CS61B Midterm

found out i have no cs hw due this friday so i’m one happy man! first friday that i’ve been free! my cs61b midterm grades are up. got a 28.5 outta 40. mean was 26 and median was 27. i guess i should be happy since i was expected somewhere around the C range. On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, Paul Hilfinger wrote: “The midterm is graded and grades are now on-line. Mean score 26. Median: 27. Since my grading scale is predicated on a mean of 20, I’d say this is pretty good! PNH

well, speaking of CS, someone posted this caricature online in our newsgroup. it’s so funny yet it’s so true!


not sure if i’ve mentioned this before, but my cell phone scared the heck outta me again. was taking a nap when suddenly i heard a buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz… of course since only my computer is on, i thought the noise was generating from there. i was like o shoot, did something die!?!?! my computer is my baby. nothing bad is allowed to happen to it. of course it’s also my slave working 24/7 ;p. current status:

network status

anyway, back to main topic. i was half way done my bed when i realized that my cellphone was in vibrate mode. (it’s embarrassing when your phone rings in class!!!) after that happened once, i’ve learnt my lesson. well, there was a sigh of relief that there was nothing wrong with my baby. hehe. ^_^x

thanks to fantasy for donating this link. it’s hilarious and seems to be written by some teenager. just some very funny stuff to pass your time with. there were also other interesting items i found in the main page. stuff like reason why no one after jesus has seen/talked to god is because he’s asleep. hehe. ;p

welp, more to come tomorrow! cunndogg is heading to SD this weekend for a sailing competition! wish him luck + i get the apartment ALL to myself. MUHAHAHAHA! think of all the possibilities! SLEEP + SLEEP + MORE SLEEP!! ^_^x

Fear of the Shadow

BIG SIGH OF RELIEF … finally got the midterm over and it wasn’t as hard as i expected. answered every question besides the extra credit. think it went something like this, “who were the antagonist in the battle of theodyte” (don’t think i spelled theodyte correctly). during the practice i was stumped @ every single problem, but i actually managed to complete the stupid midterm today with not much trouble, not sure how much i got right though. probably have tons of small errors.

on my way home today, i had a shocking experience. you know how gophers are afraid of their shadows and we always (well, i did) thought it was silly. i mean it’s a harmless shadow. but today, something happened that changed my perspective. while i was walking home listening to my minidisc, i noticed someone was following me. nothing to worry about, just kept walking along naturally. the person moved closer behind me each and every time i checked, but never before me. suddenly i stopped, turned around and THERE WAS NOBODY. all this time, i have been wary of my own shadow. and trust me, i was really frightened @ the end. could’ve sworn beads of sweat was coming out on a freezing tuesday nite. still sends shiver down my spine every time i remember it.

just completed an anime series called Hack Sign. awesome soundtrack, but storyline got extremely weird. the ending was somewhat satisfying besides the fact that it said: to be continued…

welp, that’s it for tonite folks. tune in tomorrow. ^_^zzz

Hitting a Wall

went to review session today for upcoming cs midterm. this one is going to be a killer. sigh.. wish me luck guys!

thanks to fantasy for donating this link. it’s a bit gross, but super funny. the warning has been given so don’t attack me if you find it repulsive. ;p

thanks to crabyaple for donating this link. welp, there’s 2 things you’re suppose to find on this map here. many including myself has asked the original poster what the heck he wants me to see, but if you study the map carefully, you’ll find 2 specific things you wouldn’t believe existed on a map. i won’t be giving away the answers so if you’re stumped, contact me through email or aim. ^_^x

thanks to panzer for donating this link. welp, i’ve gotta say, this article was very good at summing up everything. i mean everything it says is so true!

and now for the anime update. new prince of tennis and dragon drive came out today. (i know, i should be studying but who can stand not watching a face like this):

dragon drive - scareddragon drive - excited

dragon drive - chibi shakes head
Click on the picture to start the animation or view it in the gallery.

dragon drive - chibi sighs
Click on the picture to start the animation or view it in the gallery.

