- Super Monkey Ball 2 by SEGA – free today on iTunes: http://t.co/AG5HJyxn #
- As part of the Kinect Anniversary Sale, Kinect Air Band is free for a lmited time: http://t.co/IyG2FLEE (regular cost: 240 points) #
- There should be a button on Google campaign ads that says, I’ve already voted, stop showing me these campaign ads. #
- @ralphlee How much faith do you still have in Netflix? in reply to ralphlee #
- @ralphlee The question is how many new contracts do you think they can secure for streaming and continue their dominance? in reply to ralphlee #
- @ralphlee The movie content is laughable. And they'll be losing Starz in February. Only thing decent on streaming is TV series. in reply to ralphlee #
- @ralphlee 80% of the movies on Netflix from the past 2 decades are from the Starz deal. in reply to ralphlee #
- @ralphlee Here's an article when it was announced Starz wasn't renewing the contract: http://t.co/gRhrBXao in reply to ralphlee #
- @ralphlee Basically any movie you've seen that had an expiration date is from Starz. Movies from studios w/o contracts are from Starz. in reply to ralphlee #
- Interesting idea: Throwable Panoramic @ballcamera: http://t.co/ggf9ZmZt Now imagine that with 36 Lytros. #
- @aChrisSmith goofing? fooling? f*ing? in reply to aChrisSmith #
- If you think liking a Facebook page is worth saving 99¢, get Jetpack Joyride for free when you like the AppStore page http://t.co/f9pAv0yI #
- one of the better iPad magic shows I've seen: http://t.co/dSPM9f4x #
- I've been looking for a Photoshop/Paint.NET replacement ever since moving to Mac. I think I've found it: Pixelmator http://t.co/6LqZxz3J #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-23
- Mac users should definitely check out MPlayerX: http://t.co/Rwll2acf So far, it feels a lot better than VLC. #
- Another strip with Hobbes and Bacon! http://t.co/3kftz8o5 #
- @angelgrrl813 I've tried a couple "How do you spell ______." and Siri doesn't seem to know that command. in reply to angelgrrl813 #
- If you’ve accidentally deleted/removed an app from your purchases list in the Mac App Store, here’s how to restore it: http://t.co/QKg8Ihrf #
- Did I just see an advertisement that Arco now accepts credit cards with no fees? #
- Did I really just see an advertisement for Arco accepting credit cards with no fee? #
- @yiwenie Hi, you don’t actually sync your birthday calendar. Instead you sync your contacts which your birthday calendar is derived off of. in reply to yiwenie #
- @yiwenie You can either sync your contacts directly via iTunes, or have them sync through iCloud. You can also sync them through Google. in reply to yiwenie #
- @yiwenie 1. Check if the birthday shows up in your iPhone’s contact info. 2. Check if the Birthdays calendar is enabled on your iPhone. in reply to yiwenie #
- @yiwenie Interesting. My birthday alerts aren’t enabled, but I’ve always got the popup when it hits 12am. Glad you found what you wanted. 🙂 in reply to yiwenie #
- @ralphlee Is it as awesome as people claim it is? in reply to ralphlee #
- @ralphlee For coffee enthusiasts, worth trying at least once in your life. 😀 in reply to ralphlee #
- This is so cool! http://t.co/i4UMfYQ2 #
- Yet another reason why Siri is awesome: hands-free texting. http://t.co/Fa8jiInI #
- @rothgar Despite being on rails, train and subway operators still make sure there’s no obstructions. Otherwise why need an operator? 🙂 in reply to rothgar #
- This story just has a lot of WIN http://t.co/GBqJWK4m #
- Annoying! @PayPal decided to limit my account for trying to withdraw $2 (now reversed). I have to confirm my address (takes 9 days via mail) #
- Hands-On videos with the Lytro: http://t.co/O7p8D395 My guess for the weird elongated form factor is all the lens required to do the magic. #
- I like how Lytro doesn't really provide a resolution the pictures are captured at, but provides spec of 11 Megarays "light field resolution" #
