pya! FLOOD

Another pya! FLOOD! I’ve finally reached the year 2006! Still half a month to go.

(vid) 完成前の悲劇 – Tragedy of Being Almost Complete – sucks to be the ice chipper
(vid) にらみ合い – One Punch Knock Out – did the opponent kiss him?
(img) 均等 – Uniformity – now you can serve alcohol even faster!
(img) 二人の門出 – The Depature of Two People – I thought these kids looked awfully cute.
(vid) 熱い男 – Man on Fire – a cool contraption, but an idiot nonetheless.
(img) すくすく育ってね – Baby Crib with Electric Barbed Wire Fence
(img) ピアノ – Monster Piano
(img) 黒の騎士とその愛馬 – Black Horseman – I thought the costume was pretty neat.
(img) 通勤前の絶望 – Despair before Commuting – Giant bird poop
(img) ハート – Heart – made of snow!
(img) 日の出を待つ – Waiting for Sunrise – you might have to tilt your head and look from an angle to see the roosters.
(img) ハート – Heart – made of snow!
(img) LOGO Mac – made of Legos!
(img) マイカー – My Car – pretty neat car made completely from wood
(img) もう疲れたクマー – The Stressful Bear – bear is tired of life and suicidal
(img) iPod – iPod baby with Shuffle
(img) クリスマスファンタジー – Christmas Fantasy – this city is so pretty!
(vid) スター – Star – Direct TV ad with scary movie characters being nice
(vid) フォースの – Battle of the Force – a recreation of the Star Wars scene
(img) パンパンパンパンパンパン・・・ – Tons of Pandas
(img) 枕だwan – Dog Pillow
(img) 新手のスタンド使いか?! – Frozen Stop Sign
(vid) クリティカルヒット – Critical Hit – what happens when a wrestler messes up
(img) 大接近 – Too Close – Big Moon
(img) 空からお月様が落ちてきたよ – The moon fell from the sky
(vid) 駐車場なんていらない – No longer needing a parking space – The magical shrinking car
(vid) 見上げた世界 – World as seen from below us – nice video, but I think it’s a advertisement for gasoline: Metro
(img) ガクガク(((( ;゚Д゚))))ブルブルなテニス – Playing tennis on top of a plane
(img) 2020年 – Year 2002 – The Honda Asimo Robot in 15 years
(img) かぷーnya – Cute Kitten
(img) 夢心地 – Deep Sleep – trick eyeglasses
(vid) (´・ω・`)ショボーン – Karate Chop – did it break?
(vid) 顔面蒼白 – PWNED – 2 guys want to lipsynch to a pop song and gets pwned by their father.
(img) えへっnya – Cute Kitten on Pole
(vid) 多機能な携帯電話 – Multi-function cell phone – Sumsing Turbo 3000 Xi Multitask – the phone that does it all!

Antegra, DNG, and SueOn’s visit to Seattle

It’s been over a week since they came to visit me, but I finally got time to write this article. It’s been a long week, mostly catchup work due to the holidays.

Antegra, DNG, and SueOn came to visit me last week. They arrived Wednesday night and left Sunday night. The plan didn’t work exactly as plan, but it seemed like everyone had fun. I have to apologize for not being able to hang out with them as much as I wanted since I had a bunch of work piled up after the holidays.

I was also getting pretty sick. I had gotten the cold or something from my dad and was coughing non-stop, especially at night. Coughing is the worst symptom I could have. If I have a sore throat, I can take care of that in a day or two (just need to cough out that nasty mucus stuck in my throat). If I have a fever, Tylenol is the magic cure. If I’m sneezing, I just need fluids and sleep. But coughing, especially night coughing, is the worst! I would cough non-stop for 1-2 hours while laying in bed, and it doesn’t matter how tire I am. Cough medicines never worked for me. Robotussin, Vick’s, cough syrup, cough tablets, etc. It was always just me waiting it out, drinking lots of fluids, and getting plenty of sleep, which was basically what I ended up doing. I still have some remenants of coughing, but I’m pretty much back to normal. I’d say I’m back to 95% of myself. The coughing actually got so bad when my friends were up here, that I actually threw up on 2 consecutive nights. Have you ever heard of people throwing up from coughing? They both happened when I was laying in bed. I started to cough from the bottom of my stomach and actually had problems breathing. This led to my dinner coming up. Thank god it wasn’t much, but I definitely tasted dinner once again. It wasn’t a good feeling. Originally I was going to make this an entire post by itself, but I thought I might as well incorporate it into this entry.

