- Does anyone know how to disable @Google search redirects w/o having to install an addon? #
- @nest Does setting my Nest to away stop it from charing? Came home from vacation and found it in this state: http://t.co/UuNwGNrE #
- @nest It was offline for 16hrs and this hasn’t happened before. No extended power outage. I turned off Away and it was charged in an hour. #
- Does @Adium not support multiple logins on MSN yet? Using 1.5.2 and keep getting “Signed in from another location” error. #
- @mendkr Thought you might be interested in this @CreatureBox Kickstarter: http://t.co/9sYYIo1b #
- Today's shirt woot! is rather cool! http://t.co/1akFjJ7P http://t.co/iEnVMNd8 #
- Photo doesn’t match title for news article… http://t.co/QUHQCRHn #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-29
- Sometimes I'm shocked how different actors look when they're off stage. Here's Mrs Patmore and Daisy from Downton Abbey http://t.co/OQ5WEHbI #
- I did not expect Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones to be a brunette http://t.co/VA4qjMqW #
- @lukewelling @rothgar I always found it ridiculous when people hold up their iPad to take a picture. Is anyone actually making that claim? in reply to lukewelling #
- Either @ParallelsMac or @VMware should add a feature to automatically run Windows Update once a week when my computer is idling. #
- @krunk4ever That way my Windows VMs won’t prompt me to install 50 new updates every time I restore their session. in reply to krunk4ever #
- @mendkr Figured you'd enjoy this: http://t.co/hxcopckW #
- @phatblat @ryandjohnson Don’t I get me simple array/dictionary creation syntax in this xcode too? in reply to phatblat #
- Beautiful timelapse from the ISS (International Space Station) https://t.co/df1H3ieU Can’t beat it when Adagio in D Minor plays alongside. #
- Imagine Dragons is becoming one of my favorite bands. Check out Demons, their 2nd song I heard from a movie trailer: http://t.co/2er9vlQM #
- Anyone else seeing C icons for all their Applications in Spotlight after installing Mountain Lion? http://t.co/uga4Fddf http://t.co/rLNXSFIn #
- Did you know it took 50 million years for fungi to evolve so it can decompose wood? http://t.co/A1mkpZOp #GiantInsects #
- If you’re wondering how to add a Twitter/Facebook account to your Contacts (formerly Address Book) on your Mac, it’s at Card > Add Field #
- After upgrading to Mountain Lion, anyone having issues playing mkv files in MPlayerX? Keep getting: The file is not supported by MPlayerX #
- @ryandjohnson Yeah, both VLC and Movist worked fine for me. Just MPlayerX was giving me trouble. in reply to ryandjohnson #
- @ryandjohnson Interesting. No idea what XQuartz is, but I recall installing Perian awhile back. in reply to ryandjohnson #
- @ryandjohnson Perian seems to be a dead end. Going to try XQuartz. in reply to ryandjohnson #
- @ryandjohnson I find VLC to be very rough and unpolished. Simple stuff like resume where you left off isn't available. in reply to ryandjohnson #
- @ryandjohnson It ends up being my backup player when my normal players are having problems with a particular file. in reply to ryandjohnson #
- Found out today that casino pumping oxygen to keep gamblers awake was only a myth. Darn! I wanted to see giant humans. See earlier BBC tweet #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-22
- With HiDPI, do we need to start having 2 versions of each video like how we have image.jpg and image@2x.jpg. 1080p ~ 540p. 480p ~ 240p. #
- Was denied my molten lava cake. Guess a churro would have to do. #
- Is it really so hard to say highToday = max( predictedHigh, highToday, currentTemp ) http://t.co/T9dw9wV2 #
- I guess @netflix realized I streamed the first 3 seasons of #BreakingBad They just alerted me the 4th season is available on instant watch. #
