
香港典型既情侶對話 (from RobTrust)

:咁去POKKA好唔好??o個度D SET DINNER都幾好食(開始有D無奈)
:麥記”定” 家鄉雞...行啦(江良才盡”發悔氣”,明顯已經唔想諗)
:………………..(又話天寒地凍仲食D凍冰冰野... ?)

Here’s the translations for those who don’t understand Cantonese dialect:

The Exemplar of Hong Kong Couples’ Conversation

Translator’s note:

  • In Chinese, “hot air” (熱氣) is a condition you get from eating too much hot, fried, or oily food. I’ll be replacing “hot air” with “unhealthy”, so the conversation flows.
  • 味千 or Aji is pronounced May Qeen in Cantonese, but it’s a Japanese ramen chain.
  • Thanks Cari for catching my translation mistake. For some reason, I saw 蛋糕. I thought something was wrong when I couldn’t figure out why cake was icy cold.

Guy: What do you want to eat tonight?
Girl: I don’t care!! You decide
Guy: How ’bout sushi?
Girl: The weather’s too cold to eat something so icy cold…
Guy: Then let’s do hot pot, the weather’s so cold, doing hot pot would be the best
Girl: I did hot pot just two days ago, doing too much hot pot is bad for health
Guy: Then how ’bout Thai or Korean BBQ??
Girl: I already said I don’t want unhealthy, and you still want me to eat those food, are you even listening to me…
Guy: The let’s go to POKKA?? The Set Dinners there are pretty good (feeling a bit annoyed)
Girl: There’s too many people at POKKA, don’t want to wait in line
Guy: The how ’bout “steak”?
Girl: Don’t want to eat that much meat, too fattening..
Guy: Nobody says you have to eat the entire “steak”, or you can order a plate of pasta or other things
Girl: Then that’s just telling me to watch you eat “steak”, I don’t get to eat means you don’t get to eat…
Guy: How ’bout Taiwanese then? (feeling a bit angry)
Girl: Taiwanese food has too much oil, too fatenning (spoiled brat)
Guy: How ’bout congee then (feeling more anger)
Girl: The weather’s too cold, eating congee won’t fill my stomach
Guy: McDonald’s “or” Kentucky Fried Chicken… should be fine then (already too angry to think anymore)
Girl: Already said nothing unhealthy.. (not bending)
Guy: How ’bout you decide then, I don’t want to think anymore…
Girl: I only asked you because I couldn’t decide, can’t you give more choices (starts to throw fit)
Guy: If it’s not unhealthy, it’s fattening, I really can’t imagine what’s left (explodes)
Girl: Well it is unhealthy, and fat “right”.. Was I wrong, just because you can’t think of any place doesn’t mean you have to yell (trouble maker complains first)
Guy: How ’bout “Aji” for ramen then (random suggestion)
Girl: Hmmm.. sounds good, I want curry ramen/fried dumplings (gyozas)
Guy: ………………..(didn’t you say nothing unhealthy)
Girl: Afterwards, I’d want cake ice cream
Guy: ………………..(didn’t you say the weather’s too cold to eat icy cold things… ?)


Saw this item: Poop-Freeze Aerosol Freeze Spray (10oz) on AnandTech Hot Deals, and it immediately reminded me of Va-Poo-Rize from Envy

Do check out the thread and reviews because it’s hilarious:

This product is INCREDIBLE!! I’ve been using it for a couple of years now and have since made a business out of it. I use my poop freeze for making ash trays, art to put on my mantle, figurines, coasters – the opportunities are endless. And best of all – my house doesn’t even smell like poop!!

This is great stuff. My dog gets the runs from time to time. Just zap the juicy pile and it comes right up. It also makes clean up a lot easier. Usually I wait till it ages a while before I chuck it in to my neighbors yard. Now I don’t need to and my yard is nice and clean.

yay i be the first person to review this item yay.It really works. It freezes the poop so it is nice and hard to pick up.Works well on the slimy stuff that is almost impossible to pick up.u need to get it.

