pya! FLOOD

(vid) 最高のプレゼント – Best Present – I can’t believe how excited this little boy is
(img) 王蟲の幼虫 – Bug King – that’s one giant catepillar or worm or larvae or whatever it is
(img) お、落ちる… – Oh, I’m falling – pretty neat mini cooper ad – though I don’ think the falling part was intended
(img) 食えますか? – Are you going to eat it? – cute game character cookies (including chocobo, koopa troopa, the squid from mario and more)
(img) 燃える空 – Burning Sky – I thought this looked really pretty
(img) 裏表のない男 – The man with faces on both sides – awesome haircut, giving him shades, mustache, and beard on the behind
(img) 手作りケーキでおもてなし – Handmade Cake – really cute!
(vid) イスの爆発 – Exploding Chair – pretty neat video where the chair breaks apart into 6 or more different pieces and comes back together.
(vid) 指パッチン – Hand Tap Dance – never knew hands could make so much noise
(img) Universal Serial Bus – some interesting things with the USB adapter (i.e. syringe, tie, lock, phone, rotary dial, belt, bra). I wonder if these are real. I know most of them are for aesthetics, but the handset is actually useful for VoIP and the lock was actually quite interesting, because without the key, you actually won’t be able to read the contents inside. Just another layer of security
(img) 店先にて – At the store ahead – frog cookies
(img) ズコー – Puppy tripping
(img) ぐるぐる – Guru Guru – pretty trippy
(img) 折り紙 – Origami – a Gundam folded from paper!!! I learnt a new Japanese phrase today. I wasn’t sure what that first kanji (折) was so Babelfish told me it was to fold, so that phrase would mean folded paper. I took a step back and though, the last word paper (紙) was pronounced kami, so something ri kami, then it hit me it was origami!
(img) 雲の上 – Above the Clouds – pretty scenary
(img) 思わずジャンプしたくなる光景 – The spectacle that makes you want to jump uncontrollably – by placing Mario ? boxes and coins around the city
(img) 植木屋さん?- Gardener? – it’s a party filled with bush animals!
(vid) 冬といえば – If you mention the Winter – a collection of funnies
(vid) 水難事故 – Water Problem Stories – a collection of funnies
(vid) やわらか男子 – Rubber Man – oh how he stretches!
(img) びっくりフラッシュ – Surprise Flash – haha! I remember when these were popular and people would share them all the time
(img) 炭酸祭り – Carbonic Acid Celebration – I just thought it was hilarious they’re wearing Coke bottles as caps. I wonder if it’d work if someone didn’t have black hair.
(img) 唸れ! ワンツーパンチ nya!! – Groan! One Two Punch Meow!! – punching cat
(img) Σ(゜∀゜)アヒャンっ – Cute Puppies
(img) ベルト – Belt – belt that can hold your iPod Nano
(vid) 縦列駐車メンドクサイ – Parallel Parking Craziness – you’ve got to have a lot of balls to do that.
(vid) モデル面接 – Model Interview – haha! maybe you shouldn’t wear shoes you can’t walk in
(vid) この世の終わり – End of the World – a guy dances pretty neatly to O-Zone’s Dragostea Din Tei
(img) ガシガシガシ – Gashi Gashi Gashi – A very big biting mouth
(img) 金魚の揚げ物Friday – Fried Goldfish Friday – goldfish tempura just sort of grosses me out
(img) 職人技 – Craftsman Skils – chain made from one tree?
(img) HEART and LOVE – I really think the shirt says Hate and Love (not heart)
(img) 風の谷かハイジの村か – Valley of the Wind – reminds me of the pretty scenaries in Switzerland
(img) ダイダルウェーブ – Tidal Wave – run, run, as fast as you can
(img) 像 – Elephant – pretty neat puzzle made of 6 elephants
(img) 集団リンチ – Group Bullying – Mountain Dews vs 1 Coke
(img) 姉○設計 – Weird Building Design – I’d think it’d be pretty easy to get lost, but pretty neat though
(img) 自分探しの旅 – Searching for yourself – I wonder if his face really looks like that
(img) 手乗りウサ – Bunny in hand – cute bunny
(flash) ローゼンセブン – The Rozen Seven – interesting flash with characters from Rozen Maiden
(img) 額にマークnya – Cute Kitten
(img) 龍とお出かけ – The Dragon Backpack
(img) (wan)僕はもうだめだ – (woof) I’m lazy – sleeping puppy
(img) 一人になりたくて – When you want to be alone – that’s what you get for having roommates. i wonder what’s he doing under there that requires privacy
(img) へへへ – hehehe – boy pees on wall inside house
(img) 最近の携帯は・・・ – Recent on things you carry… – the Ring has returned!
(img) そびえ立つ我らの荷物 – Luggage Tower
(img) キティちゃん – Kitty Chan – I’m not sure if that hello kitty is suppose to be cute or scary
(img) 足元に蝶 – Camouflage Butterfly

