Patent Office

Found an really interesting quote from /.

So why does the patent office keep on granting so many obviously stupid patents?

It is not primarily because the patent examiners are incompetent, as is often suggested. Instead it is the economics of running a patent office that make sure that it becomes like this.

Nowadays most patent offices around the world are “self funded”, which means that they are funded by the fees that the collect from the patent applicants. This may perhaps seem like a sensible idea at first sight, but unfortunately it invariably leads to lower and lower standards for what is patentable.

A look at the USPTO Fee Schedule explains the underlying math.

The initial application fee for a patent is $300. In order to collect that money, the patent office has to do quite a lot of work: set up a file, do an initial formal examination, perform a novelty search, and quite often engage in correspondence with the applicant to sort out various issues. It seems reasonable to assume that initial applications “as such” do not cover their own costs for the patent office.

But once a patent has been granted, nice things start to happen to the patent office’s profitability calculations.

In order to keep his patent valid, the proprietor has to pay maintenance fees at regular intervals. $900 is due at 3.5 years after it was granted, $2,300 due at 7.5 years, and $3,800 due at 11.5 years.

For a patent that is renewed throughout its full term, the maintenance fees add up to $7,000, compared to the $300 for the initial application.

And the renewal fees are the good part of the patent office business, since the PTO doesn’t actually have to do anything for the money, except make a note in the file that the fee has been paid. So for those patent offices around the world that are funded in whole or in part by the fees they collect, there is a direct incentive to let the standards slip to the lowest level they can possibly get away with.

The result can be seen at a patent office near you.

Daylight Saving Time

So I was thinking when I looked at the clock in my car today, regarding our time system and the many many faults it had. I had always wanted a single time system, no matter where in the world you are. No more PST, no more EST, no more PDT, no more China time, no more England time, no more etc etc, just 1 system. No more remember how many hours difference between here and Tokyo is. 8am in Seattle = 8am in California = 8am in New York = 8am in London = 8am in Hong Kong. That might mean going to work between 11pm and 8am, not like many of us geeks don’t already, but the time system should not dictate when you go to work. With a system like this, you will no longer get confused when you enter a different time zone. You don’t lose or gain hours anymore when you fly half way around the world. Setting up meetings across time zones becomes way much easier.

That system would fix a lot of problems, but there is oen problem that it will not fix: Daylight Saving Time. No matter how I look at it, Daylight Saving Time is going to be causing some trouble. In the system I suggested, Daylight Saving Time will no longer work, unless you can get the whole world to follow and shift time 1hr forward or 1hr backward. I agree to the benefits of Daylight Saving Time. In this case, we’ll need to shift the responsibilities onto the companies themselves, which probably over half won’t follow due to complications, so we end up losing the benefits of Daylight Saving Time.

How would one solve such a problem. Would it worth it to give up DST and use a World System? I personally think it is.

Random Crap:

pya! Flood:

(img) (ロナ)LEGO – Lego Ronald
(img) ぞうきんがけするnya – Cute Kitten on Towel
(img) 乃 – Chairs on a Hill – Seems like two chairs like each other better than the other.
(img) shall we dance? – Beauty and the Beast sculpture
(img) 静馬 – Flip
(vid) 鳩にエサをやらないでください – Agitated Pigeon – I miss Trigger Happy TV.

Full Metal Sonic (from deadlock) – Another Full Metal Alchemist parody opening, but this time instead of Final Fantasy XI characters, we have Sonic the Hedgehog characters including Sonic as Al, Tails as Ed, Amy as Windy, and several others which I didn’t want to compare. hehe.

The Madagascar Penguins – In A Christmas Caper (direct download) – found this and thought it was a pretty cool short animation. Not on par with Pixar’s, but definitely cute. It’s a little Christmas story starring the penguins from Madagascar.

Riya – Photo Search (from /.) – here’s the article from Wired News. I’d love to check out this software when it becomes available for the general public and see how good it is at recognizing people. I think the ultimate test would be able to tell identitical twins apart.

NES Sniper Rifle (from deadlock) – G4 engineer David Randolph shows Kevin Pereira how he constructed the world’s first Duck Hunt sniper rifle. Apparently the light gun works just as I explained previously. When you pull the trigger, the screen goes black with a white box appears where the duck is. If the gun picks up on black, the duck doesn’t die. If the picks up on the light, it’s a miss. The Snapper (Snipe Zapper) looks pretty sweet.

The “yes” man – A hilarious student film (I’m assuming). You’ve got to wait for the punch line. Only hint I’m going to give is that it has to do with some telecommunication service provider. I

Wanted: Mate for lovesick giraffe in Mexico park“He’s driving us crazy,” Juan Aragones told Reuters in a telephone interview. “He’s mounted a tree, a fence and even a shed.”

