
lost my red notebook today. was so worried. it’s like my personal diary, which really is just paper for me to jot down notes, draw doodles, draw more doodles, and do hw. i was about to give up after checking 3 lost&found places where it could’ve been. then @ home, i found it sitting on the shelf! YIPPEE! have you ever lost something which you value more than yourself? you become really depressed. this notebook wasn’t that particular item, but i can recall i’ve lost invaluable items such as hippo & data on my hard drive. remind me to post up my hippo memorial wallpaper for u guys. ^_^x

speaking of wallpaper, i recently switched over to Mac OSX. check out my screenshots:
max osx thememac osx theme

if you have japan fetish like i do, you should check out Japander. you should check out some of Arnold Swazzeneger’s (or however you spell his last name) commercials for Japan. For some reason it just doesn’t look like him. ;p

Japander:n.,& v.t. 1. a western star who uses his or her fame to make large sums of money in a short time by advertising products in Japan that they would probably never use. ~er (see synecure, prostitute) 2. to make an ass of oneself in Japanese media.

if you’re in the bay area and want to attend a screening of “8 Mile” for FREE, then check this out: linky. it’s going be shown this thursday @ the Metreon. ^_^x

thanks to esca, we now have channel statistics for our #calnime IRC Chat Room. check them out here: linky.

Done With CS61B Project

how was everyone’s Halloween? got any new cavities? hehe. i’m happy to announce i’ve completed my cs61b project 17hrs before it’s due time! YES! once again, i’m a free man. EE midterm, here i come.

as promised, Picture of the Week has been updated. i hope you’ll enjoy this new piece. ^_^x

bleh, it’s 7:17am and i’m dead tired. i’m make it up by making tomorrows longer. ^_^x

Viagra Comedy Skit

anyone have plans for halloween and thanksgiving? I DO! working on my stupid cs project that is. so conveniently hilfinger puts our project due dates right after these holidays! i mean it is good in a way that you get more time, but you basically don’t enjoy any holidays at all. no going home, no nothing! but then again, i wasn’t planning to go home thanksgiving, but my friend was just complaining about it. hehe. rumor is that this class started out with a bit over 200 people is now down to the size of ~100.

like tomatoes? or should i say tomahtos? well, you guys missed out in a big can (yes those big cans that restaurants get) of tomato sauce that they were giving away as free samples. there were dried tomatoes, marinara sauce, chopped tomatoes, and even pears! here’s the thread. was done with my EE lab in less than 30 mins and spent the time waiting for my GSI/TA to check me off getting this can of tomato sauce. hope it comes. ^_^x

have u seen the new Viagra commercial with the baseball player Rafael Palmeiro? here’s the link to the ad if you want to watch it and i encourage you do before you read on. well, i thought of a funny script for a SNL show. i’ve decided to choose Horatio Sanz as the guy to play the ad.

Sanz: I taking batting practice.
Screen: over 450 home runs (shots of his home runs)
Sanz: I take infield practice.
Narrator: 3 Gold Gloves (shots of him catching a ball)
Sanz: I take Viagra.
Narrator: Father of 20 Children (shots of him trying to control 20 kids)

while trying to find what the exact lines to the commercial, i happened to find this article which i found HILARIOUS! linky <– it’s mature humor so if you don’t get it, please don’t ask me why.

well, 3 more doodles today. hope u like them ^_^x

Telepopmusik – Breath

nothing interesting happened today. school, hw, project, and more project. sigh, i’m tired and hungry.

cunndogg finds this song really awesome, one of the best: Telepopmusik – Breathe (YouTube) it’s actually from the new Mitsubishi commercial advertising the montero (or was it the outlander). anyway, the song’s pretty good in my opinion, but just like cunndogg says, “when someone says it’s the best, you’re just instinctively going to say otherwise.” but when you say, “it’s really good.” then it makes it a lot easier for other people to agree with. ^_^x

anyway, g’nite ^_^zzz

More Chibi Goodness

Giants were defeated today. sigh… they were so close and yet so far. congrats to the Angels and Angels’ fans. both teams i’ve gotta say were equally good, but as cunndogg predicted, “Angel seems to be a better team this year.” i’ve gotta say, this really came down to management. if Dusty Baker would’ve just put Kirk Reuter as the starter, then we might still have a chance. but Hernandez? sigh…

welp, i didn’t finish my project today, but did get a big chunk done. to my surprise, soda wasn’t packed at all. onward march!

