
Hopefully today I’ll be able to do a Random Crap for you guys.

I went shopping today. Yes, for clothing. There’s a morale event for us and we’re going snow tubing tomorrow and I didn’t have any snow clothing up here with me besides my jacket. Went out and got myself a pair of waterproof pants and a beanie. I was shocked at how many people that didn’t know what a beanie was. What else do people call it?

I first went to Ross and asked a guy if they carried beanies and he goes “What?”. I then mention it was like a hat and made a motion with my hands as if I were pulling a beanie over my head. He goes, “Oh… If we have them, they’ll be in that corner or in one those baskets.” They didn’t have any. I then went to Marshall’s and asked another lady if the had beanies. She gave me a weird look and I mention it was a hat and did the beanie motion again. She goes, “If we have any, it’ll be in one of those baskets.” Turns out they had quite a few, not a lot, but more than a just few selections. At the register, it was the same lady again and she goes, “What did you call these again?” I said beanie.

It was fun shopping experience. Took an hour break from work. I didn’t find everything I wanted though. I was also looking for waterproof shoes or something to protect my shoes from water, but it turns out those anti-water coatings don’t exactly work for tennis shoes that well and will leave a yellow tint. Also, I was told it would protect against rain, but if I was going to be using them on snow, I might as well invest in a pair of snow boots cause the spray was obviously not going to be that effective.

Oh well. I was also told I could wear a plastic bag over my socks. Hehe.

Random Crap:

Lawmaker’s wife told to leave during Bush speech“She was ordered to leave the gallery, because she was doing … what the president said we should all do,” Young said. “She had on this shirt. A very conservative shirt, long sleeves, high neck, but it says support our troops.” George W. Bush sure is sending mixed messages. Try googling failure or click on I’m Feeling Lucky after entering failure as your query (from LilxPsyduck). Guess what the first result is: Biography of President George W. Bush

Dutch government to back cheap medicinal weedPatients seeking pain relief may soon be heading for the Dutch city of Groningen to buy affordable and potent medical marijuana in the country’s first pharmacy specialising in the pungent weed.

‘Widow’ Downs 26 Grilled Cheese SandwichesA 100-pound woman ate 26 grilled cheese sandwiches in 10 minutes Wednesday at a New York restaurant, winning the World Grilled Cheese Eating Championship. First the hotdog eating contest, now the grilled cheese sandwich eating contest… SKINNY PEOPLE ARE TAKING OVER THE WORLD!!!

Talkman makes debut as latest language assistant software (from /.) – A new software named Talkman is the latest addition to an assortment of translation devices marketed in Japan to help people traveling abroad or those who want to rely on machines to strike up a conversation with foreign visitors. The software put on sale by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc in November for Sony’s PlayStation Portable gaming system is designed to enable better communication between Japanese people and visitors who speak English, Chinese or Korean. Here are the related reviews: IGN and GameSpot. Someone on /. commented: It is rumored that the bluetooth ear piece resembles a small yellow fish.. The user by placing the earpiece into their ear canal can now understand all language, and though logic unbeknownst to us, disproves the existance of god. If you don’t get the reference, go read The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy or watch the movie.

Japanese men declare ‘Wives Day’ to show they care group of Japanese men hoping to encourage the nation’s legions of workaholic husbands to head home early and show their wives some appreciation have proclaimed Tuesday “Beloved Wives Day”. The group, which calls itself the “Japan Doting Husbands Association”, urged men to get home by 8 p.m. and say thanks to their wives for all they do. What about “Beloved Husband Day” to honor the husband who has been working so hard to support the family? Or is everyday a “Beloved Husband Day” except Tuesday? ;p

Man in Pokey After Reporting Purloined PotAn [sic] man who called police to report the theft of a quarter-pound of marijuana was arrested when police recovered the bag of pot and then invited him to come to the Public Safety Building to identify it. Sigh… Should we just let natural selection help us get rid of the idiots?

Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Preview (from SD) – Check out what the next version of IE is going to look like. To me, it’s just a FireFox clone, but maybe, just maybe, they won’t have FireFox’s memory leak problems.