Apple Mac OS X on x86: a first testSteve Jobs might not approve, but Apple’s latest operating system can be installed on any x86 hardware. How well does it function? Read our preliminary labs test to find out. photos here. The test machine was a Toshiba Portégé M300 notebook equipped with a 1.2GHz Pentium M processor and 512MB of RAM.

So tired…

It’s been so tiring these past few days… I can hardly keep my eyes open.

Random Crap:

pya! FLOOD:
(img) トミカタワー – Tomy Car Tower – I’ve always dreamt of a parking system similar to this, where all you do is drive into this spot and some sort of elevator will take you to a free empty spot. But then I realized the delays that will make system fail, though with a circular system, you can really have many many elevators.
(img) 宇宙船(ホンダ製) – Universe Car (Honda) – License plate shows ACURABOT. Totally a rice car.
(img) ねえねえそこのお姉sゴフッ – Super Kick
(vid) ヴォイスパワー – Voice Power – I want to learn how to hit that pitch to break glass. Is it the same pitch for all glass, or is there some way for the screamer to feel the resonating vibrations to know which pitch to scream at?
(vid) 目覚まし時計 – Malfunctioning Alarm Clock – I wouldn’t want this to be my alarm clock.
(img) BABY – cracking baby. pretty nice art
(img) 朝から散歩。。。眠いwan – Walking the sleepy dog in the morning – puppy is so cute!

Virtual property market booming (from /.) – A gamer who spent £13,700 on an island that only exists in a computer game has recouped his investment, according to the game developers. Treasure Island (6000 Acres/25 km²) – for US$26,500, Zachurm “Deathifier” Emegen purchased a virtual island on Project Entropia. A large island off a newly discovered continent surrounded by deep creature infested waters. The island boasts beautiful beaches ripe for developing beachfront property, an old volcano with rumors of fierce creatures within, the outback is overrun with mutants, and an area with a high concentration of robotic miners guarded by heavily armed assault robots indicates interesting mining opportunities. Quite amazing!

Crab vs. Pipe (from kobashi) – This is a video taken in 6000 feet of water. An undersea robot is sawing a 3mm wide slit (1/10th of an inch … remember that width) in a pipeline. The pressure inside the pipeline is 0 psig, while the pressure outside is 2700 psi, or 1.3 tons per square inch. Then a crab comes along….

Samsung announces five slim phones (from artemyst). Honest to god, I didn’t even notice the females holding the phone. Probably because the phones themselves are so sexy! But is it just me, or is the left 2 phones very similar to the Motorola RAZR?

Final Fantasy XI Online (from eddo) – A remake of the Full Metal Alchemist Opening intro, but with Final Fantasy XI characters! Pretty cool if you’re a fan of both!

Skater falls through roof (from deadlock) – saw this video before, but the Mario music compliments it very well!

Funny ricer (from deadlock) – probably a joke video, but it’s still hilarious to see how this ricer explains how great his Civic is. Wait for it… Wait for it… BUSTS OUT A GRAPH! HAHA!

3D Rendering of a Ford Engine (from deadlock) – a very nice video of all the different components of a Ford engine rendered in 3D. Pretty interesting. Would’ve been nicer if they explained what was happening too.

Three die playing catch with grenadeA hand grenade being used instead of a ball in a game of catch exploded early on Saturday killing three youths in this Bosnian town, police and news agencies said. … Police said an inquiry was under way and declined further comment. It was not clear why the grenade exploded. I’m pretty sure the reason while the grenade exploded was because the pin came off (either on purpose or accidentally). Ungsunghero thinks they might’ve been playing Hot Potatoes, that man version. Anyway, I’m more curious on why the police are investigating why the grenade exploded and not why they were playing a with a grenade.

Ship Blasted Pirates With Sonic Weapon – modern day pirates get fought back with modern day technology!

Firms make profit by paying too much taxBecause the Dutch Treasury pays 5 percent interest on any excess amount paid that it returns later — more than commercial banks would offer — some firms gladly accept an estimate that is too high, Dutch Finance Minister Gerrit Zalm complained on his weblog Monday. Maybe the USA should do this!

pya! FLOOD

Here’s the pya! FLOOD:

