect Berkeley students (well, most) came up to visit the school. As I was walking down Hearst, I bumped into Earl and Alice’s group by coincidence. (yesterday I was all worried about how to contact them, hehe). I had an appointment with a landlady so I met up with them later. Their photo album is up, but I haven’t had time to input my story. Maybe later today. It was a lot of fun today, but with only 3 hrs of sleep after the party yesterday, I came back dead and slept from 4-9. hehe

Michelle & Earl

!!! Congrats Michelle & Earl !!!

LsiymLe kooLx (5:25:06 PM): hehe today in academic pep rally, michelle asked earl to the prom in front of everyone =)
Krunk4Ever (5:25:42 PM): neato!
LsiymLe kooLx (5:25:48 PM): yup
Krunk4Ever (5:31:08 PM): what’s was earl’s reply?
LsiymLe kooLx (5:32:03 PM): lolz well michelle knelt down and asked him…and when she stand back up, earl bent on his knee and said “yes i will”
LsiymLe kooLx (5:32:08 PM): everyone was like “awww”
LsiymLe kooLx (5:32:27 PM): @@ oh yes he got flowers too
Krunk4Ever (5:32:58 PM): nice
Krunk4Ever (5:33:29 PM): thanks 🙂
LsiymLe kooLx (5:33:32 PM): np
Krunk4Ever (5:36:58 PM): she or he got flowers?
LsiymLe kooLx (5:37:08 PM): michelle gave him flowers

Krunk4Ever (5:30:17 PM): LsiymLe kooLx (5:25:06 PM): hehe today in academic pep rally, michelle asked earl to the prom in front of everyone =)
Krunk4Ever (5:30:20 PM): true?
el band monkey (5:35:14 PM): YES!!
Krunk4Ever (5:35:17 PM): wow
el band monkey (5:35:19 PM): TOTALLY CRAZY
el band monkey (5:35:31 PM): it was like…”sorry for this interruption, but is earl kaing in the crowd”
el band monkey (5:35:35 PM): and she had flowers
el band monkey (5:35:41 PM): and got on her knees to ask
el band monkey (5:40:21 PM): it made the whole crowd roar
Krunk4Ever (5:40:39 PM): “awesomely cool!”
el band monkey (5:41:02 PM): who is that anyways…up there?
Krunk4Ever (5:41:10 PM): my sister
el band monkey (5:41:37 PM): how cute
el band monkey (5:41:43 PM): big bro, little sis
Krunk4Ever (5:41:55 PM): haha

(further comments from the actual Michelle and Earl will be posted later)

For those that are bored, I’ve updated DotPhoto with 2 more stories. I hope you guys will enjoy them. A little bit of cruel humor involved, but not too much.

I just found out I flunked my Psych midterm #2. Once again, I am lost. I got a 27/50. The mean was 35.5 and the standard deviation was 5. Something just doesn’t make sense. Mechy and I studied 10x harder than we did for the last midterm and we still got the same score. Actually Mechy got lower than his previous midterm and we’re both disappointed. This logic doesn’t work! Doesn’t Study + Hard work = good grades or at least a pass? We actually found that Study + Hard work = Lazy + Last minute cram (what we did 1st semester). Class is fun, but teacher makes the worse midterms ever!!!

Today was my suitemate Liam’s bday. ~HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIAM~ the girls down in 7a20 threw a surprise party for him and I took 140+ pictures which I’ll be posting soon. I wonder if I can make up a story for it. Hehe. G’nite guys.

Oooooh, the MK seniors are coming up tomorrow for calday. One question: how are they going to find me? How am I going to find them? That’s 2 questions actually, but it’s 4:30am after hours of dancing and I have apartment appointments tomorrow. Hehe.


my friend goshtic sent me this link. A funny parody of one of my favorite songs: Harry Chapin – Cats in the Cradle.

Today was great! Went to sleep @ 7am and woke up @ 3pm for class. It’s 6:35am as I speak right now. My whole suite got drunk last nite (well, most of it because when the girls are gone, the guys will play) you should’ve seen their reaction after they took their shots. Everyone claim that their throat was burning and stuff. Very funny.

foothill suite buddies taking shotsfoothill suite buddies taking shots

The remainder of my day wasn’t too exciting. Had some insightful chat with my buddy liam. Sigh. One word: girls. Sigh and sigh some more.

Stop hogging all the ugly

they’re finally over! YAY!!! Both MTs went pretty smoothly. I hope I did well. And right now, I’m really hungry. Hmmmm, I think I’ll go look for dinner.

Btw, I finally did it. YES!!! Link (click the link to find out what I did) A bit expensive, but worthy to be one of Krunk’s toys.

I recently also realized KOST 103.5 has a live internet station also. The more the merrier! Wished KROQ 106.7 would have a live internet station. The station has been added to the left menu.

Addition: (names have been remove to protect them from something, can’t seem to remember what that something is. hehe)
Guy: Stop hogging all the sheets.
Girl: Stop hogging all the ugly.
Guy: I’ll trade you some ugly for some sheets.
Girl: Deal.

Babies are not dumb smaller versions of adults

don’t think I’ll be posting a pic of the week for this week. Been too busy with midterms. Have 2 tomorrow (Thursday – physics and math). Wish me luck! ^_^x (and yes, I’m actually studying now)

“Babies are not dumb smaller versions of adults. They are quite intelligent infact.” – pscyh teacher.