now for the anime update. new episode of Prince of Tennis was released and the long match between Ryoma and Akutzu still has not been finished. The preview shows that it’s likely that it’ll end in the following episode. Dragon Drive has brought more cute Chibi for me!

dragon drive - cute dragondragon drive - cute dragondragon drive - cute dragon

i’m sorry but seems like i wont have time this weekend to include all my old picture of the week. grrr, i still have laundry to do! =(


turns out the reason the server was down for 8hrs was because of some hardware upgrade. i wonder what excuses they’ll come up with next time. anyway, i’m just glad my site’s back up and running.

welp, MMouse311 seems to be starting a new Yahoo Group with photos and pictures directed to mature audiences. wouldn’t lemme join until i gave out my age in my yahoo profile (doesn’t mean i gave out my real one -_^x) anyone, for those that are interested, the link to join is linky.

today in EE20, the professor said one of the funniest things! he goes, “i’m going to give you a TLA. you guys all know what TLA means right?” most of the class was just lost. he goes. Three Letter Acronym. just thought it was funny and worth mentioning. hehe ^_^x

had lunch with lilpebbly today. i had no idea 99 ranch market existed up here! but she proved me wrong. they also had pretty good pho’ there also. i also diagnosed her laptop and found out that she has a dead harddrive, sigh… it’s so sad when all the info you’ve saved is now gone. and for those that has had such a traumatic experience, you should know that at times like these is when being a friend really counts. oh yeah, for those who ever wants to open a Hewlett Packard Pavillion Notebook, READ THIS before continuing. i was trying to open it from the bottom for so long and almost gave up. welp, they have some funky way of opening this sucka! hehe. ^_^x

New episode of Hikrau no Go is out! w00h00!!! following are some extracts from it:

hikaru no go - sai laughinghikaru no go - sai yelling

Stupid Server Went Down Again

stupid server went down again. 2nd time this week. grrrrrr. well, by the time you read this, that just means it’s already back up. today was sorta ez going day. only 1 class and i came home to sleep afterwards. not much else happened besides… the Giants murdering the Angels today with a 16-4 score. 1 more game and Giant’s are world series champions! so cross your fingers! ^_^x

finally got my chance to take the stupid picture. well, picture of the week has finally been updated. i think after i finish my project for cs61b this weekend, i’ll fix up that page with all the previous ‘picture of the week’.

well, it’s 5am already, and have class tomorrow. so g’nite ^_^zzz

Russell’s Paradox

sorry bout yesterday. was so tired i actually went to sleep @ 11:30. yes this is PM and not AM. i think it’s been the earliest for since i came to college. was working on my EE hw which my eyes felt like concrete and i just couldn’t hold it up anymore. i dont even know why i was so tired especially since i only had 2 classes.

Giants lost badly today, but had an EXTREMELY GREAT comeback today! did you watch the game. looks like the Angels were winning with a 3-0 score till the 5th or 6th inning then BAM! Angel’s pitcher started breaking up and allowed 2 runs. then a 3rd. then a 4th! and when Robb Nen came in during 9th and got 3 outs. WE WIN!!!!

welp besides the game yesterday, it was devastating that my system crashed after 2 weeks of uptime. stupid microsoft and stupid outlook! hate you hate you hate you!

bumped into tacoman today! it’s been the first time i’ve seen him in ages. well, i guess last time i saw him was probably last year last day of school. sigh. it’s cool. ^_^x cunndogg asks why i get to bump into so many ppl?!? i guess it’s fate. but he doesn’t believe in that. hehe ^_^x

here’s an update on harrybons mice attack. apparently he’s caught 5 so far, but there’s MORE. seems that the like hiding underneath the fridge and although rumors say they prefer peanut butter over cheese (not cartoon rumors), the mouse still went for the cheese. so i guess cartoon does actually have some facts behind it. hehe.