(img) 記念撮影 – Giant Pumpkin
(img) 顔 – Ice Cream Faces
(img) カーセックス – How cars are made. – When your car is that hot, everything wants a piece of it.
(vid) ロケット花火 – Rocket Fireworks – Idiot burns his own butt.
(img) 滝 – Waterfall
(img) 明らかに別人 – Amazing Sunglasses – So amazing, you become another person!
(img) ガクガク(((( ;゚Д゚))))ブルブルな橋 – Broken Bridge – Can’t believe people still use it.
(img) 雀のケーキ – Mahjong Cake
(img) ハート – Cars Headlight Heart
(img) Glacier scenery
(flash) 棒リズム – Stick Rhythm – N0 Music… No Life – cute animation with stick figures dancing around the computer
(flash) The MASK – animation about a giraffe and his tree and an ostrich who wants a part of it. storyline was iffy, but the animation was pretty cool.
(img) (´Д`)nya – Baby Kitten
(img) これで安心 – No More Worries – A Japanese article on the anti-rapist device woman keep in their privates. The penis looks realy sad.
(img) Glass Bridge
(img) 自分を表す – Knitted DNA Strands
(img) フレキシブルガール – Freaky Blue Girl – a very creepy contortionist
(img) 1かん違い – Giant Sushi
(img) ママ、ちょっと待って~! – Mama, wait for us! – cute baby polar bears
(img) ロナルドへの挑戦状 – Ronald’s Challenge – Would you ever eat that much stuff from McDonald’s?
(img) ロナルドへの挑戦状 – Ronald’s Challenge – Would you ever eat that much stuff from McDonald’s?
(img) 瞬間芸「ネッシー」 – Lochness Monster – Pretty cool water drop effect
(vid) 追跡不能 – Unable to Continue Chase – Someone the cops managed to crash their car into a light pole
(img) す…吸わないでwan – Litter of Baby Puppies
(img) 雪だwan – Puppy in Snow
(img) 量産開始 – Another Litter of Baby Puppies

Random Crap:

When people buy a 1/4 drill, they’re not really buying a 1/4 inch drill, they’re buying 1/4 inch holes. The product itself is not as important as what it does and how it benefits the consumers. (from /.)

The Ultimate Star Trek Collection (1989) (from /.) – Guess this is a must have for every Star Trek geek. Though the author did warn readers to leave their couch once in awhile or you might end up like the lady in 480-Pound Woman Dies After Six Years On Couch.

Buddy Info Page (from lsiymle) – turns out AIM is providing a new feature. If you look at your profile, you’ll see that it now contains a link with the text: Less right clicks, use the Away Page! I actually really like this feature because it provides you with a page with EVERY single buddy’s profile information, so now you don’t have to go and right click each one and click “Get Buddy Info…”. My sister at first thought it was a virus, but then everyone suddenly started to get it, including me, so she was curious if I had gotten an aim virus. Haha.

Let’s be friends (from deadlock) – Touching photos of unusual animal friendships.

Tyra Banks Goes Undercover As Obese Woman (from artemyst) – “I started walking down the street and within 10 seconds, a trio of people looked at me, snickered, looked me right in my eye and started pointing and laughing in my face,” the talk-show host said. “And I had no idea it was that blatant.”

23 eerie parallels between Xbox 360 and the Sega Dreamcast. (from /.) – I don’t particularily agree with all the points they made, but it is indeed scary to see so many similarities.

Eight Below (Apple Movie Trailer) – The huskies are so cute!

Pizza Delivery

So my colleagues and I had our weekly poker game today. It was quite exciting and I actually won money, though I lost my initial $10 buy in, and when I bought in a 2nd time, I got my initial $10 back and actually made an extra $2. The winner of this week’s game was Derek leaving with $18 in his pocket.

During our game, several of us got hungry and decided to order pizza. However, after an hour, the pizza deliver guy still didn’t arrive, so we gave the Pizza place a call and they told us that it was going to be here in a minute. You see, after losing my initial $10 buy-in, my contingency to continue playing was that pizza was going to come or else we were going out to get food anyway, so there was no point to buy back in now. So after the call, I bought back in, and within 10 minutes I had actually made up back the initial $10 lost, which I guess was a good thing to buy back in, but it could’ve as easily gone the other way too. After 10mins, the pizza still did not arrive. This time they asked for his phone #, which they didn’t bother asking on the earlier call which led us to believe that the guy on the other end just made up the expected delivery time. So we pull the we’re going to cancel card and they offered the pizza to us for free. Of course we couldn’t reject an offer like that, though we should’ve since when we started to eat the pizza, it was actually pretty bad. The max we agreed that we’d pay for a large pizza like this was $2-3. Anyway, we did tip the driver after he confirmed with the pizza parlor that we were indeed getting our pizza for free.

Random Crap:

I just got the most interesting IM just a few minutes ago: (screen name removed to protect the user’s privacy)

Anonymous: i love you
Anonymous: whooops
Anonymous: wrong person

At this point I get a pop up if I want to receive message from this person which I haven’t chatted with in years. And when I saw that, I was like wo… I can understand that if a close friend says that or if someone I helped recently said that, but not someoen I haven’t seen or heard from for years. But I found it extremely hilarious that someone could say “I Love You” to the incorrect person. So our chat continues:

Anonymous: nah, jk
Krunk4Ever: haha
Krunk4Ever: long time no chat
Krunk4Ever: what’s up?
Anonymous: nah i love u anyways
Anonymous: nothing much
Anonymous: who is this
Anonymous: this is not (name of friend)
Anonymous: so fu
Krunk4Ever: oh i see…
Anonymous: eat tofu
Anonymous: bye
Krunk4Ever: cya

