Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-04-26

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-04-19

  • digs this new song: capsule – JUMPER // Music Video: // Live: (via Angelus) #
  • @hungtruong It’s a roundabout way, but if you use a download utility that preserves timestamps (i.e. wget), the image timestamps is one way. in reply to hungtruong #
  • Free CLF Light Bulb @ Home Depot on April 19 for Earth Day: #
  • They finally decided make right with Full Metal Alchemist and redo the series with the correct storyline – Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood #
  • <– The deductions are pure awesome. #
  • Ok. This is awesome: (via @digadeesh) #
  • Kim Bauer (Elisha Cuthbert) got really tanned and her hair is very bleached. Good thing there was only a few minutes of her. #
  • @decathanrd Twitter ni youkoso! You’ll find it very similar to Facebook’s News Feed. in reply to decathanrd #
  • just got my Woot! Shirt: Guess what I’m wearing tomorrow πŸ™‚ #
  • Turns out the only difference between Stretch Island’s Fruit Leather and their FruitaBu Smooshed Fruit is one’s organic and the other’s not. #
  • @bartonjs As another point of data, I’ve never had to relogin on Twitter either. in reply to bartonjs #
  • I finally figured out why K-On! is so awesome. It’s as if the 4 main characters from Lucky Star grew up and went to high school. #
  • is still amazed at Susan Boyle’s performance after rewatching it many times: #
  • is really digging the ED song for K-On! – Don’t say “lazy”: – iTunes claims I’ve listened to it 129x already. #
  • @Artemyst I can’t wait for the full song to come out on April 22. πŸ™‚ in reply to Artemyst #
  • – looks like Costco now carries Pepsi Natural (real sugar). Too bad they ran out of Gelato today. #
  • @TikiJ Haha. Yep, I’ve been getting Mexican coke from Costco regularly for some time already. Just noticed they had new Pepsi Natural today. in reply to TikiJ #
  • thinking on getting Guitar Hero: World Tour (Xbox 360) for $30 shipped: or should I wait for it to hit $25 again? #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-04-12

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-04-05

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-29

  • A hero can’t appear until the world needs one. #
  • @ryandjohnson You can set a manual recording on a specific channel for a specific time. Not sure if that’s the answer you were looking for. in reply to ryandjohnson #
  • RT @hungtruong RT @kathleenmarie “The purpose of this analysis is to determine the evolution of gravity in Mario …” #
  • @hungtruong Try out some New Balance. They’re very comfortable. in reply to hungtruong #
  • How long do you think it’ll take Earth to unite? Or do you think we’d destroy each other completely before that happens? #
  • @TikiJ Have you thought about hibernating instead of shutting down. in reply to TikiJ #
  • @ellism I believe that’s just recommended, just like for your cell phone they recommend you charge a full night before turning it on. in reply to ellism #
  • Who leaves a recruiting message at your work voice mail? I’m also curious how they even got that number in the first place… #
  • It’s been a long week. First day I actually got off at a normal time, instead of working past 12am. TGIF πŸ™‚ #
  • Fact about deliveries: #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-22

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-15

Why Twitter? Why blog?

As you may have noticed, I haven’t blogged much recently. In fact, the only blog posts in the past 2 weeks were my twitter aggregations.

Earlier today, a friend tells me he doesn’t fully understand why people use twitter and he really doesn’t understand why people post tweets on their blog.

First and foremost, I’d like to point out there are many different reasons why people use Twitter. Initially, I thought it was rather stupid too. Who in the right mind would want to tweet about what they’re doing all the time? See Penny Arcade!’s Le Twittre. And who in their right mind would care about knowing every mundane detail of what’s going on in your life? Unless of course you’re a stalker, but then you wouldn’t be in your right mind anyway. However, I found a very different use for Twitter. I’ve only been using it for about 2 months, and I’ve been slowly adapting on how I would like to use it.

My current twitter usage pattern is something similar to my Random Crap posts, in what I like to call mini-blog posts. I hear about something I want to share or I see a link I want to share. I used to aggregate this into 1 giant random crap post and then post it. Otherwise, I would create a draft in hopes one day when I have time, I would expand on it. Looking at my drafts count of 46, I don’t think it’s likely most of them will ever be published.

Initially, I kept my blog and Twitter separate, however I soon realized that people who come to read my blog are people who want to see what I’m up to or what I find interesting, basically the same stuff I’ve been posting on Twitter, but in short bursts of 140 characters or less. Therefore, my new weekly Twitter digest posts are akin to my Random Crap posts, containing links and whatever else I wanted to share during the week.

I understand that my twitter also includes response/replies that readers may not care about. Then again, probably half the stuff I ever post here you wouldn’t care about, so I don’t think that would make much a difference. It’s also not uncommon for me or others to respond to someone specifically in a blog post. In fact, this blog post by itself can be considered a response to the statement posed to me earlier today. Besides, most of the response/replies included are stuff I do want to share, or else I would’ve used the Direct Message feature in Twitter.

Of course, there’s also nothing stopping you from skipping/ignoring my twitter posts if you don’t fancy them.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-08

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-01