Do yourself a favor and save on expensive vet bills; WAIT TILL YOUR DOG/CAT IS FINISHED POOPING. I tried to get an early start on the “freeze” and I chased my dog around the yard, turns out I freezer burned her tail and anus, now I have a 900 dollar vet bill. It also works with human, ferret, and horse feces, although I do recommend the half gallon for horses. Also great for those nights of binge drinking, when some one drops a duce in the living room!

62F doesnt seem cold enough to freeze poop.

  • At 62f your not going to freeze anything, though it would cause a large billowing steam cloud…
  • it’s -62F minus sixty two
  • I guess Firefox renders a box instead of a minus sign. Safari shows a box with a x.
  • “Amazon” used non ASCII (7-bit), non HTML-codes of the right-arrow and degree symbols — that’s why neither character is presented in Ff… can’t say why any browser should have bothered displaying these oddities.

Why not take newspaper or a magazine and stick it under your dog’s bunghole when s/he’s about to go?

  • You go ahead and try to get a dog to dump where you want them to. Get back to us when you’ve done it. 😉

It will kill your grass BTW….

This product is INCREDIBLE!! I’ve been using it for a couple of years now and have since made a business out of it. I use my poop freeze for making ash trays, art to put on my mantle, figurines, coasters – the opportunities are endless. And best of all – my house doesn’t even smell like poop!!

its so cool, you can make sculptures, and figurines…GREAT PRODUCT

You could go to a dog park and make a variety pack of popsicles! Little ones big ones different flavors!

Couldn’t something this cold be considered a deadly weapon? I mean, if you sprayed it on someone…O_O

  • -62 isn’t THAT bad. Your skin would definately get agitated but “deadly”..not a chance. It gets that cold in many parts of the world where humans live 🙂

after it’s applied, is it cold on the outside, warm inside? or is it solid as rock?

man, why did i check this forum before dinner??? made me lose my apetite earlier… but interesting product.

Then you can shatter the POO!! LOLerz

Random Crap

iAlertU (from /.) – Introducing the remote controlled motion sensitive alarm system for the MacBook Pro. Utilizing the built in motion sensor technology, iSight camera and the infrared remote control your MacBook Pro can now be turned into a high tech alarm system. iAlertU is aimed at being a tamper/theft deterrent system for those times when you need to step away from your work momentarily. See video.

The most adorable spambot killer everEnter Oli, and his moment of “thinking outside the text box.” While computers are getting better and better at optical character recognition, one thing that they still have great difficulty doing is recognizing the contents of pictures. Oli, who runs a web site called, realized that a computer would have a great deal of difficulty in telling the difference between different types of fuzzy animals. So he came up with KittenAuth, a test that requires the user to identify which three out of nine pictures contain kittens. The “3 in 9” grid leaves the poor spambot with only a one in 84 chance of randomly picking the right answer. Larger grids or number of picks can make the chances lower still. pretty darn cute!

‘Star Wars Kid’ cuts a deal with his tormentors – wow. how long ago was this posted on the web.

Chiropractor Claims He Can Go Back in TimeA chiropractor who claims he can treat anyone by reaching back in time to when an injury occurred has attracted the attention of state regulators. … While he knows of no other people who have his particular skill, he said lawmakers and regulators should allow alternative forms of treatment for the patients who seek them. I agree. People who’d fall for this should lose their money.

School Nightmare: Toilets Stop WorkingFor three hours, teachers took their classes in shifts to the other campuses while the city’s utilities crew repaired a water main break that caused the problem, said Bonham’s principal, Diane Rose. What happened to going the old traditional way where you hide behind a bush. It’s good fertilizer for the bush too!