So yesterday, I got in my email my 2 Blingo iTunes Gift Certificates. Pretty sweet. You know, I have not spent 1 single penny on iTunes yet. My 1st $10 in iTunes was a present from Liam and I still have like $4.xx in my balance. Now I’ll have $24.xx. =)

The new Yahoo! Maps is finally out! Still in beta though, but it looks pretty nice. Doesn’t have the Satellite Imagery mode yet, but it’s released a lot of its APIs for developers which is a really nice gesture for anyone that wants to have mapping software for their website.

azumanga diaoh x final fantasy 7
A really hilarious cross between Azumanga Diaoh and Final Fantasy 7 (from artemyst)

TransMedia Glide – Effortless (from /.) – sounds like an interesting service they’ll be providing. However, 50MB is a bit low on space for the free account. Only time can tell if this service would be any good.

What is Glide?
Glide is effectively twelve software and service environments integrated in a single online application, providing powerful creation, communication, sharing and ecommerce features only made possible by Glide’s integration and online compatibility.

Glide’s twelve integrated environments include Glide Photos, Glide Music, Glide Video, Glide Docs, Glide AllMedia, Glide Contacts, Glide Calendar, Glide Timeline (Glide’s action oriented search engine), Glide Mail, Glide Cast (video, audio and text conferencing), Glide Share and Glide Shops.

Glide is browser based, and supports all major platforms (PC, Mac, Linux) and all major browsers (Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera). No software installation or configuration is necessary to preview and share media and communicate.
Consumers just log on to

Glide’s built in trans-coding engines creates universal compatibility between users by automatically creating streaming browser-based previews of virtually all major document, image, audio and video file types imported.

“TransMedia’s emphasis on compatibility and integration have produced incredible capabilities that are simply unavailable from other software vendors,” said TransMedia Chairman and CEO Donald Leka. For example, Glide users can share and experience music playlists, video playlists, product information and ads in real time with anyone that has a browser and an internet connection by simply dragging and dropping these assets into a video or text conference.

It’s been more than 20 years since the desktop has been completely overhauled. The last time was back in 1984 with the introduction of Apple’s Macintosh computer operating system. TransMedia is turning the Desktop on its head with a new patent pending user interface: the Glide Action Bubble™ and Active Feedback Screen.

Glide is designed to be accessible on any device: PC, cell phone, PDA and set top box. In an effort to provide a consistent and simple interface across devices, Glide’s proprietary navigation system replaces traditional menu lists, toolbars and top, left, right and bottom navigation. Glide replaces traditional navigation concepts with the Glide Action Bubble linked to Glide’s Active Feedback Screen, which provides users with continuous feedback. Users simply hover and an action bubble appears displaying only the options available.

Glide is scheduled to be launched to the consumer market on November 15th for the PC version and will be available at The Mac version will be available on Christmas Day, December 25th.

TransMedia is transforming the economics of software and online services. There are three packages for consumers:

1) Glide Premium: $9.95 monthly / 99.95 annually – includes all 12 environments with 2GB of storage
2) Glide Standard: $4.95 monthly / $49.95 annually – includes all environments (except video and audio conferencing) with 750MB of storage
3) Glide Free: Includes Glide Mail, Glide Contacts, Glide Shops, Glide Photos, Glide Music, Glide Video & Glide Docs with 50MB of storage

Invisible Idiot

TGIF!!! It’s been a long tiring week.

So Rob came up to Seattle to visit CDMCC and we went out and chilled tonight. We didn’t exactly go bar hopping, but we did go to 2 different bars where CDMCC, Rob, and Elizabeth order drinks. Since I was designated driver, I had the perfect excuse not to, but it’s not like I couldn’t think of another excuse, it just makes it easier for me. We first went to Brouwer’s Cafe. It’s a pretty comfy joint and the atmosphere is really nice. We went there last time with Vandel and Liam. They have really good fries with this chipotle sauce which is excellent. Also according to CDMCC, they have like 80 different beers (mostly imported) on tap. It’s actually quite a sight. Afterwards, we headed over to Red Door Ale House. I really needed to pee, but it took me literally 5 minutes to get through the crowd to the restroom. The place was jammed pack and the music was so loud I couldn’t even hear my voice. The atmosphere was okay, but not really my type of chilling place. I’d much rather chill back at Brouwer’s. Actually, it was quite fun on how I found the names of this place. I was googling some variation of Brausser, Brauwser, Brauser, etc but didn’t really get anywhere. Then I googled Bars Fremont Seattle and one of the links listed several bars including Red Door and Triangle something. Red Door sounded familiar and it turns out to be the 2nd bar we went to. Using FlashEarth with VirtualEarth, I found the street (Phinney and 35th) where the first bar we went to was on and then googled that street name with bars and found Brouwer’s after a couple links. One thing I like more about VirtualEarth is that you can zoom in more than Google Maps. The night was fun. Rob came up earlier today and I think he’s going to be leaving sometime Sunday or Monday. CDMCC and Rob are actually going to be working tomorrow on some truck/imagery project which I won’t be elaborating on.