- @ralphlee You're assuming genuine toners won't break machines 😉 in reply to ralphlee #
- @hjo3 The expected thunder storms of Seattle must've moved over to the east side. in reply to hjo3 #
- Mac users of @mint, you should check out their new Mac app: http://t.co/sg7VSzJA #
- @ralphlee Vivus needs a better name. I initially read that as Virus. in reply to ralphlee #
- Haha! Amazon introduces Yesterday Shipping: http://t.co/yqItsjLD #
- Getting my car refinanced at PenFed was surprisingly easy. Type type. Click. Type type. Click. Check's in the mail. #
- Haha! Almost sent an email stating, "Please see inline for questions to your answers." #
- A new way to explode watermelons! http://t.co/smE9XwxA #
- I read Mario's part in Liam Neeson's voice, but hearing Bowser say "Good Luck" in his deep voice was awesome! http://t.co/cQzEORtc #
- @rothgar Have you tried using a , (comma adds a pause) or ; (semi-colon adds a wait). in reply to rothgar #
- @rothgar I believe each comma should add an additional second of wait time. in reply to rothgar #
- .@VerizonWireless Why would add a giant popover after logging in advertising the Share Everything plan when I'm already on it? #
- is avoiding the internet in hopes of not getting spoiled by #TDKR posts/articles. #NotDoingAVeryGoodJob #
- Did you know you can control your Xbox via your iPhone/iPad now? http://t.co/pLmIITO9 #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-15
- Adorable shirt! http://t.co/TTraz5F0 http://t.co/xi8xTKex #
- For those who haven't seen Downton Abbey, Season 1 & 2 is available for streaming for Amazon Prime members http://t.co/5IAFlYdP #
- Another $2 in @Amazon MP3 credit: HEARTMP3 http://t.co/ZFptKlZF #
- I like Google Map's icon for Turtle Spawning http://t.co/55D6Zykq #
- Haha! http://t.co/xQyo4W5h #Journalism http://t.co/9scCG2Y4 #
- @thepacketrat I figured the FBI could do something similar like when they take down a site, they put up that bright red FBI page. in reply to thepacketrat #
- @thepacketrat Figured it'd be better than just silently working for a couple months then stop working w/o notice. in reply to thepacketrat #
- When San Francisco becomes your playground http://t.co/rgbTW7a8 #
- Now that explains why Final Fantasy combat systems have gotten so horrible: http://t.co/AapHjWnY http://t.co/vjD9ZdK6 #
- Another awesome skit from #Portlandia just for #BattlestarGalatica fans: http://t.co/Cf17FVgL #
- When did Cookie Crisp replace the burglar with the wolf? Or am I thinking of a different cereal? http://t.co/BLEa41ir #
- Sometimes you wonder why the world is so dark to only realize you forgot to take your shades off. #
- @feefighters Did you know if you try to load https://t.co/O8a8CUZW on any iPhone or iPad, you get a certificate error? cc: @ryandjohnson #
- @shawboy78 A couple papers mentioned the health benefits of plain yogurt (no sugar added) and like organic foods, it blew up. in reply to shawboy78 #
- Despite Thomas being my most hated character in #DowntonAbbey Season 1 and still so arrogant in Season 2, I'm starting to like that fellow. #
- #xkcd has made me look up why humans have blindspots. Turns out the area where our nerves connect to our eyes doesn't have retina cells. #
- Agggghh! Do *NOT* watch the 2 minute sneak preview of Dexter Season 7 if you haven't seen Season 6 yet. http://t.co/rLpu5VSp #
- Haha! This was awesome! Had me cracking up. How to catch a kangaroo: http://t.co/X0RTYfYl #
- Google headhunters apparently use Facebook to recruit. I guess that's expected. Still surprised how they found my Facebook specific email. #
- Really digging this new song I heard on the radio: The Wombats – Jump Into The Fog http://t.co/ZfB4wpf0 #
- @fearthecowboy What if you get your paper bills wet? Isn't it normal to dry it out under the sun? ;p in reply to fearthecowboy #
- @mendkr Ooooh! Looking for a new ride? 😀 in reply to mendkr #
