Locked Out

wow, this past few days have been just an extended weekend for me with no hw and all play. liam came over today and we watched “Die Another Day” (dvd quality). above average action movie in my opinion. awesome sports cars, but the idea of that big gun was stolen from somewhere else which i don’t remember right now. most likely an anime i saw.

the worst thing happened to me today. after dinner, i got thirsty and decided to go to the convenience store next door. right after i closed my door, i realized i forgot my keys. worse of all, i was only armed with $2.25 (1 $1-bill and 5 quarters). this meant i had no cellphone, and no wallet (no access to soda = no access to computers). i went upstairs to my apartment manager’s room to see if she was in (but no one answered). i then went downstairs to check if snakescott was in, but apparently he went to study for his final. i didn’t really have much of a choice but wait for someone i knew return. meanwhile i was getting more and more thirsty. when i left the apartment complex i left a piece of cardboard keeping the front door ajar. swung right and bought myself an Arizona Ice Tea: Raspberry Flavor. Quickly returned and sat on the stairs awaiting snakescott or my apartment manager. oh yeah, at this point i’ve tried calling the emergency # on the telephone pad outside the building. both times i got an answering machine on my apartment manager’s cellphone and both times the telephone pad hung up right after it beeped for leaving a message. i couldn’t even leave a msg. =( so 2.5hrs i sat there, seeing people come up and down the stairs. a couple friend brought back a computer monitor. then there were these 2 guys that came to pick up their girlfriends. meanwhile i sat there in a t shirt and shorts (while it was raining outside). oh yeah, to keep myself busy, i was playing with the quarters i had and trying to enumerate the stuff i learned from cs70 (discrete math and one of the subjects we learned were probability and biased coins). i flipped the 6 coins i had (now 4 quarters, 1 nickel, and 1 dime after i bought my drink) 13x. 2 outta those 13x landed on all heads! what’s the possibility of that! hehe. then i was rolling the coins down the stairs. finally i heard the garage door opened. i was ooooooh! i sat there staring @ the door for what seemed like eternity. the my apartment manager walks in. i was like, “YES! Thank goodness!” i walked up to her and explained my situation and she said, “oh my, i’ll go open the door for you after i drop my groceries.” i offered to help her carry them up and she gladly accepted my offer. after she opened the door, she suggested i make a spare key and keep one in my wallet just in case. also another suggestion she made was that she’s clumsy like this too, so instead of locking the doorknob which u can do from the inside, she locks the the top latch, which requires a key if you’re trying to lock the door. good suggestions i must say. ^_^x glad that’s over.

finally the anime world is trickling back to life. Naruto 11 was released today. me very happy. me very bored for the past week. ^_^x

How to Watch VCDs with Multiple Languages

first of all, remember to wish mechy a BIG

finished my 2nd final today and i’m pretty happy with it. hope i get that B. ^_^x anyway, i have one final left and that’s on the 19th which is NEXT THURSDAY. i’m a free man for an entire week. sweet! ^_^x too bad anime releases are slowed down due to college students and finals. argggh, i was expecting them to celebrate with me. )o;

thanks to esca for donating this cute flash movie. it’s about 2 Australian bird type of animals who get finally get together after the guy makes a fool of himself. hehe ;p

thanks to sueon for donating this funny movie. ever wonder if babies ****… well, you’ll soon find out. ^_^x

i finally found the perfect player to play HKVCDs. it’s called XingMPEGplayer. ever watched a movie where one channel was one language, and the opposite channel was in another language (common on HKVCDs where one channel is cantonese and one channel is mandarin). before i would always have to change the balance on the main volume control and it would only come outta 1 speaker/side of earphones. well, thanks to a couple friends from #calnime who told me that XingMPEGplayer has this audio option where i can select audio left/right to come out of BOTH my channels. thought some of you may find this useful since Windows Media Player and many MANY other movie players seem to lack this feature (ie: QuickTime, RealPlayer, etc.)

I JacKsOn I: thanks a lot toland
I JacKsOn I: i can grab files from m comp now !! =)
Krunk4Ever: kewl
Krunk4Ever: np ^_^x
I JacKsOn I: haha u still say kewl
I JacKsOn I: i remember the day u thought me what “=)” was
Krunk4Ever: hehe
I JacKsOn I: cuz u put it after like every 5 sentences… n i wuz like wtf is =)
I JacKsOn I: then u told me look at it sideways
I JacKsOn I: and now i see it EVERYWHERE
Krunk4Ever: haha. i use this smiley now: ^_^x
I JacKsOn I: hmm
I JacKsOn I: that 1 is right side up
Krunk4Ever: yep

cdm once again has decided to change his nick to cd-mcc (cunndogg – mecca). ^_^x

Final – Optional?

in the midst of today’s final, our GSI (TA in some universities; stands for graduate student instructor) took out one of those big 8-balls and said, “hmmmmmm, should i make this final optional?” of course we thought he was joking, so we continued our test. “The 8 ball says: All Signs Point to YES.” he goes on telling us that it was decided that the final was made optional and if it helps our grade, it’ll be included. else, they’ll discard it. One student asked what if the 8-ball said NO. our GSI said, he’d have shaken it again. in fact the class before already knew about this but was told not to tell us so we would study. dunno if this was a good thing or not. i spent 10 hrs studying… yucky and to find out this final was optional. i could’ve used that time to study for tomorrow’s final.

the answers to yesterday’s riddle:

Riddle 1: the entire riddle was meant to mislead you. the way you should think about this is that the 3 men paid a total of $30 and got $3 back ($1 for each person) yielding a net cost of $27. what the $2 the bellboy kept was the $2 extra that they paid. $27 – $2 = $25 (amount they should’ve paid).