So back to the main story. I didn’t take many pictures since they were pretty much on their own. I showed them where to take the bus and how to get into the city and they basically went on their own from that point on. You can check out Antegra’s blog and photo album (slideshow).

They actually went to check out some pretty cool places which even I haven’t visited yet, like the Space Needle, Experience Music Project, Science Fiction Museum, and Pike Place Market. I still have yet to go to Pike Place Market in the morning. I’ve only gone there at night where every thing’s already close. One interesting thing we learnt while being at Pike Place Market was the history of Starbucks and Seattle’s Best Coffee. The 1st Starbucks in on Pike Pl right across from Pike Place Market. Their original logo, the naked lady with the long hair, actually doesn’t have her breasts covered. Also, the color of the logo seems to be brown instead of green. We were talking to some photographer nearby taking photos of an empty Seattle’s Best Coffee. It turns out that Starbucks used to be just one local coffee shop. Some guy bought it and made it a franchise believing he’d get rich, which of course he did. Later he bought out Seattle’s Best Coffee, which my guess is so that it gives Seattlelites a choice and a feeling of competition, which is smart on their move.

Every night, we’d watch movies. If you know me, you’ll know about my massive movie “collection” if you can call it that. We wasted so many hours doing that. Hehe. Also, it was fun watching it with 5.1 surround sound on a 24″ LCD.

Saturday and Sunday were the only 2 days I got to spend with them. Friday night, we had everything planned out for our Vancouver day trip. Where to get dim sum, which landmarks to visit, even backup hostels if we didn’t want to come back that night. Next morning, my alarm clock goes off at 9:20am. We had planned to leave here at 10am. Nobody got up. Haha. By the time I actually got up, it was already 11:30am. We went to Jack in the Box for lunch, and there we decided it might be too late to go to Vancouver. So we went to the Museum of Flight instead. There was so much there and we didnt even get to go through the entire park since the Airpark was closed due to the rain. We saw a bunch of ancient planes of WWI and WWII, the beginning of Boeing, Douglas, McDonnel, Martin, Lockheed, and tons of other cool stuff. You can check out our Museum of Flight trip album and the last night they were staying here in Seattle.

We just chilled at my place on the last day and watched movies. Hehe. It was a blast having them up here.

Gao Zhisheng 高智晟

I’ve been told that I was political with my recent post on Taiwan and China Reunification. I honestly don’t have much of a politcal agenda besides letting people know what’s really happening.

After my father saw my recent posting above, he started talking to me about a man named Gao Zhisheng (高智晟), an attorney who is letting the entire world know what really happened to Falun Gong. Here’s Wikipedia’s entry on him, though his article doesn’t include the recent events that has occured. After doing some research on this man, I’m really touched by what he’s doing and there are still some Chinese in Mainland China that has the courage to stand up against the oppressive communist government.

The following articles are taken from The Epoch Times (大紀元) which is a very left or is very right wing news journal, so you may have to take the articles with a grain of salt. However, the three letters shown that were sent to President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao are in fact real and translated pretty accurately. If you have the time, I’d think you learn a lot about China by reading it:

Letter 1 (October 18, 2005): Stop Persecuting Believers of Freedom and Mend Your Ties with the Chinese People (Chinese version)
Letter 2 (November 22, 2005): Gao Zhisheng Sends Another Open Letter Protesting Unjust Treatment (Chinese Version)
Letter 3 (December 12, 2005): Why One of China’s Top Attorneys Broke with the Communist Party (Chinese Version)

My grandma tells me that professors at universities are actually reading these letters outloud to the entire class during lectures. The people who hear it are shocked and moved at the same time, and the person reading it would be crying. I’d like to quote several parts of the letters:

On October 15, I met with Xu Chengben, living in Shandong Province’s Wendeng City. Upon meeting with him, he told me, “My wife He Xiuling’s corpse has been in the police’s refrigerator chamber for nearly two years, waiting to be buried. They tortured her for a long time until she eventually died. It is ridiculous that they have been unable to close this case after two years. I just caught a short glimpse of her before she was tortured to death. When I saw her, she was out of her mind. She was tied to a bed and handcuffed, wearing nothing on the lower part of her body. My heart almost broke seeing my loved one having been tortured so cruelly. They were so inhumane as to push me out of the room after just a few minutes. She was only in her 40s at that time. This is what I saw when the police told me to look at her.”

