Sparkie’s Wedding Invitation

only 30 visits yesterday!!! you guys sure missed out a good one. well, i guess you can always go back and check the old news, but of course it’ll be ‘old news‘ and not fresh anymore. who likes to read old stuff anyway.

welp while i was talking to cunndogg, i recall another tidbit about krunk. i believe this was during 8th grade when krunk was formally invited to a wedding. sparkie and her fiancĂ© (i forgot her irc handle) were getting married and everyone in #psx on was invited. well, not everyone but the ops and the voice cause we’ve became really good friends. the wedding was held @ SD and i really wanted to go. i even got formally invited with their invitation. not sure how many of you’ve been formally invited to a wedding before, but i received a really pretty envelope with lots of pretty stationary with a card that said, ‘Dear Toland Hon, you’ve been formally invited by someone and someone (replace those by the parents’ names of the bride) to attend the wedding ceremony of someone (sparkie) and someone (his fiancĂ©). sparkie, volfman, and shortdog all wanted me to come (i was the co-founder of the channel @ the time). i actually still have these cards stuck away somewhere in my drawer @ home. next time i go home, i’ll give you guys a scan of it. ^_^x they said i was going to have a blast getting drunk. not sure if i would’ve really drank that time, but there was that possibility. however, the hard part was my parents. what was i going to say to them. some online friend was getting married and i was invited??? if i lied and said one of my real life friends was getting married, there will be reasonable doubt that i’m lying since i’m only in 8th grade and shouldn’t know anyone near the age of getting married. neway, i was really sad when i had to decline. sparkie even reserved a seat especially for me. after the wedding, me and volfman help designed a website that displayed all their wedding pix. not sure if that website is around anymore.

this has been a really bad week for me. even worse next week since i have a midterm and a project due on friday. skipped 2 classes this week. booooo. was working on cs70 hw this entire day. finally finished ~2am and turned it in (since soda’s right next to me; soda = cs building).

yesterday’s entry got a bit long, but i really wanted to tell you Hikaru no Go 48 is out! w00h00!

hikaru no go - sai is thinking

Souseki Bill Trick

i was once reminded of childhood trick. remember when you folded the dollar bill to make Washington smile or frown, welp, the Japanese can do it too! – thanks to peter payne.

souseki bill trick

there’s a lot of mystery about krunk which has remained hidden for a very long time, and shall remain that way. everyone who thinks they know me, doesn’t know much about krunk. everyone who thinks they know about krunk, doesn’t know much about me. let’s just say that krunk emerged in 7th grade and has evolved to something which i no longer know. he has his friends, i have mine. he does stuff in the dark, while i’m in the light. he even gets credit card applications for god sake! well, today, i’ll let you catch a glimpse of Krunk’s history. i just bumped into one of his long lost friends, who he’s known at least 7 years.

dabuddhaDate Posted: 09/24/2002 12:24 PM:
hey krunk
this the same krunk from playstation?

krunkDate Posted: 09/24/2002 5:16 PM:
when u say playstation, do u mean #psxirc ?

krunkDate Posted: 09/24/2002 6:38 PM:
would you be DaMan from TWiH?

dabuddhaDate Posted: 09/25/2002 7:35 AM:
#psx on newnet
its jamm

krunkDate Posted: 09/25/2002 11:54 AM:
hey jamm! long time no c!

how’s it going, do you go on irc anymore? i’m still krunk, but i hang out on and

dabuddhaDate Posted: 09/25/2002 12:15 PM:
im doing pretty good. started working full time now. i goto nowadays but my home machine just bit the dust so have to upgrade.

jammy is currently engaged and plans to marry next march. i wish him the best of luck. ^_^x

welp, i almost forgot to tell you about cunndogg’s shocking adventure after his retreat! he drank a lot that night (at least 1/3 of a BIG bottle of whiskey, dunno the liters but it’s the biggest bottle of Seagrams you can find @ Safeway). well, he was got so drunk during that retreat, he actually threw up, but cant really recall do it till the next morning. he called me up on sunday morning and said, ‘Toland, i’m outta gas!’ while driving home. he apparently lost his wallet (which a friend found later and returned to him) and he was no where near home. what to do? what to do??? (drum rolls…) hopefully, he had went over the bay bridge earlier that weekend and gotten change left in the car. so he filled $2 worth of gasoline and drove home. after filling up his tank of gasoline, he realized he had actually reached or even surpassed the maximum volume for his gasoline tank. wow!

thanks to ungsunghero, he taught me a new cool trick for windows XP. right click your desktop -> ‘Arrange Icons By’ -> uncheck ‘Show Desktop Items’. not that special of a trick, but i just never knew it was there. ^_^x

btw, more doodles are up! hurray!