cunndogg, liam, and i spent a very long time arguing about set theory and diagonalization. i won’t get too deep into, but here’s something to ponder on. It’s also known as Russel’s paradox. Given the set of all sets that don’t belong in their set, can such a set exist? assume it does, does this set belong to itself? assume yes, then you’ve broken the set’s requirement which only takes in sets that don’t belong to themselves. let’s assume no then, but then this set should include it since it didn’t belong to itself. basically, russell’s paradox has broken set theory which is basically what math is based off of. however, humans have ignored this set and arithmetic is still able to function. in class, they used the same proof to show that several types of programs can’t be written, and cunndogg argues that just because u can show it with this proof, that doesn’t mean you can’t ignore this case and move on. as liam says, both arithmetic and programming are based on axioms which follows rules. as long as the axioms allow for the case to be ignored, then everything will work. if not, it’ll break.

Happy Birthday SueOn

first of all, i’d like to wish HAPPY BIRTHDAY to SUEON!!!

this marks his 19th bday (he’s a guy so i won’t worry about him killing for telling everyone his age. hehe). anyway, couple of my friends have turn or soon will turn 20. this marks the end of our teenage-hood (if there’s such a word). sigh… those years were so beautiful and if i had a choice, i’d relive them again and make the best outta it. carii suggested that we’re closer to age of drinking. that’s true but who in the right mind wants to put that nasty bitter liquid into your mouth (was tempted to crap, but crap is usually solid, but then again, lol!) well, we know why carii want’s to grow up faster, although she claims that isn’t true, but i mean to say that w/o thinking… now comon! j/k ;p

welp, my web hosting company claims something went wrong with their ASP server causing my site to be down for 8hrs yesterday. was down from 7pm to 4am and made me reach an all-time low in October of 38 visitors. well, that’s not exactly the truth, i’ve hit 32 in early october, but nothing below 38 since then. but today it rebounded to a nice 71. sounds like i’m some stock reporter or something. hehe ^_^x

new Prince of Tennis and Dragon Drive is out! what really sucks is that one pot wasn’t able to satisfy me again, and the stupid (well, i shouldn’t call them stupid since they are giving me free pot) only gave me enough for one!!! I’m dying here for more!!! I once again got to meet the cute chibi. Here’s some more snapshots of him. ^_^

dragon drive - cute dragondragon drive - biting

welp, crabyaple’s site has been completely revamped and looks amazingly cooler! way to go! linky here! that reminds me. i need to get a new picture of the week! hopefully by today or tomorrow. i’m also pondering the idea of hosting my previous POTW up, but that’ll haveta take some thinking.

finally got my cs midterm back today.

Question 1: 9/10
Question 2: 10/10
Question 3: 9/10
Question 4: 0/0 (extra credit – check doodles)
Question 5: .5/10
Grrrr, i bombed the last question big time! =(

speaking of doodles, 3 new doodles up straight off the midterm. hehe ^_^x

Website Updates

sigh… one thing i always forget to do is change the date on these entries. anyway, php is so cool! i rewrote my menu.php file and the file shrunk for 551 lines of code to 154. nice huh? i’ve redone the menu images for the heck of it. i removed several things if you may have noticed. first was the webstats. i decided i should be the only one to have access to this info so too bad ;p. as for the guestbook, dreambook just didn’t cut it, so i decided to remove it until i find a better one which i like, or maybe… maybe i can implement one of my own. i do have the access to do so now. hehe. ^_^x

remember that argument of size i had awhile ago. well, the class finally got there and it was proven so. all the questions i had asked is answered. if you’re interested in finding out why the set of integers is the same size as natural #s, then you should check out this lecture note.

3 new doodles are up. not part of my best work i’ve gotta say. but doodles are doodles. ^_^x

UPDATE: YES YES YES! After 45mins of fidgeting with perl and cgi-scripts, i finally got a working GuestBook. comments and feedback about all these new changes would be nice. ^_^x