IMAP Support in Outlook

One thing that many of you would agree is that IMAP support in most email clients are pretty horrible. I’ve encountered some problems after I switched to my new email account. Those who emailed recently should’ve gotten my updated email address. Anyway, I use webmail (RoundCube) when I’m not at home and I use outlook when I’m at home. That way I can move email around from my Yahoo! to * Outlook 2003 is my default email client and the delete flow is completely broken.

I understand that that maybe how IMAP system works, but there’s got to be a better way to deal with this. Most email clients when dealing with deleting emails on IMAP only marks the email for deletion and after a point you have to go purge the deleted emails. Same thing occurs in Pine, but when you exit Pine, it prompts a message asking if you would like to purge your deleted emails. In Outlook 2003 and as far back as I can remembered, emails marked for deletion appear with a line striked through it. The only way to purge is to click Edit > Purge Deleted Messages followed by clicking OK to confirm the purging.

If I had to write a email client for IMAP, what I would allow the user to do is set a trash folder. If none is set, then create a trash folder and move any deleted email into that folder (similar to how every other email client works in the world). None of this marking email for deletion and still appearing in the same folder. It’s like if you had to delete a file off your network drive, it won’t really delete it, but instead just have a line that strikes through the filename and won’t be truly deleted until you purge it. And of course, you have to do this by folder, there’s no purging of emails in multiple folders or even subfolders.

Okay, maybe I was dreaming a bit too much. A shortcut key to quickly purge would be nice too. The fastest and only way currently as mentioned above is to click Edit > Purge Deleted Messages and click OK on the confirmation.

I found out that in Outlook Express, they have a function which when enabled allows you to Purge deleted messages when leaving IMAP folders. I mean even that work around would do it for me, but after contacting the Outlook team, there isn’t such a feature on Outlook 2003, not even a shortcut key to purge deleted emails. However, I was told that in Outlook 12 (also known as Outlook 2007), they would have PurgeOnSwitch which basically does the same thing that Outlook Express did for years. For now, in Outlook 2003, we’re stuck with manually purging. The person who responded to me did say that I could filter out deleted emails or sort by deleted status so the deleted emails appear at the bottom.

My dear officemate did tell me a faster way to do this. With a keyboard, this is the combo to purge: ALT+E, S, <SPACE> (basically the keyboard combo of doing what I mentioned above). It’s the only way I can think of so far. If you have any better ideas or ways around this, please let me know. Guess I can only wish for now…

Happy Birthday Liam!

and congrats for getting into Georgia Tech!

Random Crap:

cowboy bebop vs naruto
Click image to start the animation or view it in the gallery.
Cowboy Bebop VS Naruto (from Artemyst)
– looks like blatant copy of action moves

Fullmetal Alchemist – Chibi Party OAV (from Tokyotosho) – hilarious and awfully cute 6 minute video clip with tons of FMA characters in chibi bodies (big heads, tiny bodies, awfully cute).