SES – Korean Band

today was one of the more exciting days of the week. went this morning to samgoody in hayward to check out a deal on minidisc players. cunndogg grabbed a MRZ500 that was on clearance for $128 total. then i met up with cari, decat, mechy, and will. ohfuee couldn’t get outta bed to come with us. =( hehe. anyway, we went into Oakland Chinatown and ate @ the dim sum place somewhere. lol, this marks my 2nd time eating dim sum with friends. usually i have them with my parents. it’s also the first time i’ve ridden BART after i got back to berkeley. wow, so many first attempts today. we then went to decathanerd’s apartment and got some Soul Caliber 2, DOA2, and Power Stone 2 action. but the truly surprising event of the day was when ohfuee told me that my long lost elementary friend was coming up to visit. pokerbob, who i haven’t met since 3rd grade. well actually we did meet during 6th grade during math field day and we were competing against each other. lol. we were like best buddies before. pokerbob, slicktran, and i could be said to be today’s sueon, crabyaple, and me. we went to la loma to and shot pool for 2 hours. really nice.

today, when talking to PuchikoChan today, we brought up one of my favorite Korean bands: SES. my favorite 3 songs are: Dreams Come True, Oh My Love, and I’m Your Girl. i haven’t listened to their songs in years, but i found the cd i burnt the songs on and have been listening to their albums for the past few hours. PuchikoChan also sent me a really cute picture of the girls here. i also uploaded a short clip which i really liked here (36megs). enjoy ^_^x

check out what princeton review says cal is known as #2 for: link – thanks to panzer

oh yeah, mechy reminded me it was mid-autumn festival today, so i’d like to wish everyone a happy mid-autumn festival and don’t get too stuffed on mooncakes, they’re really fattening. BUT THEY’RE SO GOOD! I especially liked the pure lotus seed ones with no egg yolk. i hate egg yolk in my moon cakes. they cost $5 more for the egg yolk and taste nasty. anyway, here’s a card for you guys – thanks to lsyimle.

Homework on Fridays

arggggh, i hate my cs61b hw. missed out seeba/milkman/lorie’s bbq tonite. was going to be a great reunion too! =( why does our professor have to torture us by making homework due on Fridays!?!?! does he automatically assume that eecs have no life? great teacher i’ve gotta say, but ahhhhhh! any, hw was due @ 12am so i BSed a couple of the questions and submitted it.

i watched ‘The Professional‘ today. great movie! but for some reason, i didn’t particularly liked the pedophile implications they kept on putting into the script. lots of tactics, strategy, and my favorite part was when that French guy (also in Wasabi – also a classic! saw it on JAL (japan airlines)) figured out how to escape. too bad the ending wasn’t… nah i won’t spoil it. hehe

someone pointed out that the prom link in my previous projects didn’t work and it has now been fixed. is awesome. i got my disney dvd 3pak (toy story, toy story 2, a bug’s life) for only $25! they also canceled my another order of mines and to make it up to me, gave me a $40 Gift Certificate. the order it self was only $25! sweet huh?

thanks to RIPFace for providing this clip. it’s like Initial D but in real life! very skilled drivers. wish i had a car to try something like that. hehe. ^_^x

Missing UPC

i was planning more for more doodles today, but that’ll haveta wait. cunndogg’s asleep and i don’t want the scanner to wake him up. anyway, parent’s want me to come home during veteran’s weekend so i guess i’m going home. already booked my tickets on southwest. if anyone else wants to come along, msg me. ^_^x

sad news guys, i’ve ditched my 2nd class this semester. this time it was cs61b discussion. i hope i didn’t miss anything important. it was just that ee20 lec and dis were back to back and they were so boring, i slept through both of them.