- There should be a website that list the monetary backers behind each side of an initiative. Apparently 1183 is Costco vs Beer & Liquor Distr #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-16
- @pineapplemice Think you'll enjoy today's Woot! shirt http://t.co/zizgW7pX #
- If true, awesome! http://t.co/KULvDSw9 I always found it weird AT&T didn't allow you to unlock your iPhone. Hopefully they'll follow suit. #
- @ryandjohnson I'm imagining you hitting refresh over and over in bed for your delivery status ;p in reply to ryandjohnson #
- @ryandjohnson Syncing with iCloud or Google? in reply to ryandjohnson #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-09
- Haha! http://t.co/6MRjp8QW HUZZAH! #
- @rothgar It's the camera angle! ;p in reply to rothgar #
- Haha. Only in Russia: http://t.co/BY0Lvqth #
- If anything, Siri needs a British accent. Something like Michael Caine or Paul Bettany. 😀 #
- Hope to see this fixed soon. RT @mozservices: We are still working on Sync's problems. We have enough log dumps for now (thank you all). #
- Have to commend @wsdot on their most excellente work on the 405N->520 junction! Been able to shave > 5mins off coming into work for a week! #
- @fearthecowboy The question is how often will you use one over the other? in reply to fearthecowboy #
- @ourLARK Just got my LARK today. I was wondering if there's a way to set a M-F alarm (similar to Apple's alarm system) #
- @fearthecowboy Gotcha. Most people I know listen to music way more often than watch @netflix, so @ZUNE/@Spotify/@Rdio has a lot more value. in reply to fearthecowboy #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-02
- Can someone who understands video encoding explain to me why having more bits/pixel can have a smaller file size? http://t.co/5D0ReqnL #
- Reread the article and this was what I had missed: "The bitrate required to keep the dithering intact is disproportionately high." #
- @loganb Ah, that makes a lot more sense. Thanks! 😀 in reply to loganb #
- One way to see how users will react going from freemium to paid subscription is to spread a fake rumor about plans to charge users. #
- @bpump Haha. Interesting. 🙂 in reply to bpump #
- Things I'm glad for after watching #madmen beverage cans now come with stay-on tabs so I don't have to use a can-piercer. #
- Sometimes I wish I owned a #ps3 http://t.co/R0bf4iPn #
- Wow! A new Perry Bible Fellowship strip. #
- Did Twitter's t.co resolver break? The shortened urls links on my Twitter feed aren't being resolved. #
- @bpump When you're company is going bankrupt, you've gotta upsell. ;p in reply to bpump #
- @rothgar They probably highly downsample the images they give to the public. 🙂 in reply to rothgar #
- Rdio is really starting to breath down Spotify's neck with its free tier launching soon WITHOUT advertising: http://t.co/fkMszQJh #
- $2 mp3 credit @Amazon: http://t.co/5Cz7AeIR (read the instructions) expires 9/30 #
- @angelgrrl813 Ooooh! It looks like fn + ➝ and ← go to top and bottom of page. in reply to angelgrrl813 #
- Sci-fi fans will be excited to know that Amazon is having a sale on The Hunger Games Trilogy for the Kindle for $4.38 http://t.co/8DsVyz75 #
- YouTube appears to be broken. I like how someone forgot to verify their strings: Error 502 (Server Error)!!1 http://t.co/TxjE8oJb #
- @krunk4ever For those of you own Nooks, apparently you weren't left out. The Hunger Games Trilogy for $4.38: http://t.co/oIMz5GwI in reply to krunk4ever #
- I'm guessing Thunder Cat and LOLcats fans will enjoy this: http://t.co/2MCqaf4R #
- There should be a season where Dexter and Deb teams up or battle against each other. 🙂 #
- If you ever hear crackling sounds from your speakers on your mac, the easiest way to fix it is to kill coreaudiod and restart it. #
- Haha. The jello is so cute! http://t.co/2EA8YzuB #