US comedian called world’s ‘unsexiest’ manComedian Gilbert Gottfried, the voice of the Aflac Inc. duck in television commercials for the insurer, was crowned “unsexiest man in the world” by an alternative newspaper on Tuesday. There’s also a video of the report.

Man Rediscovers Gift Fruitcake From 1962Nesta’s two aunts sent him the fruitcake in November 1962 while he was stationed in Alaska with the Army. “I opened it up and didn’t know what to do with it,” Nesta said. “I sure wasn’t going to eat it, and I liked my fellow soldiers too much to share it with them.” As best he can remember, he packed the cake with the rest of his belongings and shipped it home to Waukesha when he left the military a few years later. He recently rediscovered the boxed fruitcake in the attic of his mother’s home in Waukesha.

Clinical web site may be target of porn seekersOf the more than 7800 dermatological images available on the site, 5.5 percent involve genital regions. However, 12 percent of queries for a specific diagnosis involved a genital area. Also, 37 percent of the requests for an anatomic site involved a genital region, and 12 percent of the 10,000 free text queries were for images of genitalia.

DB apparently fansubbed an episode of Pythagoras Switch. You can see my previous post on it. This episode contained 4 contraptions that I counted. It’s very much like a regular kids show (i.e. Sesame Street) with puppets and little kids teaching little kids. Here’s the torrent file (from Tokyotosho).

A rough decade for traditional camera makers mentions this article: Digital trend challenges camera makers: Camera buffs were stunned in January when Konica Minolta Holdings Inc., which traces its roots to 1873, said it was quitting the camera business altogether – digital and film – and selling its digital assets to rival Sony Corp. Nikon Corp. said the same month it would stop making seven of its nine film cameras and concentrate on digital models. Fuji Photo Film Co., which plans to cut 5,000 jobs, changed directions last month announcing it would spend nearly $8.5-million (U.S.) to diversify into pharmaceuticals. Europe’s biggest film maker, Germany’s AgfaPhoto GmbH, couldn’t adapt at all; it’s now bankrupt and liquidated. Meanwhile, Antonio Perez, who is leading Eastman Kodak Co. through a four-year digital remake, has warned that Kodak, the pioneer of point-and-shoot photography, is now “at the worst possible place” after a $1.03-billion third-quarter loss.

The Mega Man Effect for Windows (from MS newsgroup) – The Mega Man Effect is an application that emulates an effect seen in the classic NES game Mega Man 2. When you launch an OS X Windows application, the screen goes dark, stars sweep the night sky and your application’s icon is presented in a blue letter box bar with a cheesy 8-bit music introduction. Haha.

Deinsea 8 (from Artemyst) – The first case of homosexual necrophilia in the mallard Anas platyrhynchos (Aves: Anatidae) (page 243-247) On 5 June 1995 an adult male mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) collided with the glass façade of the Natuurhistorisch Museum Rotterdam and died. An other drake mallard raped the corpse almost continuously for 75 minutes. Then the author disturbed the scene and secured the dead duck. Dissection showed that the rape-victim indeed was of the male sex. It is concluded that the mallards were engaged in an ‘Attempted Rape Flight’ that resulted in the first described case of homosexual necrophilia in the mallard. I’ve read this article somewhere before.

Will Ferrell – Bush on Global Warming (from MS newsgroup) – hilarious parody video! – Joke of the Day (from Cari). Found a couple I thought I’d share:

Man Accused of Changing Traffic Lights– A man who said he bought a device that let him change traffic lights from red to green has received a $50 ticket on suspicion of interfering with a traffic signal. Jason Niccum of Longmont told the Daily Times-Call that the device, which he bought on eBay for $100, helped him cut his time driving to work. Interesting… I wonder if this same device works on traffic lights around here.