Road rage in Kensington (from Deadlock) –

…Although I am a courier, I was WALKING my bike up Augusta when the incident took place. He was driving and opened his door (while driving) and yelling profanities he threw his beef patty on a bun out of his door. I walked over to his car, and right or wrong, I opened the door and “gave” him back his food (which he MUST have dropped by accident!) He then lost it, and jumped out of his car and threw 2 large Timmies at meand then grabbed me by my helmet and tried to toss me around a bit.It was at that point that my bike lock key (that I wear on a bracelet around my wrist) scratched his car. I have read all the postings about people sympathetic to the car driver due to the expense of repairing the scratch but sorry folks, i doubt that it will cost him anything to repair as it was a 1.2cm mark in the clearcoat only(did not damage the paint) but regardless a scratch none the less. Then with some “encouraging” from some helpfull bystanders he got in his car and drove away…or so I thought! People were comming up to me and saying that I should have him charged but at that point I just figured I had made my anti-littering point and and eye for and eye with the coffee shower, I mean I did throw that patty right. But just as I was getting on my bike to ride home he came running back and thats when the photos start. He had driven half a block and decided that the scratch was worthy of a more thorough beating I guess.
And as for the police charging him…. He took off in his car as soon as he heard the sirens….they chased him down but it is not a crime to leave the scene. They were going to charge him with a variety of things including assult with a weapon x2, mischief x2, aggravated assault, etc, but the police informed me that if I went ahead and placed those charges then they would have to charge me with mischeif for the scratch.

Check out the enlarged images here.

A weekend with four Aussie men – priceless?How much would you pay for a weekend with four Aussie men, a barbecue and a few beers? How about A$16 million (7 million pounds)? … “We won’t fly you here. Heck, we won’t even pay for your bus fare. What we WILL do is guarantee you some beers, some snags, some good conversation and a hell of a lot of laughs,” the men said in their sales pitch on eBay.

Car-clamp hero extends campaign (from MS newsgroup) – A self-styled superhero who battles against wheel clampers has brought his saw-wielding campaign to the West Midlands. The man, known only as Angle-grinder Man (AGM), patrols the streets offering motorists help removing clamps

so many computer parts
SO MANY COMPUTER PARTS! ~DROOLS~ (from Artemyst through アニメダウンロード万歳!)

Fear of Girls (from /.) – True Love is but a +2 Broadsword away. Hilarious parody of what D&D players are like in real life. You need to check out this video. You can check out more stuff from them at their homepage: YngTurkFilm.

Automatic Driving

Honda Accord ADAS auto-pilot system takes the reins (from /.) – Well now Honda UK is taking it to another level with their Advanced Driver Assist System (ADAS) that not only regulates your speed, but manages the turning, allowing you a full auto-pilot system for your Accord when you’re out on the freeway. The Adaptive Cruise Control is your regular radar variety, but the Lane Keep Assist System keeps you headed in the right direction by using a camera on the rear-view mirror to watch the white lines and turn accordingly. Honda was quick to point out that their system isn’t exactly set up for you to take a nap, since the ADAS system will beep every 10 seconds to make sure you’re paying attention, requiring you to touch the steering wheel to inform the car you’re still in charge, but we’re sure someone is going manage an accident and an ensuing lawsuit or three out of this “convenience”.

There has been a lot of questions regarding who should be liable in the case of an accident and in a previous blog post of mine, I said it should be part of the insurance’s coverage. I believe if automatic driving did come into existance, insurance companies would need to change their model. With little accidents occuring, the driver’s premium should drop significantly. There are 2 solutions that may fix this problem.

1. Have car manufacturers buy insurance that would take care of the accidents that occur which in turn would add cost to the car.
2. Do not bother lowering the insurance rates for end-users, but the additional funding will be used for such cases and the car manufacturers will be off the hook.

Yet another example on how our judicial system can only try to catch up to technology.

Honda Civic Acapella Commercial

Honda (UK) Civic (from MS newsgroup and esca)

Click on Watch and you can see this amazing commercial! The rehersal and audition is pretty cool too! They apparently auditioned people for choir, but when people showed up to make car noises, it turned into a blast. Honda UK commericals are always quite interesting. I wonder how much money was spent on this.

You can directly start playing the video in the correct size here.
Or you can download the SWF file and watch the file in full screen here.

If you haven’t seen the previous Honda Commercial when they were advertising the Accord, check it out (direct download). It should remind you of a Rube Goldberg machine.

Was going to post random crap tonight, but too tired. Sorry.


恭喜發財 (Gong Hey Fat Choy)


and as my father says: 萬事如意, 龍馬精神, 一勞永逸, 步步高升, 狗年行大運, though I’m not too sure what the 3rd phrase really means.

Since my zodiac symbol is a dog, that means in this lunar year, I’ll turn 24. Most of the people from my year are pigs (the zodiac symbol that follows the dog), since I was burn in the end of the lunar calendar, which doesn’t exactly line up with the Gregorian calendar as you can see.