Riddle 2: There is in fact 6 “F”s:
supposedly the F’s in the word OF is very hard for the human brain to acknowledge. i think it was because it doesn’t make the fa- sound. but who knows ;p

telebears has just been a nitemare lately. haven’t been able to access it online for 2 days already. and my telebears started monday. (for those that don’t know telebears, it’s berkeley’s class registration system). anyway, i finally gave up telebears online and went for the fone. got in on my first try and although it took me 30mins to figure out how to use the fone system, i got the remainder of the classes i want registered. here’s a temporary look of my next semester schedule.

welp, a close friend of mine (not sure if he wants me to say his name) made a donation (located on the left if you feel like giving in this jolly season ^_^x). however, those greedy bastards took everything! grrrrr. welp it was no use keeping $0.00 so i refunded the money. hehe.

paypal - 2 cents

welp, i’m heading for bed early today. g’nite ^_^zzz

2 Riddles

it’s 5:38am and i’ve been studying since 4pm this afternoon. really really tired right now, but finished studying. in the process of making my cheat sheet right now. 1st final is tomorrow @ 1:30pm. i’ll probably get ~6-7hrs of sleep.

thanks to soujiro for bring up some good old riddles that made you feel super retarded:


Count the # of “F”s the occur in this sentence (no cheating):

I’ll post answers to these tomorrow. anyway, i’ll go back to working on my cheat sheet. 5 minute break is over.

Special Notice: from this point on, cunndogg will be referred to cdm as per request. ^_^x it stands for Cunndogg Mecca.

today we were watching some kung fu tournaments on ESPN. one was Breaking Championship which u try to be creative and impress the judges by what you break and how you break them (usually breaks, baseball bats, and etc.) Then there was this kung fu dance type of thingy and cdm asked me wasn’t this so awesome. two words: joe eigo. ^_^x (most of the links on the webpage don’t seem to work. i recently deleted all my backups to it. so hopefully his mirrors will come back up soon.

My Sassy Girl Discussion

today was a somewhat laid back day. was originally set for studying, but i guess that got canceled. ;p went to barney’s for dinner with liam, lydia, and cunndogg. during dinner, somehow My Sassy Girl was brought up and we decided to go home and mix up some drinks (obviously not for me) and watch it. fantasy has been boasting about how great this movie is being the #2 seller in Korea after Titanic. Movie was in fact pretty good. If you like asian drama (yes that includes chinese, japanese, and korean) drama, you’ll like this. ^_^x

just read this in “Psychology Today” (a magazine i have no recollection of subscribing to, but it outta be free cause i personally never pay for magazines): HOW DO STUDENTS COPE WITH PROCRASTINATION? THEY LIE. personally most of my hw doesnt really have ‘someone’ to collect it, so i don’t really ‘need’ an excuse. does that put me in a better or worse situation? hehe. i’ve gotta say, besides Popular Science, Time, and Newsweek, this is one of the better magazines i’ve ever laid hands upon. ^_^x

oh well, study session tomorrow. g’nite ^_^zzz

Mechy – Girl Magnet

today was last day of class. w00h00! finals come in 5 days thought, but i’m still happy that instruction has ended. welp, guess who i bumped into today? our all-time favorite mechy! haven’t seen him for so looonnngggg! anyway, apparently he’s gotten even more popular (especially girls). i was with liam waiting for him to complete his physics 7b hw when i noticed mechy was in the room! so i went over and during the 30minute slot which we chatted, at least 5 girls came by and said “Hi Chris!” hehe. ^_^x

first and foremost, i’d like to apologize to ungsunghero. if you checked my site earlier yesterday, u may have caught a glimpse of an article by ungsunghero. but i played a terrible joke and he was offended.

saw this quote on carii’s webblog which i really liked:

… i think when i paint my mug, i’m gonna put some sort of quote on it. =D something like… “drink more and you shall pee more often” or something silly like that. =) hee.

thanks to Animefan01 for donating this link. it’d be funnier if you know cantonese and if i’m not mistaken, those pictures were actually from the He-Man cartoon. wow, it’s been awhile…

thanks to mista for providing this link. hilarious flash site. click around and play with all the buttons. u get to get the guy to do different stuff.

