Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-27

Evolution of My Email Signature

Got back in touch with a co-worker when I was working at UC Berkeley’s tech support help desk and while going through past emails, I noticed that my email signatures was the same as the one I’m using today. That got me wondering when I started using it.

I still remember when I first joined Microsoft that apparently there was a thread on dsnuts asking what my signature meant. I never saw the thread myself, since I joined the alias much later.

Going through my email archive, I’ve found:

  • 10/2001: ~Toland
  • 08/2002: //Toland
  • 02/2003: //Toland ^_^x
  • 02/2003: //Toland (^_^x)

There’s been variations within the variations, but mostly the name being either krunk, my full name, or all in lower-case. I’m baffled that I’ve stuck with the current one for so long. I still remember why I went with //. I had seen an email from the dean of Berkeley or the college of engineering and he had signed his emails with /Robert. I thought, I want a / in my signature too. Somehow I ended up with //.

As for the smiley face, I’ve been using ^_^x for as long as I can remember. They’ve shown up in emails dating back to 2001 and I’m pretty sure I’ve used them in IM chats before then. But Feb 2003 was when I added the () parenthesis around it.

Taking Advantage of Facebook Friends List for Privacy Control

The first one is always the hardest. At first I was hesitant. I wasn’t really sure I wanted to do it. I was afraid since it was an undo-able action. There was no CTRL+Z. But once I started doing it, I got a certain high out of it. Then it became fun.

This post has been in my drafts since September 2010 and I’ve been meaning to post it, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to post it publically on my blog. Then I started thinking what the purpose of the post was and decided it was merely for educational purposes.

That weekend in September, I broke 400 friends on Facebook. That got me thinking… I should probably really start cleaning up my friends list. De-friending someone seems like such cruel thing to do. Plus you also lose access to their information. But I eventually made the decision that removing friends was the correct option.

The first remove was definitely the hardest. My mouse pointer was hovering above the “Remove from Friends” link as I was hesitant to actually click it. Funny thing is after I clicked it, there was a confirm or cancel dialog making me ponder once again if I wanted to remove this specific person.

remove from friends button

After removing the first friend or two, I began to get a weird adrenaline rush and it began to feel fun removing friends. There were people I can’t even remember how I knew. Those were the easiest to get rid of. I’ve whittled my friends list down to 382. Not too impressive, I know.

However, I soon hit into the wall of friends who I remember, but never or hardly ever talk to. Would I ever talk to them again? Probably. Do I really care? Who knows. After pondering for a couple days, I decided to redo my entire Facebook privacy control. The nice thing about friends list is that other friends have no idea what lists they are on.

I already had a list for my “Inner Circle” and thought maybe I should create a list of friends to exclude from my regular postings. However, I soon realized that a white list was much better at what I wanted to do than a black list. I initially named the list “Outer Circle”, but ended up dropping the Outer prefix since they were still part of my circle, just not my inner circle. It’s a pity that Facebook doesn’t allow groups within groups, since if I want to add a friend to my “Inner Circle”, I also have to add them to my “Circle”.

I then went and change most of my defaults (e.g. wall, posts, comments, things I share, things others share, contact info, etc.) to my “circle” friends list. The only significant thing I gave broader access to was my photos which I typically share to friends of friends. People outside of my circle still have access to some contact info, where I work, and are able to message me.

I go through the list every couple months removing people I no longer talk to. My current “circle” list is at 168 friends, which is a much more manageable size than 400. I usually add new friends into the “circle” list, and if it turns out I don’t talk with them, they’ll get removed during my next cleaning.

Another nice thing is that even though all my posts default to my “circle” list, I can easily change it to all my friends or friends of friends by clicking on that security lock. This prevents me from actually posting something for the entire world to see, and if I screwed up the privacy settings, I can easily delete that post and post again with the correct privacy settings.

As I mentioned earlier, I was originally hesitant to make this post public. My guess if you’re reading my blog or actually see this post on my wall, you’re already part of my “circle” list. If you aren’t, feel free to give me a ping. (^_^x)

Getting Stats Helper to work with JetPack

WordPress recently released their JetPack plugin which replaced Stats plugin. After upgrading, things took a bit to update, but most things worked fine afterwards. However, my Popular Posts widget (Most Viewed Posts) remained broken with the error: stats not installed

I was too busy this week to look into the cause of the issue and a quick search online didn’t result in much traction. This weekend, I finally got some time and found this post on WordPress forums: [Hack] How to use Stats Helper beside Jetpack.

Thanks to herophuong’s help, I realized what was causing the issue. The Most Viewed Posts widget is part of the Stats Helper plugin and it was looking up a function that no longer exists. When you installed JetPack, it automatically deactivated Stats. The helper plugin needed the API key in order to query for data.

You can either do what herophuong suggested in his post, but I thought a more elegant solution would be to create a separate plugin that created the function that it was looking for. That way when there are updates to the plugin, it won’t trample over your changes.

Stats API Key

All this plugin does is add the missing function stats_get_api_key and return the API key. After you download this plugin, you have to add your API key to the plugin.

You probably have an API key already. There are a couple ways to retrieve it.

  • Akistmet settings – Go into your WordPress Plugins page and click on settings underneath Akismet

You can always go to to sign up for one if you don’t have one already.

After you download the plugin and obtain your API key, open the included stats-api-key.php and replace ENTER_API_KEY_HERE with your API key. Remember to leave the quotes.

Upload this file to your WordPress plugins directory (usually wp-content/plugins/) and go back to your WordPress Plugins Page, refresh the page if needed, locate the newly added Stats API Key plugin, and activate it.

Your Most Viewed Posts and any other thing that relies on Stats Helper should work now.

A couple things I noticed was it took a couple minutes for it to successfully retrieve the stats. Before it completed that, my most viewed posts widget would show my latest 5 posts. But be patient and it’ll eventually work.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-20

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-13

  • @rothgar What happened to it? in reply to rothgar #
  • @ralphlee Traitor! ;p in reply to ralphlee #
  • Does anyone know if Twitter provides RSS feeds for search results or if any other service provides a similar feature? Thanks in advance! #
  • The OBi100 is available again @amazon, but price has increased from $50 to $85. Still worth it to get Google Voice: #
  • Annoying. Can't find where to update my phone number on @Comcast website. Ended up waiting 20 mins on hold just to update phone number. #