Actually was out most of the day today. Woke up at 1:45pm, alarm clock started ringing at 1:20pm because I was invited to a poker match with a bunch of colleagues. I lost $10 this round, but I wasn’t really paying much attention and I needed to leave soon because some UW friends of mine were having a hot pot. It’s also been a while since I played poker and my skills were a bit rusty.

I purchased some frozen balls (fish, cuttlefish, prawn, imitation lobster) along with a chunk of taro (is that the correct denominator?). I also bought sesame shabu-shabu sauce. Perry had wanted peanut shabu-shabu sauce and I couldn’t find any peanut sauce besides the satay. But it turns out the one he was looking for was indeed the sesame sauce which turned out to be quite tasty. I arrived at ChemChampion’s place a little past 6 since the dinner was originally planned to “happen” at 6pm. I sat there watching TV and helping him install DVDShrink, WinRAR, BitComet, FireFox and other junk onto his computer. We kept calling StanMan and Joe, but they were busy “cleaning”. They didn’t actually arrive till something past 8 and we didn’t really get started till almost 9. But the hot pot was fun. There was beef strips, tripes, regular mushrooms, fish cake, shrimp, mussels, clams, bok choi, gai lan, spinach, tofu, enoki mushrooms, taro, daikon, and other stuff I no longer remember.

Actually, this is my first time cooking taro, and it was rather interesting. So I was at the supermarket and a lady comes up to me, apparently also a first for her in purchasing taro. She asks me if I knew how to choose which taros were good. I said this was my 1st time too. She then says she believes that the smaller ones are supposedly better. StanMan also told me that as long as it’s not mushy and doesn’t have mildew, it should be good. My choice turned out to be pretty good. The 2nd step came in preparing it. I didn’t even know if we needed to skin it or not and it turned out we did. Peeling the skin off and slicing up the taro was fun. There was an argument on what color cooked taro was and although taro deserts generally have a purple shade, most if not all cooked taro I’ve ate before were usually white with a purplish shade. The reason why taro tapioca is purple is because it’s blended, so the purple color is more apparent. But that’s my opinion. My color recognition skills as many have known aren’t exactly that great.

After the hot pot was done, Saran and Joe went to get ice cream and root beer so we made ourselves some root beer float. Yummmm….

Then of course it was followed by an hour of Halo 2. I sucked completely on one round, but I did make a big comeback on the 2nd round and ended up winning. Most of the credit goes to Joe though, our #1 player in the group. The ranking of skills from best to worst is: Joe, ChemChampion, StanMan, Saran, then me. Haha.

Afterwards, StanMan busted out his Settlers of Catan along with the 5-6 Player Expansion pack. Liam was the one who introduced me to this game back in freshman year of college and it’s a great game. As several of my colleagues would say, the Germans are the only people who know how to make borad games and I don’t disagree. Other German board games I were told were exceptional are Cities & Knights of Catan and Puerto Rico. StanMan ended up winning the game, but ChemChampion was really close. In fact ChemChampion should’ve won besides the fact that everyone stopped trading with him because he was only 1 point away from winning. I came in 4th with only 6 points. Made some bad decisions, but the game was fun. It’s been awhile since I played it.

Chewing Straws

While I was biting straws the other day, I realized something. Chewing on straws is sort of like biting fingernails. Just to note, I hardly ever need to cut my fingernails. It’s not something I’m proud of and I even remember the horrible torture my younger brother went through when my parents forced him to stop biting nails. He truly had skill. He could bite the nails off every toe. I wonder if he could still do that today. But as you know, biting nails have long been associated with stress and I actually can see why. Try biting really hard right now, just forcing your teeth together. In a way, you’re exerting force or releasing stress through your jaws. Chewing gum might work, but gum is too soft in my opinion. Sometimes when I chew my nails, people would look over at me and ask what that crackling noise is. I usually just shrug away until they poke futher and ask what I’m eating. Haha. Straws aren’t has hard as fingernails, but they come awfully close. Hence, I think my chewing straw habbit is a way of relieving stress.

I’m apologize for not too many updates recently. You can blame Final Fantasy VII and just starting today 24 – Season 5. Well, mostly FF7. I think I’ve finally got all the characters including Vincent, Yuffie, and Cid. Right now I’m trying to find Yuffie because she stole all my materia. Unfortunately, I’m still on disc 1. I wonder how many hours I’ll be putting into this game.

As for 24 – Season 5, I just went through 4 episodes today and the beginning is great! Episode 5 is on it’s way and it’s actually quite nice to see it in HDTV format with 5.1 surround sound. Unfortunately the episodes are very large, almost twice the size if it was only stereo. I knew I shouldn’t have started to watch it before it completes, but it was just sitting there tempting me to watch it for the past few days. I finally caved.