Yang Kemeng is a sophomore at the Automobile Engineering Department of the Harbin Institute’s of Technology Weihai Branch. He was such a good student and was liked by everyone at the Institute, all the way from students to the president. His public withdrawal from the Communist Youth League (CYP) on a Web site became of particular concerned by an official on the Central Standing Committee of the CCP. … When school started on August 20, personnel from the “6-10 Office” came to the Institute to interrogate him again. He was arrested on August 29, but his parents didn’t know about it until they made a phone call to his dormitory. On September 7, his parents, Yang Pinggang and Chang Lijun, the couple Wang Shengli and Ms. Wang in Jining City were arrested at the same time. Nobody knows their whereabouts to date.” The above is what a teacher surnamed Wang told me.

The inhuman torture experienced by Falun Gong practitioner He Xiuling, before her ultimate death, will be forever imprinted in the memory of the human beings in future. When her family members, after they were finally allowed to see her in the mortuary after she was considered dead, noticed that tears were dripping down from the corners of her eyes, they cried and asked the doctor for an emergency rescue. The doctor’s unusual indifference drove the family members into despair. With the help of one of their fellow villagers who happened to know the doctor, the doctor finally brought over an apparatus for a medical inspection. The result indicated that He Xiuling still had a heartbeat. Instead of rescuing his patient as most doctors would do in normal cases, the immediate reaction of the doctor was to tear the electrocardiogram printout into pieces, and he escaped from the scene murmuring, “I didn’t see anything. I know nothing.” He Xiuling then died, her hopeless family members surrounding her. intears.

At last, I would like to ask your guarantee that the Chinese individuals mentioned in this open letter will not suffer from another run of uncivilized persecution. Hao Qiuyan, a female Falun Gong practitioner from Shijiazhuang, suffered nearly eight months illegal imprisonment because of one of my previous open letters. In the coming future when I still enjoy safety, I will continue to pay attention to their security. As a Chinese citizen and lawyer, I am entitled to do so even though this is threatened by great danger in China now.


Ever since the morning of October 20, about 20 plainclothes officers from the Beijing Public Security Bureau and the Beijing Police Department have been closely monitoring my family and I. At least nine vehicles surround the entrance of my house every day. On October 18, 19, and 20, the number of vehicles parked outside my home increased to over 20. As the national leaders of China, I cordially ask you to answer the following questions:

First, were you truthful in what you told those tired young faces who monitor me night and day what I, Gao Zhisheng, have really done? Or have you deceived them as well?

Second, have those young policemen been told that the tactics you employ violate the Chinese Constitution and China’s Basic Principle of Law! Do they know that it is illegal?

Third, have you ever told this group of young people that the methods you use against innocent citizens are dirty and immoral?

Fourth, have you told those innocent people trembling from the cold at night how low your methods are? Do they know that threatening and limiting my entire family’s personal freedom is among the most dishonorable and uncivilized action in today’s world?

Fifth, have you ever explained to these people the purpose or meaning of monitoring my family 24 hours a day?

Sixth, have you told these young policemen that in the eyes of the Chinese people your scheme is dirty and humiliating behavior?

Gentlemen, when a citizen’s legal rights and interests have been violated in a civilized country, writing a letter of complaint to the national leaders is considered ridiculous. However, this is the only recourse that the citizens of our country have in such circumstances. There is no way either of you could relate to the amount of pain I am suffering from!

