- loves the punchline in today's Not Invented Here comic strip: http://notinventedhe.re/on/2010-6-14/comic #
- The New Xbox 360 250GB Slim http://arst.ch/l8o Bonus: It's quiet! "The system was on, but it made almost no noise. The game loaded. Silent." #
- Fans of pirates and horse racing will find this amusing: http://youtu.be/eI2ZZXv_5Kc #
- @angelgrrl813 For some reason when I see #loliPad I think lollipop. in reply to angelgrrl813 #
- Apparently there's no longer Office Ultimate. It's just Office Professional Plus now. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_2010#Comparison #
- For Outlook 2010 IMAP users, the shortcut to purge deleted emails is alt+o+r+g+a now. #
- @hungtruong When I inquired, their response was the promo balance appears when you make a purchase, but not on the gift card balance page. in reply to hungtruong #
- @hungtruong Yep. I totally agree with you. The only way right now is to send an email and they usually reply within several hours. in reply to hungtruong #
- 15" Squishable Android! http://www.squishable.com/squishables/product/squish_android_15.html #
- This week's Woot! shirt derby has several good ones: http://shirt.woot.com/Blog/ViewEntry.aspx?Id=13208 #
- @angelgrrl813 @delconte I thought it was the glowing circle in the upper left corner. in reply to angelgrrl813 #
- @ryandjohnson Only Google search apparently. Reader and other Google services still are non-http. in reply to ryandjohnson #
- @ryandjohnson Ah, could be. I've only tried Google Search and Reader ;p in reply to ryandjohnson #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-13
- @rothgar You should check out OneNote online: http://office.live.com/ in reply to rothgar #
- @shawboy78 I hope you weren't driving and texting ;p in reply to shawboy78 #
- Argggh, should I spend $473 and acquire a 2nd Dell 24" LCD? http://slickdeals.net/permadeal/35300/dell-u2410-24-ultrasharp-ips-lcd-monitor #
- Why the heck is building 37 way over there? Took me forever to find it. Have to be there at 9am tomorrow. Sigh… #
- @bartonjs Welcome Back! 🙂 in reply to bartonjs #
- @bartonjs You tricked me! I thought you were back already when you started tweeting. in reply to bartonjs #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-06
- @0xFCAF Maybe that's why they're unmarked. $0 liability to you != $0 liability to them ;p in reply to 0xFCAF #
- Sweet! If you want to view blu-ray PGS subtitles (via MakeMKV), try out VLC 1.1.0 RC: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/releases/1.1.0-RC.html #
- Haha. My mom calls me at 1:45am and tells me she needs a ride back from Snoqualmie Casino. #
- Microsoft kills Bing cashback – http://arst.ch/l3r via @arstechnica #
- @ralphlee I know. It was good while it lasted. 🙂 in reply to ralphlee #
- @0xFCAF I'm curious what the speed limit was. I'm hoping 60. 😀 in reply to 0xFCAF #
- @angelgrrl813 Looks like they already won you over. Do you get to keep those crates? Or do you return them next time? in reply to angelgrrl813 #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-30
- @ryandjohnson This sounds like it might solve your problem: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/5064/ in reply to ryandjohnson #
- Cheesey Victory (at least in Australia and New Zealand): http://www.lefthandedtoons.com/blog/2010/05/24/cheesey-victory/ #
- Zach: Apparently all Angela needed was to hear her job description in a deep African-American tone. #
- @0xFCAF @ryandjohnson @jani_s Did I miss a joke somewhere? *scratches head* in reply to 0xFCAF #
- @ellism What does GOB stand for? in reply to ellism #
- @bartonjs Have fun! 😀 in reply to bartonjs #
- @0xFCAF My friends and I were discussing how the plans people are coming up to fix the oil lack were so hacky, it reminded us of Armageddon in reply to 0xFCAF #
- wonders what percentage of users google themselves when they read an article about people googling themselves. #
- Interesting… Cell phone violation won't go on your driver's insurance record? http://www2.seattlepi.com/articles/420669.html #
- Today's woot! shirt is pretty awesome and cute: http://shirt.woot.com/Blog/ViewEntry.aspx?Id=13080 #
- is at 1500 words and I haven't even hit the ceremony yet. Sigh… I just want to hit the publish button. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-23
- @0xFCAF I should probably do that with my dresses in my bedroom. My roomba always gets stuck underneath them. ;p in reply to 0xFCAF #
- @krunk4ever Bleh! I meant to say dressers! Not dresses. in reply to krunk4ever #
- @GuySrinivasan Reminds me of the Albert Einstein quote – Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results in reply to GuySrinivasan #
- Just a heads up. Bellevue police to ticket drivers using cell phones: http://www.seattlepi.com/sound/420272_sound94203399.html #
- Feels like Arizona and California are at war: http://bit.ly/aMnNRQ #
- If you're using Pidgin 2.7.0 and noticed your chat window no longer flashes when receiving new IMs, please read this: http://bit.ly/aoP312 #
- @krunk4ever On a similar note, there's a patched pidgin.dll somewhere embedded in that thread until the next version is released. in reply to krunk4ever #