Random Crap:

Whatever you do, don’t call for the nurse..A Japanese nurse who tried to relieve her work stress by tearing off patients’ nails was sentenced Monday to three years and eight months in prison. Ouch! Just as I was speaking of nails and relieving stress!

Fish School Photo Gallery (from Sue0n) – Meet Albert Einstein, a three year-old calico fantail goldfish. Albert has learned some amazing tricks after a couple months in Fish School, as you can see below. It could be argued that Albert is the world’s smartest fish! Do check out the videos and see the cool tricks this fish can do.

Sex calms nerves before public speaking – studyForget pretending you are talking to one person or concentrating on a single point in the audience — having sex is good way to calm nerves before giving a speech or presentation. Another stress related article! Haha. About to take a midterm or final! Have sex before! Remember, masturbation won’t be as good. But Stuart Brody, a psychologist at the University of Paisley in Scotland, said it has to be full sexual intercourse to get the best results.

Male Student Wins Fight to Wear SkirtThe ACLU announced the deal Tuesday. It will allow a Hasbrouck Heights School senior to wear a skirt to protest the school’s no-shorts policy. The district’s dress code bans shorts between Oct. 1 and April 15, but allows skirts, a policy 17-year-old Michael Coviello believes is discriminatory. Interesting guy. You might want to see the video.

“Moby sick” find lands fragrant fortuneAn Australian couple could reap a fragrant fortune after what they thought was an odd-looking tree stump turned out to be a rare lump of ambergris, a whale excretion used in perfumes and known as “floating gold.” … Jury, who is acting for the family, said ambergris can fetch between $20-$65 a gram, The Age newspaper reported on Wednesday. That would make the Wrights’ find worth at least $295,000.

Man says ‘spell’ won him harem of 10 wivesA middle-aged Tokyo man found to be living with 10 younger women said he attracted them by reciting an incantation that came to him in a dream. Dude! I need to learn that incantation!

Google Code: Web Authoring Statistics (from /.) – For web programmers, these statistics are quite interesting.

Adult Diaper Sales Soar in ChinaAlongside food and fire crackers, Chinese are adding a new item to their lunar New Year shopping: Adult diapers. Sales have soared ahead of the holiday as travelers prepare for long trips home aboard trains so crowded that even the toilets are jammed with people, newspapers said Tuesday. … The problem arises from the need to sell twice as many tickets as there are train seats to accommodate the crush of travelers. Those without seats must find some place — any place — to put themselves, including in overhead racks, between cars, and in the usually stinking toilets. For some reason, this sounds like a story my father told me when he was young and he could ride the train for free during the Cultural Revolution. Minus the diapers of course.

F14 Model (from esca) – An amazing F14 model that actually FLIES! Amazing! I’m guessing it runs on gasoline?

S.Korean province plans aid for mail-order bridesA rural province in
South Korea plans to give financial aid to help lonely male farmers pay for mail-order brides from overseas.

Hiccups lead to two shooting deaths in ColombiaA Colombian man accidentally shot his nephew to death while trying to cure his hiccups by pointing a revolver at him to scare him, police in the Caribbean port city of Barranquilla said on Tuesday. After shooting 21-year-old university student David Galvan in the neck, his uncle, Rafael Vargas, 35, was so distraught he turned the gun on himself and committed suicide, police said.

WORLD’S FIRST BANNER AD (from /.) – What was the world’s first banner ad? When HotWired decided to make money from their website in 1994, they set in motion events that would come back to haunt us all: The creation of banner ads. AT&T was the first to dish over some money to HotWired to display the beast they created, a 468 x 60 banner that came to life on October 25 1994. The world’s first banner was quite the ugly thing as seen below and clicking it will not take you to the AT&T website, but just may take you somewhere else.

How to Become an Early Riser – Part II (from Tekman) – Quite an interesting read, and for those who have new year resolutions of not sleeping in late, he has some very good suggestions. Unfortunately, my new years resolutions is… well… I don’t think I have any. Haha. Might also want to read their part 1: How to Become an Early Riser.

Scanner that plays music (from Deadlock) – I’ve read about this before, but now I actually get a video of it playing Ludwig Van Beethoven – Für Elise.

Syncronized swimming fish (from Deadlock) – More trained fishies! Check out this video and see how cool they can be! The Chinese announcer actually called them ballet dancers in water.

Don’t slip (from Deadlock) – a video of an idiot trying to launch his chair into the air. How did he think he was going to land anyway?

Woman Cited in Pa. for Flinging Lettuce“Lettuce comes from the ground, therefore it can go back into the ground,” she said. “It’s biodegradable. I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong.” Haha. Lady tries to plead innocence by taking the biodegradable defense.