Our child, my wife and I, have the right to ask you both: Who is actually giving the orders to do such wicked things? Our country is not wealthy. Nine hundred million farmers still live in very poor conditions. Because of their poverty, countless children cannot afford to continue their education. Instead, taxpayers’ hard-earned money has been squandered on persecuting its own citizens under the command of a tightly disciplined and unscrupulous political organization. How can you face your own conscience, your countrymen or the civilized world?


On October 18, also with red-hot enthusiasm, I wrote an open letter to Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao, two fellow countrymen of mine, urgently calling on their government to “Stop Persecuting Believers in Freedom and Mend Your Ties with the Chinese People.” The next day, I received blatant threats over the phone at home. Starting the third day, at least 10 cars and 20 plainclothes police officers began circling, monitoring, and following my entire family every day, 24 hours a day. The 15th day after I wrote the letter, the Beijing Judicial Bureau illegally closed the law firm I ran. It is very regrettable how our country treats a citizen who openly makes suggestions.

At this moment, with a trembling heart and a trembling pen, I am writing down the tragic experiences of those who have been persecuted in the last six years. Among the true accounts of unbelievable brutality, among the records of the government’s inhuman torture of its own people, the immoral acts that shocked my soul the most were the lewd yet routine practice of attacking women’s genitals by 6-10 Office staff and the police. Almost every woman’s genitals and breasts or every man’s genitals have been sexually assaulted during the persecution in a most vulgar fashion. Almost all who have been persecuted, be they male or female, were first stripped naked before any torture. No language or words could describe or re-create our government’s vulgarity and immorality in this respect. Who with a warm body could afford to stay silent when faced with such truths?

At 4:20 p.m. on October 28, 2005, Ms. Wang Shouhui (mother) and Mr. Liu Boyang (son) from Changchun City were followed by 6-10 Office staff and were illegally arrested. The two were brutally tortured by the police. At about 8 p.m., 28-year-old Liu Boyang died from the torture. About 10 days later, his mother was also tortured to death. The bodies of the unfortunate duo are still in the hands of the 6-10 Office officials. It took the 6-10 officials three days to inform Liu’s father of his death, while Ms. Wang’s time of death remains unclear. Liu’s father looked for a lawyer in his city, but no one dared to accept his case. The elderly man said, “In a society like this, it is harder to live than to die. Living brings more pain. After I take care of their burials, I’ll follow them and leave, too.”

The stories continue and they get even worse. I hope you have the gut to actually finish the story without throwing up.

Here are some more recent articles:
Gao Zhisheng Taken Away by Police
Gao Zhisheng’s Response to Public Concern About his Safety: “The Sky Won’t Fall”

American and Taiwan are not perfect. I’d admit to that. I can even accept torture in the times of national emergency. But after reading all this and you still think the current China should take back Taiwan, I have nothing left to say.

哭不來, 笑不去

哭不來, 笑不去 – This was a random phrase I thought up at work. It really doesn’t have much meaning. I was doodling on a napkin and happened to draw two boxes. Then I was thinking what Chinese character used 2 boxes and came up with the word 哭 (cry). Somehow, the rest of the phrase just sort of came to me and I thought it was pretty cool sounding. Literally it means, “Cry won’t come, Laughter won’t go.” As I said, it’s some random phrase without much meaning, but it had a nice ring to it so I thought I’d share.

This post was actually made as a test post for the following image I got from pya!:

Super Mario Nano

Original size:
super mario nano

super mario nano

Dell Monitor 3007WFP 30″ LCD

Dell Monitor 3007WFP 30″ LCD

dell 3007wfp

dell 3007wfp

This baby is so sexy!

Here’s a brief intro by Ars Technica.

