Mix Up at Birth

So I was reading this article: Twin, separated at birth, sues for mix-up a few days ago and thought to myself, if I found out my child was mixed up at the maternity ward a few years down the road, what would I do? Would I exchange the kids and get my real child back? Or would I keep the existing one since I’ve already developed a bond with him/her?

These stores aren’t that uncommon either as I’ve been seeing more and more of them.

Personally, I think I’d keep the child I already have, but there’s still something about screwed up about the situation. Not only will this knowledge bother you for the rest of your life, you’ll probably have recurring feeling of wanting to know how your real child is doing. And I’m not saying that you can’t love this child as much as your own, but it’ll definitely change things.

I also think it depends on how long I’ve had the child. If it’s been only 3-6 months, I might actually consider swapping back.

Yuppies / Stuff White People Like

Awhile back, I had the following conversation with Tera, FuzzyWuzzy, and Angelus:

<pantsumimi> do you have a Wii, krunk?
<Krunk> nope
<pantsumimi> blackberry?
<pantsumimi> iPhone?
<pantsumimi> random mid-range sports car e.g. SLK or RX 7 / RX 8 ?
<Krunk> nope
<Krunk> my phone is a pretty simple guy:
<Krunk> samsung SGH-t519
<Krunk> my car is what i had since high school: honda civic 2001
<pantsumimi> you’re quite possibly the worst yuppie ever (Expand…)

Apparently Yuppie is derived from YUP which stands for: (Y)oung (U)rban (P)rofessional which I never knew before. As the conversation above shows, I always thought it referred to rich douche bags. Anyway, Angelus pointed me to this new blog which I’ve been reading religiously: Stuff White People Like. It’s a blog describing white people and what they do, how they behave, etc. and how you can exploit these data points to your advantage.

For example, some of the recent posts I enjoy include:

TV Speaker as Center Speaker

Just a little rant I have. I always thought TV speakers were a waste once you switch to a speaker system (receiver + surround sound). Awhile back (yes this entry has been queued for some time), I thought to myself, why not allow the TV speakers have 2 modes: stand-alone or center.

First of all, TV speakers are typically quite decent. They’re not superb, but they’re typically not low quality stuff either as TV manufacturers want to entice you to purchase the TV.

And if you’re in the market to purchase a speaker system piece by piece, it’d be sweet to be able to use the TV speakers as the center as they’re already situated in the correct positions. That way, TV speakers just don’t become useless add-ons that will never used again.

Unfortunately, hardly any TV manufacturers enable this scenario as I’ve only seen a handful of TVs that support using their speaker as a center speaker. I doubt it cost that much more to enable this feature. Sigh…

This Week? Next Week?

So we had a big debate over the concept of “this” vs “next” [insert day of week] at work a few weeks back. I took this debate and have gotten a few more people’s input on it, and now would like to know yours.

Before I infuse any sort of idea into your head, you might want to copy and paste the following blob and decide on your own what it means to you:

I’m posting this on Wednesday (4/16), but if you’re reading this not on a Wednesday, lets just assume this is a Wednesday for now. Which date would it correspond to if someone said the following:

  • Today: __________
  • This Tuesday: __________
  • This Wednesday: __________
  • This Thursday: __________
  • This Saturday: __________
  • This Sunday: __________
  • Next Tuesday: __________
  • Next Wednesday: __________
  • Next Thursday: __________
  • Next Saturday: __________
  • Next Sunday: __________

One additional question to ask yourself: Which day of the week does your week start?

Now that you have your answers, lets go over what I’ve found.

First off, lets start with which day of the week does a week start on. For me, it’s always been Monday, so I’ve always disagreed with how the calendar is laid out, which typically starts the week off on Sunday. For me, Sunday is part of the weekend, which as the word signifies, the end of the week.

However, Ungsunghero told me he always thought of “weekend” similarly to “bookend”, as in they are the 2 ends of the week. That actually made a lot of sense and I confirmed with him that the adjacent Saturday and Sunday are part of 2 different weeks. I then asked what “this weekend” meant to him and he agreed that would refer to the coming Saturday and Sunday and maybe even Friday.

Before we go into This/Next [insert day of week], let me give 2 more examples (still assuming today is Wednesday). Does any one of the following sound weird to you?