i’m sorry, but no doodles today. maybe after my cs midterm. ^_^x

ungsunghero: i (and at least 3/4th of my college buddies) have hit a wall
ungsunghero: two depressing points:
ungsunghero: 1) my roommate and i were discussing future plans
ungsunghero: and how college sucks in general
ungsunghero: and especially how, after graduation, life is so uncertain
ungsunghero: even more so than after HS
ungsunghero: and i swear he nearly teared up when he said how much he’d miss our place should he move out after graduation
ungsunghero: (pull out a kleenex, if needed)
ungsunghero: it got worse when my friend IMed me a few minutes ago
ungsunghero: talking about how she was overwhelmed with four classes + work
ungsunghero: plus the fact that she’s had a bout with a week long cold
ungsunghero: she’s considering dropping a class
ungsunghero: which got me thinking…
ungsunghero: boy is life rough!
ungsunghero: i have THREE classes (one lab)
ungsunghero: she has four AND work
Krunk4Ever: same here! high five!
ungsunghero: and i’m the one itch-baying???
Krunk4Ever: well, i’ve had these moments before
Krunk4Ever: future is scarcy
Krunk4Ever: scary*
ungsunghero: while my friend (she’s still fighting her illness, btw) has to struggle with four and work
ungsunghero: isn’t it?
Krunk4Ever: but i figured if i take life one step @ a time
Krunk4Ever: i’ll reach there eventually
ungsunghero: yeah
ungsunghero: but it’s rough when you hit a wall
Krunk4Ever: yah
ungsunghero: but imagine how much worse it is when a bunch of people sympathize (sp?)
ungsunghero: when they’re all crashing into walls
ungsunghero: and, like i said…i’m bitching about three classes!
ungsunghero: and she’s dying over 4 and work
Krunk4Ever: stupid dog, u know that search dog. he starts scratching himself when u leave him idling
ungsunghero: and so is my roommate
ungsunghero: eh?
Krunk4Ever: winxp search
ungsunghero: i see
ungsunghero: anyway…i’m sad
ungsunghero: and i feel bad
ungsunghero: bad in the sense that i’m bitching over 3 classes
Krunk4Ever: dont feel bad.
ungsunghero: bad in the sense that i hit a wall this early in the qtr
Krunk4Ever: what’s life if u can b*tch about it
ungsunghero: and bad that all my friends have hit the same wall
ungsunghero: and i can’
ungsunghero: t do anything about it
ungsunghero: but sit back and watch
ungsunghero: have you ever had to sit back and watch something so horrible, but you knew you couldn’t do anything about it?
ungsunghero: or at least, in a dream?
Krunk4Ever: many times
Krunk4Ever: but since u cant do anything about it, life moves on
ungsunghero: how about in real life?
Krunk4Ever: when u hit a wall. u either stop, climb over, or walk around it
Krunk4Ever: if u see someone hit a wall
Krunk4Ever: and cant help them over
Krunk4Ever: that’s the suggesting u give them
Krunk4Ever: suggestion*
ungsunghero: i don’t understand
Krunk4Ever: what ur friend needs to understand is there are choices u have to make when u hit a wall
Krunk4Ever: although it may have some bad consequences, it beats standing there staring @ it
Krunk4Ever: and when someone complains about something, they’re not really looking @ u to help them solve it
Krunk4Ever: it’s words of comfort and acceptance and acknowledgement they’re looking for
Krunk4Ever: stuff like, ‘i feel ya’, ‘yah, that class is a killer’, ‘i’m dying here over too!’ and etc
Krunk4Ever: only when they ask seriously: “What should i do???”
Krunk4Ever: that’s when they’re requesting for help
ungsunghero: that’s not my problem
ungsunghero: i did offer her my condolences
ungsunghero: i even offered to help her with classes
ungsunghero: (since i’m such a nice guy)
ungsunghero: but it’s just the shock…
ungsunghero: to think that everybody is so messed up
ungsunghero: i just had a “town hall” meeting with my roommates again about how life is so screwed up
Krunk4Ever: remember what kimura said
ungsunghero: and it’s only THIRD WEEk
Krunk4Ever: the chicken w/o the head
Krunk4Ever: well, all college students are like that
Krunk4Ever: well, most
ungsunghero: yeah
ungsunghero: it’s pathetic too
ungsunghero: and i feel for my friends
ungsunghero: i hope the feeling is mutla
ungsunghero: mutual
ungsunghero: i’m so disoriented right now
ungsunghero: you’re the only person i know that hasn’t yet told me that s/he has hit a major wall
ungsunghero: i’m going to bed
ungsunghero: hopefully, you’ll allow me to continue/finish this convo tomorrow
ungsunghero: g’nite
Krunk4Ever: g;nite ^_^zzz
ungsunghero: and aren’t you going to tell me to calm down?
ungsunghero: or to keep cool?
Krunk4Ever: i think i’ve implied that already ^_^x
Krunk4Ever: and u seem calm
Krunk4Ever: just a bit shaken
ungsunghero: definitely
ungsunghero: remember…i’m screwed up
Krunk4Ever: what i’m worried is about that girl friend of yours
ungsunghero: and yet BETTER OFF than others
ungsunghero: oh…that was just the latest example
ungsunghero: my roommate is in the same bind
Krunk4Ever: i c
ungsunghero: 3 MAE classes
Krunk4Ever: im guessing htat’s some really hard classes
ungsunghero: and a lower division class that requires 200 pages of reading/week
ungsunghero: yeah
ungsunghero: mech/aero engineering
ungsunghero: = MAE
Krunk4Ever: yuck
Krunk4Ever: but it sounds like a cool major
ungsunghero: yeah
ungsunghero: i’m worried about many people
ungsunghero: and i know for sure that my roommate worries about me
ungsunghero: i just hope the feeling’s mutual w/everybody else
ungsunghero: thanks for letting me vent
ungsunghero: part 2 is 2m
ungsunghero: haha
Krunk4Ever: np ^_^x
Krunk4Ever: okay
ungsunghero: ZZZ..