- @angelgrrl813 Haha. That reminds me of wasabi ice cream. in reply to angelgrrl813 #
- When did SEATAC start having free Wifi? Sweet! #
- @ellism I thought that was in relation to Google's free airport wifi, which ended awhile back. in reply to ellism #
- feels bad that I'll be holding on to an Avatar blu-ray from @netflix for over a week. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-16
- @rothgar If Enter is to rename a file, how do you open a file with the keyboard? in reply to rothgar #
- Phantom Buzz: http://bit.ly/9xX5ud This always happens to me, but with my cell phone actually in my pocket. #
- Getting up at 8am sucks. But the Design Patterns training course is really fun! #
- w00t! Received my Rock Pedal today: http://www.rockpedal.com/ #
- FCC May Require Text Warnings Before You Get "Bill Shock" http://con.st/10005636 #
- @ZUNE Why doesn't the Zune software have a repeat (single song) option? On the other hand, the Zune HD player does which is great! #
- Waking up at 6:30am tomorrow is going to be difficult. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-09
- Heard someone on 24 say "My husband wasn't perfect. None of us is." For some reason, that just sounded grammatically wrong, but I was wrong. #
- @aChrisSmith My copy is arriving on Thursday 😉 in reply to aChrisSmith #
- With all these stories about people's cell phone bills going over $1000, I wonder if we'll have to wait for (cont) http://tl.gd/159tb1 #
- @ralphlee Agreed, but if companies don't become smarter in these types situations, legislation seems unavoidable. in reply to ralphlee #
- @rothgar No tracking? in reply to rothgar #
- Through my Berkeley network, I learnt of a Chicago style pizza restaurant here in Seattle: Kylie's Chicago Pizza http://bit.ly/ceGD39 #
- @superekin The problem with that question is that even if you solve it today, it'll come back tomorrow. ;p in reply to superekin #
- @rothgar I dunno about tattoos, but they have Japanese/Chinese have t-shirts with the funniest English phrases which they think is cool. in reply to rothgar #
- @angelgrrl813 Not the cat? ;p in reply to angelgrrl813 #
- @ralphlee As long as your pay stub keeps going up, it's all good. 🙂 in reply to ralphlee #
- Awesome woot! shirt today: http://shirt.woot.com/Blog/ViewEntry.aspx?Id=12752 #
- Anyone using @googlereader w/ @googlegears in Firefox having issues marking things as read? Disabling Google Gears fixes the issue… #
- @krunk4ever Looks like it's a known issue: http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/reader/thread?tid=3829e2eba9f7d33b in reply to krunk4ever #
- Very interesting service I found via @consumerist: http://www.carsala.com/ Let them haggle car pricing for you! #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-02
- Why Are Windmills Always White? And why do they always have three blades? http://www.slate.com/id/2252255/ #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-25
- @0xFCAF Fact: I still have unopened boxes of stuff since I moved into my townhouse in July 2007. in reply to 0xFCAF #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-18
- spent $163 on clothes today at Costco. Changing my wardrobe from L to M isn't going to be cheap. #
- saw How to Train Your Dragon today and it was awesome! I want my own Toothless! 😀 #
- Sometimes I'm not sure if I'm laughing at how funny How I Met Your Mother is, or at myself. #
- While getting rid of some old t-shirts (since I got some new replacements), I found my stock-pile of college pants and they fit me again! #
- Costco Deal of The Day: 15lbs Kobe-style Prime Rib for $299 + free ship: http://bit.ly/bPgSKS #
- Booo. How To Train Your Dragon soundtrack isn't available on @Zune Store #
- @ryandjohnson Overclocked CPU? Synching to wrong time server? in reply to ryandjohnson #
- @ryandjohnson You might bet interested in this: ForScore sheet music viewer for iPad misses cutoff – http://arst.ch/iib via @arstechnica #
- Sigh… another $50 spent on clothing. I did find a jacket I liked. 🙂 #
- Handling Money Could Bring Pain Relief: http://news.discovery.com/human/cash-money-pain-relief.html #
- @aChrisSmith What does the 'A' stand for? in reply to aChrisSmith #
- @hjo3 Your post office stays open late! in reply to hjo3 #
- @hjo3 Hmmm, maybe. I remember for college applications, several of my friends drove to the airport because the post office there was 24/7 in reply to hjo3 #
- Unintended Entendres – http://notalwaysright.com/unintended-entendres/5063 (via @notalwaysright) #
- Interesting, I just got an email from @netflix saying if I activate Netflix on my Wii console, I get 10% off next month. #
- was planning to work late tonight, but looks like I'll be crossing the bridge at 6:30pm. WSDOT map shows all black so far. #
- @abhijeet80 True. I guess my next month of bluray access is complimentary. 🙂 in reply to abhijeet80 #
- Sigh… I have to work this weekend. Guess I should get some sleep. #
- Hmmm, I think my scale broke. For the past week (including yesterday) I was between 145-146lbs. Today I'm 142.6lbs. I lost 2.5lbs overnight. #
- @krunk4ever Plus I really need a new belt. Haha. I wonder if Costco sells belts. in reply to krunk4ever #
- @jmcw @aChrisSmith Now #2 😀 in reply to aChrisSmith #