Canon in D Rock (from Artemyst) – Remember that video I showed you awhile ago with that guy playing Canon in D (minor or major?) on his guitar and mixing rock elements into it. Someone either ripped the audio and converted into an mp3 or the artist posted his music online. Welp, here you go! Add it to your music collection!

Jobs to scoop $3.5bn as Pixar board approves Disney takeoverThe board of Pixar Animation Studios, the digital animations company, is set to meet tomorrow to approve the company’s $7bn (£3.9bn) takeover by Disney. Sigh… Pixar gave in!?!?! Though Steve Jobs does become the largest share holder of Disney stock… Weird turn of events, but I guess you can’t really resist $3.5 billion.

Bash Quotes (from Tera):

<alan> if you were a credit card, you’d be a visa, since you’re everywhere i want to be.
<sp4nk> You’d be American Express. No one accepts you.

<Dogan> So my teacher’s friend’s friend or something
<Dogan> She was dogsitting one day
<Dogan> Shows up the first time, finds the dog dead on the floor, right?
<Nightryde> how embarrassing
<Dogan> SO she’s gotta pack the dog corpse up and take it to the vet so they can dispose of it or whatever
<Dogan> She can’t find anything to fit it in, so she stuffs it in a freaking SUITCASE
<Dogan> She didn’t have a car so she has to take the train through Chicago
<Zeelot> oh mannnn
<Dogan> This guy helps her carry the case on and is like
<Dogan> “this is pretty heavy, what’s in it?”
<Dogan> lady replies “just some computer things”
<Nightryde> AHAHAHA HOW would you pawn that sort of thing???

Butterfly = Symbol of Death?

I was rewatching the first few mintues of the Corpse Bride and noticed how the beginning and ending matched with butterflies. It also got me thinking if butteryfly was a symbolism of death and reincarnation since Bleach uses butterflies to symbolize a soul leaving the living world and entering Soul Society.

From Butterfly and Moth Symbolism:

Death, Omen of Death

Death is symbolized by many aspects of lepidoptera. In Maryland, if a white butterfly enters your house and flies around you, it foretells death. In some parts of the country, if a moth lands on the mother of a newborn child, that child will soon die. Italian-Americans view the appearance of a moth in their home as a sign of the impending death of someone they know.

There is a moth in Europe called the Death’s Head Sphinx Moth. It represents death to many Europeans because of the clear outline of a skull on its back. Salvador Dali made use of this symbol in an interpretation of a Currier and Ives print, “The Life of a Fireman.”

There are numerous other examples of lepidoptera symbolizing death. It is said if a caterpillar measures your entire length or girth you will die. Samoans felt if they captured a butterfly it meant they would be struck dead. In Brunswick, if the first butterfly spotted in spring is a white one, it was an omen of death. The Celts believed that seeing a butterfly flying at night meant death. The chrysalis or pupal stage symbolizes death in Christian art.

It also shocked me to find out that Johnny Depp played Victor Van Dort. For the longest time I thought it was Adrien Brody (the guy from The Pianist). I mean I even thought it was pretty clever to have him play the piano in this animation! How wrong I was.

Random Crap:

New doodle today. It’s been a long time since I’ve actually scanned a doodle, though I have collections of them in my notepads at work. I present to you:

soda can
Soda Can!

Well, it wasn’t really modeled after a soda can, but more of the juice cans we have at work.

Marriage builds wealth more than being single?Staying married has its benefits, especially financial, as a new U.S.-wide study shows the wealth of a married person is almost double that of somebody who is single. No duh? When you divorce, half your savings goes to your wife. And if you’re wife works, that’s 2x the income. But I guess marriage has its perks where you no longer have to buy “as many” gifts to pamper your wife.

Deadlock was trying to explain to me how the splitting body magic trick I posted yesterday worked. He first showed me David Copperfield: Laser illusion which was basically the same trick. Apparently, both the shirt and the pants are in rigid structure which I’ve figured, but I didn’t realize that his the shirt and the pants were connected at least on one side no matther when. We searched for an free online whiteboard and found: Imagination Cubed. This thing is crazy cool! Allows of mutliple people to connect and draw simultaneously. With this, he showed Deadlock showed me the internal body structure was while he was doing the act.

Not sure if I showed you this video before: Nintendo Revolution controller. Interesting ways to use the Revolution controller, but I wonder how well it’d be liked.

Kilometer High Club

Got this from a thread at work:

Anyone know if the Candians have such a thing as the kilometer high club?