That’s a pretty big curse…Russian police are looking for two mystics who persuaded a student to part with more than $160,000 in exchange for lifting a curse, RIA news agency reported Sunday. I mean if you’re dumb enough to believe that…

one red paperclip (from Decathanerd) – My name is Kyle MacDonald and I am trying to trade one red paperclip for a house. I started with one red paperclip on July 12th, 2005 and I am making a series of trades for bigger or better things. My current item up for trade is one year in Phoenix. Do you want one year of FREE rent in Phoenix? Pop your offer over to me at ( or give me a shout at 514-833-3980. (If you can’t get through – please send a text message) You can see the current offers here. I live in Montreal Canada but will go anywhere in the world for the right offer. – (click on the pictures below to read stories about each trade I’ve made so far.) He’s already up to 1 year in Phoenix (rent free apartment I presume).

Future sex: gizmos, robotsWhen America’s top sex researchers gathered recently to discuss the next decade in their field, some envisioned a future in which artificial sex partners could cater to every fantasy. “What is very likely to be present before 2016 would be a multi-sensual experience of virtual sex,” said Julia Heiman, director of the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction at Indiana University, Bloomington.

Mobile phone users love their pornographyPorn has gone mobile. That’s one conclusion of a study done by Maryam Kamvar and Shumeet Baluja, computer science professors who are also affiliated with Google. The pair analyzed a random sampling of one million page view requests from mobile phones and PDAs last year, hoping to better understand the behavior of wireless search users. What they found is that wireless users really, really like porn. Less than 10 percent of all searches done on PCs these days are porn scavenger hunts, a number that is down 50 percent from 1997. As the Web has matured and more consumers have come online, porn’s percentage of searches has consistently dropped. On mobile phones, though, users are still partying like it’s 1997—more than 20 percent of all mobile queries looked at in the study were for “adult” content.

Jerry C (from Js8) – He now has his own homepage! The color is pretty awful (hot pink), but Js8 tells me it was designed by his sister. If you don’t know who Jerry C is, he’s the one that did Canon in D Rock.

IMEI Blacklist

I got an interesting comment on one of my really old blog entries from Michael: Ink all over my pants. He stated:

You do know that each GSM phone has an IMI IMEI number? If you report it stolen they can lock this number world wide and the phone becomes useless to the thief. Sure, you won’t catch him, but at least he won’t have a lot of fun with the phone either.

At first, I confused this with just disassociating my account with the SIM card, but it turns out there’s actually a global blacklist based on the phone’s IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity). From Wikipedia: When mobile equipment is stolen or lost, the operator or owner will typically contact the Central Equipment Identity Register (CEIR) which blacklists the device in all operator switches so that it will in effect become unusable, making theft of mobile equipment a useless business. The IMEI number is not supposed to be easy to change, making the CEIR blacklisting effective. However this is not always the case: IMEI may be easy to change with special tools and operators may even flatly ignore the CEIR blacklist.

If what they say is true, then it appears all or at least most major networks will follow this blacklist in order to try to deter people from reselling stolen cell phones. Now both the phone and the SIM card are rendered useless, which is quite interesting and I wonder if they actually did that for me when I reported my phone was lost last time. The CSR (customer service representative) didn’t even mention about this and only seemed to want me to purchase a new phone.

However, I could totally see why phone companies would look the other way. Every stolen phone actually means more revenue for them. Since most phones are stolen when under a contract, there’s no longer any need to entice the customer. Either they buy a new phone at the full price or pay the heft cancellation fee.

I wonder if there’s a way to get off the blacklist. One day, I should call T-Mobile and report my stolen phone and see how long it takes them to take my phone off the network. Then I call back and tell them it was a mistake and I had found my phone. Maybe I’ll do it when I get a new phone just to test this.

Tax Refund

Just got my tax refund today! w00t! That’s almost $5 grand ($4.8k to be exact). All thanks to my dad. =)

I wasn’t even expecting that much haha. I thought I was in the ball park of only $4 grand. Maybe I should’ve looked at the numbers more.

