- @fearthecowboy In D&D, intelligence and wisdom are 2 separate things ;p in reply to fearthecowboy #
- Awesome Paper Mario animation: http://t.co/qadXptf2 via @hungtruong #
- Not quite sure why, but I found this LOL funny: http://t.co/v3maKcQk http://t.co/Cyn9FixE #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-20
- @krunk4ever OMG! These are amazing! in reply to krunk4ever #
- @angelgrrl813 Issaquah Costco had both AAs and AAAs in stock today. The new AAA eneloops are grey. in reply to angelgrrl813 #
- Apple must've "fixed" the best smart phone question for Siri. Now it replies, "There are other phones?" and "You're kidding, right?" #
- @rothgar "Cherry Coke, which by 2007 had been renamed Coca-Cola Cherry…" http://t.co/UWdnS65p in reply to rothgar #
- Should've used a spade drill bit to drill a hole through a wall. Making a bunch of tiny holes with a regular drill bit was not fun. #
- Awaiting for the noise complaint from my neighbors for playing movies with giant explosions in the early am. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-13
- @rothgar https://t.co/j5D8HrWq in reply to rothgar #
- @rothgar Don't like Windows Media Center? in reply to rothgar #
- @rothgar Ah, I searched for Amazon and found http://t.co/pMZ2BMVB. Turns out it's just a hacky way of downloading your videos and sharing. in reply to rothgar #
- I just realized I have some really nice VoIP phone #s I'm not really using. (425) abc-caba (sipgate) and 425-abc-dcdc (Google Voice) #
- Haha. Awesome! http://t.co/DqJlWG90 #
- #MagicEyes fans will enjoy today's PHD comic: http://t.co/AT4aEY6Q Had to zoom in on picture to make it easier. #
- Dead deer in the middle of the road on east lake sammamish parkway near the turnabout. I wonder how much damage the car took. #
- Costco has blood orange Sanpellegrino! http://t.co/JpIVj9UU #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-06
- You can tell movie theaters aren't doing well when Discover is giving 5% cashback for all 4 quarters. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-29
- @lroseriver Saw it last night. Not your typical horror movie, yet it is in some way. Scary, yet funny. I'd recommend it. 🙂 in reply to lroseriver #
- @rothgar What convinced you to switch to @SpiderOak from @Dropbox? in reply to rothgar #
- Updated @INGDIRECT app allows check deposits now! w00t! Interesting that they also added the "bump money" feature. http://t.co/PhdfDPsn #
- When you're transferring 600GB+ of data, it's good to make sure you're on gigabit. 🙂 #
- Hilarity ensues when you're asking for fishing wire when what you really want is fish tape. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-22
- @rothgar If you use Pandora, I suggest checking out Piano. in reply to rothgar #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-15
- @nest Where would one send feature requests? #
- My thoughts about the @nest http://t.co/mem3mTsX #
- @fearthecowboy Is #C just C# backwards? ;p in reply to fearthecowboy #
- Isn't there already an IMEI blacklist? And why did this take so long to enact? http://t.co/UfjsO4SK #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-08
- Finally switched over to Quicken Mac 2007. The UI is horrendous, but it beats booting into Parallels just to manage my finances. #
- @angelgrrl813 I do, but I use Mint and Quicken very differently. Quicken allows me to enter future transactions and is better for budgeting. in reply to angelgrrl813 #
- @nest It would be awesome if you guys can release a Mac widget so I can control my nest w/o the browser. 😀 #
- @FlurryMobile Any updates on your UDID-free SDK that is scheduled to be released today? Thanks! (^_^x) #
- Avatar fans enjoy! The 1st 2 episodes of the new series The Legend of Korra is available on iTunes for free: http://t.co/geL1atpz #
- http://t.co/RUTFgtB5 Think of it as drinking 8 bottles of soda. 😉 http://t.co/SwWOu53P #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-01
- @rothgar Have you tried homebrew yet? in reply to rothgar #
- @rothgar Creative people realize sometimes shelling $$$ for a software helps ensure it'll remain a 1st class app. 🙂 in reply to rothgar #
- Neat song! Savlonic : The Driver http://t.co/Y7d3tlpQ #
- Haha! Did Bleach really end? Maybe I should catch up. #
- @rothgar did you ever figure it out? in reply to rothgar #
- @gltovar Nice! Did you draw that? in reply to gltovar #
- @hungtruong It's a ManWolfPig! in reply to hungtruong #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-03-25
- Seriously!?! Excel for Mac can't open 2 files with the same file name?!?! http://t.co/CCs4zyk8 #
- @ellism Yeah I found this on WIkipedia: https://t.co/xBlFeygX in reply to ellism #
- @ellism "Microsoft Excel will not open two documents with the same name […] The reason is for calculation ambiguity with linked cells." in reply to ellism #
- @rothgar Can't the same argument be applied to Superman? Or he an alien too and not a superhero? ;p in reply to rothgar #
- http://t.co/E4NdXOYI First thing that popped into my head: Spidey-Sense is telling me I'm getting a call from X #
- @fearthecowboy default fix width font is 8 pixels wide? in reply to fearthecowboy #
- @rothgar Hehe. Reminds me of the Improv Everywhere where they dressed up to look like Best Buy employees. http://t.co/07xLt5uT in reply to rothgar #
- @fearthecowboy Neat! in reply to fearthecowboy #
- @rothgar I assume the parentheses are giving you trouble? Try: /[(]1900[)]/ in reply to rothgar #
- @rothgar Make that /[(]1990[)]/ in reply to rothgar #
- So is there a way to win @ DrawSomething? Or is the goal just to have fun drawing/guessing with friends? #