  • We are going bowling this Tuesday.
  • We went bowling this Tuesday.

If you believe this Tuesday refers to the coming Tuesday (4/22), the 2nd sentence would sound weird/incorrect to you. If you believe this Tuesday refers to yesterday (4/15), the first sentence will sound weird/incorrect to you.

I’m part of the latter group that believe this Tuesday refers to yesterday.

Now we can get into the big blob above. Given today is Wednesday 4/16, as I mentioned above, “This Tuesday” typically refers to either yesterday (4/15) or the coming Tuesday (4/22). For me, “this” refers to “this week’s”, so “this Tuesday” refers to “this week’s Tuesday” and I’ve already defined my week to begin on Monday and end on Sunday.

However for some, this [insert day of week] can never refer to the past, so they’re more incline to think it refers to the coming Tuesday (I’m going to avoid using next since it just adds to the confusion. I assuming coming Tuesday is non-ambiguous).

Since we’re on Tuesday, let’s jump to “Next Tuesday”. For most, I would assume it means the coming Tuesday (4/22), however I believe a few would say it would actually refer to the Tuesday after that (4/29).

“This Wednesday” is another difficult one given that today is Wednesday, however I would say it would be referring to today (4/16), though I don’t think many would ever use that in context. I assume some would say it refers to the coming Wednesday (4/23). As for “Next Wednesday”, it refers to the coming Wednesday (4/23) for me and I assume some would think it refers to the Wednesday after that (4/30).

I’m pretty sure most people would agree “This Thursday” and “Next Thursday” refer to 4/17 and 4/24 respectively. However, I can also see people thinking both this/next Thursday referring to tomorrow (4/17).

Similar to Thursday, I believe this/next Saturday works the same way.

As for “This Sunday”, some think it refers to this past Sunday (since their week starts on Sunday), but for me it refers the coming Sunday, since my week ends on Sunday. Similarly, “Next Sunday” would be just 1 additional week after “This Sunday”, but I guess for some, it’s possible that both this Sunday and next Sunday refer to this coming Sunday (4/20).

There, does your head hurt now? Then I’ve accomplished my goal. ;p

Are Elongated Pennies Legal?

I’m serious that those pennies you crush up or press at theme parks and tourist attraction locations with the location’s emblem are called elongated coins.

Elongated coins are coins that have been flattened, stretched and imprinted with a new design with the purpose of creating a commemorative or souvenir token. The collecting of elongated coins is a branch of numismatics. Elongated coins can also be categorized as exonumia.

I’ve always wondered if it was some trickery or if it was really legal to destroy U.S. issued currency for something silly like these elongated pennies.

But while I was at Snoqualmie Falls, I noticed this sign on the Penny Presser:

penny pressers legality


Yes, it is legal to elongate coins under 331, title 18 of the United States Code. It is illegal only if someone fraudulently mutilates the coin, so elongating coins in this manner is legal.

I’m not exactly sure how fraudulently is defined, but does that mean when I defaced all those pennies back in Jr High by rubbing it against the asphalt, that it’s technically legal since I wasn’t defrauding anyone? Ooooh! Shiny! I hope I didn’t just self incriminate myself.

While I was at the Space Needle, I noticed they also have Quarter Pressers. However, they cost 50 cents more. $0.51 = 1 elongated penny. $1.25 = 1 elongated quarter. What a rip off. However, my sister collects them as souvenirs, so oh well.

I guess pennies do have a use after all! And Congress was thinking of scrapping away the penny. Think of all the penny elongators that will have to be scrapped! ;p

Now, if I light my cigarette with a $100 bill, I wonder if that’s still legal:
lighting cigatter with dollar bill

Toilet Paper Usage

WARNING: You may be disgusted by the following post or may be screaming TMI!!! by the end of this post.

So I was reading this blog post the other day: How to Use Toilet Paper and I’ve never realized there were so many different methods to wipe your butt.

Running Out of Toilet Paper

I personally put a new roll of toilet paper on the top of each toilet in case of emergencies. That way I won’t be tempted to use it and when I do run out of toilet paper from the toilet paper roll dispenser, I just swap in the extra roll. Worse case scenario is if I forget to replace the replacement afterwards, I have extra rolls inside the cabinets underneath the sink. It does require further reach though.