On our way home, the topic of AI came up and then it lead to computer doing language translations. Elizabeth then brought up the story of how before, some guy online did a translation of “out of sight, out of mind” from English to Chinese. Then he took the Chinese symbols and piped it back to be translated from Chinese to English. The ending result was invisible idiot. At first it made a lot of sense on how out of sight = invisible and how out of mind = idiot, but then the more I thought about it, the more it didn’t make sense. Computer translations don’t work like that. It never simplifies things and usually translates word by word. I actually did this test on babelfish and came out with the following:

out of sight, out of mind
出於視域, 在頭腦外面
Stemming from sight, outside brains

This translation makes much more sense in how translators today work. Since ‘of’ makes the object after it possessive of the object before it, think about it as the sight’s out and the mind’s out and you can see why the final English translation is that way.

I googled it and it turns out it’s quite an urban legend. The actual quote is: Some scientists were testing a program that could translate from English to Chinese and back again. They fed into their computer the English phrase “Out of sight, out of mind,” and out came some Chinese ideograms. Since none of the scientists in the room at that moment knew Chinese well enough to determine whether the computer’s Chinese translation had captured the spirit of the English phrase, they fed the ideograms back into the computer. The translation back into English read “Invisible idiot.” There’s no verification if this is true or not, but my gut instinct tells me if someone wants to test a translation machine, funky english phrases wouldn’t be something you want to test, unless you wanted to see the hilarious output.

Random Crap:

Got this map off bittorrent:
lord of the rings middle earth map

Seems to be a very detailed map of Middle Earth (from Lord of the Rings). It’s a 8meg image, so it may take some time to load and I can finally utilize my bandwidth! The image is really detailed, but you’ll have to click on the Full size: 8740×8208 link in the upper right hand corner.

Calif. Man Caught in ‘HOV’ Lane With Dummy – this man thought he was clever by driving in the carpool lane with some doll, until he got caught.

Blue Ball Machine (from deadlock) – I’ve always loved contraptions! The music got a bit annoying after awhile though:
blue ball machine

Stamp collectors hail blockbuster tradeThe trade was remarkable in that it was a cashless exchange involving one $3 million item for another, and because it completed Gross’ collection of every U.S. stamp from the 19th century — a feat no museum has accomplished.

Dentist severs finger and fakes car crash – article wasn’t that interesting but I wanted you to read this line and tell me what you think: A Dutch dentist who chopped off his finger and then faked a car crash before claiming 1.8 million euros ($2.2 million) from insurers was given a suspended sentence and fined by a court Thursday. Does that mean he got the 1.8million euros? Cause in my insurance terminology, filing a claim is what you do before you get the money and when you actually claimed it, that means you already got the money. With only a 25K euro fine and 240hrs of community service, that’s still over 1,775,000 euros!?!?! That’s 7395.83 euros / community service hour! I wish I could make bank like that by doing community services.

Amazon trying to steal Google Print’s thunder with new service – story basically talks about Amazon providing it’s own publiciation search utility to compete with Google Print. However, I just noticed this new really neat feature Amazon will be providing: The second program, Amazon Upgrade, will allow customers to “upgrade” their purchase of a physical book on to include complete online access. For example, a software developer who buys a Java programming book will not only get the physical book delivered to his or her home, but will also get 24×7 Web access to the complete interior text of the book. Buy a cookbook and you will not only have it on your shelf, but also be able to access it anywhere via the Web. By ordering a real book, I can have a digital copy online which I can access from anywhere where I have online connection! That’s totally sweet!

Amazon Mechanical Turk (from MSDL) – Complete simple tasks that people do better than computers. And, get paid for it. Amazon’s new beta service where they’re hiring people to do monkey work. Not exactly sure how it works but I hope people aren’t getting paid $0.03 for 60mins. Sounds interesting though…

Happy Halloween!

 H  A  P  P  Y     H  A  L  L  O  W  E  E  N  !  !  !  ! 