Check out the specs:

Configurations                  Standard
Viewable Image Size             30 inches
Diagonal Size                   30 inches
Display Type                    Active Matrix - TFT LCD
Depth                           7.87 inches
Height                          18.49 inches compressed
                                22 inches extended
Width                           27.16 inches
Weight (no stand)               25.07 lbs.
Horizontal Viewing Angle        ± 178° (typical)
Vertical Viewing Angle          ± 178° (typical)
Color Support                   16.7 million colors
Contrast Ratio                  700:1
Response Time                   11 ms (grey-to-grey)
Brightness                      400 cd/m2
Resolution                      2560x1600 (max)
Pixel Pitch (Dot Pitch)         0.250 mm
Ports                           DVI-D (dual link) with HDCP
                                USB 2.0 (4)
                                9-in-2 Media Card Reader
Power Consumption               147W to 177W (max) w/USB and
                                sound bar
                                Less than 1W switched off


Random Crap:

How REAL Can A Game Be? (from deadlock) – Bowdeni from Xbox360–forums has posted some photograph-comparisons of the game PRG3 [Project Gotham Racing 3] and the real scenes in Japan. … Let me tell you if you can’t tell which is the real scene and which is a screenshot from the game – The upper one is real. Maybe the full-size image can help you to identify better – just give them a click. I should say… the photographer must has been intentionally taking these photos.

Floor Screen (Nintendo) (from deadlock) – This is a special set that Nintendo displayed in E3 2005 for Zelda. This is a prison and what’s incredible from the video is the interaction that it has with the people. It is worth it and I’m keeping it. I tried my best to translate the spanish text from Google, but this floor screen is neat! Seems it detects shadows and stuff. Wish I could play with it.

Ctrl+Alt+Del – Dorkemon (from Artemyst) – Funny strip: I am woman, hear me roar.

Cutest Bunny Alive (from Artemyst) – I wouldn’t say cutest, but it’s darn cute! Beward of the adult advertisements though.

Eagles used to prey on our ancestors-scientistsThe answer to a scientific “who-done-it?” has revealed a chilling fact: We used to be bird food. Scientists announced on Thursday they had definitive proof that the “Taung child”, a 2-million year old apeman skull famed as one of the most dramatic human evolutionary finds, was killed and eaten by an eagle.

Mich. Man Jailed After Handshake Sickens 3 – article wasn’t that interesting, but totally reminded me of the ending of 24 – Season Two.

Do you like eggs and green ham?Taiwan, home to the world’s first transgenic glowing fish, has successfully bred fluorescent green pigs that researchers hope will boost the island’s stem cell research, a professor said Thursday. Haha. I wonder what green eggs and ham taste like.

Crash test dummies won’t need to be lonely anymoreThe first uniquely female dummy for use in car safety tests is being developed in Sweden, researchers said Wednesday.

Torture Debate (from Microsft newsgroup) – Kobert Report debates on if human torture should be allowed. Pretty funny.

After mishap, Schwarzenegger to get bike licence – I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of Arnold getting into the motorcycle accident and needing 15 stitches, but did you know he did not have a motorcycle license?!?! He didn’t even have it during the time he made Terminator 2!

Town May Make Carrying Condoms Mandatory– A western Colombian city councilman wants to require everyone in town 14 or older to carry a condom to prevent pregnancy and disease, outraging local priests.

Boy, 11, OK After Truck Runs Over His HeadAn 11-year-old boy had a lingering headache two days after a pickup truck ran over his head. “All I remember about it was that when the truck ran over my head, I could hear my bones crack,” Cameron Schuette said Tuesday. All I’ve gotta say is that it’s a miracle.

The Bureaucrat in Your Shower (from deadlock) – Somehow, these days, it seems nearly impossible to recreate this in your new home. You go to the hardware store to find dozens and dozens of choices of shower heads. They have 3, 5, 7, even 9 settings from spray to massage to rainfall. Some have long necks. Some you can hold in your hand. Some are huge like the lid to a pot and promise buckets of rainfall. The options seem endless. But you buy and buy, and in the end, they disappoint. It’s just water, and it never seems like enough. Why? As with most things in life that fall short of their promise, the government is involved. There are local regulations. Here is one example of a government regulation on the matter, from the Santa Cruz City Water Conservation Office: “If you purchased and installed a new showerhead in the last ten years, it will be a 2.5 gpm [gallons-per-minute] model, since all showerheads sold in California were low consumption models beginning in 1992.” I want a Zoe showerhead now!