Uploaded 2 new sets of pictures to DotPhoto (click on photo album) on the right. I found out how fun comments can be. There’s currently 3 stories: Ralph’s Visit, Christina Yeung’s Visit, and Beach Trip. Open the album and click the 1st picture and click next for the next slide. More stories will follow, but it’s 3am and I have a MT in 5 hrs so needta sleep. Enjoy & G’nite ^_^zzz

Midterms :(

didn’t sleep @ all last nite and went to my first breakfast of the semester with ohfuee and damion. Came back to sleep from 9-11 and woke up and finished math hw due Wednesday. Math54 (linear alg.) is so much easier than Math53 (multivariable calc). oh yea! I didn’t even tell you why I was up all nite. Despite what you might’ve assumed, no I didn’t watch anime all night. Stupid Math53 hw took so LONG!!! I was so mad and frustrated about the hw the entire time and was so happy when I finally finished it. I did watch 3 anime episodes in between breaks, hehe.

I recalled crabyaple asking me about a protest @ Berkeley several days earlier about the current situation about Israel and Palestine and I was like “what the heck are u talking about?” I also remember him claiming we didn’t know what was happening @ our school. The thing was nothing did happened then and the protest was scheduled for today. There was a sit-in @ wheeler and it was quite a site. This was the first protest I witnessed @ Berkeley. @ the end, the police ended up arresting everyone because people were starting to get violent.

After dinner today, I slept like a little white sheep deep in his own world. Apparently pikachu was messing with me during my sleep cause he ended on the other end of the bed when I woke up. Woke up @ 12am and ohfuee came over and I helped him with Math1B (calcBC). And now it’s 5:44am and the question comes up again, should I stay awake till breakfast? Or should I go to sleep? Wait… Hikaru no Go 23 is out! Gotta watch that now. Hehe. ^_^x


going to leave yesterday’s news up since I wasn’t able to post it last nite (fell asleep @ 2am – lousy 1 hr lost). I found out something very shocking. The latest suicide was actually someone I knew. Not know personally, but I’ve chatted with him a few times, one of my anime buddies. His alias online was starspyre. Cuneodogg also told me Evans is the building with the 2nd highest suicidal rate in the US. Just during my time here, there’s already been 2 deaths.

My theory is that Evans is some government conspiracy where it’s the central processing unit of some big robot where all the buildings in Berkeley will go beneath the ground and emerge as a SUPER ROBOT. Evans is already the mainframe of the entire internet around this area. However, some unlucky individuals discover this secret and were killed by government agents that masked the murders as suicides. A friend even suggested that campanile could be the robot’s sword. Hehe.

Oh well, back to hw. Yuck yuck!!! ;o(

Being Lazy

Sorry I didn’t update over the weekend. It was because I lost that hour and totally messed my schedule. Went to sleep @ 9:30am on Sunday morning. Anyways, gomen gomen. ^_^x

This weekend was weird, not just about the lost hour, but everything in general. I had no motivation to do anything besides entertain myself. ZERO hw was accomplished during the weekend. I spent the entire weekend watching anime and hanging out with friends:

Friday Night – Rewatched 13 episodes of Hikaru no Go with mecha.
Saturday – Went to In-N-Out for dinner and then headed to the beach. Beach was freezing cold, but I got tons of cool shots. Will post them up later.
Saturday Night – Continued my journey of Berserk (anime). I just realized how good the music is. Here’s some examples: earth | forces | gatsu. The anime series ended and I had to read the manga to continue the story. Realized my version of the manga wasn’t complete.
Sunday – Spent the entire day reading the Berserk manga. Boby bear came over later and I helped him with his CS project.

Btw, new episode of Hikaru no Go came out, and you know what that means. ^_^x

hikaru and sai falling back
Click image to start the animation or view it in the gallery.

Psych Midterm

Psych midterm is over!!! Yay!~ Remember about precision and accuracy in chem? Well, mecha and I have a somewhat high precision, but we both believe our accuracy was low since both of us felt worse coming out of this midterm than our first one and our first one we both got 50% (F). Well, I got lower, but that’s not the point. Hehe.

Christina and Connie came up to visit today (separately tho, so it was a coincidence). Pictures will come later.

So tired… 6:20am gotta sleep. Maybe I’ll add more tomorrow… g’nite ^_^zzz

Ditched? Nah… Missed!

really weird day today. Missed 4 of my classes. Well, not missed, more like ditching, but to help my conscious feel better, I like to think as missed or ran outta time. Doing what? No one really knows. Wish those little mouse running my brain would tell me sometimes. Hehe.

For those that haven’t noticed, my dotphoto album has been updated with: Newport Visit. You should chk out damion’s little brother. He’s so cuuuuuute! Newport is so nice, therefore I’ve taken one of the pictures as my Picture of the Week. I hope you’ll like it.

Got a surprised package today in the mail. Didn’t expect it to be this big when I called in for my free bottle of cologne. Hehe, oh well, the bigger the better. ^_^x

Truth Calvin Klein
eau de toilette spray
1.7 FL OZ 50 ml

calvin klein - truth cologne