Fold vs Crumble

I’ve personally never heard of the “crumble” method until I read this article. I was always taught to use the fold method as a child (I guess it was part of the potty training I received). I was told to only use 4 pieces of toilet paper to conserve toilet paper and not waste it. However, sometimes they’re too thin and I need 5 or 6 sheets to prevent accidentally poking through. I asked my sister and apparently she was taught the crumble method (guess my dad and mom use different methods for wiping), but she’s swapped over to the fold method to conserve toilet paper also. I personally don’t mind actually touching poop. I mean why is it so bad to touch it when you’re satisfied with just wiping your butt without actually washing it. Worse case, just wash your hands thoroughly with soap afterwards.

I agree, if you have a poop-phobia, the crumble method may suit you better.

Front vs Back

Another thing is I’ve always wiped my butt reaching in from the front. It’s just another thing I’ve been taught. I was reading some comments and how people are afraid of actually having poop touch their genitals, but it’s been 25 years and I don’t recall one incidence of that happening. And even if it does, please see the previous paragraph. My problem with reaching from the back is that I actually have to scoot forward and make a hole behind me that’s big enough for me to stick my hands in. Then again, I guess I was just taught to sit back and relax when taking a dump. I still recall the times I would sit in there for hours reading Goosebumps and by the time I realize there’s a big red circle around my bottom (from sitting on the toilet seat too long), the poop around my butt has already hardened and has become painful to wipe.

Initial Impressions of New Bed

So I got to sleep in my new bed last night (Modus Furniture 5PC Queen Bedroom Set Nouveau II and PosturePedic Sterlingshire Firm Queen Set) and here are my initial impressions:

  • The height of the bed was not as bad as I originally thought it would be. If I tippy-toe and lift up one leg, I appear to be able to slide into the bed without much problem. Derek did tell me that he had a similar height problem with his bed and ended up removing the box spring and he hasn’t had problems with his mattress warping, though he does rotate it every once in awhile. Tekman apparently also removed the box spring, but doesn’t bother rotating the mattress to keep it from warping.
  • The mattress was rather comfortable. It did initially feel strange and foreign, but I fell asleep with not much problems.
  • The bed is definitely too wide or maybe sleeping in the center wasn’t the ideal location. When the alarm went off this morning, my hands couldn’t reach the snooze button. Maybe that’s a good thing.
  • It definitely felt weird waking up in a different room. The lighting also wasn’t correct, but I can’t really pinpoint why since the lighting in the other room changes a lot.
  • Pikachu definitely likes the new bed. He has more space to run around when I’m not around.

All in all, I’m quite satisfied 🙂

Going through my photos, I found this one to be rather neat:
dresser with mirror in light and shadows

New Bedroom Set Has Arrived

So my new bedroom set was delivered and assembled today. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves:
bedroom setbedroom setbedroom setbedroom setbedroom setbedroom set

Once again, this is the Modus Furniture 5PC Queen Bedroom Set Nouveau II and PosturePedic Sterlingshire Firm Queen Set. You can view the full gallery album here: New Bedroom Set

Anyway, it’s the 1st day and I already made some nicks and scratches on it. Haha. What do you expect from a guy who backed up his car into a rock and put a dent in his bumper. There was a note in the drawers that said nicks/scratches could be covered up with mar or touch-up stick. Guess I’ll be dropping by my local Lowes this weekend.

The reason I accidentally ended up scratching it was due to the fact I was quite unaccustomed to the new height of the bed. All my previous beds and even my parents’ bed are only knee height. Meaning I can sit on the bed and my feet can touch the floor. With this new bed, the height of my bed is up to my waist and I even stood there for a minute or two trying to decide on how to actually climb (literally) into bed. I mean before, I would just turn around (back facing bed), sit down, and then lie down. Now I actually have to hop or push myself up onto it.

So I decided to remove the box spring and the height was much more familiar:
bedroom set

However, during dinner with Xyon, he told me there’s actually a purpose to the box spring. It’s to keep the mattress level so it doesn’t bend and warp, providing equal support to the base of the mattress. That made sense, so I’ve now reinstalled the box spring, and ended up with some scratches on the bed frame.