Tablet Mac draws bidders on eBay (from /.) – Tired of waiting for Apple’s long-rumoured tablet Mac to ship? Then US-based hardware mod project site,, may have the answer. It today offered the first of 100 12in iBooks re-tooled as a tablet, complete with stylus and touch-sensitive screen. iTab, the iBook Evolved -The iTab is built by taking Apple’s excellent 12″ iBook laptop, taking the screen off, applying a touchscreen, then flipping the screen around and fastening it on. The whole thing is finished off by putting the leftover screen backing over the top of the iTab, giving it the “rounded white edges.” The image above is a very close approximation of what iTab should look like when constructed. The iTab is not built yet. We will build them as they are sold. And they are going on sell today! We are selling them one at a time, through eBay auctions.

The GeigerPod (from /.) – a pretty cool iPod mod where they retrofitted it with a Geiger counter.

CS 248 2005 Video Game Competition (from /.) – The final project for CS248 was to write a 3D video game. To help inspire our students to delve deeply into the wonderful world of graphics, we also held a public competition, with a panel of expert judges selecting the best game. There were 7 finalists. The winning group won a trip to Siggraph 2006, while second place won a free dinner for two at Il Fornaio in Palo Alto. We also had a “wackiest, most creative” prize consisting of an Xbox 360, generously donated by Microsoft. All finalists also won video games donated by Electronic Arts. Another site that was posted was Experimental Gameplay Project. A really cool site with tons of interesting games people created and submitted. Check it out.

pya! FLOOD

As requested by my #1 fan. I just got lazy. Turns out I haven’t posted anything from pya! since late November. This barely covers up to mid December. I am exactly one month behind now.

(img) ぶっちゅ~う – Sleeping Puppies – they’re so cute!
(img) パンツ進化論 – Evolution of Panties
(img) キリン – Kirin – fat giraffe!
(img) スカートは危険 – Taco Bell Pyramid – I would never waste so much energy for Taco Bell food.
(img) こら、自分のを食べなさい – Hamsters eating on their own – hamsters are so cute too!
(img) 街を襲う王蟲 – Weird looking building – What shape is it supposedly resembling?
(img) ラビ(*´∀`)出産 – Rabbit Factory – baby rabbits are ugly, but they get so cute!
(img) よもぎ餅 – Human grass – It actually looks like some guy is stuck beneath the grass
(img) グッドテイスト – Good Taste – Cookie cutter that makes cookies look half eaten
(img) 今日のディナー – Today’s Dinner – linking IBM cpus together to make a electric stove
(img) プーさんが両手広げて待ってるクマー – Giant Frozen Pooh
(vid) 雪合戦 – Snow Fight – This reporter gets smashed!
(img) マイボール – Football Tape – The football (soccer ball) actually looks half decent
(img) あむあむ – Cute puppy biting finger
(vid) カンガルー – Kangeroo whacking off
(img) 集中砲火 – Homing Missile – I knew pigeons aimed from the start!
(vid) コインランドリー – Coin Laundry – an idiot starts the dryer while being inside
(img) 悩みがあるwan – 4 cute sleeping puppies
(img) エン○ルパイ 合体 – Chocolate Cookies => poop
(img) Real Mario’s world – Princess Toadstool is pretty sexy. Or is that Peach?
(vid) よし、開いた – Woman’s encounter with the parking ticket system – I always hated these things. Often times I don’t drive close enough to it and have to reach really far to put the ticket in. Same thing with drive thrus. And when you stretch, I often imagine myself hitting the gas like this lady did.
(img) アウトドア派 パート4 – Outdoor Sleeping – When you run out of space inside for a slumber party.
(img) ダンボールマン – Cardboard Box man – cheapest halloween costume ever!
(img) ディープキス – Snake eating fish – or is it fish eating snake?
(img) 突撃だwan – Puppies drinking milk from mom
(img) 眠いのぉ? – Rabbit and Hamster
(img) スモウレスラー – Sumo Wrestlers – Street Fighter edition!
(img) ペーパークラフト – Paper Craft – I’m still amazed at how they can build these things from 1 piece of paper.
(img) 左曲がり – Crooked Penis – when you can no longer aim.

I’ll end this post with a cute unicorn biting or eating an elf’s pants:
cute unicorn eating elf's pants

USPS rates raised again

I just learnt that USPS raised their rates again. 1oz First Class mail now costs $0.39. I haven’t even finished my roll of $0.37 stamps. Boo!