Mario Brothers

So while I was going through my archive of videos and animations and happened to find my Mario Brothers flash series, which prompted me to search to see if the final chapter has been released. I didn’t exactly know where to start looking for it again, since it has been awhile. So the only place to look was in my old blog. After following a series of links, I found the artist’s new homepage: Alexander Leon’s Official Mario Brothers Flash series Webpage. But chapter 5 seems to be still left dangling in the air. Last update on this was on 3/10/05 as seen from his homepage. Newgrounds has an article about part 5 back in October ’04. I wonder if it’ll ever be released…

Flash series started off really fun, especially the soundtracks they decided to use. The major battle music were taken from Requiem for a Dream.

Wonder if Part 5 will ever be completed. Enjoy!

Outsourcing the Presidency

Got this parody article from Mechy:

Congress today announced that the office of President of the United States of America will be outsourced to India as of the end of the fiscal year. The move is being made to save the President’s $400,000 yearly salary, and also a record $521 billion in deficit expenditures and related overhead the office has incurred during the last 5 years.

“We believe this is a wise move financially. The cost savings should be significant,” stated Congressman Thomas Reynolds (R-WA). Reynolds, with the aid of the Government Accounting Office, has studied outsourcing of American jobs extensively. “We cannot expect to remain competitive on the world stage with the current level of cash outlay,” Reynolds noted.

Mr. Bush was informed by email this morning of his termination.

Preparations for the job move have been underway for sometime. Gurvinder Singh of Indus Teleservices, Mumbai, India, will be assuming the office of President as soon as possible. Mr. Singh was born in the United States while his Indian parents were vacationing at Niagara Falls, thus making him eligible for the position. He will receive a salary of $320 (USD) a month but with no health coverage or other benefits.

It is believed that Mr. Singh will be able to handle his job responsibilities without support staff. Due to the time difference between the US and India, he will be working primarily at night, when few offices of the US Government will be open. “Working nights will allow me to keep my day job at the American Express call center,” stated Mr. Singh in an exclusive interview. “I am excited about this position. I always hoped I would be President someday.”

A Congressional spokesperson noted that while Mr. Singh may not be fully aware of all the issues involved in the office of President, this should not be a problem because Bush was not familiar with the issues either. Mr. Singh will rely upon a script tree that will enable him to respond effectively to most topics of concern. Using these canned responses, he can address common concerns without having to understand the underlying issues at all.

“We know these scripting tools work,” stated the spokesperson. “President Bush has used them successfully for years.” Mr. Singh may have problems with the Texas drawl, but lately Bush has abandoned the “down home” persona in his effort to appear intelligent and on top of the Katrina situation.

Bush will receive health coverage, expenses, and salary until his final day of employment. Following a two-week waiting period, he will be eligible for $240 a week unemployment for 13 weeks. Unfortunately he will not be eligible for Medicaid, as his unemployment benefits will exceed the allowed limit.

Mr. Bush has been provided the outplacement services of Manpower, Inc. to help him write a resume and prepare for his upcoming job transition. According to Manpower, Mr. Bush may have difficulties in securing a new position due to limited practical work experience. A Greeter position at Wal-Mart was suggested due to Bush’s extensive experience shaking hands.

Another possibility is Bush’s reenlistment in the Texas Air National Guard. His prior records are conspicuously vague but should he choose this option, he would likely be stationed in Waco, TX for a month, before being sent to Iraq, a country he has visited. “I’ve been there, I know all about Iraq,” stated Mr. Bush, who gained invaluable knowledge of the country in a visit to the Baghdad Airport’s terminal and gift shop.

Sources in Baghdad and Falluja say Mr. Bush would receive a warm reception from local Iraqis. They have asked to be provided with details of his arrival so that they might arrange an appropriate welcome.

2 Light Sabers vs 1

Ryan vs Dorkman (from RayAlome) – a pretty interesting light saber fight and an interesting ending that I didn’t really expect.

Although my next thought had nothing to do with the above video besides the fact it’s about light sabers, it got me thinking on what the reasoning was for not using 2 light sabers, but 1 instead. As demonstrated in Art of the Saber and other Star Wars film, there have been countless battles where 2 light sabers were used against 1.