sigh… midterm went okay. didnt have enough time to finish though. was stuck on problem 3 and when i checked the clock, it was already 10:37 and i had 23 minutes left to do the remaining 3 problems. sigh…

after we came back from our midterm, liam and i had a interesting discussion about fact. it all started with a snapple cap (which now contains interesting facts). his said, elephants are the only mammal that can’t jump. mine said, there are at least 9 million other people with the same exact birthday as me. i said that’s not a fact, they can never prove that. then liam goes and says it is a fact because it is in reasonable statistical probability. i shot back and said probability isn’t a fact and he replies then nothing is a fact. i said, well i know my birthday is on blah blah. he asks, how did i know? i said, ppl told me, birth certificate, etc. but he says how does that make it a fact? can’t the ppl who told you be wrong? your birth certificate be a mistake. it all comes down to the probability of it being an error is very minuscule. and if the probability is small enough, we recognize it as a fact. i guess my reply to that would be that snapple’s assertion has not been proven because they did not know my birthday and further more the world is approaching 6billion people yielding a average of less than 16million people who are born on the same day. that’s just only an average meaning some days yield more babies while others don’t. i believe i can disprove the likelihood of this probability by pointing out that people who are born on February 29th (leap years) would only have an statistical probability of 4million ppl with the same birthday, almost half of snapple’s prediction. therefore, i believe there is reasonable doubt that this is not a fact.

during my nap today, i noticed something very peculiar. have u ever wonder if your brain runs at a different speed during your sleep? well, i had something like that happened to me today. sometimes i don’t close my eyes completely when i sleep leaving a tiny gap to see the whole outside world. when you sleep, you sense of feeling also becomes numb. while i was sleeping, i felt my hand sliding off my face very slowly. i was wondering why but i couldn’t stop my hand from moving. while half awake, i wanted to see what else my body can’t normally do. what i found out is that my eyes see stuff moving at a slower rate than normal time. each frame freezes for a bit before moving to the next. it was really cool! however, during this experiment i had another weird sensation. i think i moved my head too close to the edge of the pillow and my head started to roll off. however i had no feeling of rolling off. all i felt was something rubbing my face and that the world my eye is seeing is rising above me… in slow motion. i went back to sleep after that freaky experience. hehe

new episode of Hikaru no Go came out today! w00h00! also would like to remind those who follow ninjai, that episode 8 and 9 have been released. ^_^x

English Essay Writing Experiment

sorry about not updating yesterday. was sitting in my chair and fell asleep. woke up and dragged myself to bed. think it was one of the earliest days i went to bed and it’s probably also one of the rare tuesdays i’m not going to take a nap after cs70.

the following link has been donated by crabyaple: link – hilarious but really mean.

thanks to harrybons for donating this link. it’s hella funny. (just before you criticized that i’ve become a NorCal person, i used hella because freaken or the next step sounded a bit extreme/offensive).

had an awesome harvest these 2 days. got my Dragon Drive, got my Hikaru no Go, and even got my Prince of Tennis! <– my 3 current favorites! ^_^x the following are some cute pix i extracted. the last one might take a bit longer to load since it’s 500kB.

dragon drive - hugging chibidragon drive - take it for granteddragon drive - apology to chibi

hikaru no go - sai screaming

hikaru no go - sai dancing
Click the image to start the animation or view it in the gallery.