Students lack basic financial knowledge?The study tested 5,775 12th graders in 37 states on issues such as whether stocks or bonds have higher long-term returns (stocks do), whether they have to pay taxes on interest earned on savings accounts (they do), and whether they would keep their health insurance if their parents lost their jobs (they would not). Sigh…

‘Karate kids’ rescued after Japan mountain questThree Singaporeans were found safe Thursday after getting lost on what they said was a mission to find a legendary karate expert on a snowy mountainside in Japan. Enough said.

little gamers – found this online comic strip after entering a contest. Contest date already ended, so no point of telling it here, but I found the characters of little gamers to be so adorable! They even have Kenya Lions and Tigers on the shelf in the background!

pya! FLOOD

(img) 午後ティー – Afternoon Tea – pya! cookies
(img) トマホーク – TomahawkPlease Stand Closer – Your TOMA HAWK is not so long as you wish – Manager – I guess the janitors were finding pee everywhere?
(img) ガンダム – Gundam
(vid) ピアノでマリオ(日本人バージョン) – Mario Piano (Japanese Passion) – the way his fingers bend gives me the hibby jibbies.
(img) 駐車 – Parked Car – furry car – I’m guessing it’s resembling a hamster.
(img) もう行くの? – Can we go? – cute kitten
(swf) チャーハン – Fried Rice – quite an annoying flash video. reminds me of the kids getting seizures after watching Pikachu flash so much.
(vid) 実写版テトリス – Real Life Tetris – this commercial is so neat!
(img) 都会のジャングルに – In the City Jungle – I wonder how he got the giraffe out of the tape.
(img) いまどきのこども – Where’s the Kid – tons of DVDs, books, and Hot Wheels.
(img) 畳はいいnya・・・ Tatami Mats are Good – cute sleeping kitten
(img) もっさり – Sluggish – Car covered in grass
(img) ○ – O – what is this creature?
(img) おかしな結婚式 – Strange Wedding – i wonder what they’re dreaming about
(img) 全身ローラースーツ – Full Body Roller Suit – now you can roll in any position you want!
(img) 作っちゃった(*´∀`*) – pya! Book
(img) 熟睡犬 – Sound Asleep Dog
(img) 誰が風を見たでしょう? – Weather By Looking at the WindWymoing Wind Sock – Strength of wind from chain angle – 0° Broken – Notify meteorologist; 30° Fresh Breeze; 45° Gentle zephyr; 60° Hurricane in area; 75° Beware of low flying trains; 90° Welcome to big wonderful Wyoming
(img) 田園迷彩 – Rural Camoflauge – another grass covered car
(img) 争いワイヤー – Fighting Wire – pretty neat little figures he made
(img) ハンモックnya – Hammock – cat sleeping on a hammock
(img) (nya+wan)かくれんぼ – (Dog + Cat) Time to hide

Bread and Games

Interesting quote (from /. – #15084625)

There’ve been 2 key reasons for “revolutions”. Mostly one: Despair. The other one is idealism, but that one is rarely used and pretty much died out by today.

Despair has been a good fuel for every revolution ever. French revolution, Russian revolution, when people ain’t got nothing to lose but their life, and especially if said life is close to being gone anyway, that’s when they take up anyone as a leader.

Of course, governments learned since. What we got now in the US (and most of the “civilised” countries) dates back to the Roman Empire and panem et circenses: Bread and games. And of either there is no shortage in any “western” country. You have access to cheap food and cheap entertainment. Everything else is expensive, regulated and culled. Freedom isn’t amongst the first things people want. What they want is food and entertainment.

And they got that. Plenty of that.

So you won’t see a revolution anytime soon. People simply don’t care. They don’t care about freedom. They don’t care about junk mail. They don’t care about anything as long as their bellies are filled and their nerves are tickled.

If there was a God, he’d have replaced humanity with a sentient lifeform by now.