In real sword fights, 2 swords usually meaning lighter swords and faster movement. 1 sword that requires both hands usually means heavy and strength. However, clearly light sabers are well, light and it doesn’t seem for those who use it with both hands are easily overpowering their opponents. So my question remains, why would you ever want to only use 1 light saber?

Random Crap:

More Frank Caliendo impressions (Jerry Seinfield, Robert De Niro, Chris Rock and more) (from RayAlome) – Hilarious and awesome impressions. You can watch a longer version on his website: (direct download). Here’s another video clip on Frank Caliendo on Letterman.

“Monster rabbit” targets vegetable patchIt sounds like a job for Wallace and Gromit. A “monster” rabbit has apparently been rampaging through vegetable patches in a small village in northern England, ripping up leeks, munching turnips and infuriating local gardeners. In an uncanny resemblance to the plot of the hit animated film “Wallace & Gromit in the Curse of the Were-Rabbit,” angry horticulturists in Felton, near Newcastle, have now mounted an armed guard to protect their prized cabbages and parsnips. “They call it the monster. It’s very big — it’s nearly the size of a dog,” said Joan Smith, whose son Jeff owns one of the plots under attack. See an actual picture of the giant hare (from Cari).

MsticAzn was asking what sites other that YouSendIt allows for one to upload large files, but not have the limit restrictions. I had suggested RapidShare and MegaUpload, but when searching for more. I happened to find this blog post: Crack Rapidshare, Megaupload Hacks, Unlimited Yousendit. The contents are quite useful, though I’m not sure if they all still work.

Celebrating the Queen’s 80th Birthday – 80 facts about The Queen – Apparently Queen Elizabeth of England is turning 80 and they posted a bunch of trivia knowledge on the British Monarchy homepage.

Man Gets $218 Trillion Phone BillA Malaysian man said he nearly fainted when he recieved a $218 trillion phone bill and was ordered to pay up within 10 days or face prosecution, a newspaper reported Monday. After a simple calculation, this equates to $81,391,875.75/second given that phone bills are also monthly in Malaysia. I mean even if you’re the most expensive sex hot lines 24/7, you wouldn’t get such ar large bill.

Rewind, please: Nature paper shows that cell division is reversibleCity–Gary J. Gorbsky, Ph.D., a scientist with the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, has found a way to reverse the process of cell division. The discovery could have important implications for the treatment of cancer, birth defects and numerous other diseases and disorders. Gorbsky’s findings appear in the April 13 issue of the journal Nature. It also sounds like the 1st step to immortality. See a video of it in action.

Boy Sets Self on Fire in Alleged Gas TheftThe boy was taken to the hospital with second- and third-degree burns on his legs. Police were called to the hospital to investigate the incident and later learned that the 17-year-old spilled gas on his pants while siphoning gas. He then used a lighter to try to determine how wet his pants were and set himself of fire, Hague said.

Feds Pounce on Student Dressed As a NinjaRunning through the University of Georgia campus as a ninja can elicit a prompt response from authorities, a UGA sophomore learned. Federal Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearm agents, on campus for a community training project, detained Jeremiah Ransom of Macon Tuesday as a “suspicious individual” when they spotted a masked figure darting near the Georgia Center.

nintendo to re-release entire ds library as “training games” – first boxarts inside (from Cari) – thread contains a bunch of parody works if games were renamed as training games, what would they be. Here’s a few examples: (do read the features on the box because they’re hilarious)

bipolar disorder training - super princess peach parodyterrorist training - bomberman parody

Police return $42,000 thrown out with trashA Japanese man wept for joy this week when he recovered 5 million yen ($42,210) in cash his wife had mistakenly thrown out with the household rubbish. The 35-year-old man had withdrawn the money from a bank account but, fearing it would be stolen, he hid it inside a refuse bag which he placed in a rubbish bin, Japanese media said. Why do people like hiding valuable things inside the trash can? I remember freshman year in college, someone lost their family ring because their roommate thought he’d be nice help empty his trash.

LASIK@Home (from MsticAzn) – A parody site selling a product which allows you to do LASIK eye surgery at home by yourself. Do check out their four easy steps.