Bah, those Canadians soo hilariously backwater bucking the empirical system used by the rest of the world for their own metric system.

If you don’t get the joke, read about the Mile High Club at Wikipedia.

Random Crap:

Really old joke, but it was retold on a MS newsgroup so I thought I’d share:

An economics professor and a Yankee farmer were waiting for a bus in New Hampshire. To pass the time, the farmer suggested that they play a game. “What kind of game would you like to play?” responded the professor. “Well,” said the farmer, “how about this: I”ll ask a question, and if you can”t answer my question, you give me a dollar. Then you ask me a question and if I can”t answer your question, I”ll give you a dollar”

“That sounds attractive,” said the professor, “but I do have to warn you of something: I”m not just an ordinary person. I”m a professor of economics.”

“Oh,” replied the farmer, “in that case we should change the rules. Tell you what: if you can”t answer my question you still give me a dollar, but if I can”t answer yours, I only have to give you fifty cents.”

“Yes,” said the professor, “that sounds like a fair arrangement.”

“Okay,” said the farmer, “here”s my question: what goes up the hill on seven legs and down the hill on three legs?”

The professor pondered this riddle for a while and finally replied. “Gosh, I don”t know… what does go up the hill on seven legs and down the hill on three legs?”

Well,” said the farmer, “I don”t know either. But if you give me your dollar, I”ll give you my fifty cents!”

A difference between men and womenUsing brain-imaging techniques, they compared how men and women reacted when watching other people suffer pain. If the sufferer was someone they liked, areas of the brain linked to empathy and pain were activated in both sexes. Women had a similar response if they disliked the person experiencing the pain but men showed a surge in the reward areas of the brain. … Men admitted to having a much higher desire for revenge than women and derived satisfaction from seeing the unfair person being punished. I can agree with their revenge statement.

Godzilla PVR (from /.) – With the third installment of our Monster PVR series, we here at SnapStream asked ourselves, “How can we beat the Medusa PVR, our 6 tuner beast, and our Hydra PVR, our 10 tuner monster?” Why, by making an 11 tuner system with HDTV support, of course! This is when the Godzilla PVR system, king of all monsters was born. How do we top the Hydra PVR? This system is an ultra high end HTPC showcasing Beyond TV 4 and capable of recording 11 shows, 4 high definition and 7 standard definition, at once. With Beyond TV 4’s HDTV support and with its unlimited tuners, you can create your own monster system. Crazy!

BetterCampus (from Derek) – PRT: Personal Rapid Transit – PRT represents the first completely new ground transportation technology in 90 years. A PRT “last mile” solution connects a single campus bus stop to 30,000 desks, dramatically increasing transit effectiveness. Remember to check out the video. It’d be pretty sweet if when they do implement this on Microsoft campus. The 3D modeling is actually done quite well too!

pya! Flood:

(vid) パックマン – PacMan – This puppet show was awesome!
(img) こんにちwan – Konnichiwan – Someone got so bored during class, they carved a dog out of their eraser.
(img) 今日は鶏鍋じゃ – Today’s Roast Turkey – Poor girl… I wonder if she could eat any turkeys for the rest of her life. She’s probably a vegeterian by now.
(vid) 体分裂 – Splitting Body – Is this some magic trick? or is this video editing?
(img) ihead – The cult of iPod. Pretty neat head shave though.
(img) 脱走中 – Middle of Escape – basket full of puppies!
(img) ロケット鉛筆 – Rocket Pencil – interesting I must say.
(img) パクリ疑惑 – Mr. and Mrs. Smith in Japanese?
(img) 降りられないwan – Puppy scared of falling downSO CUTE!!! ~kawaii~

‘Star Trek’ star Shatner sells kidney stoneShatner, famed for playing Captain James T. Kirk, commander of the starship U.S.S. Enterprise in the original “Star Trek” TV series, sold his kidney stone to online casino GoldenPalace.Com for $25,000. The money will be donated by Shatner to Habitat for Humanity to build houses for the poor. If I was a celebrity, I wonder if I could sell boogers and poop. For charity of course.

Hamster, Snake Best Friends at Tokyo ZooGohan and Aochan make strange bedfellows: one’s a 3.5-inch dwarf hamster; the other is a four-foot rat snake. Zookeepers at Tokyo’s Mutsugoro Okoku zoo presented the hamster — whose name means “meal” in Japanese — to Aochan as a tasty morsel in October, after the snake refused to eat frozen mice.

The Scanner Photography Project (from /.) – Building homemade digital cameras from low-end flatbed scanners. I didn’t think much of this project at first, then I saw his gallery. It’s just amazing! His site’s been slashdotted, so you may need to check it out through one of the main mirrors linked from his homepage.