I also purchased some sheets (Eddie Bauer® Home Solid Flannel for $20 after 20% off coupon) over the weekend for the bed and they turned out quite nicely. The set came with 1 fitted sheet, 1 flat sheet, and 2 pillowcases. I opted to use the fitted sheet, but I’m not exactly sure if there’s a purpose for the flat sheet. I wonder if it’s used to cover the box spring.

My down comforter I got from Costco a long time ago when I first moved up here was already Queen sized (apparently the only size they sell at Costco), so I had no need for a new comforter.

bedroom set

All the handles on the dresser and nightstands were inverted for shipping. I was instructed by the delivery people all I had to do was unscrew it and screw them back in on the opposite side. It was a bit tedious, but it didn’t take as long as I had expected.

Buddha vs Bodhisattva

So during a recent dinner with some of my friends, the topic of Buddhism came up. The topic of 菩薩 (pu sa) came up and I made the claim that 菩薩 (pu sa) was translated to Buddha in English. I mean 菩薩 (pu sa) does in fact sound like Buddha. Immediately there were many objections. They argued that Buddha was really one person and it was Siddhartha, the one who found Buddhism in India.

I then brought up, what about Happy Buddy (or Laughing Buddha). Happy Buddha is typically depicted with a big belly with little children around him. This was obviously not the same Siddhartha.

So I claimed that any name with ___菩薩 (___ pu sa), was really ___ Buddha. The example I brought up was 觀音菩薩 can be translated to Guan Yin Buddha.

Since none of us really knew enough about Buddhism (despite most of us being Asian), the topic ended there with no satisfactory answer.

When I got home, I decided to do my research and I was surprised by how different it was than I imagined. Using Babelfish, Buddha was translated to 菩薩 (pu sa), but translating that back to English resulted in Bodhisattva. Then again, Babelfish translation should never be used for any type of proof.

Apparently I was wrong in saying 菩薩 (pu sa) was Buddha, when the correct word I believe should be 佛 (fo). 菩薩 (pu sa) instead translates to Bodhisattva, a word I have never heard of or used until now, but it’s a common suffix used by many of the gods/idols in ancient Chinese folktale.

My friends however were somewhat incorrect in saying there is only 1 Buddha. The fact is there’s been 28 incarnations already, the last one being Gautama Buddha (Siddhartha). They’ve even predicted the 29th Buddha and has named him Maitreya Buddha. Something fascinating about how one becomes a Buddha is the fact there are certain criteria that has to be met.

Buddha is another word to refer to the “awakened one” or one who has reached the state of perfect enlightenment.

In the Pali Canon and the Theravada tradition, the term ‘buddha’ usually refers to one who has become enlightened (i.e., awakened to the truth, or Dharma) on their own, without a teacher to point out the Dharma, in a time when the teachings on the Four Noble Truths or the Eightfold Path do not exist in the world, and teaches it to others. More broadly, it is occasionally used to refer to all who attain nirvana. By comparison, those who awaken due to the teachings given by a Buddha are known as Arahants, a title also applied to Buddhas. Arahants and Buddhas are the same in the most fundamental aspects of Liberation (Nirvana), but differ in their practice of perfections paramis.

In the Mahayana tradition, the definition of Buddha extends to any being who becomes fully awakened. The Theravada Arhant would be considered a kind of Buddha (although not generally by Mahayana Buddhism itself) in this Mahayana sense, and this usage also occurs in the Theravada commentaries.

In other words, someone can only reach Buddhahood ONLY if teachings of Buddhism have been lost and you have found the teachings on your own and awaken/become enlightened. No wonder there’s only been 28 so far, as one has to wait for the teachings of Buddhism to be lost, to be able to become a Buddha. Of course it later mentions that more broadly, it refers to all who reaches nirvana.

From this article:

Some Bodhisattvas live in the Tuṣita Heaven before they descend to the human realm to become Buddhas. A bodhisattva may be thought of as an individual near to becoming a buddha.

So it appears that if a 菩薩 (pu sa) descends into the human realm when teachings of Buddhism have been lost and rediscovers these teachings and teaches it to others, this 菩薩 (pu sa) would have reached Buddhahood.