The Insuperable Barrier Of Language (from Tera) – a hilarious Penny Arcade comic strip about gold farming and getting rid of the middle man.

The fish that hunts on landZoologists have found a remarkable fish that can wriggle from Africa’s tropical swamps to snaffle a snack on land. The eel catfish, Channallabes apus, catches unsuspecting victims by arching upwards and descending upon prey, trapping an insect against the ground before sucking it up. It performs this trick thanks to a bendy neck supported by specialized vertebrae, which allows it to hover over prey without needing fins or arms to hold up its head. Do check out the video.

25 Questions About Things We See Everyday

Got this trivia from MS Newsgroup: (Some questions modified so it’s more clear)

The average person only gets 7 correct.

This is based on U.S. info, so use all lobes of your brain. This can be more difficult than it looks – it just shows how little most of us really see!

There are 25 questions about things we see every day or have known about all our lives. How many can you get right? These little simple questions are harder than you think– it just shows you how little we pay attention to the commonplace things of life.

Put your thinking caps on. No cheating! No looking around! No getting out of your chair! No using anything on or in your desk or computer!

Can you beat 20?? (The average is 7) Write down your answers as you go.

Check answers (on the bottom), AFTER completing all the questions.

REMEMBER – NO CHEATING!!! BE HONEST!!! That means no looking at your phone or anything on your desk…

Then, before you pass this on to your friends, change the number on the subject line to show how many you got correct and put your initials next to that number. Forward to your friends and also back to the one who sent it to you.

– If not, just have fun! Here we go!

  1. On a standard traffic light, is the green light on the top or bottom?
  2. How many states are there in the USA? (Don’t laugh, some people don’t know)
  3. In which hand is the Statue of Liberty’s torch?
  4. What six colors are on the classic Campbell’s soup label?
  5. What two numbers on the telephone dial don’t have letters by them don’t have alphabets associated with it?
  6. When you walk does your left arm swing with your right or left leg? (Don’t you dare get up to see!)
  7. How many matches are in a standard pack book?
  8. On the United States flag, is the top stripe red or white?
  9. What is the lowest number on the FM dial?
  10. Which way does water go down the drain, counter or clockwise?
  11. Which way does a “no smoking” sign’s slash run?
  12. How many channels on a VHF TV dial?
  13. On which side of a women’s blouse are the buttons?
  14. Which way do fans rotate? (imagine the fan blowing toward you)
  15. How many sides does a stop sign have?
  16. Do books have even-numbered pages on the right or left side?
  17. How many lug nuts are on a standard car wheel?
  18. How many sides are there on a standard pencil?
  19. Sleepy, Happy, Sneezy, Grumpy, Dopey, Doc. Who’s missing?
  20. How many hot dog buns are in a standard package?
  21. On which playing card is the card maker’s trademark?
  22. On which side of a Venetian blind is the cord rod that adjusts the opening between the slats?
  23. There are 12 buttons on a touch tone phone. What 2 symbols bear no digits?
  24. How many curves are there in the standard paper clip?
  25. Does a merry-go-round carousel turn counter or clockwise?

Answers: (Show)

Please check out the comments to some interesting things people were saying.

Surprise Visit

I got a surprise visit from Belldandy and spent most of the time chatting about his recent trip to Japan with HKenshin and Kira over sushi/sashimi and green tea. Thank you Xyon for recommending me Fuji Sushi. It was totally out of the blue. At around 6:30pm, I get an IM from Belldandy asking me if I had any plans tonight. Of course everyone could’ve guessed what followed afterwards. Turns out he’s up here in Seattle doing a project with and he’s leaving tomorrow evening.

The stories he had were awesome, but we can wait for those on his blog along with his 8MP pictures taken with his Canon EOS 20D.

Afterwards, we went back to his hotel and continue our chatting since we havent seen each other since graduation. I was trying to think of any coffee or cafe place open after 10pm, basically a cozy place one can sit down and chat, but I couldn’t think of any such place in Seattle.