Was invited to a Halloween BBQ, but I had to decline because I had some catchup to do at work. Though this Halloween was quite interesting. Many people on my floor brought in candy because little trick or treaters would come in between 4-6pm to go trick or treating in the Microsoft buildings. The little kids in their little costumes were super cute. Tekman’s twins came as Thing 1 and Thing 2 from Dr. Suess’ Cat in the Hat. I also helped myself to a sample of candy. hehe. What else was funny was because of the security inside the building, all the little kids had a sticker on their costume saying visitor. Dan was talking about how when he was small, when he went trick or treating, his parents would be paranoid about people poisoning candy, so any candy that wasn’t completely sealed was thrown into the trash. THAT EXACTLY HAPPENED TO ME TOO!!! My siblings can vouch for it too. Haha. Just found the coincidence to be shocking. Anyway, if my kids got candy from Microsoft Employees, I’m pretty sure I can trust all of them to not poison my kids, assuming that 1 day I’ll have kids.

Random Crap:

One of the pya! images I posted yesterday included a Skull Helmet Creature:
skull helmet creature

Apparently it’s Cubone from the Pokemon series (thanks to deadlock):

CustomizeGoogle (from /.) – CustomizeGoogle is a Firefox extension that enhance Google search results by adding extra information (like links to Yahoo, Ask Jeeves, MSN etc) and removing unwanted information (like ads and spam). Looks like a pretty neat tool.


  • Use Google Suggest (suggest words while you’re typing)
  • Add links to competitors
  • Rewrite links to point straight to the images in Google Images
  • Removes image copying restrictions in Google Print
  • Secure Gmail, switch to https
  • Remove ads
  • Anonymize your Google userid
  • Add a result counter in search result
  • Filter spammy websites from search results
  • Add links to WayBack Machine (webpage history)
  • Remove click tracking

According to /., A new feature in CustomizeGoogle (Firefox extension) modifies the Google Cache urls so that they are no longer blocked by the Chinese firewall. This feature is only available in CustomizeGoogle zh-CN, found here. This is how it works: All links to Google Cache, from the Google search result, are slightly modified. The Chinese Great Firewall doesn’t recognize the new links as Google Cache links, and therefore they are accessible for everyone.

Oh well, the Chinese Internet Patrol probably caught on to this already and patched their firewall.

Lenovo ThinkPad X41 Tablet PC: Closing the Mobile Gap – another review of this sweet notebook. Not exactly sure why suddenly everyone’s doing reviews on these, but the X41 has been around for quite some time. Maybe Lenovo is sending out sample machines to different websites to get the word out?

My Weekend

My weekend consisted of watching a lot of anime (reviews to come later), several movies, some Fable, and meeting with some colleagues for a game of Poker. This time we met at Derek’s house. He has this really pretty house in Issaquah. I wouldn’t say it was in the middle of no where, but it was very close. Google Maps showed a driving time of 18mins. It took me half an hour to get there due to traffic and other unforseen circumstances. I couldn’t believe traffic was so bad on a Saturday. Even though I was late, I was the 1st one there. Derek had 2 game consoles, an Xbox and a … NES!!?!?! I wish I still had my NES system. I think my dad gave it to my cousins. That game console rocked.

So a couple new people are joining our weekly or biweekly games. I didn’t do well this time. Lost $20 on Saturday, but I’m still up $50 overall. I’ve capped myself to lose only that much per time we play, which made me the designated automatic shuffler 2000. hehe. I think my thumbs got really tired after the game.

Oh yah! I also got my haircut on Saturday. It’s been like 2 months since my haircut and it was growing out like a wild forest. Haircuts here are expensive. You can get a haircut at SuperCuts/Great Clips for $14, but they don’t tend to turn out that well. I’ve gotten 2 recommendations, so I gave The Barber Shop a try and it turned out pretty well, however it cost $19. OUCH. That’s comparing to my $6 hair cuts back in Monterey Park, or $FREE when ohfuee helped me cut it.

I also did some cleaning. Was planning to do some more like tidy up the room, but all I ended up doing was taking the trash out, doing laundry and washing the dishes. Haha. Laziness just crept it.

Random Crap:

Seems like more videos have been released by The Official How It Should Have Ended Website. The new ones I saw include The Blair Witch Project, Surviving An Alien Attack, Seven, and Braveheart.

Brewster Jennings Protects America: The Google Map Hunt Game (from /.) – Remember playing “Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego” as a kid? Well now the new game Brewster Jennings Protects America brings this classic adventure into the 21st century by merging the game play with Google maps technology*. In the web-based Brewster Jennings Protects America game you race around the globe as a government agent trying to stop a deadly terror attack from taking place…. I gave it a short try and the UI was pretty hard to control and unlike Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego where they give you 3 places to choose from, you have the entire world to choose from. Several other Google Maps games include: Google Earth Hacks, GoogleEarthing , Earth Contest.

Day Light Savings Time

Don’t forget to update your clocks! We get an extra hour! w00t! Meaning 6PM -> 5PM. Your computer should’ve automatically updated it for you.