Random Crap

Random Crap:

Foshata (from MS newsgroup):

what is foshata?

there once was a website for Fanta Shokata which let you add subtitles to foreign video clips. i liked it a lot, but then it went away and that made me sad. so really my only incentive to make this site was to be less sad.. which is kinda depressing. but in a larger sense, i value creativity highly and encouraging creativity through foshata makes me happy.

Some interesting ones:

You can also go through the most highly rated ones by clicking best -> all time in the upper right box.

Expert Says Hard Liquor Helps HouseplantsFor home gardeners who don’t want their flowers to tip over, a Cornell University horticulturist thinks he has the answer: Get the flowers a little tipsy with some hard liquor. Giving some plants diluted alcohol — whiskey, vodka, gin or tequila — stunts the growth of a plant’s leaves and stems but doesn’t affect the blossoms, said William Miller, director of Cornell’s Flower Bulb Research Program.

Canada gives maple syrup in thanksGrateful Canadians have given five tonnes of maple syrup to a Norwegian coach as thanks for helping cross-country skier Sara Renner win an Olympic silver medal after her pole broke during the women’s team sprint race.

Famous One-Eyed Kitten to Go on DisplayThe one-eyed, noseless kitten that inspired an international debate last year over whether it was a hoax is coming to a new museum of oddities in central New York. I always thought this was a photoshopped, but according to Snopes, it is indeed real! Cyclopes (or Cy for short) is really a one-eyed cat. Unfortunately, it died one day after it was born.

Curbing betel chewing in Taiwan a tough nut to crack“I just can’t get enough of betel nuts because eating them is like making love to my wife on our wedding night,” said Lin Shuei-wang, 58, as he popped into his mouth a betel nut freshly wrapped in a leaf coated with spices. Haha! Either his wedding night sucked, or those are some really good nuts!

Cut off by floods, man survives on frogsA Czech man ate frogs and other small animals for four days after he was trapped on an island cut off by flooding, the daily Pravo reported Wednesday.

Man held as terrorism suspect over punk songBritish anti-terrorism detectives escorted a man from a plane after a taxi driver had earlier become suspicious when he started singing along to a track by punk band The Clash, police said Wednesday. It might be a good idea to listen to those songs privately. ;p

Health Problems Related to the Geek Lifestyle (from /.) – The typical geek trains their brain to be heavily focused while multitasking day after day. Is it surprising that this same brain does not do well when forced to isolate down to one task?

New device allows woman to see, even without eyes (from /.) – Some call her the bionic woman. Others call her a medical miracle. But Cheri Robertson has given herself another title: “I just call myself the robo-chick.” Robertson is blind, but this device allows her to see, not with her eyes but with her brain! Fifteen years ago, she lost both of her eyes in a car accident. She was just 19 years old. It’d be interesting to actually see on a screen what the user sees. One step closer to creating cyborgs!

Ancestor worship a mouse click away in ChinaVirtual carnations, memorial messages and tribute songs are some of the online services available to China’s Web surfers too busy on Wednesday to pay proper respects at the graves of their ancestors. As China passes Tomb Sweeping Day — a traditional festival where people pray, offer food and burn paper money at relatives’ graves — authorities are urging people to care for the environment and honour relatives online instead, Xinhua news agency said. 清明 (Qing Ming) is the day of the dead where everyone in the Chinese culture goes to the grave of their ancestors and prays and cleans the surrounding. I wonder how many people would actually use this service. Guess another reason to be lazy. Who’s going to pull the weeds around the grave?

Self-Parking Cars Coming To U.S. (from /.) – New Toyota hybrid cars are now available in Britain with a $700 “parking assist” option. Local 6 news showed video of a driver sitting and allowing the car’s steering wheel to turn on its own as it pulled into a tight parking spot on a London street. The reporter never touched the wheel as the car parked itself. I first saw this in action as a College project. Apparently Toyota has already implemented it and selling it as a $700 option in their hybrid cars. One step closer to auto-pilot! The video wasn’t as interesting as the College one, but still shows you it in action.