i got my new toy today! w00h00! it’s a firewire enclosure for a hd or cdrom or etc. it’s pretty neat. i got several hds lying around so this’ll be my portable drive. really wanted one that supported both usb and firewire for dual compatibility, however my order was canceled cause they ran outta stock. guess firewire along is good enough. ^_^x

one of the stupidest things happened to me today. i was filling out the rebate form for my Fuji CD-Rs. i cut the UPC code out on purpose to get it ready. however, after filling out the rebate form, the upc code was no longer to be found. i was like o shoot! spent about an hour looking for that thing. checked paper after paper to see if it was stuck onto. checked both my trashcans to see if i accidentally threw it away. finally, i retraced my steps and i knew i had the upc sitting there. i recall throwing a piece of paper in the trashcan cause it was no longer of any use. but i’ve checked the trash can at least 8x. even dumped everything out and put everything back in. well, thank god i checked it one more time. it was stuck to the back of some piece of paper crumbled up together. w00h00! saved $10 right there. ironic i was about to throw $10 in the trash. -_^x

finally, i’d like to introduce u to gootecks. many of u should know him, probably by a more familiar name of itsryawn, but check out what a man went through just to get the thing done. i mean i would’ve given up halfway. more info @ FatWallet. FatWallet’s a crazy place all right. i had one of my best bitter arguments with some dude this morning. too bad FW deleted it (or i can’t seem to find it). hehe. anyway, g’nite ^_^zzz

Set of Integers and Natural Numbers are the Same Size

nothing much really happened today. got a lot of hw done and etc. no new anime. sigh…

but here’s something for you to ponder upon. in mathematics, 2 sets of numbers are said to be the same size if u can match up one # from each set all the way to the end. do u still follow? cause the next step will jump out like you crazily. at first i was shocked too and tried to disprove it, but according to mathematics if there exist ONE one-to-one function between 2 sets of #s, then the domain and range are the same size. think about this D:{set of all even #s} and R:{set of all odd #s) and with the function f(d) = d+1 = r; then that’s a one-to-one function mapping evens to odds; therefore both sets are the same size. what threw me off was when liam said that the set of integers and the set of natural numbers was the same size. i was like no way! the set of integers is like 2x the size of the set of natural #s. my grounds was that the set of integers include the set of natural #s (i’m still standing for this pt, although after our TA/GSI told us that liam was correct, i’m just making a fool outta myself). the thing is we can map the set of integers onto the set of naturals with a one-to-one function. think of this function where:

f(d) = {
  (d+1)/2 if d is odd;
  (-d)/2 if d is even;

this function maps every single integer you give it, onto the set of all natural #s. think about another equation. the set of all real #s between 0 and 1 exclusive and the set of all real #s greater than 1. they are the same size although the set of it’s obvious (or as liam says, you’ve been fooled) that the set of real #s greater than 1 is larger than the set of #s between 0 and 1 exclusive. lets try the function f(x) = 1/x. Throw in any real # greater 1 and you’ll get a corresponding real # between 0 and 1. throw in any # between 0 and 1 and you’ll get a # greater than 1. no matter what # you try, this will always work.

now i come to my hypothesis. since you can use one function to prove this true, why can’t i use one function to prove it’s not true. such as the set of positive reals and the set of all reals. since i was easily fooled to see the set of reals is 2x the size of the set of positive reals, i went ahead and found the function f(x) = x*x. Given any real #, i will always get back a positive real #, but the phenomenon is that there is exactly 2x the # of inputs than outputs meaning i can get 9 with +/-3. meaning i’ve found an equation which has shown that the size of all reals is actually twice the size of positive reals. liam says i can’t do this because you can easily find a function to disprove anything, but those are just specific cases. the main thing is that if there exists at least one function that maps it from one-to-one, the it’s the same size. i sort of get what he’s trying to lead at, but there is that gap that i see increasing as u approach infinity. anyone wanna prove or disprove this? hehe.

for those that was bored with my semi-lecture, check out this link link. that girl is amazing and this link was donated by AznEECS. g’nite ^_^x

Completed Bathroom

the highlight of my day was when our bathroom finally is finished. it looks superb right now. new tiles, new facets (or whatever u call that shower thing with knobs and a shower head), and a new paint job. mitch did a great job i’ve gotta say. so tomorrow, i can resume back to normal showers. ^_^x here’s a picture of it:

completed bathroom

well, then again, my highlight of the day could’ve been seeing my ex-roommate for the 1st time again since i’ve returned to berkeley. mandalayx, ben, cunndogg, and i went to mel’s for dinner and guess who we bumped into??? AMBER! ordering food was even more hilarious. when it was ben’s turn to order, he asked for a cheeseburger, when he really meant grilled cheese sandwich. but he was stuttering and couldn’t remember what he wanted. when he finally did, he said, “i’d like to order a grilled cheese sandwich, baby. i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to call you baby.” the waitress goes, “oh, don’t worry about it. in fact, i like it when u call me baby.” ben tries to defend and it just got worse. she says, “now i’m not good enough for you. you’re such a heart breaker.” it was so hilarious! when she brought our food over, she gave special treatment to ben and said, “here you go, baby.”

