Beta Interface

it’s 5:20am in the morning and I just finished helping boby bear with his cs project. What have I been doing tonite. Lemme see… well, besides sleeping, I was working on a beta interface for my website.

Today was just one of those days where you weren’t given enough time to complete what you’ve set forth to do because of interferences. I was hoping to accomplish a lot more with my new interface, but I guess that’s life.

Spoke with a very special friend linders today whom I haven’t spoke to in ages. Glad to know that people are still around and alive (hehe).

Free Yahoo! Mail through POP3

just a normal weekend today. Sleeping when the sun rises and waking when the sun sets. Some genius found a glitch on the Yahoo! mail servers (thanks to groundzero for point it out to me). Here is the link if you still want to use Yahoo! email. Their smtp servers (the server you use to send out) don’t work, but you can easily change that to your own isp’s smtp server or be like me and switch to a different service.

Last nite, liam and I were discussing how it’s fun to just randomly chat with people’s computer with them either being away or asleep drooling on their keyboard. He was drunk (okay not drunk, tipsy. Why do you even care if I’m politically correct?) yesterday and randomly chatted with this anonymous girl and had this big philosophical speech. The girl came back later, but that’s not the point. I recall the meeshell monster doing this many times late @ nite and I’ll wake up and have these awesome msgs to read (yes, I used to sleep like a normal human being, but I’m practicing to become an EECS major. I’ve got the nocturnal business down. Now I need to learn how to shower once a week or less) Well, here’s a little demonstration on how talking to computers can be so fun: click here. (btw, don’t get any weird ideas about the content. It was merely a demonstration! *hik*)

New links are up: added bapsfrick (my ex-best friend – sounds like my ex-boyfriend huh? Well technically that’s true. He was a boy and he was a friend, lol) and my sister’s site up. Go check it out.

AHHHHHH! Don’t you hate when you get something working, the other part that was working before stopped!?!?! Hmmm, this actually applies to 2 things that happened to me today now that I think about it. First it was my CS project (just realized how my troubles today could relate to it). Remember the CS project I ditched last Friday, well, I had to do it today. Procrastination will only find it’s way back to haunt you even more. Was working on my CS Project writing Logo in Scheme. Everything went well. Got stuck for the longest time on one problem. Finally got it to work and then realized several of our codes in the beginning no longer worked. AHHHH! Too much data abstraction. Hopefully the part that was due on Monday wasn’t affected. As for the 2nd thing, it was my surprise. That you’ll haveta wait. Can’t ruin it now. Hehe. ^_^x

prince of tennis - eiji - nanjaro hoi hoi

Was watching Prince of Tennis today, and saw this flash. The word Kenshin caught my attention and I decided to post it up. Nothing really special. Anime’s really good, but I can’t wait for more Hikaru no Go!!! Sigh…

Guess I spoke too early. I do have the surprise up and ready for display. If you haven’t noticed already, my new url is: I’ll be moving the site soon to a real host instead of forwarding it to my OCF Berkeley account. My email has also changed to Update your email address books. ^_^x

Rental Applications

sorry for not updating yesterday guys. Don’t even remember what I did last night. Probably wasted once again. Lol.

Oh wait… now I remember, I was filling out my Rental Application. Rental Applications are so powerful. You get the person’s name, dob, address, credit cards, bank accounts, and enough info to actually do a whole lotta damage on you. Well, I had my apartment interview today. We walked in, shook hands and she accepted us, no questions asked (even before we gave her our rental application). We were like: WOW! (we = cunndogg and I). Welp, I’m all set for housing next year. Going to cost ~$640/month for a pretty nice-sized studio right next to the MechE building (Etcheverry) which is right next to the CompSci building (Soda). Great location, Great price, what else can you ask for. ^_^x

Added more MT doodles. Only had 2 this time and only doodled in Math 54 (which I got a …, n/m I usually jinx myself when I say that). As for quality of paper, I noticed that my scan went through, so that can only mean 2 things: the scanner got a brighter light or the paper on the MT got thinner). Which really means only one reason, hehe.