Random Crap:

More stuff from pya!:

(img) 男性用トイレ – Men’s Restroom – I wonder what their Women’s Restroom look like (imagining hunks on the back of stall doors)
(img) 早く手を離せっchu! – Remove your hands immediately! – Trying to feed the hamster and almost lost a finger
(img) ハート – Heart – Heart water droplet
(vid) (=`ω´)ノノ ≡● おさえがきかんnya – cat trying to catch balloon – and all the time I’m expecting it to pop…
(vid) バン!バン! ドガーン!- Laptop Beating – I bet this guy is regretting immediately upon executing his last move.
(img) 水柱 – Water Pillars – nice water illusion going on
(img) 地獄のシンフォニー – Hell’s Symphony
(img) 逃がさない・・・ – No one can escape… – If police really get to drive these types of cars, I wouldn’t mind becoming a police officer
(img) 火林 – Forest of Fire – simultaneous explosions?
(img) ハンズフリーフォン – Hands Free Phone – That ear looks painful
(img) カラカラ – Skull Helmet Creature – these creatures look familiar, like from some game. I’m thinking super mario bros.
(img) ハート – Heart – Heart Door Handle
(vid) 私は独楽 – I’m a Top – some guy break dancing that did 93 spins!!!
(flash) ばあちゃんと過ごした日 – The day you passed away – not exactly sure if the title was translated correctly, but it has a lot of cute kitten drawings and the midi is nice too!
(vid) DJ – a BBC Radio commercial I thought was done really nicely
(vid) 遠吠え – Howling – this little puppy’s wolf blood started to boil
(vid) スーパーボール – Super Ball – a Sony commercial, but I like the bouncing balls.
(img) とある街並 – Candy Town – not exactly sure if it’s made of candy, but the melting buildings have a scary effect to it
(img) 追い抜いてやる – Snail Chase
(img) 所変われば・・・ – Fake Teeth Maker – If that pile of stuff on the left are real human teeth, that’s a rather scary thought
(img) バラエティーの宿命? – Rabbit Bowling
(vid) 一撃でダウンnya – 1 Single Blow – the cat is chasing a RC car and suddenly enters the wrong territory
(img) ぼそぼそ言っても聞こえているよ – Giant Upside Down Horn
(img) お願い、わたしを買って – Please Buy Me – life size replica of Nakoruru (Samurai Showdown character)
(flash) 不可思議な構造物 – Perspective XTC-05 – nice flash of 2 point perspective drawings with some impossible figures.
(img) リサイクル – Recycle – sushi with recycling symbols
(img) これで将来廃人に・・・ – Computer Programming Board Game
(img) 天の川 – Milky Way – pretty green colored sky
(img) nya!か? – what? – Hello Kitty Cake
(vid) コーラ+メントス – Cola + Mentos – I want to TRY THIS!!!

Ink all over my pants

What Grinds My Gears: I’ve probably made this rant before, but I really really hate cell phone service providers’ help they provide when you lose your phone. In other words, NO HELP. A friend recently lost his cell phone and it irked me since the T-Mobile was giving him the same bullshit they gave me. Once again, I could never see WHY they wouldn’t help us track the phone or help the law enforcement track down the thief? What more easier way is there when a thief is carrying a tracking device!?!?! There should be a list of all reported stolen phones and when someone tries to make a call from that phone, it’ll try to locate the person through triangulation and notify the nearest police department to that area (which is easily doable since 911 works on a cell phone). Another service easily providable is any call made from that phone no matter what # was dialed (besides emergency #s like 911) will be forwarded to 1 particular # which the own can set. I mean in the event where the owner loses the phone and the person who found the phone wants to return it, he’d probably try to call someone on that list and ask if they knew who owned this #. By being able to forward all calls to say your home line, you won’t have to worry about long distance charges and you can be certain if they try to make a call, it’ll be forwarded to you. Another extremely stupid idea is that when you lose your phone is that they recommend that you suspend your account to prevent the thief from putting charges on your bill. However if you’re under contract, suspending your account VIOLATES the contract and you’re forced to pay the cancellation fee. Which really only leaves you instead of suspending the account to immediately purchase a new phone and swap it onto the current plan. I’ve asked before if it was okay to suspend the account, but continue paying for the service until I could get a new phone. They apologize and said they couldn’t do that. OH MY GOSH! I’m willing to pay for a service which I WILL NOT BE USING, but instead they make it harder on the customer and force them to either get a new phone immediate or suspend the service and pay the cancellation fee.

So I was in my manager’s office today talking about commitments and scheduling what I’ll be doing for the next few months. While I was sitting there, I had a pen and notepad jotting down important information. While I was sitting there, I left the pen uncapped and it was resting on my leg. Before I knew it, I had a big ink spot on my pants. It was at least 1″ by 1″ in size. So immediately after the meeting, I went to the restroom and tried to get it off. There was so much ink that it had already seeped through and gotten to my leg. I took paper towel after paper towel and tried to soak all the ink out. You should’ve see the amount of ink i was soaking out. However, as this soaking process continued, it didn’t look like the ink was getting any lighter, but instead the spot was getting bigger. These were some nice pants I recently got too!