MythBusters: Lost Experiments – interesting TV show.

Some Students Use Net To Hire Experts to Do Their School Work (from /.) – Wow! Cheating to a whole new level. CS students hiring coders to do their homework. You can’t tell from the site how much was paid for the help, but usually it’s well less than $100.

Artemyst sent me this photo of a
cute bunny
Cute Bunny (from Frostdesign)

Happy Birthday to ME!

Happy Birthday to ME!

Thanks to those already wished me a happy bday. Makes me happy that people remember. =)

With that I’ll show you two very cute images:

Kusajika Yachiru
(Kusajika Yachiru from Bleach 63)

(Saber from Fate/stay night)

Random Crap:

One of the funny threads recently was when some guy asks what’s the best place to sleep at work. Here are several responses I thought I’d share:

Yeah, don’t sleep in the lobby – it leaves you open to attack. Make sure you settle in somewhere behind the security doors. Once I slept in the lobby and woke up with a sharpie mustache and my left hand in warm water.

I also don’t recommend sleeping in the bathroom. It’s stinky.

One last recommendation, and a personal favorite:

Just knock your office chair over, and use the backrest as a pillow. You could even throw a few sweatshirts or something down on the floor, if you’re not a big fan of back pain.

As an added bonus, close the door, and get all your CPUs to run at 100% – for that warm & fuzzy feeling. 🙂

Survey Says Youre Stupid! (from MsticAzn) – Africa? Europe? I can’t decide which country I admire more. Asia’s a great country to. Not sure if this video’s worth laughing at.

Transformer explosion (from deadlock) – pretty neat explosion video. Would’ve been better if the camera was closer.

Scientists discover most fertile Irish maleScientists in Ireland may have found the country’s most fertile male, with more than 3 million men worldwide among his offspring.

N.Y. Man Gets Corvette Back After 37 YearsThe last time former New York City resident Alan Poster saw his dream car, he was young and it was blue. Nearly four decades later, he’s a little grayer and the car has turned silver — but it was love at first sight again as the Corvette somebody swiped in New York was returned to him. I wonder if how much he could sell it for and does the poor buyer get his money back.

Tokyo to get world’s first ‘maglev’ elevator (from /.) – The world’s first elevators controlled by magnetic levitation will debut as early as 2008, a Tokyo-based company said Tuesday. I haven’t even ridden on a maglev train yet! On the same topic of elevators, someone posted this link: Elevator hackingCalling this a hack is way too generous, but TheDamnBlog has a little tip for getting the most out of your next elevator ride. Apparently lots of elevators have an express mode that lets you override everyone else’s selections and go straight to the floor you’re going to. You just press “Door Close” and the button for your floor at the same time. Should work on most Otis elvators, as well as a few other models that are out there, but don’t blame us when you accidentally go plunging to your death (blame TheDamnBlog, if you must).

Hot sex treats common cold (from Deadlock) – That is understandable, of course. Up until recently, this was regarded as a logical move. Not so long ago, however, scientists were able to prove just the opposite: it is better to be sick together. This obviously does not mean that one should purposely sneeze at his/her partner. In this case, the effect will be minimal. It is important to battle the disease. And as for microbes, hot passionate kisses and good sex is something they fear the most – concluded Manfred Schedlovski, a Swiss researcher from Zurich.

TV in the bedroom halves your sex life – studyThinking of buying a TV for the bedroom? Think again — it could ruin your sex life. A study by an Italian sexologist has found that couples who have a TV set in their bedroom have sex half as often as those who don’t.

<Tera> shame shame
<Tera> hrm
<Tera> “If there’s no television in the bedroom, the frequency (of sexual intercourse) doubles,”
<Tera> i have like 3 TVs in my room
<Tera> explains why I’m not getting any
<Artemyst> haha
<donkeyballs> hahaha

Killed by chips and toast (from Deadlock) – A LAD who only ate chips, toast and baked beans was killed by his junk diet — aged just 20. Not sure if this is real. Is the Sun Online a tabloid?

Shutting Themselves In (from skylancer) – Like Takeshi and Shuichi, Y.S. suffered from a problem known in Japan as hikikomori, which translates as “withdrawal” and refers to a person sequestered in his room for six months or longer with no social life beyond his home. (The word is a noun that describes both the problem and the person suffering from it and is also an adjective, like “alcoholic.”) Some hikikomori do occasionally emerge from their rooms for meals with their parents, late-night runs to convenience stores or, in Takeshi’s case, once-a-month trips to buy CD’s. And though female hikikomori exist and may be undercounted, experts estimate that about 80 percent of the hikikomori are male, some as young as 13 or 14 and some who live in their rooms for 15 years or more. Quite an interesting read if you have time. Here’s the Wikipedia entry for Hikikomori (引き篭り).