Joe Eigo

it’s been like what, 5 days already?!?! stupid stupid CS project. spent at least 40hrs working on the stupid project. had to use 34 of my overtime hours. we get 72hrs of leeway for 3 projects. i’ve been using emacs so much now that when i wanna save, i hit CTRL + X + S instead of CTRL + S. to undo, it’s no longer CTRL + Z but instead CTRL + SHIFT + _ AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! anyway, submitted my project this morning @ 10am came home and slept till 8ish. but because of the inactivity on my website, i’ve managed to collect quite a bit of info over these few days. therefore this entry will be EXTREMELY LONG, SO READER BEWARE! YOU’RE IN FOR SOME BIG TIME WASTER IN THE NEXT FEW MINUTES, no… HOURS!

<+animedaisuki1> there’s so many sexy girl in my bio classes…..
<@Fantasy> U NEVER KNOW
<@HKenshin> yea there were in my mcb classes too
<@HKenshin> there were a couple of cute girls in j1a too
<@Fantasy> but that’s MCB
<@Fantasy> j1a
<@Fantasy> hmmm
<@Fantasy> i’ll take j1a some day
<+n00dles> my j1a class sucks…
<+n00dles> none whatsoever…
<+n00dles> luck of the draw, and lady luck decided to give me the middle finger…
<+n00dles> goddammit
<@Fantasy> dude if u come to berkeley
<@Fantasy> get read that lady luck stuck u a giant middle finger
<@Fantasy> it’s like
<@Fantasy> prepare to die

thanks to crabyaple. this is like a younger version of jackie chan! Check out this clip! (Backup Clip) (YouTube) if link(s) doesn’t work, be sure to tell me cause lemme just tell you that you’re missing out! don’t let the first 2 scenes fool u into believing this is another break dancing clip. WATCH ON! it’s got some serious ass-kicking skills in there! enjoy! ^_^x

AllLiam AllDay: I’ll see you in class tomorrow
Krunk4Ever: it’s monday tomorrow already huh?
Krunk4Ever: sihg….
Krunk4Ever: what happened to my weekened?????
AllLiam AllDay: thats what I’m saying

Got my minidisc player last week. it’s really cool! i really like it’s NetMD feature where you can just drag and drop mp3s and it’ll convert to minidisc format. if you want more info on which model i got, check out this link: amazon.com and cloud-x. all this for $86 + i might be eligible for a $25 rebate + a pack of 10 free sony minidiscs. ^_^x

sony mz-n505s netmd player

while walking home from a review session for my EE20 class last thursday (Signals and Systems)… now that reminds me i did rather well on my EE20 midterm. 89/100! congrats to me! anyway, as i was saying, on my way back from my review session to continue my cs61b project (horrible experience, quite traumatizing!), i saw this poster on the floor. it was a bunch of cute stuff animals so i continued to walk on and i noticed more and more of these posters were on the floor! it was getting dark and the sun was practically gone, i picked up one to get a closer look and a saw:

WARNING: Contains content not suitable for children under 18.
WARNING: File is over a meg so it may take some to download.
Rules of Attraction Poster

The poster was for the movie: Rules of Attraction. This poster is so wrong! my image of stuff animals will be corrupted forever! AHHHHH! what used to be cuddly and innocent is now naughty and evil. i mean it’s sweet and innocent when u have 2 babies kiss each other on the cheek, but u wouldn’t make them go into sexual positions!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!

Amendment: Found extra clips of the guy here. enjoy ^_^x

More School Stuff

wow, it’s the 1st of october already. sigh… project due on friday, and my ee20 midterm is on that day too. folks, i’ve gotta be honest with you, there won’t be much on the website for the next few days. it’s already 6am. ~____~zzz

almost didn’t get up in time for class today @ 3:30pm. got up, rushed out, and then slammed the door when i remember i forgot my keys! shoot! went to ee20 lab, then to soda to work on proj awaiting cunndogg to return and got back into house around 9ish. sigh… can this actually get any worse. stupid bad luck. =(

well, harrybons and i had a extremely long debate on what stealing is today. debate’s not over yet, once it’s done, i’ll give you the unabridged version and you can read it at you own leisure. never had so much fun in a long time. ^_^x crabyaple and sueon, we need to debate more! ^_^x

currently 6:11am, time for bed. ^_^zzz

Disgusting Toilet

Our toilet has been clogged this weekend. very yucky. i’d take a picture of it, but it’s pretty disgusting. thank god it flushes now. need to get our maintenance guy to check up on it tomorrow. but then there’s always soda next door (where i’ve been going to when natured called today) hehe.