- An interesting reason to use Discover at supermarkets (via @delconte): http://t.co/TyKbcnwy #CashOver #
- @JonHess ISO-8601 http://t.co/GD9vwGpe is the closest thing I found. Here's a list of other formats: http://t.co/lyOmRMTk in reply to JonHess #
- Anyone know what the new "Unhide People" dropdown for Facebook in @Spotify is all about? #
- With the death of my alarm clock (probably due to abusive pounding of the snooze button), going to pick up a @ourLARK: http://t.co/iLVN1jrN #
- Haha. Parents beware: http://t.co/185Qahjd #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-09-25
- @sschwartz Twitter account hacked? in reply to sschwartz #
- http://t.co/CamnKo7N Seriously?! #
- @hjo3 Just saw that episode! It was awesome! 😀 in reply to hjo3 #
- w00t! We may start seeing pin-based credit cards here in the states! http://t.co/ZdJNHau3 #
- @jscott I saw a news piece where they did that with cookies 😉 in reply to jscott #
- http://t.co/zqc2vrWU 🙂 #
- Dexter + funeral home reminds me of Six Feet Under. Finally starting season 5! w00t! #
- @ryandjohnson I've only seen the 1st 2 seasons of 6 feet under. It was good, but it was something I watched during college and stopped after in reply to ryandjohnson #
- @ryandjohnson @ellism I'm sad to hear Dexter S5 was the worse of all 5 seaons. 🙁 But I agree, it's hard to beat John Litgow in reply to ryandjohnson #
- Wish you could take back something you texted? Autocorrect can be your scapegoat: http://t.co/hXCI4gaq #
- @rothgar Hard to say. When you look at it's predecessor, that guy lived a mighty long life. But IE6 did get canned after IE9 came out… in reply to rothgar #
- @ellism I thought you had typo README, but apparently it's Neal Stephenson's new book. in reply to ellism #
- @DamienFahey @hjo3 I would argue it's 3/8 of a swastika ;p in reply to DamienFahey #
- Did you know that KCLS now offers eBooks for Kindle!!! http://t.co/HETBGO0H http://t.co/zA1OizH4 (via @hungtruong) #
- I find it funny that (adult)erated means to make something inferior. #
- @angelgrrl813 pretty in reply to angelgrrl813 #
- I really hate typing the word preferences. For some reason, 9 out of 10 times, I end up with prefences. #
- Apparently the simplest way to add a border underneath an android view is to create a 1px tall view below it and set the background color. #
- Akismet is down and my inbox is getting spammed with a bunch of "Please Moderate" emails. 🙁 #
- For those who use Tab Mix Plus on Firefox for Mac OSX and have issues with option+return, please see this thread: http://t.co/Q4KttLTz #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-09-18
- @cut_the_rope @zeptolab When are the Om Nom plushies coming it? It's September already! 😀 #
- I wonder if anyone's created an anti-tower defense game where you have a limited amount of money to create an army to take down a tower. #
- For those who've seen Community S2, who's Kevin? And why did George Takei make him a voicemail? #
- @ericborz That game actually looks really good! in reply to ericborz #
- I had expected Steins;Gate to end after episode 22 and be a pretty good anime, but it's going to end at episode 24 and be an amazing anime! #
- !@#$%^& http://t.co/fNSc7Usr What's that opening/background melody. I swear I've heard it in some animation before. #
- @krunk4ever Finally popped into my head. It was the robot meeting the lighthouse! http://t.co/tpHLcFv9 in reply to krunk4ever #
- Some really cute shirts for this week's Woot selection: http://t.co/22VJD5gn #
- @majornelson @angelgrrl813 The question now is can I adequately play this game with a magic trackpad and no mouse. ;p in reply to majornelson #
- Did you know that draft in British is draught?!?! #
- I finally reached the episode that started it all, the Christmas stop motion special of Community S2. #
- @shawboy78 Not sure if you knew, but Microsoft Office for Mac comes with the remote desktop client. in reply to shawboy78 #