then we went to safeway cause cunndogg wanted some booze. got more of his favorite seagram. mandalayx sorta disappeared midway talking on his cellfone. we were at the car already and decided to park somewhere else and see if he could find us. it was so funny.

worst part of my day was my confrontation. everyone kept saying i had this girlfriend which i never met. i mean, i would know right? or am i just blinded since i’m in the middle of the situation. sigh…

guess one! there’s been a new site being spread around the Berkeley Newsgroups. It’s called Final Distance. it’s been added to my links section but is supposedly a great tool for help in planning out the optimal class schedules. u input your list of classes and then it’ll choose the best discussion section/lab section to fit in the most packed schedule. it also factors in lots of other factors that u may select. u can even tell it no classes before 10am or something. really interesting so if you’re in berkeley, u may wanna bookmark this link. ^_^x

Cell Phone Buzz

expected my day to be extremely boring. turned out pretty okay. i was first woken up @ 7am when natdogg had to leave. then i remember when andrew left and said something about leaving the dishes for him to attend to when he came home. then all was well until i heard my computer go BUZZZZZZZZZZ BUZZZZZZZZZZ BUZZZZZZZZZZ BUZZZZZZZZZZ BUZZZZZZZZZZ. i was like oh shoot! don’t die on me!!!!!! was going to jump off my bed and see what was wrong, but suddenly realized it could be my cellphone. so i waited for awhile and it stopped. so bleh, i’m still sleeping, don’t bother me. an hour later, it came buzzing again. decided it was finally time to get up. i think this was around 1:30pm. got up to see my 2 missed calls. turns out to be liam. gave him a call back and he asked if i wanted to watch the 49’ers game together. i was like, “sure, why not.” however the game turned out to be a great disappointment with the broncos winning 24-14. sigh… i recently found out that CAL Bears (berkeley’s football team is doing great this semester) 3-0 so far. that’s 3 wins and not 3 losts.

for saturday nite, cunndogg and i dedicate it to 2 hrs of tv. 4 of our favorite show comes on back to back. comedy central presents .. “fudge! i bit too far into my nail, and now it hurts!!!” sorry got sidetracked there. anyway, comedy central presents “The Man Show”, “Crank Yankers”, “South Park”, and our favorite one of all: “Trigger Happy TV”. That show is so hilarious. You’ve really gotta see it to experience it. liam dropped by again after dinner and waited for his special someone to call him.

anyway, another thing that made my day was episode 7 of Dragon Drive is out. once again i got to see the cute dragon:
dragon drive - hiding

Stable Pairings

one of the hilarious things happened in my cs70 class yesterday. we were learning about stable pairings and to show this, our lecturer had this little demonstration. he asked for volunteers and 6 guys went up. well, the game goes like this. there are 4 guys and 4 girls and they want to find the configuration which will give them the most stable pairing of all. the thing was they needed to list their preference from 1 – 4 of the other group. The 2 groups were {boy 1, 2, 3, 4} and {girl 1, 2, 3, 4} and the lecturer even asked why several ppl chose that configuration. one said, i’d definitely not chose 3 cause he looks weak. REMEMBER, this was 6 guys in the front. it was hilarious, after they had their preference on who they wanted to marry (both boys and girls who were acted by guys had their preferences). so round 1 came, the setting was set in the medieval ages where boys would come to the girls tower and kneel down and propose). this is how it works, if the boy proposing is higher on her preference list than the one she already has, she kicks the previous one away and accepts the new one. If not, she just rejects him. So the guy goes through all of his entire list of preference until he finds a stable pairing. our job was to prove that given n boys and n girls, that there will always be a stable pairing. and sure enough, there will always be one.

good news guys. i’ve updated both the picture of the week and added a ton of new doodles. enjoy ^_^x

911 Lotto

the 9-11 front page will be left for one more day. since my report is still about 9-11. thanks to elbandmonkey, who showed me this link. Backup of it is here in case the original link changes. If you still don’t see what’s so obvious, highlight the following invisible line it says: the winning lotto #s of NUMBERS: 9,1,1. Coincidence? or Fate? i’ve gotta say tho, that i’m glad nothing serious happened today. peace!

anyway, our bathroom has finished being tiled. but still unable to use it yet since the tile needs to dry and harden. he says we should be able to use it on friday. sigh… i’ve been washing my hair in the kitchen sink for the past few days. sigh…

currently doing my cs70 hw which is due tomorrow. so gotta get back to work. only 1 class tomorrow! w00h00! ^_^x