Paperweight Severs Calif. Teacher’s HandA teacher who kept a 40 mm shell on his desk as a paperweight blew off part of his hand when he apparently used the object to try to squash a bug, authorities say. Took me awhile to figure out a shell here isn’t a seashell, but a bombshell.

“Loyal” donkeys better than wives, says textbookA textbook used at schools in the Indian state of Rajasthan compares housewives to donkeys, and suggests the animals make better companions as they complain less and are more loyal to their “masters,” The Times of India reported Tuesday. Haha! Reminds me of the Reasons Why Beer is Better Than Women.

Lack of women turns tables on suitable boysLong, twirling moustaches and bejewelled daggers are no longer enough for a man seeking to marry in India’s desert state of Rajasthan, long considered a land of fearless warriors. But if he is lucky enough to have a sister, he can relax, a newspaper report said Sunday. A declining sex ratio in the state is prompting a girl’s parents to spurn offers of marriage from men unless the potential groom’s family also has a marriageable daughter for their son, the Sunday Express said.

Alienware Sentia m3200 laptop – This little laptop doesn’t look that bad. At only 4lbs, I might actually consider this over a IBM/Lenovo Thinkpad X-Series, since it should be considerably cheaper for the same specs.

Take bribes but be fair, soccer refs toldFootball referees in Nigeria can take bribes from clubs but should not allow them to influence their decisions on the pitch, a football official said on Friday. I always thought that was the best move to take. Take bribes, and whatever money you get, just donate it to the government. Of course there may be repercussion, but there could also be repercussion if you deny the bribe in the first place.

Study fails to show healing power of prayerA study of more than 1,800 patients who underwent heart bypass surgery has failed to show that prayers specially organized for their recovery had any impact, researchers said Thursday. In fact, the study found some of the patients who knew they were being prayed for did worse than others who were only told they might be prayed for — though those who did the study said they could not explain why. Maybe they were praying to the wrong god.

WestJet asks customers to assume “winglet” poseCanada’s WestJet Airlines Ltd. issued a press release on Friday urging customers to help it conserve fuel by imitating a winglet, the vertical extension at the end of airplane wings, while in their seats during flights. “Beginning tomorrow, we ask that every guest aboard a WestJet aircraft assume the inflight winglet position upon takeoff,” the release said. “This involves straightening the arms at a 90-degree angle to the side of the body, holding the fingers together and positioning the hand at an 90-degree angle upward.” The Calgary-based airline, Canada’s second-largest behind Air Canada, later said the release was indeed a joke to mark April Fool’s Day on Saturday, but also served to promote the company’s recently acquired Boeing 737-700 aircraft. It expects to have 12 of the planes leased this year and six more in 2007 as it replaces older, less fuel efficient models.

Stacked Can Art (from MS newsgroup) – It would be awesome if supermarkets stacked their cans like this! Must…fight urge…to knock over… Those are some pretty neat designs!

Haircut Experiences

I went to get my haircut today, which has been overdue for several weeks already. When my hair starts to cover my ears, it’s the indication that I need a haircut.

So let me tell you about my haircut experiences here in Seattle. I’ve gotten a total of 4 haircuts here. Twice at SuperCuts and twice at a place known as The Barber Shop.

First time, I didn’t know which places were decent, so I went to the closest SuperCuts and got my hair cut there. First of all, the wait time was ~2hrs, and they recommend that you just make an appointment next time, which I took note of. The next thing was the haircut they gave me was pretty awful. All the time, it felt like she (the barber) wanted to just finish up and move on to the next customer. I mean it was a haircut, but there were so many places that weren’t even, that I didn’t bother trying to get the her to fix it. It really felt like I getting a haircut from a barber training school. The haircut itself was $13.95 + tip (maybe + tax too, I don’t remember), but that was expected. There won’t be any Monterey Park $6 haircut prices up here in Seattle.