- Haha! http://t.co/d2HaD60j #TheNewsroom #AwesomeStuff http://t.co/ATLSUait #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-08
- @shawboy78 You need to start off with something light, like a Skagen. in reply to shawboy78 #
- @ralphlee Blasphemy! in reply to ralphlee #
- Haha! I like today's CAD comic strip: http://t.co/4wXJJULU #KickStarter #
- Reminds me of a book about Bunnicula I read as a kid: http://t.co/S1XW5TD7 #
- @rothgar OSK? in reply to rothgar #
- @rothgar Something else you might consider and is what I'm doing is I always have a default htpc-user logged in. No password required. in reply to rothgar #
- @rothgar there should be a way to default the OSK to show up on the login screen for accessibility purposes. in reply to rothgar #
- @rothgar you can either reboot after rdping which will log the user back in. in reply to rothgar #
- @rothgar what I do is install VNC and use a shared screen instead of remote desktop. in reply to rothgar #
- Get $3 in @Amazon MP3 credit: http://t.co/BuFHBEY7 #
- @rothgar http://t.co/945hf76K in reply to rothgar #
- The Tiny Wings 2 teaser is ridiculously cute! http://t.co/JR4TckUj #
- .@iRobotRoomba You need a WiFi model so it can upload statistics when it gets stuck, and can download algorithm updates to get unstuck. #
- .@iRobotRoomba Also, I would like to be able to attach a webcam and control my Roomba over the web. #StretchGoal #
- RT @Cut_The_Rope: New! Cut the Rope: Experiments just got updated with Superpowers on your iPhone/iPad! http://t.co/eCX2KAaO #
- @rothgar Not too familiar with @XBMC, but have you tried a different player on the machine to see if it's a codec issue? in reply to rothgar #
- @rothgar I know a video plays incorrectly in #7MC I can repro it using WMP and find out which codec is causing the problem. in reply to rothgar #
- Wonder why weren't all DNS queries redirected to a page on how to fix their computer RT @thepacketrat @arstechnica http://t.co/BvPc56gb #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-01
- Anime fans will be happy to know that Fate/Zero's ending was superb and wrapped everything nicely as a prequel. http://t.co/QGYReyua #
- @vibronet Are caffeine and energy drinks out of the question? in reply to vibronet #
- @rothgar Interesting. First I heard of #7MC Got a good comparison page between the 2 (the other being #XBMC ? in reply to rothgar #
- @rothgar n/m I'm guessing 7MC is just what people call the default Win7 Media Center in reply to rothgar #
- @wallabycard I'm curious how the Wallaby Card works around some merchants that don't accept #Amex or #Discover #
- I wonder if @Newegg's constantly increasing spam is effective. I ended creating a rule to auto-delete all emails from *@e.newegg.com #
- @hungtruong Was curious if you exactly left your iPhone at home, but makes more sense for your iPad that you don't carry around. in reply to hungtruong #
- @hjo3 Append that patent to include contacts. 😉 in reply to hjo3 #
- @rothgar Would it work if you install it on a screen w/ a higher resolution, but use the 720p TV for playback? in reply to rothgar #
- @rothgar One day, everything will be wireless. One day… in reply to rothgar #
- Not usually a fan of Flo Rida, but the whistling in this song is addicting. http://t.co/Pt6Hva9M I keep wanting to whistle along. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-06-24
- @kumar @loganb Because the real psychics never reveal themselves to be psychics 😉 in reply to kumar #
- @rothgar My last car was a 2001 Honda Civic and I don't recall it making a noise when I turned on the lights. in reply to rothgar #
- Saw the new @iRobotRoomba: http://t.co/IWJXgMRf (via @rothgar) Instead of making a remote, what they need is an app like @nest #
- @krunk4ever That way I'd be able control my @iRobotRoomba anywhere in the world and it can alert me when it's stuck or its bin is full! in reply to krunk4ever #