Finally, the ink got lighter and lighter, but by now it was the size of 5″ by 7″. I also used soap/detergent to help it. I’ve gotta say, I did quite a good job. The ink is hardly noticable now, and hopefully when I wash it, it’ll be completely removed.

Random Crap:

Got the following conversation from /. I thought the last comment was quite insightful.

“Microsoft set up a clean computer and then infected it.”

So they switched it on and connected it to the net?

You moderators may think that’s funny, but there’s more than a grain of truth in there. The current estimate by the ISC’s DShield [] for how long it takes for a random computer to get infected after it’s connected to the Internet is 26 minutes.

Think about that for a moment… and then ask yourself why we actually take this for granted instead of suing Microsoft into oblivion. Would a car company get away with cars breaking down on real-life roads an average 26 minutes after they’re purchased? The thought is totally ridiculous, yet we accept the same from Microsoft. Why?

I’d be amazed if it lasted 30 seconds.

When you get right down to it, cars are shitty in reliability compared to software. Off the top of my head, here are some major problems my car has, at least when looked at from a software standpoint:

1) My car is very venurable to break ins. You can smash a window, jimmy the locks and so on. It’s easy, requries no knowledge to do.

2) My car doesn’t deal with faulty input. If I set it in neutral and floor it, the engine will overheat and seize up. There’s no system to deal with faulty operation like that.

3) My car has problems with user error. If I drive it in to a wall on accident, it’ll stop functioning. Same if a user of another car makes a mistake and hits it.

Worse yet, the manufacturer will not fix ANY of these faults, even for a price. Even worse they KNEW about ALL of them when they sold the car.

Now compare that to software where we expect that it be essentially faultless and when a fault is found, that it be fixed quickly and for free.

Something tells me that if someone put a brick through your window, it would be them that you wanted busted, not the maker of your car. Yet if someone hacks your OS, you are mad at the OS maker, not that hacker.

How Zombies Work (from /.). An interesting piece on zombies and what makes them tick and how the 1st zombie story started.

The Worst Jobs in Science (from /.). The top 10 worst jobs in science are:

  1. Orangutan-Pee Collector
  2. NASA Ballerina
  3. Do-Gooder
  4. Semen Washer
  5. Volcanologist
  6. Nuclear-Weapons Scientist
  7. Extremophile Excavator
  8. Kansas Biology Teacher
  9. Manure Inspector
  10. Human Lab Rat

pico pico
Pico Pico (from artemyst) – reminds me of Potato from AIR

Wok The Fuck? – Pho (from artemyst) – A hilarious flash video teaching you how to make the traditional beef noodle soup (pho) with comments from Phuc Dat Bich (a vietnam immigrant). Link updated with the one ohfuee provided.

Video in the News: Bees Battle “Hornets From Hell” (from deadlock) – A interesting video of the fight between hornets and bees. Hornets are very scary looking…

Suicide Mistaken for Halloween DecorationThe apparent suicide of a woman found hanging from a tree went unreported for hours because passers-by thought the body was a Halloween decoration, authorities said.

Man Finds 56-Pound Mushroom in MissouriThe mushroom Ty Whitmore found on a relative’s farm near the northwest Missouri community of Maysville this week tipped the scales at 56 pounds — and that was only part of it. I wanna see the mushroom!

Lenovo ThinkPad X41 Tablet unreview – an interesting review on the sexy ThinkPad X41. *drools* ONLY 2.75lbs!!!

Victoria’s Secret – Fantasy Bra (NOT WORK SAFE) (from artemyst) – $12.5 million for a bra…

Wis. Bridge Begins Raining $20 BillsIt was a clear morning in Green Bay — and then it began raining money. Traffic came to a halt on the congested bridge Wednesday after $20 bills from a money bag that had been accidentally dropped from an armored truck began blowing around and down to the Fox River banks below. … Police Capt. Greg Urban called on people who picked up the money to be “honest and ethical” and turn it over to police. “Technically, it’s the crime of theft, not finders keepers,” he said. I like the finders keepers rule better. ;p

Rome bans goldfish bowlsThe newspaper reported that round bowls caused fish to go blind. No one at Rome council was available to confirm this was why they were banned. Many fish experts say round bowls provide insufficient oxygen for fish. Interesting on how round fish bowls will cause them to go blind. Anyone know exactly why?

Foiled! – when someone is paranoid that the government or big brother is watching, tin foiling everything is the way to go!

VeriSign, ICANN settle lawsuit over Site Finder – Remember those stupid Site Finder websites when you accidentally typed in the incorrect url. Apparently all those were owned by Verisign. I can’t believe it was them! But then again, who else would have better data than them in knowing which domains were ping incorrectly more often than not?