I’m hoping I can announce my surprise by tomorrow. If not, then I’m sorry. Everyone just got back from the Boat Dance and right now ohfuee is cutting drsarkis’ hair @ 3am. Hehe. G’nite ^_^zzz or should I say g’morning! ^_^x

Ooooopz, almost forgot! please spread the word! thanks ^_^x

here’s a little something I whipped up, and sorta thanking those who check daily:

transforming hand
Click image to start the animation or view it in the gallery.

New Apartment

got my 2nd physics MT back and my score was a C+. yuck. Should try harder, but I just don’t have the self-motivation to do so. Oh well, at least I’m passing this class. I have a bad feeling for my CS and Psych though. Sigh… a very bad semester indeed.

My future roommate cunndogg and I are getting excited because we found a studio on Hearst right next to Etcheverry (for those that live in Berkeley, you know how close I’m talking about. Classes will no longer be 5-10 mins away, but instead 2-5 mins. Hehe) and the landlord is interested in renting it to us. We’re having an interview on Thursday so wish us g’luck!

Stupid Yahoo will POP3 mail starting wed. the 24th (for most of you reading, that’ll be today. Actually it must be today cause it’s 6:43am and it’ll probably be ~7am when I post it. Unless you’re here late @ nite and it’ll be the Thursday the 25th) I’m frantically searching for a better email service, if all works out, there’ll be a surprise.


picture of the week has been FINALLY updated. It’s more of a humorous shot instead of a beautiful shot. Others can also say it’s a frightening shot, but I believe most of you will find it humorous. Hehe ^_^x

Nothing much happened today, but would you believe this: my suitemate lost his notebook this morning with all the notes he took from the book: the Sun Also Rises by Hemingway. He thought, that’s okay, I’ve already implemented a majority of what I have into my essay. Tonight he returns and discovers that the diskette failed on him. A true tragedy and if that happened to me, it would’ve been one of the worst days in my life. Hope everything works out for him. @ times like this, I’d heed to Jason Lee’s advice: BUSHITSU!!!

Ungsunghero <==> Krunk4Ever

calday pictures are up along with the comments. Enjoy ^_^x

As promised I’ll explain what happened to me this week. Actually, the logs should be self explanatory: Log1 | Log2 | Log3 | Log4

There’s a boat dance next week (semi-formal) and everyone is starting to get excited about it. Guys asking girls, girls asking guys, girls trying to figure out how to nicely reject a guy, guys trying to figure what to wear (tux? suit?). It’s one big comedy scene and reminds me of prom all over again.

Apartment Searching

Liam’s bday pictures are up along with the story.

Today I went apartment searching. The apartment I saw was really nice, however the cost was above what I wanted to pay ($1650/2ppl). Tomorrow, I’m going to go see my second apartment which we hopefully will like.

Oh yah! Today was Cal Day and all the prospect Berkeley students (well, most) came up to visit the school. As I was walking down Hearst, I bumped into Earl and Alice’s group by coincidence. (yesterday I was all worried about how to contact them, hehe). I had an appointment with a landlady so I met up with them later. Their photo album is up, but I haven’t had time to input my story. Maybe later today. It was a lot of fun today, but with only 3 hrs of sleep after the party yesterday, I came back dead and slept from 4-9. hehe

Michelle & Earl

!!! Congrats Michelle & Earl !!!