You can check out the new rates at USPS – New Rates and Fees.

Random Crap:

It’s been awhile, so I might split them over 2 days depending on how much I dig up.

Left Brain, Right Brain (from RayAlome):

While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.

Now, while doing this, draw the number “6” in the air with your right hand.

Your foot will change direction and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Pretty Cool!

Top Gear Ariel Atom (from deadlock). You must check out how cool this car is!

Exploding Overclocking Extreme AMD Duron Vaporizing (from deadlock). See what happens when you remove the heatsink from an overclocked AMD Duron CPU. It literally blows up into smaller pieces and punches a hole through the motherboard.

Parents Discover Babies Were SwitchedTwo babies born on the same day in the same hospital in Thailand were accidentally switched at birth, but nobody knew about it for a decade. – Free Help Setting up Your Router or Firewall (from skylancer) – A pretty useful site teaching you how to set up port forwarding on most routers so you can get data through that firewall in many applications such as BitTorrent or IRC.

Scientists Finally Figure Out How Bees Fly (from /.) – “The honeybees have a rapid wing beat,” Altshuler told LiveScience. “In contrast to the fruit fly that has one eightieth the body size and flaps its wings 200 times each second, the much larger honeybee flaps its wings 230 times every second.” This article interested me because back in high school, Daizie would always say this quote: “Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn’t know it so it goes on flying anyway.” Guess, that quote is no longer true.

DSMs Still SHOWING up V8s. (from deadlock) – some idiot trying to impress a friend saying that he can outrun the police and had outrun police in several states because of his powerful car.

Most-Educated Cities in the United States (from Antegra) – Guess what! Seattle’s #1 with 51.3% of our population over the age of 25 having a college degree or higher. Antegra did make a good point that the work market here may be a more packed.

Sad, on so many levels..Almost a third of young Britons have passed off a ready-made meal as their own creation in order to impress someone, according to a survey by the Department of Health. Women were the worst offenders, with 40 percent saying they had claimed food bought in a shop as their own, compared to 22 percent of men. Haha. I’m still a college guy. Everyone knows I still eat out all the time and have the simplest of food to make (i.e. microwavable).

Strip Out The Fans, Add 8 Gallons of Cooking Oil (from /.) – an interesting case mod and cooling system by filling the entire case with cooking oil. Years ago, I posted some pictures of Dr. Freeze and his mineral oil project which was pretty similar to this. If you don’t read the article, at least look at the pretty pictures.

Afrotech’s Hard-disk Sound System (from /.) – Why pay 500$ for Klipsch’s latest speaker system? You can make something that looks way cooler for the price of a DIY amplifier and some HDDs out of a dumpster. It doesn’t sound quite as good but who cares! There really isn’t much to say about this project… It’s fun as hell to watch, easy to do, and impressed the crap out of everyone I’ve showed it to. Just download the movies already. Project is actually pretty neat. Do at least check out the The Star Wars theme video. He also made a parody of /. called Afrodot.

Mouse Thrown Into Fire Sets Home AblazeA mouse got its revenge against a homeowner who tried to dispose of it in a pile of burning leaves. The blazing creature ran back to the man’s house and set it on fire. So the next time you think about hurting those small creatures, think again!

50 Fun Things To Do With Your iPod ( (from /.) – In the four years since its introduction, the iPod has proven to be a versatile little device. Despite a relatively closed architecture, hackers have found their way in. Content creators and software makers put information at your fingertips when you’re on the go. Would-be designers have added to the fashionable stylings of the now-ubiquitous white ear buds. Hardware makers and enthusiasts have augmented the iPod with new add-on gadgets. Here are a few dozen things you can do with your iPod besides listen to music. I don’t exactly agree with their ordering, but their list is pretty neat. It also isn’t exactly 50 either.

Happy Birthday Johno!

Happy Birthday Johno!

I haven’t posted much recently due to several factors. I’m still pretty sick for those that know that yet. I’m actually working from home today. Second, SueOn, DNG, and Antegra are up here visiting me, so I haven’t had much time to do much else.

Hopefully, I’ll get better soon and my posts will resume.