The next time, I’ve gotten several recommendations on the Microsoft newsgroups for new graduates. There were salons ranging from $15 to $40. The Barber Shop was close to where I live and it wasn’t that much more expensive: $19 for a haircut (so only $5 more). The service was great and he was quite attentive. He asked he how’d I like it done and I asked for his recommendation. He suggested me to try 5 and 3 and if I wanted it shorter, he can continue working on it. After he showed me what a 5 and 3 looked like, I wanted it a bit shorter because I tend to be too lazy to get haircuts and he said no problem and continue to cut my hair. I was really satisifed with this haircut. But that could also be due to external factors such as I actually had fun talking to this barber and it tickled when he cut my hair and it felt nice. Then of course, there’s the self-fulfilling prophecy where I had to pay more, so if I didn’t get a better haircut, I’d think myself as being stupid for paying more.

So in order to test that theory, plus the fact The Barber Shop wasn’t opened on Sunday, I gave SuperCuts another try. I made my appointment and went to Costco. Spent an hour or so there, and when I arrive at SuperCuts, it still wasn’t my turn. So I headed off next door to Starbucks and got myself a Mocha Frappuccino and waited for my turn. This time, completely new barber, so I thought hopefully my luck would change. It turned out to be a lot worse. So most barbers use these clips defined with numbers, which I can understand why and how that makes their life easier. I wasn’t too sure if The Barber Shop had used clips, but I was leaning toward now, because I don’t remember the clipper actually touching my scalp. But anyway, back to SuperCuts. I’m usually fine with clips, but this one did not have a FLAT surface. There was a bump in the middle of it and it kept scratching my head where ever she tried to cut my head. At first I tried to just endure the pain, but imagine taking a somewhat sharp plastic object and scraping your head back and forth. It got to the point I told her there was something wrong with the clip and it was scratching my head painfully. She took the clip, checked it, cleaned it, and tried again. It was better, but still scratched, but not as painfully anymore. I’m not even sure what the problem was. Was it because she was pressing too hard (I don’t think so). It really felt like there was an extra piece of plastic on the bottom of that clip. I didn’t bother telling her anymore since it doesn’t seem like it’ll get me anywhere, and I just wanted to get this over with. Once again, bad haircut. Choppy areas. The only thing accomplished was my hair was shorter and I can go around without another haircut for 2 months. I’m not sure if all SuperCuts are like this, but now I’m certain I won’t go to another SuperCuts for a VERY VERY long time.

Since The Barber Shop is closed on Sunday and closes at 2pm on Saturday, I had to get up early this morning to go get my haircut. The barber that cut my hair last time wasn’t there, but everyone here seemed cool. I think the barbers here use clips too, but they don’t press it against the scalp so it feels like it’s floating through your hair when they cut it. The barber would try to bring up topics I’m interested in, and make jokes which I actually smiled and chuckled at. I’m actually having fun getting my haircut. Once again, a very satisified haircut. I even asked him to trim my tail a bit, because it was getting a bit too long, so I think he took off an inch or two (or so he says). I even left him a big tip because I was so happy.

After just visiting SuperCuts website, it turns out you can get a $2 off coupon for your next visit. Just search for SuperCuts you want to go to with their Locator, and click “Sign up for haircut alert”. At $11.95, it’s not that bad anymore, but I probably won’t be going there for a really long time.

Expired Food

Do note this post may produce gross images in your head, so be forewarned!

So several days ago, I left work past 10pm and I didn’t especially feel like fast food (since I had Wendy’s the night before). Came home, looked into the fridge and cupboard, and my options were cereal (actually ran out of milk), battered halibut (fish from fish and chip), mozzarella sticks, hash browns, chicken nuggest, spicy chicken wings, or sandwich.

