So I got this music video from Digg: Weezer – Pork and Beans. Besides the fact it’s quite a catchy song and I’ve had it on loop for the past 8 hours, the music video was awesome. It has tons of internet memes and I’m curious if all them are the real thing.
Here’s the list of videos reference (collected from Digg comments and other sites):
- One Man Band
- Numa Numa (Dragostea Din Tei)
- Dramatic Look (Gopher)
- How the Dramatic Prairie Dog was Born
- afro ninja
- Diet Coke + Mentos
- GI Joe PSA – Gay
- Guiness World Record for most T-Shirts worn at one time.
- Chris Crocker – LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!
- All Your Base Are Belong To Us
- Miss Teen USA 2007 – South Carolina answers a question
- Star Wars Kid
- Crank That Soldier Boy
- Evolution of Dance
- “Chocolate Rain” Original Song by Tay Zonday
- K-Fed Popozao
- Daft Hands – Technologic
- Daft Bodies – Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
- Shoes the Full Version
- Charlie The Unicorn
- It’s Peanut Butter Jelly Time!!!
- Will It Blend? – iPod
- Ryan vs Dorkman (Light Sabers)
- Sneezing Panda
- Best Sex Ever!!! (Rainbow Socks)
- Guy catches glasses with face
- Mickey Mouse Animation 3D (Donald Duck and the Dancing Gorillas)
- The duck Donald (Donald Duck and the Dancing Gorillas)
- UFO Haiti
The ones I quite haven’t figured out are:
So there’s a spaceship, a trio of dancing cg animation of what I assume to be gorillas and a duck with a purple hat, a panda, and some naruto like guy?
Update: Jon commented that the panda was from the Sneezing Panda video.
Update #2: While going through YouTube’s All Time Most Viewed videos, I landed on kicesie’s videos, and her icon is a girl with rainbow socks on the couch. I’m going to assume that’s what Weezer was going after with the rainbow socks girl in this video: Best Sex Ever!!!
Update #3: While searching for most viewed videos with “sword” or “ninja”, I landed on this: Urban Ninja, which featured a guy wearing a black shirt with a red 天 (sky) on his back:
But he doesn’t wield a sword, so I don’t think he’s the one featured in the video. The only video game/anime character I can think of that has a 天 on his back is Akuma (Gouki) from Street Fighters:
However, Tera agrees with me that the guy looks more like he’s from Naruto.
Update #4: Thanks to chloe for pointing out they also referenced the video clip of where several guys throw and catch rayban sunglasses with their face, as shown in the video where the Mentos “scientists” throws a goggle and the GI Joe character catches it.
Update #5: Thanks to Schmuel for pointing out that the Donald duck and the dancing gorillas were from a serious of 3D rendered Disney character videos made with motion capture: Worst. MoCap. Ever.. You can see more of these videos on doctorlegua’s YouTube Channel. Apparently these were made with some software called iClone.
Update #6: Thanks to Bryan for pointing out the UFO/spacecraft video: UFO Haiti