Claws out over claim China discovered AmericaThe Chinese are said to have discovered gunpowder, paper and the compass, but it may be too early to claim they discovered America. A map purported to date from 1418 suggesting a Chinese fleet sailed to America decades before Christopher Columbus was displayed in Beijing on Monday, but the piece of yellowing paper is the centre of a storm of criticism over its authenticity. Why do people forget that it was Native Americans or indigenous people that were here first. No one discovered America before these people.

Goose Poop a Problem for Oakland Parkgoers“Each bird produces about a pound of poop a day — that’s literally a ton each day,” said Stephanie Benavidez, head naturalist at the Lake Merritt Wildlife Refuge. … Chasing the birds away is another popular trick. Cities hire firms with names like Goosebusters or Wild Goose Chase, which use dogs — trained to harass, not harm, geese — to chase the birds away.

Stupid Post Office

So I went to the post office today since they’ve recently increased their rates to get some 2¢ stamps. I get there after hours and they have 2 stamp vending machines, only one which sold the 2¢ stamps and there’s a big note covering the coin hole saying: OUT OF ORDER. The other vending machine only had larger value stamps where the smallest amount was the postcard stamp. I wasn’t willing to pay 10x the amount of a 2¢ stamp just to mail a couple envelopes.

Then there was the postage printing machine. I gave that a try. Went to stamps and the smallest value I could purchase was $1.00. Tried the postage option instead and it weighed my letter and asked me my zip code. Then it asked me if there was already postage on it and I said yes and entered 37¢. It said I needed an additional 2¢. No duh. So it gladly accepted my credit card and printed my 2¢ stamp. I needed 2 of these (for now) and did the process again. So I’ll be receiving a 4¢ transaction for the USPS this month on my credit card bill.

Next time I need to send a letter, I’ll have to go to the stupid post office again.

Random Crap:

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.” – Rich Cook (from /.)

Fallen Angel: Teaser (from Tera) – Check out this pretty cool flash video. You can also visit the author’s site: Fallen Angel Series. A bit of warning, it is pretty gory.

Incredible Fishing Video (direct download) (from MS newsgroup) – this fishing trip is awesome! I wonder if they fish too long, would they boat sink.

Knife Nail (from Artemyst) – A pretty creepy image of what someone could do to their fingernails.

Did you know you could upload your own videos to Google Video. Check out their Video Upload Program. There’s no size restriction. The only downside I see is that playback is either through Flash or through their Google Video Player. You can even charge money for your videos. Of course it must be your own or that you own the copyrights to. Find more info at their Uploading Videos & Review Process information.

Upgrade Your 4 Gig Nano to 8 Gigs (from Deadlock) – For all you daredevils out there, the weak need not apply, there is a tutorial floating on the net that shows you exactly how to beef up your Nano from a modest 4 gigabyte device to an impressive 8 gigabyte MP3 player. Too bad it requires delicate soldering skills. My soldering skills suck.

MAN DATES GAL ON INTERNET FOR SIX MONTHS — AND IT TURNS OUT SHE’S HIS MOTHER! (from Mandalayx) – title sort of says it all. Read the article if you want the juicy details.

encyclomedia (from /.) – Why did I start this project? Simple, I wanted a PC connected to the TV, to watch DVDs (and DivX). The problem was my mother, who didnt like the idea of having a grey pc in her “beautiful living room”. It actually doesn’t look half bad. The pretty pictures for these mods are always nice.

Postage Paid Envelope Revenge (from Artemyst) – Tired of receiving mounds of unsolicited letters and offers in the mail? Want to fight back? Want to get rid of that old tire in your garage that the garbage man won’t take? Then read on…… I’ve actually swapped spam and stuffed it into these postage paid return envelopes and mailed them back for fun. This guy takes it to the extreme. Too bad they don’t know who’s doing it so they could stop sending you spam. I wonder if they could press charges if they found out it was you.

New personal computer design wins Microsoft competition“How this computer is used closely resembles the traditional use of a bookshelf,” says Son, a second-year graduate student from Seoul, South Korea. “Digital contents are downloaded through subscriptions, then arranged in each hardware attachment, which are provided by the subscription’s service. The physical configuration of the unit permits users to visually navigate the categories of content as they do with books on a bookshelf. This thing is actually pretty neat, but I have doubts it’ll ever leave the design table.

The Bookshelf, a personal computer Bookshelf can be pieced together