I looked at my bread and it had expired 1.5 weeks ago, so I thought I might as well try to finish it up. I looked in the fridge. I had peanut butter and strawberry preserves. Then I had egg. I looked at the eggs and the expired mid-february. So I thought I really needed to get rid of those. Made myself several fried egg sandwiches. Felt pretty good going down, but felt really bad coming out. Well, the good thing is it came out through the correct hole. The bad thing was it was all liquid. Not just for one day, but it’s been a few days already and at least it’s starting to get mushy. I don’t really have any stomachache or anything. It’s just that my solid waste (or what used to be solid) is now in liquidy form. And when I need to go, I REALLY NEED TO GO!

I highly doubt it was the bread, since no green stuff is growing on it yet. The egg did seem more thick than usual. So for future reference, I’ve got to give a shorter “expired period” to use eggs or start putting them in the freezer.

Random Crap:

Apple, Bose, Dell tops in consumer electronics brand trustMicrosoft faces big consumer defection risk. One measure of consumers’ dissatisfaction with Microsoft is seen in the 5.4 million households that give it a brand trust score of 1 [distrust a lot] or 2 [distrust a bit]. Compared with all Microsoft users, these at-risk users have higher income, are much more likely to be male, and are bigger online spenders. These households know they run Microsoft software but would be just as happy to leave it behind — if they could. I find it hilarious where Microsoft is located on that chart, all alone in the bottom left corner where it had the least brand trust with users and the least brand potential.

Expression Crew – Marionnette Show (from MsticAzn) – A pretty cool video. Reminded me of our Calculus Airbands, but quite professionaly done. After some digging around, I found out their homepage: BBoy Master. The team is named Expression Crew and is led by WooSung. However, all the video links on their site are dead, so if anyone finds a higher quality version than YouTube, please let me know. Thanks!

It was brought to my attention from several people that the music from the above video was taken from the Amelie: Original Soundtrack Recording from the movie Amélie. Might be time I get the album myself!

I believe all the music on that soundtrack was composed by Yann Tiersen. The tracks that were used include: (click to preview the track)

I also found someone who had a better quality of the original video to upload to rapidshare: ExpressionShow2006.avi (from ichidahero). Enjoy!

iGod | Artificial Intelligence Chat (from Artemyst) – Chat with an AI God. Repenting made easy. Was fun for a few minutes.

Blast away fat with ultra sound! (from RayAlome) – Check out this video, where in just a 1 hour session, you can use ultrasound to blast away 1″ of fat. I’m curious if it actually works. No surgery required.

Teen truant exposed by “burglar” boyfriendWhen officers arrived, the girl’s mother told them the room belonged to her 15-year-old daughter who was at school. Further investigation revealed the mother was wrong. “She wasn’t looking at school books, she was in bed with her boyfriend and was presumably learning something else,” Frankfurt police said in a statement.

Vicious Dog Pack Kills Gator in Florida

Taken from MS newsgroup:

Vicious Dog Pack Kills Gator in Florida

At times nature can be cruel, but there is also a raw beauty and even a certain justice manifested within that cruelty.

The alligator, one of the oldest and ultimate predators, normally considered the “apex predator” in its natural eco-system, can still fall victim to implemented ‘team work’ strategy made possible due to the tight knit social structure and “survival of the fittest pack mentality” bred into the canines over the last several hundreds of years by natural selection.

Note that the Alpha dog has a muzzle hold on the gator preventing it breathing, while the remainder of the pack prevents the beast from rolling.

See the attached remarkable photograph courtesy of Nature Magazine…

We strongly recommend that you preview this privately before determining if a younger audience should view the photo below.