i found this cool bumper sticker sitting on my desk when i went home during veteran’s day. thought it was pretty amusing. hehe. in fact, i know a couple of ppl that use this saying ALL THE TIME! hehe ^_^x

bite me - bumper sticker

btw, i just realized how good an artist my sister is. chk out her drawings here

You Are My Friend

have u ever been stuck on one problem for 7 hrs? well, once u sorta get stuck, u go and goof of for a couple hrs. i started my hw @ 9pm. completed it @ 5am. and 90% of it was completed in the last 15mins. yucky.

there was a huge response to the car commercial i posted yesterday. everyone seemed to get a good kick outta it. if you missed it, check yesterday’s entry. ^_^x

i believe this was donated by mista. give this link to a friend: http://(name).youaremyfriend.com/ (ie: http://krunk.youaremyfriend.com/) but don’t be like mista and:

<+mista|eva> fuck
<+mista|eva> i sent it to this girl i like
<+mista|eva> does this mean that she will just think were just friends?
<+mista|eva> oh no!
<@Fantasy> FAILED PIMP!
<+mista|eva> bah its just a website
<+mista|eva> a flash website cant do anything, right? RIGHT?!?!
<@Krunk> uh, it can break or make a relationship ^_^x
<@Fantasy> paranoid

i found out earlier this week that the washing machines were broken and wouldn’t be fixed until Dec. 9th. yucky. but then again, we’re supposedly getting new ones in mid-December. hope they don’t raise the fee. $1 for washing machine and $1 for dryer is steep enough. hehe. ^_^x

thanks to esca for donating this sound clip. once again, our great president has made a fool outta himself. ^_^x

Finals Are Nearing…

finally done with proj3. submitted it 3 mins late, but i don’t think they’ll mind. besides i have like 36 more hours of late time. ^_^x sigh. what a waste. could’ve used more on proj1.

time sure slips by fast. it’s already the end of the semester and some people have already started finals. as i look back upon this semester, i ask myself where has time gone? for anyone that’s taking a final now or soon, i wish you the best of luck! GANBATTE! ^_^x

my friend goshtic’s dog just got ran over today. the driver was a hit and run. grrrrr. his dog was so cute too!

goshtic's cute dog

thanks to js8 for donating this video (YouTube). it’s a hilarious car commercial and as ladydevilot says, “the guy’s cute and has a pimp mobile” = what more do you want. ^_^x

DJ Tiesto – Sparkles

today was a weird day. went to sleep actually early! ~3:30am-ish. was hoping to wake up for my 9:30am class, but ended up 30mins late. hehe. came home and slept some more. then i went to do my ee20 lab. today’s lab was cool in the fact this was the LAST lab (yippee) + i understood everything immediately! (usually, i get stuck somewhere along the way and ask for help).

thanks to cunndogg for donating this mp3. awesome trance song and if you want to see it perform live, check out this video (YouTube). if video linky doesn’t work, try downloading it from here Cunndogg says there’s a lotta hot chix in there so something u might wanna consider before downloading/not downloading. ^_^x

thanks to Maetel for donating this cool flash movie: linky. a must see for final fantasy fans, but as alphabons says: “Enix is regarded as the best RPG makers in the world and also squares main competition” hehe ^_^x

thanks to crabyaple for donating these pictures: (click to enlarge)

toilet computer modtoilet computer modtoilet computer modtoilet computer mod

sources are unknown, but seems like a cool project ^_^x

today, i got this weird email which i thought was really kewl. it was spam alright, but to thought of having a screenshot as part of the email was a very clever idea. too bad my site doesn’t really need to be search engined. would think about it if i made money off it.

email includes website screenshot

thanks to my special friend who i believe would rather remain anonymous for pointing out that football is known to be soccer everywhere on earth besides USA. by saying ‘catch football‘, i clearly distinguished that this was not soccer, but instead American Football. ^_^x

Google Toolbar Highlighting

well, today was a great day! finished my lab and my project for cs61b. was able to play ataxx over the network with someone else’s AI. ^_^x

i found another amazing feature of the google toolbar. check out these pictures. it’s like magic marker. after doing a google search, u don’t need to search where the word shows up on the page, and instead can use it’s magic highlighter! ^_^x

google toolbar - highlight

google toolbar - highlight

belldandy has been begging everyone to find this song for him. finally HK found it and now i’ll share it with you guys. Changin’ My Life – Eternal Snow (YouTube) the intro to the song is very sweet. ^_^x

thanks to esca for donating this link (YouTube). i don’t know what you call this kind of dancing, but it’s cool!

thanks to crabyaple for donating this link. link’s title says it all. if you’re wondering what the Chinese subtitles are saying, here’s the script:

i will hypnotize u
u will bring me all the cat food for me to eat
you’re outta your mind.
i see that you havent had enough beating.

in response to yesterday’s entry, someone asked me what catch football was. i mean the meaning is pretty literal where it’s game where you throw and catch the football. didn’t really know what confused the reader. if you’re questioning how catch football is different from regular football, then i guess that’s something someone that doesn’t know much about sports can get easily confused with. hehe. catch football involves no tackling/tagging and is more like u practicing range and trick throws and the catcher tries to estimate where the football will land and catch while running toward that point. if you’re still confuse, feel free to IM me again. -_^x