LsiymLe kooLx (5:25:06 PM): hehe today in academic pep rally, michelle asked earl to the prom in front of everyone =)
Krunk4Ever (5:25:42 PM): neato!
LsiymLe kooLx (5:25:48 PM): yup
Krunk4Ever (5:31:08 PM): what’s was earl’s reply?
LsiymLe kooLx (5:32:03 PM): lolz well michelle knelt down and asked him…and when she stand back up, earl bent on his knee and said “yes i will”
LsiymLe kooLx (5:32:08 PM): everyone was like “awww”
LsiymLe kooLx (5:32:27 PM): @@ oh yes he got flowers too
Krunk4Ever (5:32:58 PM): nice
Krunk4Ever (5:33:29 PM): thanks 🙂
LsiymLe kooLx (5:33:32 PM): np
Krunk4Ever (5:36:58 PM): she or he got flowers?
LsiymLe kooLx (5:37:08 PM): michelle gave him flowers

Krunk4Ever (5:30:17 PM): LsiymLe kooLx (5:25:06 PM): hehe today in academic pep rally, michelle asked earl to the prom in front of everyone =)
Krunk4Ever (5:30:20 PM): true?
el band monkey (5:35:14 PM): YES!!
Krunk4Ever (5:35:17 PM): wow
el band monkey (5:35:19 PM): TOTALLY CRAZY
el band monkey (5:35:31 PM): it was like…”sorry for this interruption, but is earl kaing in the crowd”
el band monkey (5:35:35 PM): and she had flowers
el band monkey (5:35:41 PM): and got on her knees to ask
el band monkey (5:40:21 PM): it made the whole crowd roar
Krunk4Ever (5:40:39 PM): “awesomely cool!”
el band monkey (5:41:02 PM): who is that anyways…up there?
Krunk4Ever (5:41:10 PM): my sister
el band monkey (5:41:37 PM): how cute
el band monkey (5:41:43 PM): big bro, little sis
Krunk4Ever (5:41:55 PM): haha

(further comments from the actual Michelle and Earl will be posted later)

For those that are bored, I’ve updated DotPhoto with 2 more stories. I hope you guys will enjoy them. A little bit of cruel humor involved, but not too much.

I just found out I flunked my Psych midterm #2. Once again, I am lost. I got a 27/50. The mean was 35.5 and the standard deviation was 5. Something just doesn’t make sense. Mechy and I studied 10x harder than we did for the last midterm and we still got the same score. Actually Mechy got lower than his previous midterm and we’re both disappointed. This logic doesn’t work! Doesn’t Study + Hard work = good grades or at least a pass? We actually found that Study + Hard work = Lazy + Last minute cram (what we did 1st semester). Class is fun, but teacher makes the worse midterms ever!!!

Today was my suitemate Liam’s bday. ~HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIAM~ the girls down in 7a20 threw a surprise party for him and I took 140+ pictures which I’ll be posting soon. I wonder if I can make up a story for it. Hehe. G’nite guys.

Oooooh, the MK seniors are coming up tomorrow for calday. One question: how are they going to find me? How am I going to find them? That’s 2 questions actually, but it’s 4:30am after hours of dancing and I have apartment appointments tomorrow. Hehe.

Microsoft Mouse/Keyboard warranty

first to clear up some confusion. The midterm I missed was only optional (not to be graded, more like a practice MT). also, about the mouse, if you haven’t guessed it yet, yes I got it for free. You ever wonder why Microsoft mouse are so expensive? It’s because they usually have a 5year warranty and will ship a replacement w/o the hassle of you sending it back. I had a Intellimouse w/ Intellieye before, but they realized that was a bad model and discontinued it. Now instead, they upgraded mines to an Intellimouse Optical which has 2 extra buttons. Hehe. ^_^x

Went and got a free jamba juice today @ 9am. The wait time was ~1hr. skipped 4 classes today. Decided to sleep in and then woke up @ 3:30pm. I’m actually proud about what I accomplished today. Went to the dean’s office and found out my faculty advisor. Went to my faculty advisor and got my advisor code (for signing up for classes). Then I went to Physics Lab and completed it in 1hr (1/2 the time allotted). Wow!

rurouni kenshin - sanosuke - tripping
Click image to start the animation or view it in the gallery.
“Whats mine is mine and whats yours is also mine.” ~ sano