Broken Toilet

So my toilet has been “under maintenance” for almost a year. When my mom came and visited me last year, she ended up putting a post-it with the words “Do Not Use” on the toilet. The initial problem was the fact that the fill valve didn’t stop at the correct time and small amounts of water will overflow, the big air bubble thing will drop, and fill valve reopens and starts pouring in more water. Once in awhile, it’ll achieve a balance and stop.

At first I wanted to fix it, but whoever designed this bathroom was an idiot. Who only gives 1″ of clearance above the toilet tank, barely enough to take out the tank cover, and pretty much impossible to stick a normal sized hand in:


I decided that since no one really ever uses this toilet, I would just let it sit and do nothing.

However several months ago, I noticed it started leaking again and it turns out there was a small leak in the flush valve. The rubber casing around the opening had begun to tear. Unfortunately my hand couldn’t really reach it and I ultimately just close the main water valve into the toilet.

Flash forward to a few weeks back, a bunch of friends were over to play Rock Band and the downstairs bathroom was occupied. I had to point him to the master bedroom bathroom since the hallway one upstairs was “under maintenance”. That was when I decided I would try to determine how to fix it.

I stared at the problem for quite some time. I saw 2 possible solutions. Remove the wooden board above it or pull the toilet out. Moving forward, it made sense to remove the wooden board above it, however looking more closely at it, this piece was connected directly to the sink table. There didn’t appear to be a simple way to remove the board. I asked around for a power saw, but no one I knew had one. Plus I thought it would make sense to have a carpenter do it.

I decided to give the other solution a try, to pull out the toilet. After unscrewing the main bolts and disconnecting the tank from the water valve, I tried to lift it up. Stupid 1″ clearance. It wasn’t high enough to clear the screws on the floor. Sigh… So I left my toilet in the condition you see above and was planning to get quotes from carpenters. Guess I was too lazy and put that in the back of my head.

Last week, I thought what if I tried to tilt it forward? I might be able to replace the flush valve that way. Unfortunately the tilt wasn’t enough to do much, but that was when I realized that with it tilted, I can now move the toilet out! w00t!

So I took the broken piece out and planned to go to Lowes or Home Depot today and get a replacement. At first I was seeing these flush valve repair kits which looked nothing like mine, but then later on I found the one I needed. It was only $8, cheaper than the repair kit I was looking at earlier.

So I got home and began to do my magic. However, for the love of god, I couldn’t get the existing flush valve out. I kept trying to use the pliers to twist it, but it wouldn’t budge. I was about to give up, but that’s when I noticed that the kit had a piece that went into the bottom of the tank… After reading the instructions, there appears to be a piece underneath that I have to twist off. I should really read the instructions before I attempt to do these things.

So I unscrew the tank from the bowl and flipped it upside down. There was this black rubbery thing which I had no idea what to do. Twisting it didn’t seem to work. Turns out I was suppose to just pull it off, which I found out after a few minutes. Now I see the plastic nut I need to unscrew. Unfortunately I wasn’t strong enough to twist the darn thing off. So I tried to start breaking it, which didn’t work either. I called Derek to ask for help and he said what I needed was a strap wrench (one of those things with a rubber strap that you wrap around the item you want to twist). Derek had one I could borrow, but unfortunately he wasn’t at home, so I decided I would just get one from Lowes and add it to my tool box. Was a bit more expensive than I had expected: $16 for one big and one small. I’m pretty sure my dad would tell me he could get them for $0.99.

Anyway, I get home and twisting it off with a strap wrench was a breeze. I now had the old flush valve completely removed. Installing the new one was pretty easy since it’s just the reverse of what I had to just do.

After putting everything back together, it was time to do a test. After opening the main water valve, it begin leaking immediately. Apparently using just hands and fingers to twist the nuts connecting the bowl and tank did not achieve the tightness that was needed. I turned off the main valve, flushed out the water from the tank, and began to screw all the nuts and bolts tighter with a real wrench.

Time to try again. w00t! No more leaking.

I flushed it a few more times and came back to check on it after half an hour and no leaking was detected. I fastened the toilet back onto the floor and reapplied sealant.

I guess now I know how to fix toilets. And to think I was that close to calling a carpenter or a plumber. But that bathroom designer is still an idiot.