View the photo

Random Crap

rozen maiden - azumanga daioh opening
Click image to start the animation or view it in the gallery.
Rozen Maiden – Azumanga Daioh Opening (from Leara)

Some pictures from 4chan:

broken balls
Click image to start the animation or view it in the gallery.
Broken Balls

hasmter fighting machine
Hamster Fighting Machine

error 404 - road not found
Error 404 – Road Not Found

drunken fist
Drunken Fist


ying yang
Click image to start the animation or view it in the gallery.
Ying Yang

pissed at computer
Click image to start the animation or view it in the gallery.
Pissed At Computer (may be a bit gory)

Mini pya! Flood:

(img) 錯覚 – Hallucination – looking at a box that can’t exist
(img) サッカースタジアム – Soccer Stadium – a neat little Lego project
(img) アスキーアート – Ascii Art – how ascii (keyboard) art originated
(img) ピエロ – Clown – the color and tone was a nice touch.
(img) 空き缶アート – Empty Can Art – some pretty neat work
(img) おやじむし – Father Bubble – quite big
(img) デート – Date – with nails
(img) ハーレム – HaremNOT WORK SAFE! when gummy bears have sex
(img) お互い興味なし – No Mutual InterestNOT WORK SAFE! geeks are geeks
(img) 境界線 – Boundary Line – the line that seperates the poor from the rich

Go to bed married, wake up divorcedSohela Ansari told friends that her husband Aftab had uttered the word “talaq,” or divorce, three times in his sleep, according to the report published in newspapers Monday. When local Islamic leaders got to hear, they said Aftab’s words constituted a divorce under an Islamic procedure known as “triple talaq.” The couple, married for 11 years with three children, were told they had to split.

Western Digital Corporation Settlement Information (thanks to Leara) – Apparently WDC (Western Digital Corporation) was sued for false advertising. All hard drives sold today don’t exactly speak the whole truth when disclosing the drive capacity. As the class action states: Plaintiff alleges that in the sale and marketing of its hard disk drives, Defendant overstates the useable storage capacity by approximately 7%. According to Plaintiff, when attached to most personal computers, a hard disk drive advertised by Defendant as having “80GB” will only show an available capacity of “74.4GB.” Plaintiff alleges that one reason for this disparity is the use of two different measurements of a “GB.” Plaintiff alleges that computer operating systems compute 1 GB as 1,073,741,824 bytes (the “Binary Definition”), but Defendant and other hard disk drive manufacturers compute 1 GB as 1,000,000,000 bytes (the “Decimal Definition”). Plaintiff alleges that Defendant’s conduct constituted false advertising, unfair business practices, breach of contract, fraud, and violations of the California Consumers Legal Remedies Act. Anyway, the proposed settlement is 1) on all its future product packaging, it will display “1 gigabyte (GB) = 1 billion bytes. Total accessible capacity varies depending on operating environment.” and 2) class members shall be entitled to download, from the Website, software with substantially all of the following capabilities and features: data back up; data recovery, etc. The list of capabilities of this software is actually quite interesting and claims to be worth $30, not that much considering the features it possesses. But anyway, to qualify for the free software, all you need is a s/n from a WDC harddrive purchased between 2001 and 2006 and just register here.

The Major vs The OS-girls (from Leara) – NOT WORK SAFE and UTTERLY INAPPROPRIATE FOR CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 18! A hilarious yet sexy comic strip of the Major (from Ghost in the Shell) interrogating the different OS-tans and trying to find security holes.

ajaxWrite (from /.) – another ajax word processor. somewhat neat, but still quite unpolished.

Carpool Dummy Sells on eBay for $15,000A makeshift mannequin that failed to fool police monitoring the high-occupancy vehicle lane on a highway has fetched $15,000 in an auction on eBay, with proceeds going to charity, the buyer announced.

All-star cast set for “March of Penguins” spoofActor Samuel L. Jackson has signed on to narrate an upcoming spoof of the Oscar-winning documentary “March of the Penguins” with an all-star supporting voice cast, independent studio ThinkFilm said on Friday. “Farce of the Penguins,” mixing archival wildlife footage with an R-rated screenplay written and directed by comedian Bob Saget, is aimed for a late-summer theatrical release, ThinkFilm spokesman Alex Klenert said.