today was rather boring. hw more hw, project, anime (well, i needed breaks), oooh matrix was on FOX today. watched that too! i got Unreal Tournament 2003 today (well, yesterday, but installed it today). UT2K3 was released yesterday, and it has once again proven I have 3d motion sickness. played it for half an hour and head started to get dizzy again, and didn’t stop hurting till an hr later. yuck. but the engine and graphics have gotten a lot better i’ve got to say. played the demo earlier too, but there weren’t many options on the demo itself. went to gypsies on south side for dinner and cunndogg and i splitted a cal-zone.

well, the pic of the week has finally been updated. was stuck between fishies or sheep, decided to go with the sheep. ^_^x as the month comes to a closing, i once again like to thank all the people who actually come visit my site, although not much more than a college guy rambling about his life. hehe ^_^x

Southwest Rapid Rewards

started working on my project today, but didn’t get much done. tomorrow looks much brighter tho. but today looked bright yesterday also. sigh… went to Barney’s today with liam, lydia, and cunndogg. they’ve got pretty good burgers and shakes. price is cheaper than mel’s too! too bad it’s sorta not within walking distance, but liam’s got a car. ^_^x

Was browsing through fatwallet when i was saw this: link. i find it funny and a bit discriminatory against obese ppl. but then again, i wouldn’t want to be the one sitting squashed between 2 of these ppl. i was thinking about this when i suddenly realized how this can help us! (especially for people flying home multiple times between Oakland and Los Angeles). for those that don’t have a rewards card, GET ONE. for those that do have one, read on. many of you might fly multiple times per year back home, but you NEED 4 round trips to get a rewards ticket and your pts expire after one year. Lets say you plan on flying home 3x within a year. so close to getting a rewards ticket, but yet so far. Since they CAN’T discriminate you from being un-obese, you can buy 2 tickets and rack up twice the points, since you are buying 2 tickets home and both are under your name, and the only condition that qualifies you for the points is actually making the trip. Some of you might think i’m crazy. i mean why pay for an extra seat when all you get is one extra round trip, which actually just cancels what you just paid for. well, here’s the thing. these rewards ticket allow you to fly ANYWHERE within a year (anywhere southwest flies that is). if you plan on “giving it away” (example). i believe the link says enough. here’s my calculation: 4 round trip homes = $75/round trip * 4 = $300. amount you get for giving this away: ~$300. It’s almost like southwest actually PAYS you to fly! of course you have to get on during their promotions and right now, round trips from OAK to LAX is only $37.50 (including tax and security fees) each way. hope this helps ^_^x

well, in that same thread, we had a college pride thingy going on. damion mentioned that cal’s going to kick USC’s butt, and then some guy thought that was the funniest joke. well, i agree that our team sucked last year, but they’re having quite a good comeback with their new coach. but worse of all, i recall some friend of mines from ucla sent me this video clip. If you’re from USC, DON’T CLICK THE LINK! I apologize for anyone that goes to USC that comes to my webpage. i know it’s inappropriate, but each school’s got one, right?

Today was anime harvest galore! racked in some good anime today, especially Prince of Tennis – 41 (they’ve finally hit the semi-finals! yes!!!) and of course Dragon Drive – 9! that cute dragon has returned! ^_^x

dragon drive - flying

Being John Malkovich – Review

worked on cs61b hw today. haveta start on the stupid project due next friday starting tomorrow.

i know my English grammar isn’t particularly awesome as several friends have pointed out. but then again, i see it as just adding to part of the humor you get from my entries. i mean you guys obviously don’t come here to read a well written essay. most of you are here to get some laughs, some fun, or just to kill time. ^_^x

cat pancake
Click image to start animation or view it in the gallery. – thanks to crabyaple

tonite cunndogg and i watched ‘Being John Malkovich‘. the story made little sense to me and the plot was poorly planned/created. many things didn’t just work out, and there were many holes within the plot. the theory itself was understandable and i luved the puppet shows. in fact, here’s some extra ones for you to enjoy: link.

Today Dragon Drive 8 was released and once again i got to see the cute dragon! w00h00! he’s so kawaii. wish i could own him as a pet. ^_^x

dragon drive - ball