movie – Krunk4Ever! After eliminating all other possibilities, the one remaining-no matter how unlikely-must be the truth. Wed, 06 Feb 2008 02:07:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Message From Your Heart – Heart Beats Mon, 04 Feb 2008 13:07:47 +0000 Continue reading "Message From Your Heart – Heart Beats"

So I was checking out this year’s Superbowl ads and saw this one: Kina Grannis – Doritos – Commercials. You might know Kina Grannis as the Digg Girl after she made this song/music video: Gotta Digg. Anyway, she won the Doritos contest by having the most votes online so she got a full minute ad during the Superbowl, advertising her new song Message From Your Heart, which is apparently now available on iTunes.

kina grannis - message from your heart Anyway, I was browsing through Digg earlier today and came upon this site that linked to the full version of her song (and maybe her entry to the Doritos contest): Doritos: Crash the Super Bowl Contest – Song: Message From Your Heart – Artist: Kina Grannis. Anyway, I found her method of making the beating heart sounds by tapping twice quickly continuously on the guitar was ingenious! I have no idea why they removed it from the Superbowl commercial, but I especially liked that part of the song. Having her say bum, bum, bum, bum, bum… as the heart beat sounds isn’t bad, but I’d prefer the tapping on the guitar.

Tap-Tap, Tap-Tap, Tap-Tap, Tap (repeat)

Just awesome!

Speaking of which, you can check out the 2 new HD Movie Trailers that were advertised during the Superbowl:

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Persepolis – Review Mon, 14 Jan 2008 12:23:12 +0000 Continue reading "Persepolis – Review"

Persepolis So I watched Persepolis (HD Trailers) this weekend and I’ve just got to say the movie was amazingly well done. Persepolis is an animated motion picture which is done mostly in black and white. There are moments in color, which represent the present. On the other hand, moments in black and white, represent the past.

Persepolis originally was a graphic novel done by Marjane Satrapi, the main character of the graphic novel and the movie. If you’re interested in the graphic novel, it’s available on In a sentence, the story follows a little girl named Marjane Satrapi as she grows up experiencing both Iran’s revolution and the war with Iraq.

Continue reading the review…

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The Ten Commandments…? Sun, 21 Oct 2007 10:49:11 +0000 Continue reading "The Ten Commandments…?"

The Yahoo! New Movie Trailers RSS feed brought to my attention a new movie called The Ten Commandments. I don’t typically watch Yahoo! movie trailers which aren’t in HD, since the quality is usually pretty bad. Basically similar to YouTube quality. Anyway, reading the movie description, it sounded like another movie about Moses, and since I was a big fan of Prince of Egypt (it’s still probably one of my all time favorite animations), I decided to check it out.

However, I was very disappointed. They decided to make it a 3D animation and it was so bad, that I can easily say the Prince of Egypt animation was 10x better. The characters felt really fake and the expressions were horrible.

You can watched The Ten Commandments trailer and then compare it to the 1999’s Prince of Egypt trailer.

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