- Amusing http://t.co/osWM7DvG #acapella #Pachelbel #CanonInD #Nelly #RideWitMe #
- @rothgar It looks like Windows 7 has a NFS client built in, but you just have to enable it. http://t.co/C7Xjovtg in reply to rothgar #
- @rothgar Yeah, it looks like Windows Server 2008 might have it, but not Windows 7. in reply to rothgar #
- "Does this sound like a helicopter? Brrrrrrrrrrrrr" – The ending of this song always gets to me. http://t.co/dPzEcjZB #
- Ooooooh. http://t.co/AIWr7t6e #
- Wishes there was a way for @fareologist (Bing Travel) to alert me whenever prices change for the flights I'm interested in. #
- @krunk4ever @fareologist w00t! I can create the alerts @KAYAK in reply to krunk4ever #
- Very interesting anti-smoking ad: http://t.co/4w9C7u7t #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-06-17
- @0xFCAF Should be possible, but would require you to register each different email address via Settings > Accounts and Import in reply to 0xFCAF #
- @jscott I wanted a 13" MBA with retina 🙂 in reply to jscott #
- @BoxCatLLC I spot a BoxCat in today's @wootshirt http://t.co/Fi1geKNm #
- HAHAHAHA! @TayZonday covers Carly Rae Jepsen's Call Me Maybe http://t.co/BdGrYEzR #
- Today's Penny Arcade had my LOLing, though it does contain spoilers to #Prometheus http://t.co/GHru7aCA #
- New update for @reederapp has image caching for unread/starred items! That's something I wished @googlereader had for ages! #
- @krunk4ever Ooooh! They have @reederapp for Mac! Interesting… http://t.co/QO5VpbBJ in reply to krunk4ever #
- @reederapp Does your Mac app have image caching also? If not, are you guys planning to add it? #
- @wootshirt Your new RSS feed doesn't allow me to click on the image to enlarge the image. *sad face* #
- When did Western Digital get into the networking business? http://t.co/XMcOsR0w #
- For those who missed out on the free 5GB @dropbox promo, the new iOS update has a free 3GB promo: http://t.co/KgizWyQ4 http://t.co/5yvghzW2 #
- @rothgar If you get peanut M&Ms, you don't even need the extra peanuts! Plus peanut M&Ms >>> plain M&Ms. in reply to rothgar #
- @rothgar http://t.co/OHLtofTL in reply to rothgar #
- @rothgar Have you considered just getting basic cable and getting the standard QAM channels? OTA is free, but QAM is more reliable. in reply to rothgar #
- @rothgar Either way, I'd go with HDHomeRun + WMC. 🙂 in reply to rothgar #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-06-10
- Yet another great @thekeyofawesome http://t.co/B13P9MOw Parody of Maroon 5 + Game of Thrones #
- The sun comes up way too early these days. 🙁 #
- @rothgar We do that with our house. 🙂 in reply to rothgar #
- @SolidSnake547 Saw your Game of Thrones floppy orchestra, then Touhou. It'd be sweet if you could add the original animation to Touhou! #
- Watch Dogs, the best thing I've seen at E3 2012 so far: http://t.co/BW4s1AFF #
- Do you part, say NO to Vertical Video Syndrome – This has been a public service announcement: http://t.co/ukRXNYGo #VVS #
- @hungtruong At least we know they don't censor the news. 🙂 in reply to hungtruong #
- Hilarious! Nina Conti Russel Howards: http://t.co/G8cPfN5q Skip to 10:00 for the good stuff. #
- Not the most crazy nor elaborate Rube Goldberg contraption I've seen, but definitely the most fun: http://t.co/18XpizaA #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-06-03
- @rothgar Not sure if you heard: http://t.co/PCh7EPXZ #
- Humble Bundle V includes Limbo, Bastion, Pyschonauts, and 2 other games for PC, Mac, and Linux. http://t.co/FJaJQqS9 http://t.co/ahVBNHG0 #
- If I were to provide instructions for teabags, instead of the standard 30sec, I'd pick an arbitrary # like 27. Makes it more prestigious. #
- @jscott I always thought it was legos that you stepped. ;p in reply to jscott #