Switched to Verizon Share Everything Plan

When Verizon announced their Share Everything plans a month or so ago, I was really excited. Other major cell phone providers in America only allow you to share voice minutes and text, but Verizon will be the first to allow you to share data. Then they announced their prices and it seemed excessively overpriced. Each smartphone was an additional $40, which was similar to before ($10 line access + $30 data plan), but instead of getting its own pool of 2GB of data, we now share the data allotment.

Verizon Share Everything Plan

So I was very skeptical about the new plans and it appears they received a lot of backlash for the pricing. I didn’t bother researching much further into it.

Verizon Share Everything Plan - Mobile HotspotI forget where I saw it, but a Verizon Share Everything Plan ad mentioned mobile hotspot. After a bit of research, I found out that every device has included mobile hotspot at no extra charge! This was something I currently pay $20/mo for just 1 line. If I wanted it on multiple lines, it’ll cost an extra $20 per line.

Yes, it does use your shared data allotment, but I use the mobile hotspot mainly when WiFi isn’t readily available and keep it mainly for emergencies.

Did I mention the Share Everything plan includes unlimited talk and unlimited text. Not something I really care about anymore, but am happy it’s something I don’t have to worry about going over anymore.

So to break things down, here’s my previous plan:

  • 700 shared minutes
  • 250 text messages on 1st line; 1000 text messages on 2nd line
  • Unlimited data on 1st line; 2GB data on 2nd line; 2GB data on Mobile Hotspot

Total cost came to $160/month.

The new Share Everything plan:

  • Unlimited shared minutes
  • Unlimited shared text
  • 2GB of shared data

Total cost came to $140/month. Definitely worth it.

I’ve calculated that we use less than 1GB of data combined per month, so I’ve opted for the 2GB plan for now, but it’s only $10 more to upgrade to 4GB or $20 more to upgrade to 6GB.

Another interesting thing for tablet users is that the monthly line access fee is $10 (instead of the $40 for smartphones). So you can add a iPad to your plan for $10 and it’ll share your data allotment. I always found $30/month to get 3G access to your iPad to be excessive, but for $10, it might not be that bad.

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My Thoughts on the MacBook Pro Retina

About This Mac

So Ryan IMs me this morning letting me know that our MacBook Pros had arrived. I wasn’t even expecting them to arrive today and became super excited! I’m not going to post any photos of the MacBook Pro, as if you want to look at nice shiny photos of the laptop, there’s tons of good sources online, include Apple’s own website.

I was torn between getting the new MacBook Air or the new MacBook Pro Retina. I really liked the 13″ MacBook Air that I currently have and ever since using my ThinkPad X31 in college, I’ve always been a fan of small light portable laptops. But the retina screen and the lowered 4.5lb weight finally sold me on the MacBook Pro Retina. I really wished they would’ve released a MacBook Air Retina. Next year maybe?

Retina Display

It’s so PRETTY!

At first I wasn’t very impressed. It was very pretty and very sharp, but it’s similar to seeing a movie in 720p and then upgrading to 1080p. I just wasn’t blown away. It wasn’t until I switched back to my cinema display that I realized how awesome the retina display is. The cinema display just wasn’t very pretty nor very sharp anymore. Hopefully they’ll release the Cinema Display Retina soon!

What you’ll realize soon with the Retina display is any app that doesn’t support HiDPI looks horrible. Using Firefox and Chrome on the retina screen literally hurts your eyes. I know Chrome nightly builds have already begun supporting HiDPI, but I was sad to find out that Firefox doesn’t have plans to support HiDPI any time soon. I might very well switch to Safari because of this. Maybe that was Apple’s plan all along. Those evil geniuses!

The screenshot above was taken from the retina screen and measures less than 3″ on the retina screen and almost 6″ on my cinema display.


The second most noticeable thing for me is the spinning fan or lack thereof. I don’t think my fan has turned on once ever since I finished my migration, and I’ve ran tests and watched HD trailers simultaneously. When the fan does spin on (I was listening to Ryan’s), it’s still very quiet. I can’t really tell you what the decibel measurement is, but let’s just say Ryan’s old laptop used to sound like a jet engine and now it sounds like a summer breeze.

Update: A quick clarification. Ryan’s old laptop was a last gen 15″ MacBook Pro. He was powering 3 displays (2x 27″ Cinema Displays + Retina display), so that may be why his fan was spinning up. Even when compared to my MacBook Air, the new MacBook Pro Retina’s fan noise is still a lot quieter.


Coming from a MacBook Air, I can’t really say I appreciate the extra 1.5lbs. However, I do have to say the 4.5lbs is rather manageable. The laptop is almost as thin as my MacBook Air and the screen is 2″ bigger.

Battery Life

At full charge, my battery indicator reports that I have 5.5hrs of usage left. I can’t really comment on battery life yet as I haven’t had a chance to run it on just batteries, but for comparisons sake, my old 13″ MacBook Air usually reported 2-3hrs of battery life at full charge.


Coming from a Core 2 Duo 2.13GHz with 8GB of RAM to Core i7 2.6GHz with 16GB of RAM, this machine is significantly faster. But it doesn’t really take much to beat my 2-generations-old MacBook Air. This would probably explain why my fan hasn’t really spun up yet.

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