- @shawboy78 Haha. Gotcha 😉 in reply to shawboy78 #
- Booo! Summer is officially over. Rain, rain, go away. Come back some other day. #
- @lroseriver Someone also told me jail is spelt gaol. I hear that word is used in fantasy books a lot too. in reply to lroseriver #
- @ryandjohnson @angelgrrl813 the roomba cat shirt is on sale today. 🙂 in reply to ryandjohnson #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-09-11
- http://t.co/S3nFyJq 🙂 #
- why my job is to watch dreams die: http://t.co/f7cuqkO powerful stuff. #
- http://t.co/OuVi6fD I admit. I haven't seen Hackers either. #
- Finally figured out how to selectively delete mistyped URLs and form fields in Firefox for Mac: shift+delete #
- @majornelson There appears to be some issues w/ xbox.com? I'm getting a "glitch in the system" error after logging in: http://t.co/u9gInEw #
- I enjoyed todays' VG Cats: http://t.co/4msIpnO SHINK! #
- @ryandjohnson After awhile, they all start sounding the same. 🙂 in reply to ryandjohnson #
- @spotify You need to start stocking up on soundtrack albums. Seriously? No Gattaca soundtrack? #
- @jscott Use Chrome if you really need to see something in Flash. in reply to jscott #
- @rothgar Needs to be bluetooth? The Xbox 360 controller works very well with the PC. Must be drivers for other OSes too. in reply to rothgar #
- @rothgar The 360 controllers do come in wireless, just not bluetooth. Instead, they have a USB receiver. in reply to rothgar #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-09-04
- Transferring 20GB over WiFi is not fun… Might be faster to move photos back onto SD card and the onto file server. #
- The best advertising is one you're not sure you're being advertised to: http://t.co/jS2w6iP #
- @jscott Ugh? How did it happen? Hope you're alright! in reply to jscott #
- How to use the native screen sharing Mac OSX app to connect to VNC servers over the internet: http://t.co/ehaNW8V Awesome! #
- @lroseriver Haha! Isn't it ironic you wrote a blog entry about how you don't want to write? ;p in reply to lroseriver #
- Haha! Whatever happened to the guy from Blue's Clues: http://t.co/XbbPm4S #
- @hjo3 Clickity-Clackity! in reply to hjo3 #
- Nightlights: kid's forcefield against monsters at night. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-28
- Annoying… Is there a way to delete an event from iCal without sending a decline email? #
- Wow… Peggy got really fat in the middle of an episode… #madmen #
- When we were kids, did we jump on our parents' bed because it was fun or because it was forbidden? or both? 😀 #
- @ryandjohnson Did it get even longer? in reply to ryandjohnson #
- Annoying… When @Spotify fails to play an ad, it stops playing music. I would then have to hit next track for it to continue. #
- @angelgrrl813 Splash it a bit more and make it polka-dotted! 🙂 in reply to angelgrrl813 #
- This back up is going to take forever. Literally… http://t.co/ZThM5um #
- Interesting… There appears to be a Detective Conan live action drama series. Reviews don't look that good though. http://t.co/cBp0Q72 #
- Interesting… ING Direct allows you to order blank paper checks now. http://t.co/xa5mfrH $5 for 50. #
- Yay! The sun is out! #
- Has anyone noticed the Prius logo looks like the word Paws from afar? #
- @ryandjohnson Not sure if this works on the Mac or not: http://t.co/SdaxhI4 in reply to ryandjohnson #
- @lroseriver I consider myself chocolate's best friend. 🙂 in reply to lroseriver #
- Ever start yelling curse words out of the blue? http://t.co/VUdXCyi Yeah, happens to me too, especially if my brain is on autopilot. #
- Haha! How to fix text messaging: http://t.co/66FW56G #
- Almost pulled a @ryandjohnson And jumped into the hot tub with my iPhone in my shorts. #
- Despite having poor reception (1 bar), Verizon is the only carrier that has reception in the middle of the lake. #